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    Early Daoist and Confucian Relations as Seen from the Guodian Chu Slips.Li Cunshan - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (2):68-90.
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    Book of Lord Shang and Elevation of Confucianism in the Han—Including the Discussion of the Conflict Between Shang Yang, His School, and the Confucians.Li Cunshan - 2016 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 47 (2):112-124.
    EDITOR’S ABSTRACTThis article presents a counterintuitive view that the rise of Confucianism in the Han dynasty is indebted to the Book of Lord Shang. It analyzes chapter 7, “Opening the blocked,” and shows that the chapter can be read as promoting a combination of force and morality. The sophisticated historical view of this chapter solves apparent contradictions between societies based on family ties, meritocracy, and monarchic power by showing how new levels of social development inevitably open up when old paths (...)
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  3.  23
    The Modern Turn in Confucial Philosophy and its Significance in 21st Century.Li Cunshan - 2002 - Modern Philosophy 1:009.
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