Results for 'Leila Gómez'

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  1.  38
    Alex Levine;, Adriana Novoa. ¡Darwinistas! The Construction of Evolutionary Thought in Nineteenth Century Argentina. xvii + 279 pp., bibl., index. Leiden: Brill, 2012. $136. [REVIEW]Leila Gómez - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):197-198.
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    Modal Qualification and the Speech-Act of Arguing in LNMA: Practical Aspects and a Theoretical Issue.Alejandro Secades Gómez - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (1):1-15.
    This work analyses the speech-act of arguing as proposed by Linguistic Normative Model of Argumentation (LNMA) with the help of diagrams, examples and basic formalization techniques. The focus is set on one of the most novel issues of LNMA, modal qualification, and the distinction between epistemic and ontological modals. The first conclusion is that employing LNMA in order to analyse and evaluate actual argumentation as it is proposed is too complex to be applied as is. The second conclusion, at a (...)
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    Yanagi, Ceramics and the Craft Values of Korean Aesthetics.Rosa Fernández Gómez - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):18-26.
    The long Japanese tradition of Korean ceramics appreciation, closely associated with the Zen tea ceremony _(chanoyu), _has played an important role in the development of Korean aesthetics in the twentieth century. The art critic and philosopher Yanagi Soetsu was instrumental in this process during the occupation period, since, continuing in this tradition, he particularly valued Joseon ceramics for their aesthetic qualities - such as naturalness, nonchalance, and simplicity - akin to praised values in Zen Buddhism. Yanagi’s pioneering writings might have (...)
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  4. Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic.Vicente Prado-Gascó, María T. Gómez-Domínguez, Ana Soto-Rubio, Luis Díaz-Rodríguez & Diego Navarro-Mateu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566900.
    Context: The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of (...)
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    (1 other version)El futuro de la filosofía después de Wittgenstein.Gómez Alonso & M. Modesto - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    A propósito de algunos epigramas atribuidos a Luciano.Pilar Gómez Cardó - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:37-57.
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    En torno al estatuto científico-metodológico de la Bioética.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2005 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.), Bioética: entre la medicina y la ética. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca. pp. 17.
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    El mejor de los mundos en la teología racionalista musulmana clásica.Santiago Escobar Gómez - 2005 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 22:57-64.
    El presente trabajo pretende servir como introducción a una teodicea de la filosofía y la teología racionalista (mu'tazilí) árabe a partir de un texto de Algazel. Esta teología y filosofía cree que Dios ha creado el mejor de los mundos posibles debido a su esencia buena, siendo, por tanto, optimista y determinista. Sin embargo, este optimismo en la teología viene dado por la mera voluntad de Dios, mientras que en la filosofía por la causalidad y la necesidad lógica.
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    Figuras de lo humano en Judith Butler La reivindicación de un espacio político entre la antropología y el antihumanismo.Emma Ingala Gómez - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):151-176.
    Si bien la crítica antihumanista de la categoría de lo humano tenía un objetivo eminentemente emancipador, ha desembocado en los últimos años en una paradoja vinculada a la defensa del carácter construido y, por tanto, descualificado de lo humano. Para responder a esta paradoja, varios filósofos ubicados en el espacio teórico del antihumanismo se han visto forzados a repensar, y en cierto modo a recuperar, lo humano. Judith Butler ofrece uno de los tratamientos más sofisticados de esta cuestión en la (...)
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    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals II. Deformation mechanism.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez †, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez–Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3387-3395.
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    The Effect of Country Economic Institutions and Cultural Values on Government Policy and Societal Compliance in the Covid-19 Pandemic.Carolina Gomez & Jennifer Spencer - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Using data from 88 countries, we test hypotheses linking a country’s economic freedom and cultural values with the propensity and timing of decisions to impose stringent policies to combat the spread of Covid-19, as well as society’s compliance with those restrictive measures. Our analysis supports hypotheses that a country’s economic freedom and cultural dimensions of individualism and masculinity predict early implementation of stringent policies. After accounting for endogeneity, we find that individualism also helps explain residents’ compliance with stringent measures. These (...)
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    Non-symbolic and symbolic number and the approximate number system.David Maximiliano Gómez - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The distinction between non-symbolic and symbolic number is poorly addressed by the authors despite being relevant in numerical cognition, and even more important in light of the proposal that the approximate number system represents rational numbers. Although evidence on non-symbolic number and ratios fits with ANS representations, the case for symbolic number and rational numbers is still open.
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    Epistemología del tiempo.Gustavo Adolfo Gómez Hernández - 2013 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (6):12-23.
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    Two compartmental models of EEG coherence and MRI biophysics.R. W. Thatcher, J. F. Gomez-Molina, C. Biver, D. North, R. Curtin & R. W. Walker - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):412-412.
    Studies have shown that as MRI T2 relaxation time lengthens there is a shift toward more unbound or “free-water” and less partitioning of the protein/lipid molecules per unit volume. A shift toward less water partitioning or lengthened MRI T2 relaxation time is linearly related to reduced high frequency EEG amplitude, reduced short distance EEG coherence, increased long distance EEG coherence, and reduced cognitive functioning (Thatcher et al. 1998a; 1998b).
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    Strangers and Orphans: Knowledge and mutuality in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.Claudia Rozas Gómez - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (4):360-370.
    Paulo Freire consistently upheld humanization and mutuality as educational ideals. This article argues that conceptualizations of knowledge and how knowledge is sought and produced play a role in fostering humanization and mutuality in educational contexts. Drawing on Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, this article focuses on the two central characters who ‘ardently’ pursue knowledge at all costs. It will be argued that the text suggests two possible outcomes from the pursuit of knowledge. One is mutuality; the other is social disconnectedness.
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    De la cosmología Peirciana a la evolución social: Reflexiones sobre el agapismo y los hábitos sociales en sentido evolutivo.Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):36-58.
    Uno de los problemas más importantes y controvertidos en la filosofía evolutiva de Peirce ha sido el estudio de los principios sobre los cuales se da la evolución en la vida y el universo. La doctrina del agapasticismo es la base de su visión cosmológica que busca, mediante un principio creador, conectar a los seres vivientes y al universo a través de una fuerza vital, a saber, el amor.En este artículo buscaré presentar la doctrina del agapismo de Peirce en la (...)
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  17. La intención en la construcción del significado según R. Gibbs.Isabel Gómez Txurruka & Jesús Mari Larrazabal - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (3):161-172.
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    Prevalencia de Neuropatía Periferica en Diabetes Mellitus.Delgado-Gómez Juan Ubaldo - 2013 - El Dilema de la Enseñanza 27 (1):110.
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    A Further Review of the Incompatibility between Classical Principles and Quantum Postulates.M. Ferrero, V. Gómez Pin, D. Salgado & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):125-138.
    The traditional “realist” conception of physics, according to which human concepts, laws and theories can grasp the essence of a reality in our absence , seems incompatible with quantum formalism and it most fruitful interpretation. The proof rests on the violation by quantum mechanical formalism of some fundamental principles of the classical ontology. We discuss if the conception behind Einstein’s idea of a reality in our absence, could be still maintained and at which price. We conclude that quantum mechanical formalism (...)
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  20.  68
    (1 other version)Beltrami's Kantian View of Non-Euclidean Geometry.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1986 - Kant Studien 77 (1-4):102-107.
    Beltrami's first allegedly true interpretation of lobachevsky's geometry can be conceived as (i) pursuing a kantian program insofar as it shows that all the geometrical lobachevskian concepts are constructible in the euclidean space of our human representation, And (ii) proving, Even to kant, That a non-Euclidean geometry is not only logically possible (something that kant never denied) but also mathematically acceptable from a kantian point of view (something that kant would have accepted only after beltrami's interpretation).
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    Racionalidad.y normatividad en el conocimiento científico.Amparo Gómez - 1995 - Isegoría 12:148-159.
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  22. Early Modern Experimental Philosophy.Peter R. Anstey, J. Gomez & K. Walsh - 2010
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  23. La crítica de Leibniz a la versión cartesiana de la prueba ontológica.Modesto Manuel Gómez Alonso - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros (eds.), Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares.
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    Introducción de la traductora.Cristina Gómez Baggethun - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38:7-12.
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    Educational strategy to lessen risk factors in children with atopic dermatitis.Leydis Suárez Ramos, Omara León Gómez, Edilberto Francisco Sánchez Suárez & Esteban Florencio Bassols Viñas - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):270-290.
    Se presenta un artículo acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados a la dermatitis atópica en niños, enfermedad con una incidencia significativa en el municipio Nuevitas. A partir de la revisión de Historias Clínicas en los Consultorios 4,5 y 6 del territorio, en el período comprendido de enero a septiembre del 2015, se constató como importantes los factores genéticos y los medioambientales en estos pacientes. Con el objetivo de disminuir los últimos se elaboró una estrategia educativa para la familia de (...)
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    Die Atomistik bei Ludwig Boltzmann. Zur wissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Bedeutung einer kontroversen Position am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.Juan Ignacio GÓMez Tutor - 2004 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 35 (2):371-384.
    The atomic hypothesis according to Ludwig Boltzmann. The scientific and philosophical importance of a controversial position at the close of the 19th century. This paper examines Boltzmann’s standpoint in the controversy over the existence of atoms between himself on the one hand and Mach, Ostwald, Helm and to some extent Duhem on the other hand. The latter wanted to develop a physics only constructed with perceptible phenomena. Because of the lack of empirical evidence of the atoms at that time they (...)
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  27. Otras valoraciones del paisaje: el excursionismo militar.Elia Canosa Zamora & Manuel Mollá Ruiz-Gómez - 2009 - In Eduardo Martínez de Pisón & Nicolás Ortega (eds.), Los valores del paisaje. Soria: Fundación Duques de Soria.
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    El despido intempestivo y su incidencia en la vulneración de los Derechos Laborales Constitucionales en el Ecuador.Paúl Alejandro Gómez Montesinos & Diego Fernando Trelles Vicuña - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240158.
    El despido intempestivo ha sido uno de los causales con mayor incidencia en el tema laboral, debido que el patrono no establece condiciones claras de la desvinculación, por lo que, se vulnera los derechos de los trabajadores. Elaborar un documento de análisis jurídico crítico que evidencie como la incidencia del despido intempestivo vulnera los derechos laborales Constitucionales en el Ecuador. El artículo fue una revisión sistemática con un diseño transversal. Para la busqueda de información se utilizó las principales platafomas digitalez (...)
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    Dreaming in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Health Crisis: Survey Among a Sample of European School Students.Ana Guerrero-Gomez, Isabel Nöthen-Garunja, Michael Schredl, Annelore Homberg, Maria Vulcan, Asja Brusić, Caterina Bonizzi & Cecilia Iannaco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    According to the continuity hypothesis of dreaming and contemporary psychodynamic approaches, dreams reflect waking life. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and dreaming in adolescents. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Italy, Romania and Croatia involving 2,105 secondary school students. No substantial differences between countries were found. Thirty-one percent of the participants reported heightened dream recall, 18% noticed an increase in nightmares during the lockdown, and 15% of the provided dreams included (...)
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  30. Extractos de articulos.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1970 - Pensamiento 26 (102-103):358.
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  31. El platonismo epistemológico de Santo tomás en un libro reciente.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1945 - Pensamiento 1 (3):323-342.
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    En torno a una revisión del logicismo.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1981 - Critica 13 (38):77-95.
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  33. El tema del hombre salvaje y el descubrimiento de América.José M. Gómez-Tabanera - 1990 - El Basilisco 4:31-50.
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  34. El valor y su origen dentro de la esencia humana: Una mirada al sentido ontológico del valor.Danial Vargas Gómez - 2006 - A Parte Rei 45:13.
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  35. García Máynez y la diferencia entre normas jurídicas y morales: un análisis crítico.Juan Vega Gómez - 2013 - In René González de la Vega & Guillermo Lariguet (eds.), Problemas de filosofía del Derecho: Nuevas perspectivas. Temis.
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  36. "La educación como perseverante tarea ética: del absurdo al encuentro con el" otro".Marcos Santos Gómez - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (169):501-522.
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  37. Las Oraciones inaugurales y La sabiduria primitiva de los italianos.Fj Navarro Gómez - 2001 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 13 (14):327-334.
    Este trabajo presenta algunos aspectos introductorios a la lectura de las "Oraciones Inaugurales", el De nostri y el De mente heroica, y la "Sabiduría primitiva de los italianos", tenidas en cuenta por el traductor al español de estas obras viquianas, recientemente publicadas en un volumen .This papers presents some preliminary aspects related with the Inaugural Lectures , the De nostri, De mente heroica and the "Primitive Wisdom of Italians" which the Spanish translator has taken into account shortly before those works (...)
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  38. (3 other versions)Libros recibidos.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1970 - Pensamiento 26 (102-103):362.
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  39. Los tipos de "Weltanschauung" de G. Dilthey.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1952 - Pensamiento 8 (29):5.
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    Más allá de la dicotomía realismo-instrumentalismo.Ricardo J. Gómez - 1995 - Critica 27 (80):97-118.
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    (1 other version)New Developments on Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics, Oviedo, julio de 1996.Víctor Gómez Pin - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (1):203-204.
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  42. Rehabilitación filosófica del Concepto de Tradición.A. Gómez - 1997 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 23 (2):345-358.
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  43. Aspectos éticos da experimentação com animais não humanos.Ronald Gerardo Garcia Gomez & Carlos Alberto Bezerra Tomaz - 2007 - In Dirce Guilhem & Fabio Zicker (eds.), Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios. Brasília: Editora UnB.
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    The Private Language Argument and the Analogy between Rules and Grounds.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 39:49-54.
    I identify one neglected source of support for a Kripkean reading of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: the analogy between rules and epistemic grounds and the existence of a Kripkean anti-privacy argument about epistemic grounds in On Certainty. This latter argument supports Kripke’s claims that the basic anti-privacy argument in the Investigations (a) poses a question about the distinguishability of certain first-person attributions with identical assertability conditions, (b) concludes that distinguishability is provided by third-person evaluability, and (c) is a general argument, not (...)
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  45. Viacrucis poéticos en español.Francisco Gomez Ortin - 2012 - Verdad y Vida 70 (261):339-363.
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    Les limitacions del principi d’autonomia en bioètica. Una reflexió des de la teoria republicana de la llibertat.José Francisco Gómez Rincón - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 4 (1):83-105.
    En aquest article pretenem fer una crítica, des de postulats ètics de caràcter republicà, al mode actual d’entendre i, per tant, posar en pràctica el principi d'autonomia de la bioètica. Pretenem mostrar que, en l’estat actual d’aplicació d'aquest principi, emprant una definició liberal de llibertat i de la natura humana, aquest idea de llibertat i autonomia que es pretén protegir, no es compleix en deixar fora de l’equació tot un seguit de circumstàncies socials, polítiques o econòmiques que poden dificultar al (...)
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    The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce.Nathalie Spielmann, Pierrick Gomez & Elizabeth Minton - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):413-437.
    A substantial portion of produce harvested around the world is wasted because it does not meet consumers’ shape expectations. Only recently has research begun investigating the causes underlying misshapen produce rejection by consumers. Generally, this limited research has concluded that misshapen produce is subject to an ugly penalty, leading consumers to form biased expectations regarding product attributes (e.g., healthiness, tastiness, or naturalness). In this research, we propose that this ugly penalty extends to the moral valuation of misshapen produce and that (...)
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  48.  13
    Supreme Court Impacts in Public Health Law: 2022-2023.James G. Hodge, Leila Barraza, Jennifer L. Piatt, Erica N. White, Summer Ghaith, Samantha Hollinshead, Lauren Krumholz, Madisyn Puchebner & Emma Smith - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):684-688.
    In another tumultuous term of the United States Supreme Court in 2022-2023 a series of critical cases implicate instant and forthcoming changes in multiple fronts that collectively shift the national public health law and policy environment.
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    " Analogía del ser" y dialéctica en la afirmación humana de Dios.José Gómez Caffarena - 1960 - Pensamiento 16 (62):143-174.
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    Ascesis, Gnosis, Praxis: La Sabiduría Religiosa frente al Mal.José Gómez Caffarena - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (3):459 - 483.
    As religiões podem ser consideradas como sistemas simbólicos mediante os quais os seres humanos ao longo da sua história sempre procuraram encontrar sabedoria em ordem a enfrentar o mal Um olhar pela história das religiões oferece-nos dados que podem ser compreendidos a partir de três tipos ideais de atitude básica em relação ao problema: Ascese, Gnose, Praxis. O Budismo originário, o Maniqueísmo e a religião bí-blico-cristã são exemplificações disso mesmo. Mais do que uma opção pela exclusão, os membros da nossa (...)
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