Results for 'Lakshmīśvara Jhā'

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  1.  30
    Yoga darshana. Patañjali, Sir Ganganatha Jha & S. Subrahmanya Sastri - 1934 - Monghyr, Bihar]: Bihar School of Yoga. Edited by Vishnuprasad V. Baxi.
    YO GA-DARSHAN A Sfitras of Patafijali with Bhaisya ofVy:1sa BY Ganganatha Jha he Yoga-darshana includes the Yoga-sfitras ofPataf1jali, and the ancient commentary thereon by Vyasa. The Yoga-sfitras of Patafijali are the classic?...
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  2. Nyāya-Vasiṣṭha: felicitation volume of Prof. V.N. Jha.V. N. Jha, Manabendu Banerjee & Ujjwala Panse (eds.) - 2006 - Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
    Contributed research papers chiefly on various aspects of Indic philosophy, Vedic literature, etc.
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  3. Lukács, Bakhtin and the Sociology of the Novel.Prabhakara Jha - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):63-90.
    For the last two centuries the novel has been the predominant literary genre; but the generic identity of the novel is far from established. Attempts to define the novel have focussed on formal features of particular types of texts, with the result that definitions of “the” novel have merely canonized one or another of the innumerable novelistic manifestations—Bildungsroman, eighteenth-century English novels, novels of the kind George Eliot or Henry James or Marcel Proust or Feodor Dostoevsky wrote, etc. By basing themselves (...)
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  4. The Chāndogyopaniṣad: a treatise on Vedānta philosophy. Saṅkarācārya, Ganganatha Jha & Umesha Mishra (eds.) - 1942 - Poona: Oriental Book Agency.
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    Reconsidering Michael Polanyi’s Philosophy.Stefania Ruzsits Jha - 2002 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    The chemist and philosopher Michael Polanyi was one of the first twentieth-century scientists to propose a program to resolve the internal conflict of the modern Enlightenment: scientific detachment and moral nihilism with humanist values. Stefania Jha’s intellectual biography places Polanyi in the context of his time and culture, analyzes his key philosophical ideas, and explicates the application—and at times misappropriation—of his work. Polanyi’s method was not laid out in his published works, and his vocabulary tends to make his writings difficult (...)
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    Vyutpattivāda of Gadādhara Bhaṭṭācārya with Gūḍhārthatattvāloka by Dharmadatta Jhā (Baccā Jhā)Vyutpattivada of Gadadhara Bhattacarya with Gudharthatattvaloka by Dharmadatta Jha.Wilhelm Halbfass, Kirtyānanda Jhā & Kirtyananda Jha - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):538.
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    Tarkasaṅgraha of Annambhaṭṭa: English translation with notes. Annambhaṭṭa & Vashishtha Narayan Jha - 2010 - Ernakulam: Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan. Edited by V. N. Jha.
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  8. Vasiṣṭha saṁhitā, Yoga kānḍạ. Digambar, Pītāmbara Jhā & Gyan Shankar Sahay (eds.) - 1984 - Lonavla, Poona: Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti.
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    Tarkāmrt̥am. Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra & Vashishtha Narayan Jha - 2001 - Puṇe: Saṃskr̥ta-Pragata-Adhyayana-Kendram, Puṇe Vidyāpīṭham. Edited by V. N. Jha & Mukundabhaṭṭa.
    Critical edition of treatise on Nyaya and Vaiśeṣika philosophy with commentary.
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  10. Life Perennial.Jogananda Jha - 2006 - In Baidyanath Saraswati, Voice of life: traditional thought and modern science. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld in association with N.K. Bose Memorial Foundation, Varanasi. pp. 53.
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  11. Nyāyaśāstrānuśīlanam.Kiśoranātha Jhā - 1998 - Ilāhābāda: Gaṅgānātha Jhā Kendrīya Saṃskr̥ta Vidyāpīṭham.
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  12. Śrīmadvallabhācāryacaraṇa-praṇīta Siddhāntarahasyam: ekādaśa Saṃskr̥ta ṭīkāoṃ para ādhārita, eka adhyayana.Gopāladāsa Jhālānī - 2003 - Indaura: Śrī Vallabha Prakāśana Nyāsa.
    Study of Siddhantarahasya, work on Advaita by Vallabhācārya; based on elevan Sanskrit commentaries.
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  13. Siddhāntalakṣaṇasubodhanī: Siddhāntalakṣaṇajāgadīśyāḥ Dharmadatta (Baccā) Jhā praṇītasya Guḍārthatattvālokasya vyākhyā.Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jhā - 1982 - Prayāgaḥ: Gaṅgānāthajhākendrīyasaṃskr̥tavidyāpīṭham. Edited by Kiśoranātha Jhā, Dharmadatta Jhā & Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra.
    Exposition of Guḍārthatattvāloka of Dharmadatta Jhā, 1860-1918, commentary on the Siddhāntalakṣaṇa of Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra, work on the basic tenets of the Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Dimensions of Contemporary Sanskrit Research.V. N. Jha, Ujjwala Panse & Arun Ranjan Mishra (eds.) - 2008 - New Bharatiya Book.
    Festschrift in honor of V.N. Jha, b. 1946, Indologist; comprises contributed papers on various aspects of Vedic literature and philosophy.
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  15. An Analysis of the Dichotomy of Freedom and Authority in the Backdrop of the Failure of 19th Century Rationalism.Shyama Nand Jha - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh, Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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    Śrīmātr̥pratyabhijñā: kārikāvalī.Kamaleśa Jhā - 2019 - Vārāṇasī: Śāradā Prakāśana.
    On the doctrine of recognition (Patyabhijñā philosophy) in Kashmir Saivism.
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  17. Shāṅkara Vedānta.Ganganatha Jha - 1939 - [Allahabad,: The Allahabad law journal press, J. K. Sharma, printer.
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    Tarkapradīpaḥ.Maheśaśarmma Jhā - 1978 - Darbhanga: Mithilāvidyāpīṭha.
    Treatise on Hindu logic according to the neo-nyaya tradition of Mithila, Bihar.
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    Vedāntasiddhāntamuktāvalī.Lakshmīśvara Jhā - 1996 - Dillī: Nāga Prakāśaka. Edited by Prakāśānanda.
    Critical study, with text and commentary of Vedāntasiddhāntamuktāvalī of Prakāśānanda, 16th cent., of Vendānta philosophy.
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  20. Polanyi’s Problematic ‘Man in Thought’.S. R. Jha - 1999 - Tradition and Discovery 26 (3):15-23.
    Polanyi’s philosophy of “man in thought,” by all appearances, chronologically and structurally, seems to be founded on his epistemology. Polanyi’s epistemology of tacit knowing as integration is teleological. By his “ontological equation,” he patterned comprehensive (and complex) entities as emergence on his epistemology. This forces him to make puzzling formulaic statements which land him in trouble with fellow scientists. The equation also lends itself to unwarranted problematic interpretations. The exploration leads me to suggest that Polanyi may be understood as a (...)
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    Friendship and Politics: Historical Discourses and Trans-political Prospects.Purbayan Jha - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (2):177-195.
    Friendship is such a unique relationship among human beings that even philosophers have considered it as a vital factor in the social life of humans. Aristotle is one such philosopher who has given a significant amount of space to friendship among the mortals. Friendship is relational in nature and thereby calls for various discourses between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’. In this regard, McDowell’s idea of ‘second nature’ is significant since it adds that extra responsibility, willingness and rational capacity enabling (...)
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    Nyāyavaiśeshikaprameyamīmāṃsā: Pramāṇamañjarī ke sandarbha meṃ.Dilīpa Kumāra Jhā - 2016 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    Study of Pramāṇamañjarī, treatise on the fundamentals of Vaiśeṣika school in Hindu philosophy by Sarvadeva.
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    The logic of the intermediate casual link: containing the Sanskrit text of the Apūrvavāda of the Śabdakhaṇḍa of the Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅgeśa with English translation and introduction.V. N. Jha & Gange sa - 1986 - Delhi, India: Indian Book Centre. Edited by V. N. Jha & Śaśadhara.
    On verbal epistemology of the neo-Nyaya school in Indic philosophy; includes Sanskrit text, Apūrvavāda from Nyāyasiddhāntadīpa of Śaśadhara.
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    Navamānavavāda.Ābhā Jhā - 2022 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    New humanism theory of M. N. Roy, 1887-1954; a study.
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  25. Prabhacandra's Critique of Jayanta's General Definition of Pramana.V. N. Jha - 1997 - In Vashishtha Narayan Jha, Jaina logic and epistemology. Delhi, India: Sri Sadguru Publications. pp. 209--123.
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    Relations in Indian philosophy.Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.) - 1992 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
    Contributed research papers presented at the National Seminar on Relations in Indian Philosophy, held during 25th-27th March 1991 at the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona.
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  27. Sarvodaya kī?Kedāra Nātha Jhā - 1972 - Maṇikā,: Kusuma Jhā.
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  28.  48
    Financial Reports and Social Capital.Anand Jha - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):567-596.
    I examine social capital’s impact on financial reports. Based on the social capital literature, I predict that the quality of the financial reports is higher when a firm is headquartered in a region with high social capital. Consistent with this prediction, I find that the firms that are headquartered in this type of region in the USA have a lower probability of committing fraud by misrepresenting financial information. Further, I find that the firms in regions with high social capital have (...)
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  29.  24
    On the Duties of Intellectuals to Truth: The Life and Work of Chemist-Philosopher Michael Polanyi.S. R. Jha - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (1):89-141.
    The ArgumentMichael Polanyi is placed in the ongoing Enlightenment-reform tradition as one of the first twentieth-century scientists to propose a program to correct the gravest internal conflict of the modern Enlightenment project of radical criticism: scientific detachment and moral nihilism in conflict with humanist values. He held that radical criticism leads not to truth but to destructive doubt. Only the inclusion of the “personal element,” the judicial attitude of reasonable doubt and the acknowledgment of belief in the regulative principle of (...)
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  30. Śaśinātha-nibandhāvalī.Śaśinātha Jhā - 1980 - Darabhaṅgā: Kāmeśvarasiṃha-Darabhaṅgā-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Rāmacandra Miśra.
    Verse treatises on Advaita Jaina, and Nyaya philosophy.
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  31. Vācaspati Miśra.Sahadeva Jhā - 1984 - Paṭanā: Maithilī Akādamī.
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    The Khaṇdanakhaṇdakhāḍya of Shri-Harṣa: Comprising parichchheda I. Śrīharṣa & Sir Ganganatha Jha - 1911 - Delhi, India: Indian Books Centre. Edited by Ganganatha Jha.
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  33. Cārvāka-darśana.Anand Jha - 1969
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  34.  18
    Language, Grammar, and Linguistics in Indian Tradition.Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.) - 1999 - Centre for Studies in Civilizations.
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  35. Padārtha-śāstra.Anand Jha - 1965
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  36. Studies in Language, Logic, and Epistemology.V. N. Jha - 1986 - Pratibha Prakashan.
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    Yoga evaṃ Caitanya vijñāna.Rāma Nātha Jhā (ed.) - 2015 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    Science of consciousness in Yoga and Indian philosophy; contributed research papers.
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    Interpreting academic integrity transgressions among learning communities.Chris Scogings, Meena Jha, Sanjay Mathrani, Binglan Han & Anuradha Mathrani - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Educational institutions rely on academic citizenship behaviors to construct knowledge in a responsible manner. However, they often struggle to contain the unlawful reuse of knowledge by some learning communities. This study draws upon secondary data from two televised episodes describing contract cheating practices prevalent among international student communities. Against this background, we have investigated emergent teaching and learning structures that have been extended to formal and informal spaces with the use of mediating technologies. Learners’ interactions in formal spaces are influenced (...)
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  39. Kr̥ṣṇamādhavacintāmaṇiḥ: janmaśatavārṣikīsmr̥tigranthaḥ.Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jhā, Govinda Jhā & Śaśinātha Jhā (eds.) - 1999 - Madhubanī, Bihāra: Paṇḍita Kr̥ṣṇamādhavajhā Janmaśatavārṣikī Samārohasamiti.
    Contributed articles on Indic philosophy, Vedic grammer, and classical Sanskrit literature; includes some on the life of Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jha, Sanskrit scholar.
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    Fuller's fictions: ironic or foul.Stefania Jha - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2-3):203-207.
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    From Sacred to Commodity and Beyond: Colour and Values in India.Sadan Jha - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (1):1-13.
    A venture in a less traversed terrain of Indian scholarship, this article looks at the transformation in the value regimes that go into the making of colours in the Indian milieu. At one level, this study traces the sacredness imbued in colours and at another level the article delves into the genealogy that gives rise to a complex where colour, colonial investment in the economy of colours (with an aim at capitalizing colours as commodities), values and experiential dynamics enshrined in (...)
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  42. Personality in Indian Psychology.A. K. Jha - 2008 - In K. Ramakrishna Rao, A. C. Paranjpe & Ajit K. Dalal, Handbook of Indian psychology. New Delhi: Campridge University Press India. pp. 348--60.
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  43. Social philosophy of Bertrand Russell.Aniruddha Jha - 1978 - Delhi: Ajanta Publications : distributors, Ajanta Books International.
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    Sāṁkhyadarśana: with original Sanskrit text and annotated English translation.Ram Nath Jha - 2009 - Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.
    Exhaustive study of Sankhya philosophy with reference to various Sanskrit text; includes passages of Sanskrit text with English translation.
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    Theoretical assessment on mixing properties of liquid Tl–Na alloys.I. S. Jha, R. Khadka, R. P. Koirala, B. P. Singh & D. Adhikari - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (16):1664-1683.
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  46. The philosophical discipline.Ganganatha Jha - 1928 - Varanasi: Bharatiya Pub. House.
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    The tacit–explicit connection: Polanyian integrative philosophy and a neo-polanyian medical epistemology.S. R. Jha - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (6):547-568.
    The purpose of this paper is to introduce an approach to clinical practice aiming to resolve the dilemma of choosing between a mechanistic and a phenomenological model. The approach is an extension of Polanyi's epistemology. Michael Polanyi, devised an epistemology of science which overcomes the problem of detachment, inherent in the mechanistic approach, and resolves the problem of subjectivity troubling phenomenologists. His epistemology is known as Personal Knowledge. An extension of this epistemology, a Neo-Polanyian proposal, is offered as a more (...)
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    Context-Driven Diversification in Social Enterprises.Nachiket Bhawe & Srivardhini K. Jha - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Recent work has emphasized the role of context in shaping the diversification strategies of social enterprises (SEs), but our understanding remains superficial. We identify two types of context-driven diversification strategies—market development diversification (MDD) and market functioning diversification (MFD)—depending on the type of voids being addressed. We then empirically test how these diversification strategies impact the performance of SEs on the twin dimensions of financial growth and social impact. Using a mixed-method approach of qualitative interviews and a longitudinal database of Indian (...)
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  49. Food products regulations in European Union.Varisha Anjum, Vishal Dixit, Pritya Jha & Irina Potoroko - 2024 - In Faraat Ali & Leo M. L. Nollet, Global regulations of medicinal, pharmaceutical, and food products. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
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    Biography of an Indian Patriot: Maharaja Lakshmishwar Singh of Darbhanga.Raymond Callahan & Jata Shankar Jha - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):158.
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