Results for 'Linearity'

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  1. A Comparison between two Different Tarski-style Semantics for Linear Logic.Linear Logic & M. Piazza - 1994 - Epistemologia 17 (1):101-116.
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  2. Goedel's numbering of multi-modal texts.A. A. Zenkin & A. Linear - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):180.
  3. 1 NATO Science Committee Fakultat fiir Informatik, Technische Universitgt Mijnchen.M. Wirsing, Jp Jouannoud, A. Scedrov & Bounded Linear Logic - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60:89.
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    Linear mixed-effects models for within-participant psychology experiments: an introductory tutorial and free, graphical user interface (LMMgui).David A. Magezi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:110312.
    Linear mixed-effects models (LMMs) are increasingly being used for data analysis in cognitive neuroscience and experimental psychology, where within-participant designs are common. The current article provides an introductory review of the use of LMMs for within-participant data analysis and describes a free, simple, graphical user interface (LMMgui). LMMgui uses the package lme4 (Bates et al., 2014a, b ) in the statistical environment R (R Core Team).
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    Classical linear logics with mix separation principle.Norihiro Kamide - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (2):201-209.
    Variants of classical linear logics are presented based on the modal version of new structural rule !?mingle instead of the known rules !weakening and ?weakening. The cut-elimination theorems, the completeness theorems and a characteristic property named the mix separation principle are proved for these logics.
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    (1 other version)Linear structures, causal sets and topology.Laurenz Hudetz - 2015 - Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
    Causal set theory and the theory of linear structures (which has recently been developed by Tim Maudlin as an alternative to standard topology) share some of their main motivations. In view of that, I raise and answer the question how these two theories are related to each other and to standard topology. I show that causal set theory can be embedded into Maudlin’s more general framework and I characterise what Maudlin’s topological concepts boil down to when applied to discrete linear (...)
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    Synchronized Linear-Time Temporal Logic.Heinrich Wansing & Norihiro Kamide - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):365-388.
    A new combined temporal logic called synchronized linear-time temporal logic (SLTL) is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. SLTL can represent the n -Cartesian product of the set of natural numbers. The cut-elimination and completeness theorems for SLTL are proved. Moreover, a display sequent calculus δ SLTL is defined.
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  8. Serendipity and inherent non-linear thinking can help address the climate and environmental conundrums.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Ms Thoughts.
    Humankind is currently confronted with a critical challenge that determines its very existence, not only on an individual, racial, or national level but as a whole species: the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. To win this battle, humanity needs innovations and non-linear thinking. Nature has long been a substantial information source for unthinkable discoveries that save human lives. The paper suggests that by understanding the nature, emergence, and mechanism of serendipity, the survival skill of humans, humanity can capitalize (...)
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    Linear, branching time and joint closure semantics for temporal logic.Joeri Engelfriet & Jan Treur - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (4):389-425.
    Temporal logic can be used to describe processes: their behaviour ischaracterized by a set of temporal models axiomatized by a temporaltheory. Two types of models are most often used for this purpose: linearand branching time models. In this paper a third approach, based onsocalled joint closure models, is studied using models which incorporateall possible behaviour in one model. Relations between this approach andthe other two are studied. In order to define constructions needed torelate branching time models, appropriate algebraic notions are (...)
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    Linear Logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 1987 - Theoretical Computer Science 50:1–101.
    The familiar connective of negation is broken into two operations: linear negation which is the purely negative part of negation and the modality “of course” which has the meaning of a reaffirmation. Following this basic discovery, a completely new approach to the whole area between constructive logics and programmation is initiated.
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    Linear correlates in the speech signal: The orderly output constraint.Harvey M. Sussman, David Fruchter, Jon Hilbert & Joseph Sirosh - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):241-259.
    Neuroethological investigations of mammalian and avian auditory systems have documented species-specific specializations for processing complex acoustic signals that could, if viewed in abstract terms, have an intriguing and striking relevance for human speech sound categorization and representation. Each species forms biologically relevant categories based on combinatorial analysis of information-bearing parameters within the complex input signal. This target article uses known neural models from the mustached bat and barn owl to develop, by analogy, a conceptualization of human processing of consonant plus (...)
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    Linear notation for existential graphs.Eric Hammer - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):129-140.
    A linear notation for Charles S. Peirce's alpha and beta diagrammatic systems of existential graphs is presented. These two systems are equivalent to propositional and first-order logic. Some differences between the linear and graphical notation are analyzed, revealing some of the strengths and weaknesses of Peirce's system.
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    n‐linear weakly Heyting algebras.Sergio A. Celani - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (4):404-416.
    The present paper introduces and studies the variety [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL W]ℋn of n-linear weakly Heyting algebras. It corresponds to the algebraic semantic of the strict implication fragment of the normal modal logic K with a generalization of the axiom that defines the linear intuitionistic logic or Dummett logic. Special attention is given to the variety [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL W]ℋ2 that generalizes the linear Heyting algebras studied in [10] and [12], and the linear Basic algebras introduced in [2].
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    Coloring linear orders with Rado's partial order.Riccardo Camerlo & Alberto Marcone - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (3):301-305.
    Let ⪯R be the preorder of embeddability between countable linear orders colored with elements of Rado's partial order . We show that ⪯R has fairly high complexity with respect to Borel reducibility , although its exact classification remains open.
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    Linearization of the BCK-logic.Francisco M. García Olmedo & Antonio J. Rodríguez Salas - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):31-51.
    In the paper we obtain a new characterization of the BCK-algebras which are subdirect product of BCK-chains. We give an axiomatic algebraizable extension of the BCK-calculus, by means of a recursively enumerable set of axioms, such that its equivalent algebraic semantics is definitionally equivalent to the quasivariety of BCK-algebras generated by the BCK-chains. We propose the concept of "linearization of a system" and we give some examples.
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    Linear extensions of partial orders and reverse mathematics.Emanuele Frittaion & Alberto Marcone - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (6):417-423.
    We introduce the notion of τ-like partial order, where τ is one of the linear order types ω, ω*, ω + ω*, and ζ. For example, being ω-like means that every element has finitely many predecessors, while being ζ-like means that every interval is finite. We consider statements of the form “any τ-like partial order has a τ-like linear extension” and “any τ-like partial order is embeddable into τ” . Working in the framework of reverse mathematics, we show that these (...)
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    Linear logic model of state revisited.V. de Paiva - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (5):791-804.
    In an unpublished note Reddy introduced an extended intuitionistic linear calculus, called LLMS (for Linear Logic Model of State), to model state manipulation via the notions of sequential composition and ‘regenerative values’. His calculus introduces the connective ‘before’ ▹ and an associated modality †, for the storage of objects sequentially reusable. Earlier and independently de Paiva introduced a (collection of) dialectica categorical models for (classical and intuitionistic) Linear Logic, the categories Dial2Set. These categories contain, apart from the structure needed to (...)
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    Discrete linear temporal logic with current time point clusters, deciding algorithms.V. Rybakov - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (1-2):143-161.
    The paper studies the logic TL(NBox+-wC) – logic of discrete linear time with current time point clusters. Its language uses modalities Diamond+ (possible in future) and Diamond- (possible in past) and special temporal operations, – Box+w (weakly necessary in future) and Box-w (weakly necessary in past). We proceed by developing an algorithm recognizing theorems of TL(NBox+-wC), so we prove that TL(NBox+-wC) is decidable. The algorithm is based on reduction of formulas to inference rules and converting the rules in special reduced (...)
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  19. Super Linear Algebra.W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy & Florentin Smarandache - 2008 - Ann Arbor, MI, USA: ProQuest Information & Learning.
    In this book, the authors introduce the notion of Super linear algebra and super vector spaces using the definition of super matrices defined by Horst (1963). Many theorems on super linear algebra and its properties are proved. Some theorems are left as exercises for the reader. These new class of super linear algebras which can be thought of as a set of linear algebras, following a stipulated condition, will find applications in several fields using computers. The authors feel that such (...)
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  20.  12
    Using linear parameter varying autoregressive models to measure cross frequency couplings in EEG signals.Kyriaki Kostoglou & Gernot R. Müller-Putz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:915815.
    For years now, phase-amplitude cross frequency coupling (CFC) has been observed across multiple brain regions under different physiological and pathological conditions. It has been suggested that CFC serves as a mechanism that facilitates communication and information transfer between local and spatially separated neuronal populations. In non-invasive brain computer interfaces (BCI), CFC has not been thoroughly explored. In this work, we propose a CFC estimation method based on Linear Parameter Varying Autoregressive (LPV-AR) models and we assess its performance using both synthetic (...)
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    Linear Syntax.Andreas Kathol - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Linear Syntax makes a case for a critical reassessment of the wide-spread view that syntax can be reduced to tree structures. It argues that a crucial part of the description of German clausal syntax should instead be based on concepts that are defined in terms of linear order. By connecting the descriptive tools of modern phrase-structure grammar with traditional descriptive scholarship, Andreas Kathol offers a new perspective on many long-standing problems in syntactic theory.
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    On linearly ordered structures of finite rank.Alf Onshuus & Charles Steinhorn - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (2):201-239.
    O-minimal structures have long been thought to occupy the base of a hierarchy of ordered structures, in analogy with the role that strongly minimal structures play with respect to stable theories. This is the first in an anticipated series of papers whose aim is the development of model theory for ordered structures of rank greater than one. A class of ordered structures to which a notion of finite rank can be assigned, the decomposable structures, is introduced here. These include all (...)
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    Linearity or separability?Bärbel Herrnberger & Günter Ehret - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):269-270.
    Sussman et al. state that auditory systems exploit linear correlations in the sound signal in order to identify perceptual categories. Can the auditory system recognize linearity? In bats and owls, separability of emergent features is an additional constraint that goes beyond linearity and for which linearity is not a necessary prerequisite.
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    Linear Läuchli semantics.R. F. Blute & P. J. Scott - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 77 (2):101-142.
    We introduce a linear analogue of Läuchli's semantics for intuitionistic logic. In fact, our result is a strengthening of Läuchli's work to the level of proofs, rather than provability. This is obtained by considering continuous actions of the additive group of integers on a category of topological vector spaces. The semantics, based on functorial polymorphism, consists of dinatural transformations which are equivariant with respect to all such actions. Such dinatural transformations are called uniform. To any sequent in Multiplicative Linear Logic (...)
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  25.  22
    Linear Heyting algebras with a quantifier.Laura Rueda - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):327-343.
    A Q -Heyting algebra is an algebra of type such that is a Heyting algebra and the unary operation ∇ satisfies the conditions ∇0=0, a ∧∇ a = a , ∇=∇ a ∧∇ b and ∇=∇ a ∨∇ b , for any a , b ∈ H . This paper is devoted to the study of the subvariety QH L of linear Q -Heyting algebras. Using Priestley duality we investigate the subdirectly irreducible linear Q -Heyting algebras and, as consequences, we (...)
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    (1 other version)Linear Algebra Representation of Necker Cubes I: The Crazy Crate.Chris Mortensen & Steve Leishman - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Logic 7:1-9.
    We apply linear algebra to the study of the inconsistent figure known as the Crazy Crate. Disambiguation by means of occlusions leads to a class of sixteen such figures: consistent, complete, both and neither. Necessary and sufficient conditions for inconsistency are obtained.
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    Linear orders: When embeddability and epimorphism agree.Riccardo Camerlo, Raphaël Carroy & Alberto Marcone - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 19 (1):1950003.
    When a linear order has an order preserving surjection onto each of its suborders, we say that it is strongly surjective. We prove that the set of countable strongly surjective linear orders is a [Formula: see text]-complete set. Using hypotheses beyond ZFC, we prove the existence of uncountable strongly surjective orders.
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  28. Of Linear Divisibility Conditions.L. van Den Dries & A. J. Wilkie - unknown
    We prove linear and polynomial growth properties of sets and functions that are existentially definable in the ordered group of integers with divisibility. We determine the laws of addition with order and divisibility.
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    Linear logic in computer science.Thomas Ehrhard (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Linear Logic is a branch of proof theory which provides refined tools for the study of the computational aspects of proofs. These tools include a duality-based categorical semantics, an intrinsic graphical representation of proofs, the introduction of well-behaved non-commutative logical connectives, and the concepts of polarity and focalisation. These various aspects are illustrated here through introductory tutorials as well as more specialised contributions, with a particular emphasis on applications to computer science: denotational semantics, lambda-calculus, logic programming and concurrency theory. The (...)
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    Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Managerial Ethical Decision-Making.Kevin Groves, Charles Vance & Yongsun Paik - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):305-325.
    This study presents the results of an empirical analysis of the relationship between managerial thinking style and ethical decision-making. Data from 200 managers across multiple organizations and industries demonstrated that managers predominantly adopt a utilitarian perspective when forming ethical intent across a series of business ethics vignettes. Consistent with expectations, managers utilizing a balanced linear/nonlinear thinking style demonstrated a greater overall willingness to provide ethical decisions across ethics vignettes compared to managers with a predominantly linear thinking style. However, results comparing (...)
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    Local computation in linear logic.Ugo Solitro & Silvio Valentini - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):201-212.
    This work deals with the exponential fragment of Girard's linear logic without the contraction rule, a logical system which has a natural relation with the direct logic . A new sequent calculus for this logic is presented in order to remove the weakening rule and recover its behavior via a special treatment of the propositional constants, so that the process of cut-elimination can be performed using only “local” reductions. Hence a typed calculus, which admits only local rewriting rules, can be (...)
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    Linearity of expectation functionals.Stanley P. Gudder - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (1):101-111.
    LetB be the set of bounded observables on a quantum logic. A mapJ: B →R is called an expectation functional ifJ is normalized, positive, continuous, and compatibly linear. Two questions are considered. IsJ linear, and isJ an expectation relative to some state? It is shown that the answers are affirmative for hidden variable logics and most Hilbert space logics. An example is given which shows thatJ can be nonlinear on an arbitrary quantum logic.
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    Learning linear non-Gaussian graphical models with multidirected edges.Huanqing Wang, Elina Robeva & Yiheng Liu - 2021 - Journal of Causal Inference 9 (1):250-263.
    In this article, we propose a new method to learn the underlying acyclic mixed graph of a linear non-Gaussian structural equation model with given observational data. We build on an algorithm proposed by Wang and Drton, and we show that one can augment the hidden variable structure of the recovered model by learning multidirected edges rather than only directed and bidirected ones. Multidirected edges appear when more than two of the observed variables have a hidden common cause. We detect the (...)
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    Linear orders realized by C.e. Equivalence relations.Ekaterina Fokina, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Pavel Semukhin & Daniel Turetsky - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):463-482.
    LetEbe a computably enumerable equivalence relation on the setωof natural numbers. We say that the quotient set$\omega /E$realizesa linearly ordered set${\cal L}$if there exists a c.e. relation ⊴ respectingEsuch that the induced structure is isomorphic to${\cal L}$. Thus, one can consider the class of all linearly ordered sets that are realized by$\omega /E$; formally,${\cal K}\left = \left\{ {{\cal L}\,|\,{\rm{the}}\,{\rm{order}}\, - \,{\rm{type}}\,{\cal L}\,{\rm{is}}\,{\rm{realized}}\,{\rm{by}}\,E} \right\}$. In this paper we study the relationship between computability-theoretic properties ofEand algebraic properties of linearly ordered sets realized (...)
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    Unidimensional Linear Latent Variable Models.Richard Scheines - unknown
    Linear structural equation models with latent (unmeasured) variables are used widely in sociology, psychometrics, and political science. When such models have a unidimensional..
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  36. Linear models in decision making.Robyn M. Dawes & Bernard Corrigan - 1974 - Psychological Bulletin 81 (2):95-106.
    A review of the literature indicates that linear models are frequently used in situations in which decisions are made on the basis of multiple codable inputs. These models are sometimes used normatively to aid the decision maker, as a contrast with the decision maker in the clinical vs statistical controversy, to represent the decision maker "paramorphically" and to "bootstrap" the decision maker by replacing him with his representation. Examination of the contexts in which linear models have been successfully employed indicates (...)
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    Linear Algebra Representation of Necker Cubes II: The Routley Functor and Necker Chains.Chris Mortensen - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Logic 7:10-25.
    In this sequel, linear algebra methods are used to study the Routley Functor, both in single Neckers and in Necker chains. The latter display a certain irreducible higher-order inconsistency. A definition of degree of inconsistency is given, which classifies such inconsistency correctly with other examples of local and global inconsistency.
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  38. Non-linear mixed logit.Steffen Andersen, Glenn W. Harrison, Arne Risa Hole, Morten Lau & E. Elisabet Rutström - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (1):77-96.
    We develop an extension of the familiar linear mixed logit model to allow for the direct estimation of parametric non-linear functions defined over structural parameters. Classic applications include the estimation of coefficients of utility functions to characterize risk attitudes and discounting functions to characterize impatience. There are several unexpected benefits of this extension, apart from the ability to directly estimate structural parameters of theoretical interest.
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    Countably categorical coloured linear orders.Feresiano Mwesigye & John K. Truss - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (2):159-163.
    In this paper, we give a classification of ℵ0-categorical coloured linear orders, generalizing Rosenstein's characterization of ℵ0-categorical linear orderings. We show that they can all be built from coloured singletons by concatenation and ℚn-combinations . We give a method using coding trees to describe all structures in our list.
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    Considerable Sets of Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces as Operator Generalized Effect Algebras.Jan Paseka & Zdenka Riečanová - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (10):1634-1647.
    We show that considerable sets of positive linear operators namely their extensions as closures, adjoints or Friedrichs positive self-adjoint extensions form operator (generalized) effect algebras. Moreover, in these cases the partial effect algebraic operation of two operators coincides with usual sum of operators in complex Hilbert spaces whenever it is defined. These sets include also unbounded operators which play important role of observables (e.g., momentum and position) in the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics.
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    Generalized linear mixed-effects models for studies using different sets of stimuli across conditions.ShunCheng He & Wooyeol Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A non-repeated item design refers to an experimental design in which items used in one level of experimental conditions are not repeatedly used at other levels. Recent literature has suggested the use of generalized linear mixed-effects models for experimental data analysis, but the existing specification of GLMMs does not account for all possible dependencies among the outcomes in NRI designs. Therefore, the current study proposed a GLMM with a level-specific item random effect for NRI designs. The hypothesis testing performance of (...)
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    Normalizable linear orders and generic computations in finite models.Alexei P. Stolboushkin & Michael A. Taitslin - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (4-5):257-271.
    Numerous results about capturing complexity classes of queries by means of logical languages work for ordered structures only, and deal with non-generic, or order-dependent, queries. Recent attempts to improve the situation by characterizing wide classes of finite models where linear order is definable by certain simple means have not been very promising, as certain commonly believed conjectures were recently refuted (Dawar's Conjecture). We take on another approach that has to do with normalization of a given order (rather than with defining (...)
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    Equality of proofs for linear equality.Kosta Došen & Zoran Petrić - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (6):549-565.
    This paper is about equality of proofs in which a binary predicate formalizing properties of equality occurs, besides conjunction and the constant true proposition. The properties of equality in question are those of a preordering relation, those of an equivalence relation, and other properties appropriate for an equality relation in linear logic. The guiding idea is that equality of proofs is induced by coherence, understood as the existence of a faithful functor from a syntactical category into a category whose arrows (...)
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    Linear independence without choice.Douglas Bridges, Fred Richman & Peter Schuster - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):95-102.
    The notions of linear and metric independence are investigated in relation to the property: if U is a set of n+1 independent vectors, and X is a set of n independent vectors, then adjoining some vector in U to X results in a set of n+1 independent vectors. It is shown that this property holds in any normed linear space. A related property – that finite-dimensional subspaces are proximinal – is established for strictly convex normed spaces over the real or (...)
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    Linear orders with distinguished function symbol.Douglas Cenzer, Barbara F. Csima & Bakhadyr Khoussainov - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (1):63-76.
    We consider certain linear orders with a function on them, and discuss for which types of functions the resulting structure is or is not computably categorical. Particularly, we consider computable copies of the rationals with a fixed-point free automorphism, and also ω with a non-decreasing function.
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    Recursive linear orders with recursive successivities.Michael Moses - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (3):253-264.
    A successivity in a linear order is a pair of elements with no other elements between them. A recursive linear order with recursive successivities U is recursively categorical if every recursive linear order with recursive successivities isomorphic to U is in fact recursively isomorphic to U . We characterize those recursive linear orders with recursive successivities that are recursively categorical as precisely those with order type k 1 + g 1 + k 2 + g 2 +…+ g n -1 (...)
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    Linear Programming Tools for Analyzing Strategic Games of Independence-Friendly Logic and Applications.Merlijn Sevenster - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu, Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 475-497.
    In recent work, semantic games of independence-friendly logic were studied in strategic form in terms of Nash equilibria. The class of strategic games of independence-friendly logic is contained in the class of win-loss, zero-sum two-player games. In this note we draw on the theory of linear programming to develop tools to analyze the value of such games. We give two applications of these tools to independence-friendly logic under the so-called equilibrium semantics.
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    Linear transformations in unitary geometric algebra.Garret Sobczyk - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (10):1375-1385.
    The interpretation of complex eigenvalues of linear transformations defined on a real geometric algebra presents problems in that their geometric significance is dependent upon the kind of linear transformation involved, as well as the algebraic lack of universal commutivity of bivectors. The present work shows how the machinery of geometric algebra can be adapted to the study of complex linear operators defined on a unitary space. Whereas the well-defined geometric significance of real geometric algebra is not lost, the primary concern (...)
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    Linear time in hypersequent framework.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2016 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):121-144.
    Hypersequent calculus, developed by A. Avron, is one of the most interesting proof systems suitable for nonclassical logics. Although HC has rather simple form, it increases significantly the expressive power of standard sequent calculi. In particular, HC proved to be very useful in the field of proof theory of various nonclassical logics. It may seem surprising that it was not applied to temporal logics so far. In what follows, we discuss different approaches to formalization of logics of linear frames and (...)
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    Quantized linear logic, involutive quantales and strong negation.Norihiro Kamide - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (3):355-384.
    A new logic, quantized intuitionistic linear logic, is introduced, and is closely related to the logic which corresponds to Mulvey and Pelletier's involutive quantales. Some cut-free sequent calculi with a new property quantization principle and some complete semantics such as an involutive quantale model and a quantale model are obtained for QILL. The relationship between QILL and Wansing's extended intuitionistic linear logic with strong negation is also observed using such syntactical and semantical frameworks.
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