Results for 'Liberal State'

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  1. Why Liberal States Must Accommodate Tax Resistors.Jason Brennan - forthcoming - Public Affairs Quarterly.
    Liberal states ought to accommodate conscientious tax resistance for the same reasons they should accommodate conscientious objection to fighting in war. Conscientious objection to fighting is nothing special.
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    Can a value-neutral liberal state still be tolerant?Michael Kühler - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (1):25-44.
    Toleration is typically defined as follows: an agent (A), for some reason, objects to certain actions or practices of someone else (B), but has outweighing other reasons to accept these actions or practices nonetheless and, thus, refrains from interfering with or preventing B from acting accordingly, although A has the power to interfere. So understood, (mutual) toleration is taken to allow for peaceful coexistence and ideally even cooperation amongst people who disagree with each other on crucial questions on how to (...)
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    The Liberal State and Criminal Sanction: Seeking Justice and Civility.Jonathan A. Jacobs - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Jonathan Jacobs examines the injustice of incarceration in the U.S. and U.K., both during incarceration and upon release into civil society. Situated at the intersection of criminology and political philosophy, Jacobs's focus is on moral reasoning, and he argues that the current state of incarceration is antithetical to the project of liberal democracy, as it strips incarcerated people of their agency. He advocates for reforms through a renewed commitment to the values and principles of liberal democracy and (...)
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  4. Social Justice in the Liberal State.Bruce Ackerman - 1980 - Yale University Press.
    Offers a compelling vision of how to achieve and conduct a liberal but democratic society through the ideal of Neutrality--between people and ideas of the good--and using the tool of Neutral dialogue.
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    The Neo-Liberal State.Raymond Plant - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    There is a world-wide debate at the moment about the appropriate role for the state in modern societies in the light of the world financial crisis. This book provides a comprehensive analysis and critique of Neo-liberal or economic liberal ideas on this issue.
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    The liberal state & the politics of virtue.Ludvig Beckman - 2001 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
    In this volume, schematically divided into two parts, Ludvig Beckman challenges the common view that support for the good life, the politics of virtue, is in ...
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  7. The Liberal State and Its System of Secular Law.Elena Paraschiv - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:132-137.
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    Liberal States – Nations, Idolatry and Violence: Cavanaugh's Migrations of the Holy.Isis I. O. Leslie - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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    Why liberal state funding of denominational schools cannot be unconditional: A reply to Neil Burtonwood.Ger Snik & Johan De Jong - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (1):113–122.
    In this article we take up Burtonwood's criticism of our view that liberal states should, under certain conditions, fund denominational schools. We not only reject his plea for the accommodation of strong faith schools by liberalism but also criticise his portrayal of the character of the conflict between liberals and strong faith school advocates. Arguing that liberalism is not part of the diversity of goods, we maintain that liberals and strong faith school advocates should not be seen as competing (...)
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    Exclusion in the Liberal State: The Case of Immigration and Citizenship Policy.Christian Joppke - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (1):43-61.
    Recent literature on the ‘exclusions’ of the modern nation-state has missed a major transformation in the legitimate mode of excluding, from group to individual-based. This transformation is explored in a discussion of universalistic trends in contemporary Western states’ immigration and citizenship policies. Conflicting with the notion of a ‘nation-state’ owned by a particular ethnic group or nation, these trends are better captured in terms of a ‘liberal state’ that has self-limited its sovereign prerogatives by constitutional principles (...)
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    Religious Freedom in the Liberal State.Rex J. Ahdar & Ian Leigh - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    To what extent should states accommodate religious liberty claims? Can the pluralist state be neutral between religions and secularism? This book explores contemporary legal controversies regarding the protection of religious liberty from a theoretical and comparative perspective, looking at issues such as family and parenting, medical treatment, education, employment, religious group autonomy, and freedom of expression.
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  12. Moral Education in the Liberal State.Kyla Ebels-Duggan - 2013 - Journal of Practical Ethics 1 (2):24-63.
    I argue that political liberals should not support the monopoly of a single educational approach in state sponsored schools. Instead, they should allow reasonable citizens latitude to choose the worldview in which their own children are educated. I begin by defending a particular conception of political liberalism, and its associated requirement of public reason, against the received interpretation. I argue that the values of respect and civic friendship that motivate the public reason requirement do not support the common demand (...)
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    The liberal state and nationalism in post-war Europe.Maurice Keens-Soper - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (6):689-703.
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    Should Liberal States Subsidize Religious Schooling?François Boucher - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):595-613.
    Many liberals and secularists believe that religious schooling should not be publicly funded or that it should simply be banned. Challenging those views, I claim that although liberal states may refuse to fund and may even ban certain illiberal separate religious schools, it is impermissible, for distinctively liberal reasons, to completely ban publicly funded religious schooling. I will however argue that providing religious instruction within common public schools is more desirable than having separate religious schools. I argue that (...)
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  15. Civic education in the liberal state.William Galston - 1989 - In Nancy L. Rosenblum (ed.), Liberalism and the Moral Life. Harvard University Press. pp. 89--101.
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    Indigenous patrimonialization as an operation of the liberal state.Patricio Espinosa & Gonzalo Bustamante-Kuschel - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (6):882-903.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 6, Page 882-903, July 2022. Indigenous conservation through patrimonialization is the product of political and legal decisions made by a non-indigenous agent: the liberal state, using the law to retain a form of bios. We propose that patrimonialization is the device by which liberal states have processed and integrated indigenous claims into a form of bios ultimately designed to safeguard state legal structures. We argue that, to uphold the rule (...)
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    Criminal Justice and the Liberal State.Matt Matravers - 2022 - In Matthew C. Altman (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Punishment. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 335-355.
    The chapter concerns the relationship between the justification of criminal law and punishment and the justification of the state. It briefly surveys the debate between retributivists and consequentialists and argues that both are inappropriate when it comes to state punishment. It next turns to arguments by Vincent Chiao, Malcolm Thorburn, and Antony Duff that locate criminal law and punishment in public law. The final parts of the chapter develop an account of criminal law and punishment as best understood (...)
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    Instrumental Authority and the Liberal State: A Proposal for Illiberal Minorities.Darren Corpe - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Calgary
    The best way to divide control over children’s education between private and state authorities is unclear. This task has ethical implications that this thesis explores—in the context of a pluralist liberal democracy. In cases where authority over children’s education is granted to private groups, like ethnic or religious minorities, rights are often part of the default vocabulary adopted by politically liberal commentaries. These rights are often viewed as a shield that offers the group immunity from state (...)
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    Charity Law and the Liberal State.Matthew Harding - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Charity Law and the Liberal State considers questions relating to state action and public discourse that are raised by the law of charity. Informed by liberal philosophical commitments and of interest to both charity lawyers and political philosophers, it addresses themes and topics such as: the justifiability of the state's non-neutral promotion of charitable purposes; the role of altruism in charity law; charity law, the tax system and the demands of distributive justice; the proper treatment (...)
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    Can a Liberal State Promote Social Cohesion?Zoltan Miklosi - forthcoming - Law Ethics and Philosophy:55-74.
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    Can a Liberal State Make Access to Medical Education Conditional on Public Service?Darrel Moellendorf - 2016 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 3 (1).
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  22. Can Liberal States Accommodate Indigenous Peoples?Duncan Ivison - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: Polity.
    The original – and often continuing – sin of countries with a settler colonial past is their brutal treatment of indigenous peoples. This challenging legacy continues to confront modern liberal democracies ranging from the USA and Canada to Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Duncan Ivison’s book considers how these states can justly accommodate indigenous populations today. He shows how indigenous movements have gained prominence in the past decade, driving both domestic and international campaigns for change. He examines how the (...)
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  23. What the Liberal State Should Tolerate Within Its Borders.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):479-513.
    Two normative principles of toleration are offered, one individual-regarding, the other group-regarding. The first is John Stuart Mill’s harm principle; the other is “Principle T,” meant to be the harm principle writ large. It is argued that the state should tolerate autonomous sacrifices of autonomy, including instances where an individual rationally chooses to be enslaved, lobotomized, or killed. Consistent with that, it is argued that the state should tolerate internal restrictions within minority groups even where these prevent autonomy (...)
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    Social Justice in the Liberal State.Donald H. Regan & Bruce A. Ackerman - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (4):604.
  25. The Liberal State versus Individual Rights. [REVIEW]John Ahrens & Fred Miller - 1982 - Reason Papers 8:83-95.
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    The strong neo-liberal state: Crime, consumption, governance.Paul Andrew Passavant - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (3).
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    Faith in Schools?: Autonomy, Citizenship, and Religious Education in the Liberal State.Ian MacMullen - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    This is a work of normative political philosophy that seeks to identify the legitimate goals of public education policy in liberal democratic states and the implications of those goals for arguments about public funding and regulation of religious schools. ;The thesis of the first section is that the inferiority of certain types of religious school as instruments of civic education in a pluralist state would not suffice to justify liberal states in a general refusal to fund such (...)
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    (1 other version)Interventionism, authoritarianism, and the liberal state in South Africa.Pieter Coetzee - 2002 - Philosophia Africana 5 (2):53-70.
    The liberal constitution in South Africa, which entrenches a certain kind of socio-economic organisation, renders systems of socio-economic organisation traditional to Africa, dysfunctional. These traditional communitarian systems contain within themselves structures endorsing harmony, mutuality and reciprocity as ground rules or values which distribute significant resources (both material and moral) to all agents in accordance with their socially determined deserts. The absence of these structures in South Africa contributes to a condition, inflamed by liberal structures, of rights paralysis under (...)
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    Undocumented Persons and the Liberal State.John S. W. Park - 1996 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 6 (1):16-30.
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  30. Toleration and Theocracy: How Liberal States Should Think About Religious States.Michael Blake - 2007 - Journal of International Affairs 61 (1):1-17.
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    Origins of the corporate liberal state.Robert Higgs - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (4):475-495.
    Martin J. Sklar's The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, a revisionist account of the early antitrust laws in particular and the political economy of the Progressive Era in general, offers a wealth of detailed research and a particularly valuable reinterpretation of the jurisprudence of antitrust law during the period 1890?1911. A neo?Marxist framework of analysis, however, detracts from the work and causes Sklar to misread the valuable evidence he has compiled. By misinterpreting standard economic models of market structure, he incorrectly (...)
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    Liberal States and the Freedom of Movement: Selective Borders, Unequal Mobility. [REVIEW]Giorgio Baruchello - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (3):352-353.
  33. Why the Number of Liberal States is Increasing: A Kantian Addition to Michael Doyle.Vojin Rakic - 2009 - Godišnjak Fakulteta Za Političke Nauke 3 (3):97-107.
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  34. Richard Krouse Michael S. McPherson.Liberal Equality - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon (ed.), Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 133.
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  35. (1 other version)Political reconciliation in liberal states.Henning Hahn - 2021 - In Bianca Boteva-Richter & Sarhan Dhouib (eds.), Political Philosophy From an Intercultural Perspective: Power Relations in a Global World. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Social Justice in the Liberal State.G. W. Smith - 1982 - Philosophical Books 23 (4):246-248.
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    Republics of Commitments: Pluralism from the Individual to the Liberal State.David Emmanuel Gray - 2010 - Dissertation,
    Procedural approaches to political legitimacy have become increasingly popular amongst liberals. According to such an approach, the legitimacy of a state decision is primarily derived from the processes followed in order to make that decision and not from the quality of the decision itself. The processes that liberals have in mind are typically those found within a system of democratic institutions. These electoral and legislative procedures are supposed to allow the state’s constitutive members to reach legitimately binding agreements (...)
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    Nudge’s Philosophy or Why the Liberal State Needs Wooden Iron.Tatiana Tomova, Elena Kalfova & Simeon Petrov - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):7-22.
    Nudge is a social innovation developed based on the achievements of behavioral science. According to this approach, when citizens make decisions about their behavior, they often react irrationally, based on heuristic factors related to their lives. Thus, collective goals are difficult to achieve, especially in conditions of unpredictability in social development and the prevailing influence of individualistic ideas. The nudge is a possible tool of modern politics that enables the liberal state to achieve collective goals and protect individual (...)
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    Social Justice in the Liberal State.William Galston - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (3):427-433.
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    Democracy and the liberal State.Philip K. Lawrence - 1989 - Dartmouth: Ashgate.
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    Enquiry into the Nature of Liberation: Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha’s Paramokṣanirāsakārikāvṛtti, a Commentary on Sadyojyotiḥ’s Refutation of Twenty Conceptions of the Liberated State (mokṣa). Edited and translated by Alex Watson, Dominic Goodall, and.Andrew J. Nicholson - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4).
    An Enquiry into the Nature of Liberation: Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha’s Paramokṣanirāsakārikāvṛtti, a Commentary on Sadyojyotiḥ’s Refutation of Twenty Conceptions of the Liberated State. Edited and translated by Alex Watson, Dominic Goodall, and S. L. P. Anjaneya Sarma. Collection Indologie, vol. 122. Pondicherry: Institut Français de Pondichéry, École française d’Extrême-Orient, 2013. Pp. 508. €38.
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    “Ethnic Cleansing” and the Liberal State: The Tragic Failure at Democratic Transition in Rwanda and Burundi.George Carew - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 14:213-238.
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    The Great Gamble of the Liberal State.Ronald Tinnevelt - 2023 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 52 (1):96-108.
    The Great Gamble of the Liberal State: Fragility, Motivational Weakness and Political Regress Böckenförde’s famous Dictum plays an important role in Johan van der Walt’s The Concept of Liberal Democratic Law and functions as the implicit frame of reference for his analysis of the works of Rawls and Habermas. Van der Walt sees a ‘parallel constituent/constituted-power problematic’ at work in the writings of both authors; a problematic relation between public ethos and the institutions of a liberal (...)
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    The Machinery of Government: Public Administration and the Liberal State.Joseph Heath - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    In most liberal democracies for example, the central bank is as independent as the supreme court, yet deals with a wide range of economic, social, and political issues. How do these public servants make these policy decisions? What normative principles inform their judgments? In The Machinery of Government, Joseph Heath attempts to answer these questions. He looks to the actual practice of public administration to see how normative questions are addressed. More broadly, he attempts to provide the outlines of (...)
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    From "Honor" to "Dignity": How Should a Liberal State Treat Non-Liberal Cultural Groups?Menachem Mautner - 2008 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 9 (2):609-642.
    Over the last twenty years, liberal thinkers have invested a great deal of effort in adapting liberal political theory to the multicultural condition. The central question that has occupied these thinkers is how a liberal state ought to treat cultural practices of non-liberal groups living within it. One major group of thinkers insists that it is incumbent on the liberal state to make sure that autonomy, together with some other central liberal values, (...)
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    Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States.Monique Deveaux - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
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    Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State.William Arthur Galston - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the current theory of liberalism by an eminent political theorist. It challenges the views of such theorists as Rawls, Dworkin, and Ackerman who believe that the essence of liberalism is that it should remain neutral concerning different ways of life and individual conceptions of what is good or valuable. Professor Galston argues that the modern liberal state is committed to a distinctive conception of the human good, and to that end has (...)
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    Schooling and Cultural Maintenance for Religious Minorities in the Liberal State.J. Mark Halstead - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg (eds.), Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 273-295.
    This is the last of the four essays in Part II of the book on liberalism and traditionalist education; all four are by authors who would like to find ways for the liberal state to honour the self-definitions of traditional cultures and to find ways of avoiding a confrontation with differences. One of the tasks of the book is to separate out different kinds of affiliation and the extent to which the arguments made about cultural recognition can be (...)
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    Social Unity in a Liberal State.Will Kymlicka - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):105.
    Around the world, multiethnic states are in trouble. Many have proven unable to create or sustain any sense of solidarity across ethnic lines. The members of one ethnic group are unwilling to respect the rights of the members of other groups, or to make sacrifices for them, and have no trust that any sacrifice they might make will be reciprocated. Recent events show that where this sort of solidarity and trust is lacking, the consequences can be disastrous. In some countries, (...)
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    Cohen’s community: Beyond the liberal state?Louis-Philippe Hodgson - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (1):23-50.
    Does the kind of socialist ideal articulated by G. A. Cohen in Why Not Socialism? add anything substantial to the Rawlsian conception of justice? Is it an ideal that Rawlsians should want to take on board, or is it ultimately foreign to their outlook? I defend a mixed answer to these questions. On the one hand, we shouldn’t underestimate the extent to which Rawls's theory already addresses the concerns that motivate Cohen’s appeal to the socialist ideal. Within the bounds of (...)
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