Results for 'Lidia Ignaczak'

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    Lidia Obojska.Lidia Obojska - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (1):105-122.
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    “Primary Relations” In a New Foundational Axiomatic Framework.Lidia Obojska - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (6):641-657.
    The new system of axioms we propose is based on the foundational theory of De Giorgi et al. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Preprints di Matematica 26: 1 (1996) slightly modified. In that paper (which is dedicated to a new axiomatic framework for mathematics, informatics and logic) the authors use two kinds of primitive notions: relations and qualities. Since their system is based on the distribution paradigm, they start from distinction. We propose to shift the perspective and to start from (...)
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    Ethical Considerations in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Monitor Social Media for COVID-19 Data.Lidia Flores & Sean D. Young - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (4):759-768.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and its related policies (e.g., stay at home and social distancing orders) have increased people’s use of digital technology, such as social media. Researchers have, in turn, utilized artificial intelligence to analyze social media data for public health surveillance. For example, through machine learning and natural language processing, they have monitored social media data to examine public knowledge and behavior. This paper explores the ethical considerations of using artificial intelligence to monitor social media to understand the public’s (...)
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    In the Name of Science and Technology: The Post-Political Environmental Debate and the Taranto Steel Plant (Italy).Lidia Greco & Francesco Bagnardi - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):489-512.
    This article contributes to the environmental justice debate by analysing the case of the ILVA steel plant in Taranto, Italy. It accounts for the radical polarisation of the public debate between industrialists and environmentalists. These dominant perspectives are polarised but not politicised. In the reading of the crisis, both fronts adopt similar techno-scientific arguments while failing to problematise the multiple dimensions of environmental injustice and to connect the crisis to broader social relations of production. This article contends, therefore, that the (...)
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    La luna severa maestra: il contributo del femminismo ai movimenti sociali e alla costruzione dell'alternativa: intervento al Forum sociale europeo, Parigi 2003.Lidia Cirillo - 2003 - Milano: Il dito e la luna.
  6.  14
    Wissen als asketische Körperpraxis bei Mahima Dharma.Lidia Guzy - 2016 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 25 (1):313-324.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 1 Seiten: 313-324.
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  7. Grodziska strefy lasostepu pontyjskiego we wczesnej epoce żelaza: wstęp do dyskusji.Marcin Ignaczak - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 28:173 - 186.
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    Ameliorating Nonhuman Animals’ Lives: Erin McKenna’s Pets, People, and Pragmatism.Lidia de Tienda Palop - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (2):188-194.
    This review article discusses Erin McKenna’s pragmatist theory concerning the ethical treatment of companion animals, which she lays out in Pets, People and Pragmatism. McKenna develops a middle-ground view between the two opposite positions that frame the current debate on companion animals, focussing on the relationship between human and nonhuman animal beings. I suggest that the question of whether the domestication of nonhuman animals is not only a natural process, but also a desirable one, still remains unclear.
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  9. (1 other version)Il nomos e la trasmissione dei nomi nel Cratilo di Platone (a proposito di Crat. 388 D12).Lidia Palumbo - 2004 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 25 (2):397-412.
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    Epic narratives of the Green Revolution in Brazil, China, and India.Lídia Cabral, Poonam Pandey & Xiuli Xu - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):249-267.
    The Green Revolution is often seen as epitomising the dawn of scientific and technological advancement and modernity in the agricultural sector across developing countries, a process that unfolded from the 1940s through to the 1980s. Despite the time that has elapsed, this episode of the past continues to resonate today, and still shapes the institutions and practices of agricultural science and technology. In Brazil, China, and India, narratives of science-led agricultural transformations portray that period in glorifying terms—entailing pressing national imperatives, (...)
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    Socrate o dello specchio. Strategie di scrittura nell’Apologia e nell’Alcibiade.Lidia Palumbo - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:81-95.
    Through a mention to the Middle Platonists and a reference to a late antique text that presents a comparison between Plato and the Demiurge, I set out to show just one of those rhetorical strategies that have been used by the author Plato to give his writings the unity and consistency that make the corpus a kosmos, a living animal, like the universe. After having identified among the rhetorical strategies the one that uses examples and explained what such a strategy (...)
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    Xenía. Las Saturnales en los epigramas de Marcial.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2024 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 28 (2):1-5.
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    Some remarks on supplementation principles in the absence of antisymmetry.Lidia Obojska - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):343-347.
    In response to the paper by Cotnoir and Bacon published in RSL 2/2012, we would like to add some remarks regarding supplementation principles. It is known that in a classical mereology, the Strong Supplementation Principle (SSP) together with antisymmetry enforces the Weak Supplementation Principle (WSP). Instead, in the nonwellfounded mereology, the failure of extensionality causes the failure of antisymmetry (Cotnoir, 2010), hence the investigated model is also nonantisymmetric. Cotnoir supposes that the failure of antisymmetry implies the failure of (WSP) when (...)
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    Nota de abertura.Lídia Queiroz - 2012 - Kairos 5:143-144.
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    Eros e linguaggio nel Simposio.Lidia Palumbo - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:85-92.
    In questa relazione suggerisco di considerare almeno la possibilità che nel Simposio Platone ci offre non una mera spiegazione della natura dell’amore, ma una spiegazione filosofica della natura del linguaggio (sull’amore). Nel Simposio Eros è una maschera di Socrate e Socrate una maschera del linguaggio. La storia di Diotima sulla nascita di Eros, figlio di Poros e Penia conferma questo punto: il linguaggio, come l’amore, non può possedere il suo oggetto come qualcosa di presente ma solo sempre in una fragile (...)
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    La crisis del COVID-19 y sus secuelas en la igualdad de género: un análisis de la mujer en la región del norte de África y Medio Oriente.Lidia Guardiola Alonso - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 36:121-143.
    El impacto de la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 ha llevado al mundo a una crisis sanitaria y de emergencia sin precedentes. En este escenario, las mujeres de la región del Norte de África y Medio Oriente han experimentado una acentuación de la ya existente brecha de género. El aumento de las desigualdades se ha podido observar en múltiples ámbitos como el económico, el sanitario o el social. Asimismo, se ha producido una exacerbación de problemáticas como la violencia de género, (...)
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    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Iwona Grzegorzewska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):95-104.
    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father The problem under consideration is the issue of adolescent developmental tasks in families with alcohol-related problems, especially in families which contain one or more treated alcoholics. In the present work it was hypothesised that the treatment of alcoholic fathers would be one of the more important protective factors in families coping with alcoholism. The participants of the study included 91 children, aged 17-18. The research sample (...)
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    II. Die Gestaltungsfunktion der Sinnlichkeit.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - In Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 44-80.
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    Feasibility of telepsychology support for patients with advanced cardiorespiratory diseases and their caregivers.Lidia Gazzi, Laura Comini, Simonetta Scalvini, Irene Taccolini & Michele Vitacca - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to test the feasibility of telepsychology support for patients with severe cardiorespiratory disease and their caregivers. A secondary objective was to explore pre-post relationships between patients' and caregivers' clinical measures.MethodsA telehealth program incorporating telepsychology support, i.e., an “on-demand” phone service with a psychologist, was provided to consecutive cardiorespiratory patients at discharge from inpatient rehabilitation and to their caregivers. At the start and end of the 1-year program, participants were interviewed “face-to-face,” and their anxiety/depression level, (...)
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  20. Per gli uccelli/contro gli uccelli: narrazioni moderniste sulla fine dell'arte.Lidia Goher - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 47 (35):189-222.
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    Nicolás Rodrigo Jarque, Xenia. Las Saturnales en los epigramas de Marcial. Reseña.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2024 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 28 (2).
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    Retórica e historia sensorial en la representación literaria del hortus conclusus.Lidia Raquel Miranda & Gerardo Fabián Rodríguez - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 19.
    El artículo repasa algunas de las principales fuentes antiguas y las características más salientes del tópico del _hortus conclusus_ para indagar el modo en que se resuelve en la literatura medieval la tensión existente entre una representación altamente regulada desde el punto de vista retórico con la expresión de una experiencia que involucra todos los sentidos y promueve las más variadas emociones en el lector. El trabajo toma en cuenta los planteamientos de la historia sensorial para comprender y extender el (...)
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  23. Scientific Argumentation and the Validity of Results.Lidia Obojska - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 30 (43).
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    The Parthood of Indiscernibles.Lidia Obojska - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (5):427-439.
    In the following work we propose to incorporate the main feature of quantum mechanics, i.e., the concept of indiscernibility. To achieve this goal, first we present two models of set theories: a quasi-set theory and a non-antisymmetric mereology. Next, we show how specific objects of QST—m-atoms—can be defined within NAM. Finally, we introduce a concept of a parthood of indiscernibles and discuss its features in respect to standard notions of indiscernibles and within NAM.
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  25. Le Sophiste, introduction, traduction (texte grec en regard), notes et commentaire par Monique Dixsaut.Lidia Palumbo - 2023 - Chôra 21:559-566.
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    Funkcja Absolutu w filozofii Gabriela Marcela.Lidia Panasiuk - 1977 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 25 (2):59-80.
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    Toward the Edge of the Hermetic: Notes on Raising Fiction from the Dead.Lidia Yuknavitch - 2004 - Symploke 12 (1):69-76.
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    Od odpowiedzialności za siebie do współodpowiedzialności.Lidia Zielińska - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:171-180.
    In this article the author will present various links between business and ethics. The idea of responsibility, used to describe legal, economic and ethical aspects, forms the main, unifying thread. The author uses it to analyze three aspects of human activity. The first, subjective, concerns self-responsibility, where individuals are striving to satisfy their needs and to achieve happiness. The second, the encounter with the Other, embraces two meanings: responsibility for and towards the Other. The third, social, extends the idea of (...)
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    Addressing bias in artificial intelligence for public health surveillance.Lidia Flores, Seungjun Kim & Sean D. Young - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):190-194.
    Components of artificial intelligence (AI) for analysing social big data, such as natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, have improved the timeliness and robustness of health data. NLP techniques have been implemented to analyse large volumes of text from social media platforms to gain insights on disease symptoms, understand barriers to care and predict disease outbreaks. However, AI-based decisions may contain biases that could misrepresent populations, skew results or lead to errors. Bias, within the scope of this paper, is described as (...)
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    Disability, Diversity, and Autism: Philosophical Perspectives on Health.Lidia Ripamonti - 2016 - The New Bioethics 22 (1):56-70.
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    Parametrizability by regular expressions for equations on words.Lidia Badura & Marek Zaionc - 2007 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 36 (1/2):79-93.
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    Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient’s Voice About the Experience of Treatment-Free Remission Failure: Results From the Italian Sub-Study of ENESTPath Exploring the Emotional Experience of Patients During Different Phases of a Clinical Trial.Lidia Borghi, Sara Galimberti, Claudia Baratè, Massimiliano Bonifacio, Enrico Capochiani, Antonio Cuneo, Franca Falzetti, Alessandra Iurlo, Francesca Lunghi, Claudia Minotto, Ester Maria Orlandi, Giovanna Rege-Cambrin, Simona Sica, Sharon Supekar, Jens Haenig & Elena Vegni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mentalization within close relationships: The role of specific attachment style.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Błażej M. Bączkowski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):285-299.
    Mentalization is a form of social cognition that enables to perceive and interpret human behaviour in terms of intentional mental states and is influenced by social context. Hence, we examined mentalization related to specific attachment relationships. This study involved 115 participants who reported their relationship-specific and global attachment styles, and perspective-taking tendency towards their attachment figures. Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task-Revised was used as a proxy for mentalization disregarding relationships. The results showed that perspective-taking was associated with relationship-specific (...)
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    Resources evaluation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A moderation effect of time since diagnosis.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Natalia Nowaczyk - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (3):357-365.
    Multiple sclerosis significantly affects how patients maintain the resources they consider important. The aim of this paper is to describe the moderation effect of time since diagnosis on the evaluation of resources by patients with multiple sclerosis, on the basis of S.E. Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources theory. The study was conducted using paper and pencil methods and involved 77 patients, of whom 32 received their diagnosis less than four years ago, and 45 more than four years ago. The patients’ resource (...)
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    Za normata, shestoto chuvstvo i "neznaĭno-kakvo": esteticheski eseta vŭrkhu Vkusa.Lidia Denkova, David Hume & Francis Hutcheson (eds.) - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Nov bŭlgarski universitet.
  36.  36
    Kotys I (383/2-359 av. J.-C.) et l'emporion Pistiros de Thrace.Lidia Domaradzka & Velizar Velkov - 1994 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 118 (1):1-15.
    Une stèle en granit, portant une inscription grecque de 46 lignes, a été découverte dans la localité d'Asardere, près du village de Vetren, dans la région de Plovdiv. Le texte révèle les droits et les devoirs de l'emporion de Pistiros, emporion grec situé dans l'intérieur des terres, en milieu non grec. Il s'agit d'un document officiel, rédigé par la «chancellerie» d'un roi de Thrace, successeur de Kotys I. Cette inscription constitue le premier — et, à ce jour, le seul — (...)
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    Monuments épigraphiques de Pistiros.Lidia Domaradzka - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):347-358.
    The ancient centre of Pistiros, where archaeological excavations have been taking place since 1988, was founded in the 5th century BC in the Marica valley. The article examines the epigraphical evidence from this site and suggests some changes and clarifications in the reading of the text of the Vetren inscription, published in BCH 118 (1994) by the late professor V. Velkov and the author of this article. An analysis of the epigraphical evidence (4 inscriptions on stone and over 140 graffiti (...)
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    Los nuevos mitos del feminismo.Lidia Falcón - 2000 - Madrid: Vindicación Feminista.
  39. Imagining Illegitimacy in Classical Greek Literature.Lidia Gambón - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:207-209.
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    III. Die ‚Gestalt‘ im Versinnlichungsprozess: Das Schema zwischen Bild und Wort.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - In Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 81-88.
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    I. Der Schematismus im Erkenntnisvermögen.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - In Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 25-43.
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    Schlusswort und Ausblick.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - In Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 331-334.
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  43. On Two Types of Democratization: Poland and Czechoslovakia: An Attempt at Theoretical Analysis.Lidia Godek - 2022 - In Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.), New Developments in the Theory of the Historical Process: Polish Contributions to Non-Marxian Historical Materialism. Leiden/Boston: BRILL.
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  44. Ensino de filosofia com arte: entre o pensar, o sentir e o escutar.Marton Silmara Lídia - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):342-361.
    Como propiciar um estado permanente de criação filosófica no ensino da Filosofia entre os estudantes do Ensino Superior? Eis o objetivo deste artigo. Essa questão está previamente acompanhada por dois argumentos: um deles relativo ao fato de que o ensino prevê uma atitude de abertura, disposição e curiosidade, condições essas indispensáveis à aprendizagem. O segundo, decorrente do primeiro, é que o ensino de Filosofia está intimamente vinculado à natureza própria da Filosofia que, distante da busca pela verdade como afirmação ou (...)
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    José Pablo Martín, maestro y amigo.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2016 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 20 (2):191-193.
    El De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis de Genadio de Marsella se encuentra próximo a la tradición de los símbolos, compilaciones doctrinarias de consulta ágil, por su estructura interna y contenidos. El examen del tratado genadiano contribuye a delimitar su contexto de composición, así como las preferencias dogmáticas de su autor. The De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis of Gennadius of Massilia is close to the tradition of symbols, easy to read doctrinal compilations, because of its structure and contents. The exam of Gennadius’ book contributes to (...)
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    Metáforas y algo más en la retícula simbólica de De paradiso y De Cain et Abel de Ambrosio de Milán.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (2):99-112.
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    Simmaco. L'antagonista di Sant' Ambrogio.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2013 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 17 (2):184-188.
    Lejos de la interpretación de Leon Battista Alberti como prototipo del "hombre universal", GARIN ha reconocido el carácter contradictorio del pensamiento albertiano. En efecto, en la extensa y polifacética obra del humanista genovés coexisten dos visiones antagónicas del hombre y el mundo. A una le corresponde la confianza en la razón, a la otra la constatación del carácter absurdo de la existencia. Este Alberti "sombrío" se expresa en las páginas de Momus y las Intercenales. En ellas, la apelación a una (...)
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  48. When God Spoke Greek: The Septuagint and the Making of the Christian Bible.Lidia Raquel Miranda - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (2):196-203.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al español del Liber de convenientia fidei et intellectus in obiecto de Ramón Llull, con introducción y notas. Se trata de una obra en la que el filósofo mallorquín efectúa una síntesis de su pensamiento en torno de las relaciones entre fe y razón, así como de su posición respecto de la defensa de la fe católica y la conversión de los no cristianos. El opúsculo, que se muestra como un trabajo definitivo (...)
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    O nacionalismo no pensamento filosófico: aventuras e desventuras da filosofia no Brasil.Lidia Maria Rodrigo - 1988 - Petrópolis: Vozes.
  50. Cleopatra – a Queen, a Lover, a Mother: Transformations of the Image.Lidia Wiśniewska - 2012 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 2 (1):151-170.
    Transformations are not only conditioned by facts encompassing narrower or wider panoramas: from concentrating on death and one (political) role (the ode of Horace), through recalling Cleopatra’s mature life and love (the drama of Shakespeare), to creating an image embracing the heroine’s whole life with its numerous roles, but as a mother and a daughter in the first place, because even her lovers resemble a father and a child (the fictional biography of Karen Essex). Above all, they appear to be (...)
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