  1.  99
    Inverted Ekphrasis and Hallucinating Stochastic Parrots: Deleuzean Insights into AI and Art in Daily Life.Lenka Lee & Jakub Mácha - 2024 - Itinera 28:141-156.
    This study explores the potential of contemporary large language models (LLMs) to achieve Gilles Deleuze’s goal of integrating art into daily life. Deleuze’s philosophy, with its focus on creative repetition, finds a parallel in LLMs, which replicate and innovate artistic styles by transforming text prompts into various artistic expressions. Although LLMs can very effectively blend and mimic these styles, they remain mere tools – as suggested by the metaphor of a stochastic parrot; the true creative force remains the human artist. (...)
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  2.  54
    Paskvil, nebo umění? Nový diletantismus jako zdroj unaveného publika [A Scribble or The Art? New Diletantisms as a Source of Tired Audience].Lenka Lee - 2019 - Espes 8 (2):37-46.
    Education and the support for creativity are some of the functions of the new medias. The users utilize a lot of e-tools to create products with varying art quality. Because of this new ability to create they, fallaciously, consider themselves – from their new positions of becoming artists - having also become art critics but they fail to understand the complexity of creative process. We intend to exemplify with the art of the American painter Cy Twombly, that some works of (...)
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  3.  56
    Fl'neur from South Moravia: An Appendix to ESPES 10(2).Lenka Lee - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):153-164.
    The following text is inspired by a special issue of the journal ESPES vol. 10, no. 2 (2021) entitled _Everyday Aesthetics: European Perspectives _and returns to the theme of _flâneurie_. It focuses on the Czech environment and, after a brief outline of the artistic _flâneurism _associated mainly with Prague, it moves on to the specific phenomenon of the Brno _štatl _and _štatlaři_, which are to some extent related to _flâneurism_. The _štatl _community followed the tradition of the _plotna_, a more (...)
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    (1 other version)In Defence of a Liberal Education.Lenka Lee - 2019 - Espes 9 (1):59-61.
    ZAKARIA, F.. Obrana liberálního vzdělání. Praha: Academia. 127 s. ISBN 978-80-200-2717-7. Z anglického originálu In defence of a liberal education přeložil Jaroslav Veis.
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    (1 other version)The First Day of the Remaining Life of Art.Lenka Lee - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):92-95.
    Danto, Arthur Coleman, 2021. Po konci umění: Současné umění a oblast mimo dějiny. Prel. Šárka Lojdová. Praha: Academia.
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    Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines: A Review.Lenka Lee - 2025 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):151-157.
    A book review of Ryynänen, Max and Zoltán Somhegyi (2023) Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines. 1st ed. Blue Ridge Summit: Rowman_&_Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated.
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  7.  20
    František Matouš Klácel a zdroje jeho utopických vizí.Lenka Lee - 2022 - Studia Philosophica 69 (1):23-40.
    Studie se zabývá utopickými úvahami brněnského augustiniána Františka Matouše Klácela (1808–1882), jejich zdroji a pokusy o uvedení do praxe a také možnými důvody, kvůli kterým své vize nedokázal realizovat tak, jak si předsevzal. Klácel v teoretických reflexích ideálního uspořádání lidské společnosti i při projektování návrhů utopických komunit (Svojanovů) čer­pal jednak z prací svých předchůdců, jež se snažili formulovat či uvést do praxe myšlenky sociální utopie (Saint-Simon, Fourier, Jednota bratrská, Komenský), z hlediska ontologického se ovšem opíral o svůj koncept vesměrnosti, jemuž (...)
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    A Scribble or The Art? New Diletantisms as a Source of Tired Audience.Lenka Lee - 2019 - Espes 8 (1):37-46.
    Education and the support for creativity are some of the functions of the new medias. The users utilize a lot of e-tools to create products with varying art quality. Because of this new ability to create they, fallaciously, consider themselves – from their new positions of becoming artists - having also become art critics but they fail to understand the complexity of creative process. We intend to exemplify with the art of the American painter Cy Twombly, that some works of (...)
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    Ornamental Behaviours: Mechanisms of Repetition in Urban Communities.Lenka Lee - 2025 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 19 (1):53-71.
    The interplay between urban and rural lifestyles in the modern era, influenced by globalisation, technological advancements and societal shifts, underscores a complex fusion of cultures and behaviours. This convergence reshapes communal dynamics and territorial perceptions. Drawing from Deleuze and Guattari's philosophical framework, particularly concepts of territory, deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation, this study explores the emergence of urban subcultures resembling rural communities. Through ornamental behaviour and the repetition of cultural events, urban spaces undergo a transformative process akin to ritornello, establishing distinct territories (...)
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  10.  24
    Paskvil, nebo umění? Nový diletantismus jako zdroj unaveného publika [A Scribble or The Art? New Diletantisms as a Source of Tired Audience].Lenka Lee - 2020 - Espes 9 (1):37-46.
    Education and the support for creativity are some of the functions of the new medias. The users utilize a lot of e-tools to create products with varying art quality. Because of this new ability to create they, fallaciously, consider themselves – from their new positions of becoming artists - having also become art critics but they fail to understand the complexity of creative process. We intend to exemplify with the art of the American painter Cy Twombly, that some works of (...)
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