I analyze the relations of constituency or ``being in''
that connect different ontological items in the
Tractatus logico-philosophicus by Wittgenstein. A state
of affairs is constituted by atoms, atoms are in a
state of affairs. Atoms are also in an atomic fact. Moreover,
the world is the totality of facts, thus it is in some sense made of
facts. Many other kinds of Tractarian notions -- such as molecular facts,
logical space, reality -- seem to be involved in constituency
relations. How should these relations be conceived? And how is it
possible to formalize them in a convincing way? I draw
a comparison between two ways of conceiving and formalizing
these relations: through sets and through mereological sums. The comparison shows
that the conceptual machinery of set theory is apter to conceive
and formalize Tractarian constituency notions than the mereological