Results for 'Lara Houston'

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  1.  31
    Breakdown in the Smart City: Exploring Workarounds with Urban-sensing Practices and Technologies.Helen Pritchard, Jennifer Gabrys & Lara Houston - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (5):843-870.
    Smart cities are now an established area of technological development and theoretical inquiry. Research on smart cities spans from investigations into its technological infrastructures and design scenarios, to critiques of its proposals for citizenship and sustainability. This article builds on this growing field, while at the same time accounting for expanded urban-sensing practices that take hold through citizen-sensing technologies. Detailing practice-based and participatory research that developed urban-sensing technologies for use in Southeast London, this article considers how the smart city as (...)
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  2. Kant on Marks and the Immediacy of Intuition.Houston Smit - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2):235-266.
    The distinction between concept and intuition is of the utmost importance for understanding Kant’s critical philosophy. For, as Kant himself claimed, all the distinctive claims of this philosophy rest on, and develop out of, a detailed account of the way all our cognition of things requires both intuitions and concepts.
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    How to make sense of broadly applied medical classification systems: introducing epistemic hubs.Lara K. Kutschenko - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (4).
  4. Kant’s “I think” and the agential approach to self-knowledge.Houston Smit - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (7):980-1011.
    ABSTRACTThis paper relates Kant’s account of pure apperception to the agential approach to self-knowledge. It argues that his famous claim ‘The I think must be able to accompany all of my represent...
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  5. Risk and Rationality.Lara Buchak - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Lara Buchak sets out a new account of rational decision-making in the face of risk. She argues that the orthodox view is too narrow, and suggests an alternative, more permissive theory: one that allows individuals to pay attention to the worst-case or best-case scenario, and vindicates the ordinary decision-maker.
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  6. Experiencing ownership over a dark-skinned body reduces implicit racial bias.Lara Maister, Natalie Sebanz, Günther Knoblich & Manos Tsakiris - 2013 - Cognition 128 (2):170-178.
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    Student funding and university access after the great war: The scheme for the higher education of ex-servicemen at aberystwyth, liverpool and oxford.Lara Green, Daniel Laqua & Georgina Brewis - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (5):589-609.
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  8. Chronosophy' in classic Maya thought.Stephen Houston - 2016 - In Kurt A. Raaflaub, The adventure of the human intellect: self, society and the divine in ancient world cultures. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  9. The Lonely Debate: Dilemmas from Hamlet to Hans Castorp.Houston Peterson - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (3):411-412.
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    The Promised Body: Reflections on Canon in an Afro-American Context.Houston Baker - 1989 - In Paul Hernadi, The Rhetoric of interpretation and the interpretation of rhetoric. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 9--2.
  11. Publius.Emma Cohen de Lara - 2012 - In Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser, Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. Amsterdam: Bakker.
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    You gotta fight! – Why norm-violations and outgroup criticism lead to confrontational reactions.Lara Ditrich, Adrian Lüders, Eva Jonas & Kai Sassenberg - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):254-272.
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  13. Chaos Magic: A Peek into this Irreverent and Anarchic Recasting of the Magical Tradition.Siobhán Houston - 1995 - Gnosis 36:55-59.
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    First-list retention and time and method of recall.John P. Houston - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (6):839.
  15. Multiculturalism and a Politics of Persistence.Barbara Houston - 1996 - Philosophy of Education 356:343-347.
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    Spade Coin Types of the Chou Dynasty.Rose Chan Houston & Arthur Braddan Coole - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):447.
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    The Early Coins of the Chou Dynasty.Rose Chan Houston & Arthur Braddan Coole - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):526.
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    The Ordinary and Extraordinary: Producing Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion in US Sanctuary Movements.Serin D. Houston & Charlotte Morse - 2017 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (1):27-47.
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  19. Der entwurf der überreplexion auf der folie künstlerischen sehens und denkens: Die späte philosophie Maurice Merleau-pontys.Lara Huber - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 50 (2).
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    The Melody of Chaos.Houston Peterson - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (10):275-277.
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  21. Desde el desierto: las fuerzas erosivas de la ficción en Ciencias morales (Martín Kohan) y La mirada invisible (Diego Lerman).Lara Segade - 2012 - Anclajes 16 (1):73 - 87.
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    Amor pela honra, emulação, e a psicologia dos vícios diabólicos.Houston Smit & Mark Timmons - 2015 - Dissertatio 41 (S2):119-151.
    Nos últimos anos, muito foi escrito a respeito das virtudes e das virtudes particulares expostas na ética de Kant, concentrando-se em particular no Tugendlehre, parte II da Metafísica da Moral. Menos atenção foi dada ao que Kant tem a dizer sobre os vícios e sobre os vícios particulares. A própria discussão de Kant a respeito dos vícios escolhidos no Tugendlehre é bastante breve, pontuada por observações a respeito das fontes psicológicas de traços de caráter viciosos. Em contraste, o que encontramos (...)
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  23. Consideraciones sobre la filosofía de la historia.Lara Velado & Roberto[From Old Catalog] - 1958 - San Salvador,: Ministerio de Cultura, Departamento Editorial.
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  24. Los ciclos históricos en la evolución humana.Lara Velado & Roberto[From Old Catalog] - 1963 - Madrid,: Ediciones Studium.
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  25. Apriority, reason, and induction in Hume.Houston Smit - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (3):313-343.
    In what follows, I argue that Hume works with a notion of the a priori that, though unfamiliar today, was standard in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. On this notion of the a priori, to know (consider, prove) something a priori is to know (consider, prove) it from the grounds that make it true. I will refer to this as the "from-grounds" notion of the a priori, and to the now-familiar and dominant notion—on which to know something a priori is (...)
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  26. The moral significance of gratitude in Kant's ethics.Houston Smit & Mark Timmons - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):295-320.
    In this essay, we examine the grounds, nature and content, status, acquisition and role, and justification of gratitude in Kant's ethical system, making use of student notes from Kant's lectures on ethics. We are especially interested in questions about the significance of gratitude in Kant's ethics. We examine Kant's claim that gratitude is a sacred duty, because it cannot be discharged, and explain how this claim is consistent with his insistence that “ought” implies “can.” We argue that for Kant a (...)
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    Kant's notion of a transcendental schema: the constitution of objective cognition between epistemology and psychology.Lara Scaglia - 2020 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book provides a critical and historical inquiry into Kant's schematism chapter. It focuses on the meanings of the notion of schema before Kant, the precritical meaning of this notion, an analysis of the schematism chapter and its criticisms, and an overview of the legacy of Kant's schematism in philosophy and psychology.
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  28. Kant on Apriority and the Spontaneity of Cognition.Houston Smit - 2009 - In Samuel Newlands & Larry M. Jorgensen, Metaphysics and the good: themes from the philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Intimate imitation: Automatic motor imitation in romantic relationships.Lara Maister & Manos Tsakiris - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):108-113.
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  30. Belief, credence, and norms.Lara Buchak - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (2):1-27.
    There are currently two robust traditions in philosophy dealing with doxastic attitudes: the tradition that is concerned primarily with all-or-nothing belief, and the tradition that is concerned primarily with degree of belief or credence. This paper concerns the relationship between belief and credence for a rational agent, and is directed at those who may have hoped that the notion of belief can either be reduced to credence or eliminated altogether when characterizing the norms governing ideally rational agents. It presents a (...)
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    Narrating Evil: A Postmetaphysical Theory of Reflective Judgment.María Pía Lara - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Conceptions of evil have changed dramatically over time, and though humans continue to commit acts of cruelty against one another, today we possess a clearer, more moral way of analyzing them. In _Narrating Evil_, María Pía Lara explores what has changed in our understanding of evil, why the transformation matters, and how we can learn from this specific historical development. Drawing on Immanuel Kant's and Hannah Arendt's ideas about reflective judgment, Lara argues that narrative plays a key role (...)
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  32. Internalism and the Origin of Rational Motivation.Houston Smit - 2003 - The Journal of Ethics 7 (2):183-231.
    What makes a subject''s motivationrational is its originating in her practicalreasoning. I explain the appeal of this thesisabout rational motivation, and explore itsrelation to recent discussions of internalismabout reasons for action. I do so in theservice of clarifying an important meta-ethicaldebate between Humean motivational skeptics andtheir Kantian opponents. This debate is oneover whether, as this skeptic contends andKantians deny, considerations about ourmotivational capacities, together withinternalism, restrict genuine reasons foraction to merely instrumental ones. I arguethat properly adjudicating this debate requiresidentifying one (...)
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    Kant’s world according to Jauernig.Lara Scaglia - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:257-261.
    _Review of: Jauernig, Anja, _The World According to Kant: Appearances and Things in Themselves in Critical Idealism, _Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, xiv +pp. 384 ISBN. 13:978-0-19-969538-6_.
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  34. What's Just About the Jubilee? Ideological and Ethical Reflections On Leviticus 25.Walter Houston - 2001 - Studies in Christian Ethics 14 (1):34-47.
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  35. Arische Weltanschauung.Houston Stewart Chamberlain - 1934 - München: F. Bruckmann a.g..
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  36. Politische ideale..Houston Stewart Chamberlain - 1915 - München,: F. Bruckmann a.-g..
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    Edwards, Cox, and Cosmological Composition.Houston Craighead - 1976 - New Scholasticism 50 (1):122-124.
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    Response.Houston Craighead - 1974 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):33-37.
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    Cavell, Secularism, Cinema: The Politics of the World Viewed.Lara K. Giordano - 2016 - Constellations 23 (4):536-547.
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    Polylog als Aufklärung?: interkulturell-philosophische Impulse.Lara Hofner & Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (eds.) - 2023 - Wien: Facultas.
  41. Hare, The Moral Gap.J. Houston - 1998 - Studies in Christian Ethics 11:114-120.
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    Standards und Wissen: zur Praxis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis: eine philosophisch-systematische Untersuchung.Lara Huber - 2019 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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    La responsabilité médicale et hospitalière pour le non-respect des volontés de fin de vie en droit civil québécois.Lara Khoury - 2007 - Médecine et Droit 2007 (85):119-122.
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    Some apparent obstacles to developing a katian virtue theory.Amy Lara - 2010 - Análisis Filosófico 30 (2):187-219.
    Several neo-Kantians have questioned the standard deontological interpretation of Kant's ethical theory. They have also responded to charges of rationalism and rigorism by emphasizing the role of virtues and emotions in Kant's view. However, none have defended a fully virtue theoretic interpretation of Kant's theory. I claim that virtue theory has much to offer Kantians, but that resistance to developing a Kantian virtue theory rests on faulty assumptions about virtue theory. In this paper I clear away three apparent obstacles to (...)
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    A função da angústia na metapsicologia freudiana.Lara Cristina D' Avila Lourenço, Milena de Barros Viana & Danúbia Cristina de Paula - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):65-83.
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  46. Detalles (cuento).Saúl Álvarez Lara - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):577-598.
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    Nature as a World of Action, Not of Speculation-Schelling’s Critique of Kant’s Postulates in His Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism (1795).Lara Ostaric - 2020 - In G. Anthony Bruno, Schelling’s Philosophy: Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity. Oxford University Press. pp. 11-32.
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    A Genealogy of Rape through a Feminist Imaginary.María Pía Lara - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (1):60-92.
    The subject of gender violence is complex because our conceptions of what constitutes violence have historically evolved. Therefore, I propose that we should try to understand gender violence neither in abstract nor in essentialist ways, but within historical frameworks and through concrete examples. In this essay I will focus on a historical genealogy of our moral views about gender violence, and, in particular, on the figure of what we call today “rape.” The question of rape is but one example of (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Aquinas’s Abstractionism.Houston Smit - 2001 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 10 (1):85-118.
    According to St. Thomas, the natures of material things are the proper objects of human understanding. 1 And he holds that, at least in this life, humans cognize these natures, not through innate species or by perceiving the divine exemplars, but only by abstraction from phantasms (ST Ia, 84.7, 85.1). 2 More precisely, the human intellects potency to understand. 3 The aim of the present piece is to clarify Thomass antinativism—arguably the most important historical and philosophical legacy of his cognitive (...)
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    Two Kinds of Insight and the Critique of Pure Reason.Houston Smit - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 401-410.
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