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Kyle B. T. Lambelet [3]Kyle Lambelet [1]
  1.  24
    Mourning the Dead, Following the Living.Kyle B. T. Lambelet - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):583-600.
    In this paper I take up the ambivalence we rightly feel toward leaders by examining the relationship between charismatic authority and moral exemplarity. Drawing on the social theory of Max Weber, and in dialogue with a case study of an anti-militarism movement called the SOA (School of Americas) Watch, I demonstrate that through a “politics of sacrifice” leaders synchronize their own stories with those of communally recognized exemplars and act in ways that evidence a solidarity in the suffering of those (...)
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    Prophecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square by Cathleen Kaveny.Kyle Lambelet - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prophecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square by Cathleen KavenyKyle LambeletProphecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square Cathleen Kaveny CAMBRIDGE, MA: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2016. 464 PP. $49.95"The American public square is not a seminar room" (419). This being the case, Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy without Contempt challenges ethicists, among others, to reconsider the rhetoric of moral address. Rather than a narrow focus on deliberation, (...)
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    The Lure of the Apocalypse: Ecology, Ethics, and the End of the World.Kyle B. T. Lambelet - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):482-497.
    What should we make of the apocalyptic tone taken up by politicians, journalists, scientists, and activists? Some environmental thinkers such as Michael Shellenberger contend that alarming rhetoric distracts us from the technological and governance challenges presented by climate change. In the article, it is argued that retrieving a practical apocalyptic political theology from the Christian tradition can both clarify conceptual contradictions within this discourse as well as offer a practical orientation toward living within ecological endings. Amid the cascade of environmental (...)
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    ¡Presente!: Nonviolent Politics and the Resurrection of the Dead.Kyle B. T. Lambelet - 2020 - Georgetown University Press.
    ¡Presente! develops a lived theology of nonviolence through an extended case study of the movement to close the School of the Americas (also known as the SOA or WHINSEC). Specifically,it analyzes how the presence of the dead—a presence proclaimed at the annual vigil of the School of the Americas Watch—shapes a distinctive, transnational, nonviolent movement. Kyle B.T. Lambelet argues that such a messianic affirmation need not devolve into violence or sectarianism and, in fact, generates practical reasoning. By developing a messianic (...)
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