Results for 'Lando Carruccio'

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  1.  47
    Mereology: A Philosophical Introduction.Giorgio Lando - 2017 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Parthood and composition are everywhere. The leg of a table is part of the table, the word "Christmas" is part of the sentence "I wish you a merry Christmas", the 13th century is part of the Middle Ages. The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg compose Benelux, the body of a deer is composed of a huge number of cells, the Middle Ages are composed of the Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages. Is there really a general theory (...)
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  2. Coincidence and Common Cause.Tamar Lando - 2017 - Noûs 51 (1):132-151.
    According to the traditional view of the causal structure of a coincidence, the several parts of a coincidence are produced by independent causes. I argue that the traditional view is mistaken; even the several parts of a coincidence may have a common cause. This has important implications for how we think about the relationship between causation and causal explanation—and in particular, for why coincidences cannot be explained.
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    Objections to Coercive Neurocorrectives for Criminal Offenders –Why Offenders’ Human Rights Should Fundamentally Come First.Lando Kirchmair - 2019 - Criminal Justice Ethics 38 (1):19-40.
    “Committing a crime might render one morally liable to certain forms of medical intervention”, claims Thomas Douglas, who stated in this context that “compulsory uses of medical correctives could in principle be justified.” This article engages critically with his and other arguments on the use of coercive neurocorrectives for criminal offenders. First, the rehabilitation assumption that includes—for coercive neurocorrectives to work as an alternative to incarceration—that rehabilitation is the “only goal” of criminal punishment is criticized. Additionally this article engages with (...)
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    Dynamic measure logic.Tamar Lando - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1719-1737.
    This paper brings together Dana Scottʼs measure-based semantics for the propositional modal logic S4, and recent work in Dynamic Topological Logic. In a series of recent talks, Scott showed that the language of S4 can be interpreted in the Lebesgue measure algebra, M, or algebra of Borel subsets of the real interval, [0,1], modulo sets of measure zero. Conjunctions, disjunctions and negations are interpreted via the Boolean structure of the algebra, and we add an interior operator on M that interprets (...)
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    Mereology.Giorgio Lando - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3):855-858.
    The blurb on the back cover claims that in this book, it is possible to find all the tools needed to ‘theorize about all things mereological’. The book fulfills.
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    First order S4 and its measure-theoretic semantics.Tamar Lando - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (2):187-218.
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  7. Evidence, ignorance, and symmetry.Tamar Lando - 2021 - Philosophical Perspectives 35 (1):340-358.
    The Principle of Indifference (POI) is a rule for rationally assigning precise degrees of confidence to possibilities among which we have no reason to discriminate. Despite criticism of the principle stemming from Bertrand's paradox, many have recently come to the defense of POI or adopted some restricted version of that principle, especially in discussions of self-locating belief. I argue that POI in both unrestricted and restricted forms is untenable, and that arguments for the more restricted principles are hostage to problems (...)
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  8. Expansionism and Mereological Universalism.Giorgio Lando - 2020 - Theoria 86 (2):187-219.
    Mereological universalists, according to whom every plurality of entities has a fusion, usually claim that most quantifications are restricted to ordinary entities. However, there is no evidence that our usual quantifications over ordinary objects are restricted. In this article I explore an alternative way of reconciling Mereological Universalism with our usual quantifications. I resort to a modest form of ontological expansionism and to the so-called interpretational modalities. Quantifications over ordinary objects are the initial stages of the expansion. From these initial (...)
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  9. Conclusive Reasons and Epistemic Luck.Tamar Lando - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):378-395.
    What is it to have conclusive reasons to believe a proposition P? According to a view famously defended by Dretske, a reason R is conclusive for P just in case [R would not be the case unless P were the case]. I argue that, while knowing that P is plausibly related to having conclusive reasons to believe that P, having such reasons cannot be understood in terms of the truth of this counterfactual condition. Simple examples show that it is possible (...)
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    Alcune Conseguenze di un Risultato del Gödel e la Razionalità del Reale.Ettore Carruccio - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):142-142.
  11.  8
    Considerazioni Sulla Compatibilità di un Sistema di Postulati e Sulla Dimostrabilità delle Formule Mathematiche.Ettore Carruccio - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):225-226.
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    L'Inghilterra e il pensiero politico di Montesquieu.Lando Landi - 1979 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  13. La filosofia giovane.Lando Orlich - 1987 - Catanzaro: A. Carello.
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  14. Completeness of S4 for the Lebesgue Measure Algebra.Tamar Lando - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (2):287-316.
    We prove completeness of the propositional modal logic S 4 for the measure algebra based on the Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the unit interval, [0, 1]. In recent talks, Dana Scott introduced a new measure-based semantics for the standard propositional modal language with Boolean connectives and necessity and possibility operators, and . Propositional modal formulae are assigned to Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the real interval [0, 1], modulo sets of measure zero. Equivalence classes of Lebesgue-measurable subsets form a measure algebra, , and (...)
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  15. A Uniform, Concretist Metaphysics for Linguistic Types.Giorgio Lando - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (2):195-221.
    I argue that it is not acceptable to restrict the claim that linguistic types are concrete entities (type-concretism) to some categories of linguistic types (such as words or proper names), while at the same time conceding that other categories of linguistic types (such as sentence types) are abstract entities. Moreover, I suggest a way in which type-concretism can be extended to every linguistic type, thereby responding to the so-called productivity objection to type-concretism, according to which, whenever tokens of a type (...)
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    A Calculus of Regions Respecting Both Measure and Topology.Tamar Lando & Dana Scott - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):825-850.
    Say that space is ‘gunky’ if every part of space has a proper part. Traditional theories of gunk, dating back to the work of Whitehead in the early part of last century, modeled space in the Boolean algebra of regular closed subsets of Euclidean space. More recently a complaint was brought against that tradition in Arntzenius and Russell : Lebesgue measure is not even finitely additive over the algebra, and there is no countably additive measure on the algebra. Arntzenius advocated (...)
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    (1 other version)Mathematics And Logic in History And in Contemporary Thought.Ettore Carruccio - 1964 - London, England: Transaction Publishers.
    This book is not a conventional history of mathematics as such, a museum of documents and scientific curiosities. Instead, it identifies this vital science with the thought of those who constructed it and in its relation to the changing cultural context in which it evolved. Particular emphasis is placed on the philosophic and logical systems, from Aristotle onward, that provide the basis for the fusion of mathematics and logic in contemporary thought. Ettore Carruccio covers the evolution of mathematics from (...)
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    Morality between nativism and behaviorism: (Innate) intersubjectivity as a response to John Mikhail’s “universal moral grammar”.Lando Kirchmair - 2017 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 37 (4):230-260.
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  19. Transcendental Disagreement.Giorgio Lando & Giuseppe Spolaore - 2014 - The Monist 97 (4):592-620.
    In metaphysical theorizing, it is common to use expressions whose function is that of denoting or being true of absolutely everything. Adopting a scolastic term, these may be called ‘transcendentals’. Different metaphysical theories may adopt different transcendentals, the most usual candidates being ‘thing’, ‘entity’, ‘object’, ‘be’, ‘exist’, and their counterparts in various languages dead or alive. We call ‘transcendental disagreement’ any dissent between philosophical theories or traditions that may be described as a disagreement in the choice of transcendentals. Examples of (...)
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  20.  37
    De lineis insecabilibua. Pseudo-Aristotele, Maria Timpanaro Cardini.Ettore Carruccio - 1973 - Isis 64 (1):121-122.
  21.  7
    Il Problema dell'Esprimibilta in Simboli di un Sistema Ipotetico-Deduttivo.Ettore Carruccio - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):70-70.
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  22. Mathematics and Logic in History and in Contemporary Thought.Ettore Carruccio & Isabel Quigly - 1964 - Philosophy 41 (155):85-86.
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  23. Mondi della logica.Ettore Carruccio - 1971 - Bologna,: Zanichelli.
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    Demokratische Legitimität, die EU-Rechtsstaatlichkeitskrise und Vorüberlegungen zu einer transnationalen Gewaltengliederung.Lando Kirchmair - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 6 (2):171-212.
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  25. How (not) to argue for the Relation between Natural Sciences and Law: Why the Thesis of an innate 'Universal Moral Grammar' and its Relevance for Law as argued by John Mikhail fails.Lando Kirchmair - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):523-535.
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  26. Teorie Dell'assurdo. I rivali Del principio di non-contraddizione – by Francesco berto.Giorgio Lando - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (2):291–295.
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  27. The content of indexical belief.Tamar Lando - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (1):107-127.
    I argue that a recent variation on the Sleeping Beauty case due to Titelbaum [2012a] puts significant pressure on Lewis's theory of doxastic content—the theory of content that Titelbaum and others presuppose. In particular, that theory cannot make sense of the rational constraints on credences imposed by the Principal Principle, as ordinarily understood. I then argue more generally that any theory on which contents of credences are sets of centered worlds cannot adequately represent all of the rational constraints on credences.
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  28. Tractarian Ontology: Mereology or Set Theory?Giorgio Lando - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2):24-39.
    I analyze the relations of constituency or ``being in'' that connect different ontological items in the Tractatus logico-philosophicus by Wittgenstein. A state of affairs is constituted by atoms, atoms are in a state of affairs. Atoms are also in an atomic fact. Moreover, the world is the totality of facts, thus it is in some sense made of facts. Many other kinds of Tractarian notions -- such as molecular facts, logical space, reality -- seem to be involved in constituency relations. (...)
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  29.  9
    Corso di Storia delle Matematiche. Matematica e Logica nella Storia e nel Pensiero Contemporaneo.Ettore Carruccio - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):171-172.
  30.  9
    Recenti Sviluppi Della Logica Matematica nei Riflessi Sull'Insegnamento.Ettore Carruccio - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):139-140.
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    11. Making the Principles of European Contract Law: theoretical and methodological aspects.Ole Lando - 2009 - In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, New Directions in Comparative Law. Edward Elgar. pp. 165.
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  32. Quarto Convegno Italiano di Ontologia Analitica, Università di Bergamo - 17-18 giugno 2010.Giorgio Lando - 2010 - Philosophical News 1.
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  33. Thin Mereological Sums, Abstraction, and Interpretational Modalities.Giorgio Lando - 2023 - Theoria 89 (3):1-18.
    Some tools introduced by Linnebo to show that mathematical entities are thin objects can also be applied to non-mathematical entities, which have been thought to be thin as well for a variety of reasons. In this paper, I discuss some difficulties and opportunities concerning the application of abstraction and interpretational modalities to mereological sums. In particular, I show that on one hand some prima facie attractive candidates for the role of an explanatory plural abstraction principle for mereological sums (in terms (...)
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  34. Metaphysical Modality, without Possible Worlds.Giorgio Lando - 2022 - In Francesco Ademollo, Fabrizio Amerini & Vincenzo De Risi, Thinking and Calculating. Springer. pp. 385-408.
    Aim of this paper is to analyse and assess two divergent understandings of metaphysical modality. On one hand, according to the absolutist conception, metaphysical modality is the extreme variety of objective modality and can be characterised in terms of all the varieties of objective modality: for example, p is metaphysically necessary if and only if p is necessary for every variety of objective necessity. The absolutist conception can also be framed in terms of counterfactual inevitability. On the other hand, according (...)
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  35. Assertion and Affirmation in the Early Wittgenstein.Giorgio Lando - 2011 - Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1):21-47.
    The Tractatus rejects the sign of assertion as "logically meaningless", but the rejection of the sign did not lead Wittgenstein to reject the corresponding notion. I show the presence and the importance in the early Wittgenstein of a notion keenly similar to Fregean and Russellian logical assertion. I propose to call this notion "affirmation." The preparatory writings and the TLP present different theories about affirmation. The correct understanding of the nature and purpose of affirmation proves critical in order to confront (...)
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  36. Russell's Relations, Wittgenstein's Objects, and the Theory of Types.Giorgio Lando - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (2):21-35.
    We discuss a previously unnoticed resemblance between the theory of relations and predicates in The Philosophy of Logical Atomism [TPLA] by Russell and the theory of objects and names in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [TLP] by Wittgenstein. Points of likeness are detected on three levels: ontology, syntax, and semantics. This analogy explains the prima facie similarities between the informal presentation of the theory of types in TPLA and the sections of the TLP devoted to this same topic. Eventually, we draw some (...)
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    I fini dei "Calculus Ratiocinator" di Leibniz, e la Logico Matematica del Nostro Tempo.Ettore Carruccio - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):221-221.
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  38. La logica delle domande.Ettore Carruccio - 1972 - Filosofia 23 (2):113.
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  39. Princípi filosofici e metodi scientifici nella "Questio de Aqua et Terra" di Dante.Ettore Carruccio - 1970 - Filosofia 21 (4):525.
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    Sulle Dimostrazioni di Coerenza dei Sistemi Ipotetico-Deduttivi.Ettore Carruccio - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):208-208.
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    Fostering the Ontological Turn. Gustav Bergmann (1906–1987) – Edited by Rosaria Egidi, Guido Bonino.Giorgio Lando - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):281-285.
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    Valueless Measures on Pointless Spaces.Tamar Lando - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):1-52.
    On our ordinary representations of space, space is composed of indivisible, dimensionless points; extended regions are understood as infinite sets of points. Region-based theories of space reverse this atomistic picture, by taking as primitive several relations on extended regions, and recovering points as higher-order abstractions from regions. Over the years, such theories have focused almost exclusively on the topological and geometric structure of space. We introduce to region-based theories of space a new primitive binary relation (‘qualitative probability’) that is tied (...)
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    Logics above s4 and the lebesgue measure algebra.Tamar Lando - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):51-64.
    We study the measure semantics for propositional modal logics, in which formulas are interpreted in theLebesgue measure algebra${\cal M}$, or algebra of Borel subsets of the real interval [0,1] modulo sets of measure zero. It was shown in Lando (2012) and Fernández-Duque (2010) that the propositional modal logicS4 is complete for the Lebesgue measure algebra. The main result of the present paper is that every logicL aboveS4 is complete for some subalgebra of${\cal M}$. Indeed, there is a single model (...)
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    Rethinking the Relationship between International, EU and National Law: Consent-Based Monism.Lando Kirchmair - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    The interdisciplinary embedding and novel conceptual approach offered in the book to address the relationship between legal orders offers a significant and original contribution to the literature. The first part of the book provides a critical account of dominant approaches to explain this relationship where theories of Kelsenian monism, dualism, legal pluralism and constitutionalism are criticized. In the second part, Kirchmair engages with an innovative idea by applying insights from social contract theory to the relationship between international, EU and Member (...)
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  45. Composition, Indiscernibility, Coreferentiality.Massimiliano Carrara & Giorgio Lando - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (1):119-142.
    According to strong composition as identity, the logical principles of one–one and plural identity can and should be extended to the relation between a whole and its parts. Otherwise, composition would not be legitimately regarded as an identity relation. In particular, several defenders of strong CAI have attempted to extend Leibniz’s Law to composition. However, much less attention has been paid to another, not less important feature of standard identity: a standard identity statement is true iff its terms are coreferential. (...)
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  46. Contingent composition as identity.Giorgio Lando & Massimiliano Carrara - 2018 - Synthese.
    When the necessity of identity (NI) is combined with composition as identity (CAI), the contingency of composition (CC) is at risk. In the extant literature, either NI is seen as the basis for a refutation of CAI or CAI is associated with a theory of modality, such that: either NI is renounced (if counterpart theory is adopted); or CC is renounced (if the theory of modal parts is adopted). In this paper, we investigate the prospects of a new variety of (...)
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    Topology and measure in logics for region-based theories of space.Tamar Lando - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (4):277-311.
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  48. Natural Properties and Atomicity in Modal Realism.Andrea Borghini & Giorgio Lando - 2015 - Metaphysica 16 (1):103-122.
    The paper pinpoints certain unrecognized difficulties that surface for recombination and duplication in modal realism when we ask whether the following inter-world fixity claims hold true: 1) A property is perfectly natural in a world iff it is perfectly natural in every world where it is instantiated; 2) Something is mereologically atomic in a world iff all of its duplicates in every world are atomic. In connection to 1), the hypothesis of idlers prompts four variants of Lewis’s doctrine of perfectly (...)
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  49. Closure and Epistemic Modals.Justin Bledin & Tamar Lando - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):3-22.
    According to a popular closure principle for epistemic justification, if one is justified in believing each of the premises in set Φ and one comes to believe that ψ on the basis of competently deducing ψ from Φ—while retaining justified beliefs in the premises—then one is justified in believing that ψ. This principle is prima facie compelling; it seems to capture the sense in which competent deduction is an epistemically secure means to extend belief. However, even the single-premise version of (...)
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  50. Review of: Borghini, Hughes, Santambrogio, Varzi, Il genio compreso. La filosofia di Saul Kripke. [REVIEW]Giorgio Lando - 2011 - Epistemologia 34:159-162.
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