Results for 'Lewis V. Ball'

968 found
  1. Involvement of episodic memory in language comprehension: Naturalistic comprehension pushes unrelated words closer in semantic space for at least 12 h.Matthew H. C. Mak, Lewis V. Ball, Alice O'Hagan, Catherine R. Walsh & M. Gareth Gaskell - 2025 - Cognition 258 (C):106086.
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    Democracy and Catholic Social Teaching: Continuity, Development, and Challenge.V. Bradley Lewis - 2014 - Studia Gilsoniana 3:167–190.
    The first part of the paper discusses the origins and meaning of democracy relative to the development of Christian political thought through the modern period; it is important here that democracy means something different in the ancient world than it does in the modern. The second part discusses the view of democracy proposed in the formative period of modern Catholic social doctrine in especially from the pontificate of Leo XIII to the Second Vatican Council. The third part analyzes the political (...)
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  3.  15
    Religious Liberty and the Limits of Rawlsian Justice in advance.V. Bradley Lewis - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
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    The Lost History of Liberalism: From Ancient Rome to the Twenty-First Century by Helena Rosenblatt.V. Bradley Lewis - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (1):148-151.
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    Thomism, Personalism, and Politics.V. Bradley Lewis - 2019 - Quaestiones Disputatae 9 (2):151-173.
    The Thomistic revival initiated by Leo XIII was late in having an effect on political philosophy. Many have charged Thomism with being inapt to contribute to political philosophy, either because it is at odds with modern political institutions and practices or because it is inflexibly moralistic. I address the former issue by way of an examination of Jacques Maritain’s Thomistic personalism, which provides distinctive and valuable resources for understanding modern politics. This requires examining the development of Maritain’s political thought in (...)
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  6.  22
    On law and chastity, Robert E. Rodes, jr. Carolina academic press, 2006.V. Bradley Lewis - 2007 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 52 (1):313 - 318.
  7.  47
    The Hart-Fuller Debate in the Twenty-First Century.V. Bradley Lewis - 2011 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (2):411-412.
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    The Common Good and Legal Authority According to the Natural Law.V. Bradley Lewis - 2011 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 8 (2):291-313.
  9.  16
    Does the Law Matter? Legal Integrity and the Rule of Law as Intrinsic Values.V. Bradley Lewis - 2011 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 8 (2):187-203.
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    The arc of truth: the thinking of Martin Luther King Jr.Lewis V. Baldwin - 2022 - Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. Edited by Beverly Lanzetta.
    Martin Luther King Jr. said and wrote as much or more about the meaning, nature, and power of truth as any other prominent figure in the 1950s and '60s. King was not only vastly influential as an advocate for and defender of truth; he also did more than anyone in his time to organize truth into a movement for the liberation, uplift, and empowerment of humanity, efforts that ultimately resulted in the loss of his life. Drawing on King's published and (...)
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  11. The Unfolding of the Moral Order: Rufus Burrow, Jr., Personal Idealism, and the Life and Thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.Lewis V. Baldwin - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):1-13.
    Much attention has been devoted in recent years to the personal idealism of Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the major contributors to the scholarship in this area is Rufus Burrow, Jr., who places King firmly in the tradition of personal idealism, or personalism, while also uncovering the intellectual unease that made King both a deep and creative thinker and a committed and effective social activist.1 Clearly, Burrow's own sense of his role as a personalist informs his approach to the life (...)
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    The nocturnal council and Platonic political philosophy.V. Lewis - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (1):1-20.
    Many interpreters of Plato's Laws have seen the introduction of the ‘nocturnal council’ towards the end of that dialogue as a return to the sort of philosophic dictatorship allegedly recommended in the Republic and thus as a betrayal of the principle of the rule of law evinced in most of the Laws. This paper defends the consistency of the council with the larger programme of the Laws by showing that its function is philosophic discussion and not rule. Its influence will (...)
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  13.  90
    The Seventh Letter and the Unity of Plato’s Political Philosophy.V. Bradley Lewis - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):231-250.
  14.  50
    Plato’s Minos.V. Bradley Lewis - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (1):17-53.
  15.  32
    A Study of Naima.B. W. McGowan, Lewis V. Thomas & Norman Itzkowitz - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):238.
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  16.  36
    Constitution-Making in the Region of Former Soviet Dominance. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (3):700-702.
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    Aristotle, the Common Good, and Us.V. Bradley Lewis - 2013 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 87:69-88.
    While the notion of the common good figures frequently in both rhetoric and the inquiries of academic political theory, it is often neither closely examined nor precisely defined. This article examines Aristotle’s use of the idea, focusing primarily on two sets of key texts: first, Politics 1.1–2 and Nicomachean Ethics 1.2; and second, Nic. Ethics 8.9 and Politics 3.7. The first set of texts emphasizes the common good as flourishing and the city as its necessary condition; the second emphasizes the (...)
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  18. Book reviews. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (3):526.
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    Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 71 (4).
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  20.  21
    What Evil Means to Us. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):657-659.
    This engrossing book explores the human experience of evil and locates its ground in “an experience of dread almost beyond words,” arguing that the evil we do is “an attempt to master the experience by inflicting it on others”. This conclusion is the fruit of Alford’s reflections on interviews and surveys with two groups of people, those who responded to newspaper advertisements and a group of state prison inmates. Alford finds that their account of evil is not unlike that of (...)
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  21.  18
    On Law and Chastity By Robert E. Rodes, Jr.V. Bradley Lewis - 2007 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 52 (1):313-318.
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  22.  42
    "reason Striving To Become Law": Nature and Law in Plato's Laws.V. Bradley Lewis - 2009 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 54 (1):67-92.
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  23.  45
    Eusebius of Caesarea’s Un-Platonic Platonic Political Theology.V. Bradley Lewis - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):94-114.
    Eusebius of Caesarea drew heavily on pagan philosophy in developing the first Christian political theology. His quotations from Plato’s most political work, the Laws, are so extensive that they are treated as a manuscript authority by modern editors. Yet Eusebius’s actual use of the Laws is oddly detached from Plato’s own political intentions in that work, adapting it to a model of philosophical kingship closer to the Republic and applied to the emperor Constantine. For Eusebius the Laws mainly shows the (...)
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    M. A. Roberts, The Existence Puzzle: An Introduction to Population Axiology(New York: Oxford University Press, 2024), pp. 280. [REVIEW]B. V. E. Hyde, Harriet Ball & Makan Nojoumian - forthcoming - Utilitas:1-4.
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  25. Aristotle, Athens, and modern democracy : prospects for a usable past.V. Bradley Lewis - 2024 - In James Dominic Rooney & Patrick Zoll, Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
  26.  16
    A Vindication of Politics: On the Common Good and Human Flourishing by Matthew D. Wright.V. Bradley Lewis - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (3):421-422.
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  27.  18
    Is the Common Good Obsolete?V. Bradley Lewis - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:261-270.
    The idea of the common good has been a signature feature of Catholic social teaching and so of modern Catholic engagement in public affairs. It has recently been suggested that the notion is now obsolete due to changes in the culture and politics of the West. In keeping with this suggestion, some argue that Catholics should abandon it in favor of an appeal based on lower intermediate goods in a manner more related to Augustine’s engagement with the largely pagan culture (...)
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  28.  43
    Plato’s Philosophical Politics.V. Bradley Lewis - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):169-190.
    This paper suggests an alternative account of the political character of Plato’s political philosophy. After pointing toward some problems of the common developmental paradigm, which emphasizes discontinuities between Plato’s Socratic early writings, the mature utopianism of the Republic, and the late pessimism of the Laws, it proposes that Plato’s two large constructive works, the Republic and Laws, are related to two actual historical events in which Plato played a role, the trial of Socrates and Plato’s failed intervention in Sicilian politics. (...)
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  29.  28
    Religious Liberty and the Limits of Rawlsian Justice.V. Bradley Lewis - unknown - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association:71-84.
    Religious freedom is included among the basic liberties to which persons are entitled in John Rawls’s account of Justice as Fairness. Rawls’s revised presentation of this as a political conception of justice in Political Liberalism aims to show how it can be (along with the other parts of Justice as Fairness) the focus of an overlapping consensus of reasonable comprehensive doctrines. As an example, Rawls contends that his understanding of religious freedom is consistent with that of the Roman Catholic Church, (...)
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  30. Studies in Practical Reason.V. Bradley Lewis (ed.) - forthcoming - Catholic University Press.
  31.  40
    Should We Abolish the State? Neo-Thomist Reflections on Peter Simpson’s Radical Proposal.V. Bradley Lewis - 2017 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 62 (1):59-73.
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  32. Review. [REVIEW]V. Lewis - 2003 - The Thomist 67:310-314.
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    Dependent Rational Animals. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):944-946.
  34.  36
    Christians among the Virtues. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (4):931-932.
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  35.  61
    Plato’s Introduction to the Question of Justice. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2002 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (3):652-654.
  36.  17
    Edmund Burke & the Natural Law.J. Stanlis Peter & Lewis V. Bradley - 2003 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Introduction the Transaction Edition -- Foreword -- Preface -- ONE The Pliilosophic Content and Historical Importance of Natural Law -- TWO Natural Law and Revolutionary "Natural Rights"--THREE Burke and the Natural Law -- FOUR The Law of Nations -- FIVE Revolutionary "Natural Rights"--SIX Human Nature -- SEVEN Church and State -- EIGHT Burke and the Sovereignty of Natural Law -- Appendix I -- Appendix II -- (...)
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  37.  44
    An Essay on the Modern State. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (2):465-466.
    This volume offers an extensive and illuminating inquiry into the philosophical justification of the modern state. The author’s main thesis is that the state can be justified but that its justification is not sufficient to vindicate many of its most characteristic claims. The author thus steers a course between libertarian and communitarian rejections of the state and the pretenses of states themselves.
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    The authenticity of Plato's seventh letter - Burnyeat, † Frede the pseudo-Platonic seventh letter. Edited by Dominic Scott. Pp. XVI + 224. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2015. Cased, £30, us$50. Isbn: 978-0-19-873365-2. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (2):355-357.
  39.  56
    The Survival of Culture. [REVIEW]V. Bradley Lewis - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):630-631.
    The lead-off essay by Kenneth Minogue is an Oakeshottian reflection on the extent to which modern people have become passive spectators of action, detached from traditional loyalties and modes of identity and thus a kind of new Epicurean, shorn of the genuinely contemplative character of the originals. Eric Ormsby follows this with a judicious appraisal of the possibilities and perils for culture associated with the advent of the new information technology. Anthony Daniels provides a similarly sober account of the many (...)
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    Developmental and acquired dyslexia: A comparison.A. D. Baddeley, N. C. Ellis, T. R. Miles & V. J. Lewis - 1982 - Cognition 11 (2):185-199.
  41. Defining ‘business ethics’: Like nailing jello to a wall.Phillip V. Lewis - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):377-383.
    Business ethics is a topic receiving much attention in the literature. However, the term 'business ethics' is not adequately defined. Typical definitions refer to the rightness or wrongness of behavior, but not everyone agrees on what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical. To complicate the problem, nearly all available definitions exist at highly abstract levels. This article focuses on contemporary definitions of business ethics by business writers and professionals and on possible areas of agreement among (...)
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  42. Late Cretaceous (Turonian) Flora of southern Negev, Israel. Pensoft.V. A. Krassilov, Z. Lewy, E. Nevo & N. Silantieva - 2005 - Pensoft Publishers.
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    Analogy as relational priming: The challenge of self-reflection.Andrea Cheshire, Linden J. Ball & Charlie N. Lewis - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):381-382.
    Despite its strengths, Leech et al.'s model fails to address the important benefits that derive from self-explanation and task feedback in analogical reasoning development. These components encourage explicit, self-reflective processes that do not necessarily link to knowledge accretion. We wonder, therefore, what mechanisms can be included within a connectionist framework to model self-reflective involvement and its beneficial consequences.
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  44.  12
    One planet, many worlds.Wade V. Lewis - 1949 - Boston: Christopher Pub. House.
    This is a new release of the original 1949 edition.
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    Same Trajectory, Different Prospects.James R. Lewis, Margrethe Løøv & Bernard Doherty - 2017 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 8 (1):123-149.
    Census data from Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom make clear that the irreligious as well as those who indicate No Religion in censuses are growing rapidly. Despite being dominated by young males, we find that the demographics of those who identify with some form of irreligion or who indicate they have no religion are becoming more gender balanced and are rising in age. However, we also find that atheists, agnostics, and humanists are not having children, meaning their current remarkable (...)
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    Semiotic Mechanisms Underlying Niche Construction.Jeffrey V. Peterson, Ann Marie Thornburg, Marc Kissel, Christopher Ball & Agustín Fuentes - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):181-198.
    The explanatory value of niche construction can be strengthened by firm footing in semiotic theory. Anthropologists have a unique perspective on the integration of such diverse approaches to human action and evolutionary processes. Here, we seek to open a dialogue between anthropology and biosemiotics. The overarching aim of this paper is to demonstrate that niche construction, including the underlying mechanism of reciprocal causation, is a semiotic process relating to biological development as well as cognitive development and cultural change. In making (...)
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  47.  18
    The Post-Structuralist ConditionLe Meme et L'Autre. Quarante-Cinq ans de Philosophie FrancaiseTextual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism. [REVIEW]Philip Lewis, Vincent Descombes & Josue V. Harari - 1982 - Diacritics 12 (1):2.
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  48.  70
    Ethical principles for decision makers: A longitudinal survey. [REVIEW]Phillip V. Lewis - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (4):271 - 278.
    This paper is based on a five-year study of the ethical principles considered by executives, middle managers, and students as appropriate guidelines for making decisions. Out of the fourteen principles surveyed, nine seem to be standards that can be applied with no further thought or research required by the decision maker. The other six principles may suggest decisions makers need clearer guidelines as to what to do or what not to do when faced with an ethical dilemma that exists outside (...)
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  49.  41
    Ethical challenges in global research on health system responses to violence against women: a qualitative study of policy and professional perspectives.Natalia V. Lewis, Beatriz Kalichman, Yuri Nishijima Azeredo, Loraine J. Bacchus & Ana Flavia D’Oliveira - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Studying global health problems requires international multidisciplinary teams. Such multidisciplinarity and multiculturalism create challenges in adhering to a set of ethical principles across different country contexts. Our group on health system responses to violence against women (VAW) included two universities in a European high-income country (HIC) and four universities in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This study aimed to investigate professional and policy perspectives on the types, causes of, and solutions to ethical challenges specific to the ethics approval stage of (...)
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    Notes and news.A. V. Judges, William Boyd, M. M. Lewis, E. W. Hughes, A. H. Surman & Idwal Jones - 1952 - British Journal of Educational Studies 1 (1):67-78.
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