Results for 'Levitt Mairi'

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  1. Perceptions of nature, nurture and behaviour.Mairi Levitt - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-11.
    Trying to separate out nature and nurture as explanations for behaviour, as in classic genetic studies of twins and families, is now said to be both impossible and unproductive. In practice the nature-nurture model persists as a way of framing discussion on the causes of behaviour in genetic research papers, as well as in the media and lay debate. Social and environmental theories of crime have been dominant in criminology and in public policy while biological theories have been seen as (...)
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    My Genes Made Me Do It? The Implications of Behavioural Genetics for Responsibility and Blame.Mairi Levitt & Neil Manson - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (1):33-40.
    The idea of individual responsibility for action is central to our conception of what it is to be a person. Behavioural genetic research may seem to call into question the idea of individual responsibility with possible implications for the criminal justice system. These implications will depend on the understandings of the various agencies and professional groups involved in responding to violent and anti-social behaviour, and, the result of negotiations between them over resulting practice. The paper considers two kinds of approaches (...)
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    'Not so wrong that we are prepared to threaten the entire service': the regulation of reproductive technologies in the UK.Mairi Levitt - 2000 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 7 (2):45-51.
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    Overcritical, overfriendly? : A dialogue between a sociologist and a philosopher on genetic technology and its applications.Mairi Levitt & Matti Häyry - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):377-383.
    Are sociologists always critical about genetics? Are philosophers always more supportive? This is the impression of many sociologists in the United Kingdom who argue that contemporary British philosophers criticise genetic technologies and applications in ways that scientists and medical doctors can deal with. They emphasise matters like informed consent, but pay less or no attention to the wider social consequences of technologies, practices and policies. Philosophers in their turn may see sociologists as irrationally hostile to science and medical practice. Some (...)
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  5.  13
    Could the organ shortage ever be met?Mairi Levitt - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    The organ shortage is commonly presented as having a clear solution, increase the number of organs donated and the problem will be solved. In the light of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s consultation on moving to an opt-out organ donor register this article focusses on the social factors and complexities which impact strongly on both the supply of, and demand for, transplantable organs. Judging by the experience of other countries presumed consent systems may or may not increase donations but have not (...)
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    Genes, environment and responsibility for violent behaviour:‘Whatever genes one has it is preferable that you are prevented from going around stabbing people’.Mairi Levitt - 2013 - .
    For the legal system to function effectively people are generally viewed as autonomous actors able to exercise choice and responsible for their actions. It is conceivable that genetic traits associated with violent and antisocial behaviour could call into question an affected individual’s responsibility for acts of criminal violence. Evidence concerning genes associated with violent and antisocial behaviour has been introduced in criminal courts in USA and Italy, either alone or with associated environmental factors. One example of a ‘genetic defence’ is (...)
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    ‘It could just be an additional test couldn’t it?’:genetic testing for susceptibility to aggression and violence.Mairi Levitt & Elisa Pieri - 2009 - .
    Much of the current genetic research into aggressive and violent behaviour focuses on young people and might appear to offer the hope of targeted prediction and intervention. In the UK data is collected on children from various agencies and collated to produce ‘at risk of offending’ identities used to justify intervention. Information from behavioural genetic tests could conceivably be included. Regulatory frameworks for collecting, storing and using information from DNA samples differ between the health service and the police particularly in (...)
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  8.  30
    Thirty Years of Bioethics: All grown up now?Mairi Levitt & Garrath Williams - 2003 - New Review of Bioethics 1 (1):3-5.
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    Public Consultation in Bioethics. What's the Point of Asking the Public When They Have Neither Scientific nor Ethical Expertise?Mairi Levitt - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (1):15-25.
    With the rapid development of genetic research and applications in health care there is some agreement among funding and regulatory bodies that the public(s) need to be equipped to deal with the choices that the new technologies will offer them, although this does not necessarily include a role for the public in influencing their development and regulation. This paper considers the methods and purpose of public consultations in the area of genetics including large-scale surveys of opinion, consensus conferences and focus (...)
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  10.  29
    A well placed trust? Public perceptions of the governance of DNA databases.Mairi Levitt & Sue Weldon - 2005 - .
    Biobanks that are run on an opt-in basis depend on people having the motivation to give and to trust in those who control their samples. Yet in the UK trust in the healthcare system has been in decline and there have been a number of health-related scandals that have received widespread media and public attention. Given this background, and the previous public consultations on UK Biobank, the paper explores the way people express their trust and mistrust in the area of (...)
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  11.  37
    Let the consumer decide? The regulation of commercial genetic testing.Mairi Levitt - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):398-403.
    Objectives—The development of predictive genetic tests provides a new area where consumers can gain knowledge of their health status and commercial opportunities. “Over-the-counter” or mail order genetic tests are most likely to provide information on carrier status or the risk of developing a multifactorial disease. The paper considers the social and ethical implications of individuals purchasing genetic tests and whether genetic information is different from other types of health information which individuals can obtain for themselves.Design—The discussion is illustrated by findings (...)
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  12.  20
    The Right to Know and the Right not to Know.Ruth F. Chadwick, Mairi Levitt & Darren Shickle (eds.) - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume contains essays which cover a range of aspects in the debate over genetic testing. It looks at both the advantages and disadvantages involved in knowing or not knowing whether one is a carrier of certain genetic traits.
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  13.  32
    The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know: Genetic Privacy and Responsibility.Ruth Chadwick, Mairi Levitt & Darren Shickle (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The privacy concerns discussed in the 1990s in relation to the New Genetics failed to anticipate the relevant issues for individuals, families, geneticists and society. Consumers, for example, can now buy their personal genetic information and share it online. The challenges facing genetic privacy have evolved as new biotechnologies have developed, and personal privacy is increasingly challenged by the irrepressible flow of electronic data between the personal and public spheres and by surveillance for terrorism and security risks. This book considers (...)
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  14.  23
    UK Biobank: a model for public engagement?Mairi Levitt - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (3):1-4.
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  15.  51
    Forensic databases: benefits and ethical and social costs.Mairi Levitt - 2007 - .
    Introduction: This article discusses ethical, legal and social issues raised by the collection, storage and use of DNA in forensic databases. Review: The largest and most inclusive forensic database in the world, the UK National DNA database, leads the worldwide trend towards greater inclusivity. The performance of the NDNAD, criteria for inclusion, legislative framework and plans for integrating forensic databases across Europe are discussed. Comparisons are drawn with UK biobank that has started collecting DNA samples linked to medical records and, (...)
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  16. Book Reviews-The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know.Ruth Chadwick, Mairi Levitt, Darren Shickle & Jill Ryan - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (1):84-87.
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  17. Reply to Udo schuklenk.Mairi Levitt & Hub Zwart - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (1):89-90.
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  18.  17
    Behavioural genetics and risk of 'criminality' : Commentary.Mairi Levitt - 2006 - .
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  19. Ethical issues [in social measurement]: an overview.Mairi Levitt & Garrath Williams - 2004 - In Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Elsevier.
    Ethical issues surrounding research are complex and multifaceted. There are issues concerning: the methods used, the intended purpose, the foreseen and unforeseen effects, the use and dissemination of findings, and, not least, what is and what fails to be researched. - In this article we break down the issues into two main categories: (I) how the research itself is done; and (II) how it is determined by and in turn affects a wider context. In the first section we discuss familiar (...)
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  20.  14
    Gene week: a novel way of consulting the public.Mairi Levitt, Kate Weiner & John Goodacre - 2005 - .
    Within academic circles, the “deficit” model of public understanding of science has been subject to increasing critical scrutiny by those who favor more constructivist approaches. These suggest that “the public” can articulate sophisticated ideas about the social and ethical implications of science regardless of their level of technical knowledge. The seminal studies following constructivist approaches have generally involved small-scale qualitative investigations, which have minimized the pre-framing of issues to a greater or lesser extent. This article describes the Gene Week Project, (...)
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  21.  68
    Perspectives on public engagement.Mairi Levitt - unknown
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    A Sociological Perspective on Genetic Screening.Mairi Levitt - 1997 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 3 (2):19-21.
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  23.  14
    Genetic databases and public trust.Mairi Levitt & S. Weldon - unknown
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  24.  78
    Making human better and making better humans.Mairi Levitt & Fiona K. O'Neill - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (1):1-14.
    The last 10 years has seen the development and deployment of new biotechnologies not just as potential treatments but also as potential enhancements. The definition and differentiation of treatment from enhancement is an ongoing clinical, ethical and social debate that ranges across a proliferating number of convergent technologies. Many of these innovations will ‘come-on-line’ as present generations of young people will be reaching adulthood and considering parenthood. This paper reports on a project that explored the possibilities for human enhancement with (...)
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  25.  39
    Natural ways are better: Adolescents and the 'anti-obesity' Gene.Mairi Levitt - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (3):305-315.
    Empirical research with young people in Finland, Germany, Spain and Britain was carried out as part of the BIOCULT project funded by the European Union. The project focused on their attitudes to biotechnology and, in particular, the formation of arguments about risk and safety. This paper looks at the responses of 14–18 year olds to a story about the so called anti-obesity gene, in the form of advice to a friend who is taking it. The majority advised against taking it (...)
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    Complementarity rather than integration.Mairi Levitt - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (1):81-83.
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  27. Biotechnology And Young Citizens: Biocult In New Zealand And Japan.Darryl Macer, Mairi Levitt, Howard Bezar & Ken Daniels - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (4):111-114.
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  28.  22
    Health and wealth, law and order : banking DNA against disease and crime.Richard Tutton & Mairi Levitt - unknown
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    Relating to Participants: How Close Do Biobanks and Donors Really Want to Be? [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt - 2011 - Health Care Analysis 19 (3):220-230.
    Modern biobanks typically rely on the public to freely donate genetic data, undergo physical measurements and tests, allow access to medical records and give other personal information by questionnaire or interview. Given the demands on participants it is not surprising that there has been extensive public consultation even before biobanks in the UK and elsewhere began to recruit. This paper considers the different ways in which biobanks have attempted to engage and appeal to their publics and the reaction of potential (...)
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    Risky individuals and the politics of genetic research into aggressiveness and violence.Elisa Pieri & Mairi Levitt - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):509-518.
    New genetic technologies promise to generate valuable insights into the aetiology of several psychiatric conditions, as well as a wider range of human and animal behaviours. Advances in the neurosciences and the application of new brain imaging techniques offer a way of integrating DNA analysis with studies that are looking at other biological markers of behaviour. While candidate 'genes for' certain conditions, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, are said to be 'un-discovered' at a faster rate than they are discovered, many (...)
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  31. Wrestling with Behavioral Genetics. Science Ethics and Public Conversation. Erik Parens, Audrey R. Chapman and Nancy Press . John Hopkins: Maryland, 2006. [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (1):132-133.
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  32. Bioethics: An export product? Reflections on hands-on involvement in exploring the “external” validity of international bioethical declarations. [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt & Hub Zwart - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):367-377.
    As the technosciences, including genomics, develop into a global phenomenon, the question inevitably emerges whether and to what extent bioethics can and should become a globalised phenomenon as well. Could we somehow articulate a set of core principles or values that ought to be respected worldwide and that could serve as a universal guide or blueprint for bioethical regulations for embedding biotechnologies in various countries? This article considers one universal declaration, the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights ( 2005a (...)
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  33.  57
    Assisted Reproduction: Managing an Unruly Technology. [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (1):41-49.
    Technology is “unruly” because it operates in a social context where it is shaped by institutions, organisations and individuals in ways not envisaged when it was first developed. In the UK assisted reproductive technology has developed from strictly circumscribed beginnings as a treatment for infertility within the NHS, to a service which is more often offered by commercial clinics and purchased by clients who are not necessarily infertile. The article considers the process by which assisted reproductive technology has been created (...)
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  34.  6
    Ethical Issues in Community Health Care.Ruth Chadwick & Mairi Levitt - 1997 - CRC Press.
    Despite the recent increased emphasis on ethics in health care, the subject of community health care is rarely specifically addressed. Yet it is in the community that many ethical issues arise, both in the particular practice situation and in the wider social issues connected with changes in government policy. This edited text discusses these questions and looks at the whole range of community health nursing in the UK. The multidisciplinary group of contributors explore the issues of theory and practice that (...)
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  35. Genetic screening and ethics: European perspectives.Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Jfrgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (3):255 – 273.
    Analysis and comparison of genetic screening programs shows that the extent of development of programs varies widely across Europe. Regional variations are due not only to genetic disease patterns but also reflect the novelty of genetic services. In most countries, the focus for genetic screening programs has been pregnant women and newborn children. Newborn children are screened only for disorders which are treatable. Prenatal screening when provided is for conditions for which termination may be offered. The only population screening programs (...)
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  36. Euroscreen 2: Zu einer gemeinsamen Versicherungs- und Kommerzialisierungspolitik und zu einer Politik des oeffentlichen Bewusstseins ueber Genetik.Urban Wiesing, Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Rogeer Hoedemaekers, Joergen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan & Darren Shickle - 2000 - Ethik in der Medizin 12 (4):269-273.
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  37. Genetic technology: A threat to deafness. [REVIEW]Ruth Chadwick & Mairi Levitt - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):209-215.
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    Euroscreen 2: Towards community policy on insurance, commercialization and public awareness.Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Rogeer Hoedemaekers, Jrgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (3):263-272.
    The project Euroscreen 2 has examined genetic screening and testing with particular reference to implications for insurance, commercialization through marketing of genetic tests direct to the public, and issues surrounding raising public awareness of these and other developments in genetics, including the practical experiment of a Gene Shop. This paper provides a snapshot of the three year project. The study groups work included monitoring developments in different European countries and exploring possibilities for regulation in insurance and commercialization together with public (...)
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    Euroscreen 2: Zu einer gemeinsamen Versicherungs- und Kommerzialisierungspolitik und zu einer Politik des öffentlichen Bewusstseins über Genetik. [REVIEW]Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Rogeer Hoedemaekers, Jørgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 2000 - Ethik in der Medizin 12 (4):269-273.
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    Prometheus bedeviled: science and the contradictions of contemporary culture.Norman Levitt - 1999 - New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
    A professor of mathematics offers an analysis of the roles science plays within American society, providing suggestions for a more effective interchange between scientists and key United States institutions.
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    Norman Levitt. Reviewed work: The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation by John Horgan. [REVIEW]Norman Levitt - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):346-347.
  42.  53
    Applying futility in psychiatry: a concept whose time has come.Sarah Levitt & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):60-60.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, futility as a concept has held contested meaning and applications throughout medicine. There has been little discussion within the psychiatric literature about the use of futility in the care of individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), despite some tacit acceptance that futility may apply in certain cases of psychiatric illness. In this paper, we explore the literature surrounding futility and argue that its connotation within medicine is to describe situations where patients (or (...)
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  43.  30
    Philosophy: Truth and Temperament.Mairi MacRae - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):387-395.
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    Let the consumer decide? The regulation of commercial genetic testing.D. M. Levitt - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):398-403.
    Objectives—The development of predictive genetic tests provides a new area where consumers can gain knowledge of their health status and commercial opportunities. “Over-the-counter” or mail order genetic tests are most likely to provide information on carrier status or the risk of developing a multifactorial disease. The paper considers the social and ethical implications of individuals purchasing genetic tests and whether genetic information is different from other types of health information which individuals can obtain for themselves.Design—The discussion is illustrated by findings (...)
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  45.  19
    Elite Business Networks and the Field of Power: A Matter of Class?Mairi Maclean, Charles Harvey & Gerhard Kling - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):127-151.
    We explore the meaning and implications of Bourdieu’s construct of the field of power and integrate it into a wider conception of the formation and functioning of elites at the highest level in society. Corporate leaders active within the field of power hold prominent roles in numerous organizations, constituting an ‘elite of elites’, whose networks integrate powerful participants from different fields. As ‘bridging actors’, they form coalitions to determine institutional settlements and societal resource flows. We ask how some corporate actors (...)
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    Qualitative navigation for mobile robots.Tod S. Levitt & Daryl T. Lawton - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 44 (3):305-360.
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    Beyond the juxtaposition of nature and culture: Lawrence Krader, interdisciplinarity, and the concept of the human being.Cyril Levitt (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The essays contained in Beyond the Juxtaposition of Nature and Culture represent an attempt by scholars from Canada, Germany, and Mexico to come to grips with the innovative work of the American philosopher and anthropologist Lawrence Krader who has proposed nothing less than a new theory of nature, according to which there are at least three different orders--the material-biotic, the quantum, and the human--which differ from one another according to their different configurations of space-time, and which cannot be reduced the (...)
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  48. Love in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.T. Levitt - 1990 - Gnosis 3 (3):101-109.
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    La méditation dans le Bhāgavata PurānaLa meditation dans le Bhagavata Purana.Stephen Hillyer Levitt & Anand Nayak - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):506.
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  50. The Sources and Dangers of Postmodern Anti-Science.Norman Levitt - 2001 - Free Inquiry 21.
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