Results for 'Kurt Heinze'

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    Verbrechen und strafe bei Friedrich Nietzsche.Kurt Heinze - 1939 - Berlin,: W. de Gruyter & co..
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    Wissenschaft und Weltgestaltung.Hans-Jürgen Engfer, Kurt Nowak & Karl-Heinz Schlote - 1997 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 5 (1):119-122.
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  3. Erbe und Gegenwart: Studienmaterial für das Lehrgebiet Kulturtheorie, Ästhetik an Ingenieur- und Fachschulen.Karl-Heinz Höfer, Kurt Kiessling & Gerhard Volk (eds.) - 1975 - Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie.
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  4. The Critical Spirit Essays in Honor of Herbert Marcuse. Edited by Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Moore. With the Assistance of Heinz Lubasz, Maurice R. Stein and E.V. Walter. --.Kurt H. Wolff, Barrington Moore & Herbert Marcuse - 1967 - Beacon Press.
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    Existence and Being.Martin Heideggers Einfluss auf die Wissenschaften.Robert Cumming, Martin Heidegger, Douglas Scott, R. F. C. Hull, Alan Crick, Werner Brock, Carlos Astrada, Kurt Bauch, Ludwig Binswanger, Robert Heiss, Hans Kunz, Erich Ruprecht, Wolfgang Schadewaldt, Heinz-Horst Schrey, Emil Staiger, Wilhelm Szilasi & Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (4):102.
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    Kurt Schwabe – Ein Leipziger Akademiepräsident in schwieriger Zeit.Heiner Kaden & Karl-Heinz Schlote - 2005 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (2):92-103.
    On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the physical chemist Kurt Schwabe the article presents an overview about Schwabe’s activities as president of the Saxon Academy of Science from 1965 to 1980. Main topics of this time which has to be solved by Schwabe were to ensure the further existence of the academy and to reach an agreement about the principles of cooperation between the Saxon Academy of Science and the Berlin Academy of Science as an agreement of (...)
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    Kurt Reidemeister.Gert Heinz Müller - 1954 - Dialectica 8 (4):366-368.
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    Vom Ethos der Freiheit zur Ordnung der Freiheit : Staatlichkeit bei Karl Jaspers.Karl-Heinz Breier & Alexander Gantschow (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Auch als originar politischer Denker ist Karl Jaspers reich an Einsichten: Ausgehend vom Ethos der Freiheit jedes Einzelnen richtet er seinen Blick auf die konkrete politische Gestaltung einer Freiheitsordnung. Dabei steht fur ihn im Hinblick auf die noch junge Bundesrepublik die Selbsterziehung in Freiheit im Zentrum seiner oft mahnenden Worte. Ganz im sokratischen Sinne fordert er intellektuelle Redlichkeit und politische Wahrhaftigkeit ein, um den beiden grossen Gegenwartsherausforderungen gewachsen zu sein: einer atomwaffenbestuckten Welt, die sich jederzeit selbst ausloschen kann, und dem (...)
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    Technik, Ingenieure und Gesellschaft: Geschichte des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure 1856-1981. Karl-Heinz Ludwig, Wolfgang Konig. [REVIEW]Kurt Irgolic - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):582-583.
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    Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Korrespondenzausgabe. Hrsg. von Faustino Fabbianelli, Kurt Hiller und Ives Radrizzani - Band 1: Korrespondenz 1773–1788. Band 2: Korrespondenz 1788–1790. Band 3: Korrespondenz 1791. [REVIEW]Marion Heinz & Violetta Stolz - 2013 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 66 (1):008-018.
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  11. Wien vor und während Heinz von Foerster. Radikaler Konstruktivismus : Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung und Wien : ein Beziehungs-Geflecht ; Vermischte Bemerkungen zur Leibniz-Tradition in Österreich ; Ernst Mach als Zentralfigur eines radikal-empiristischen Wiener Denkstils ; Otto Neurath, Kurt Gödel und radikal konstruktivistische Denkformen ; Ludwig Wittgenstein und Heinz von Foerster : konstruktivistische Parallelaktionen ; Wiener Salons, Zirkel und Kreise als radikal konstruktivistische Kommunikations- und Innovationsmodell.Karl H. Müller - 2011 - Weitra: Bibliothek der Provinz. Edited by Heinz Von Foerster.
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    The Chemical Philosophy: Paracelsian Science and Medicine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Allen G. DebusMan and Nature in the Renaissance. Allen G. DebusDer sächsische Paracelsist Georg Forberger. Mit bibliographischen Beitragen zu Paracelsus, Alexander von Suchten, Denys Zacaire, Bernardus Trevirensis, Paolo Giovio, Francesco Guicciardini und Natale Conti.Rudolph Zaunick, Hans-Heinz Eulner, Kurt Goldammer. [REVIEW]Charles Webster - 1979 - Isis 70 (4):588-592.
  13. Concept mapping brings long‐term movement toward meaningful learning.Jane A. Heinze‐Fry & Joseph D. Novak - 1990 - Science Education 74 (4):461-472.
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    The Role and Functions of Contemporary Shamans in Southeast Asia.Ruth-Inge Heinze - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):133-144.
    The meaning of the word shaman (of Tungus origin) has become obscured by numerous, increasingly different interpretations. The term has also been applied to practitioners who live outside Siberia, and are actually called by different names in their respective countries: bomoh in Malaysia, ma khi in Thailand, and tany-di in Singapore.Because I did not want to rely on secondary sources, I went to Southeast Asia to find contemporary shamans. Having started my research in 1960 I was able to witness, over (...)
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    Bengel und Oetinger als Vorläufer des deutschen Idealismus.Reiner Heinze - 1969
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    Commentary on" Moralist or Therapist?".Martin Heinze - 1995 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (1):31-32.
  17. Ist die Kamera schon an? : Selbstreflexion, Wirklichkeit und Authentizität im Handkamerafilm.Rüdiger Heinze - 2016 - In Thomas Metten & Michael Meyer (eds.), Film, Bild, Wirklichkeit: Reflexion von Film - Reflexion im Film. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
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    Opening Up Further Discussion.Martin Heinze - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (2):139-141.
  19. Die Lehre Vom Logos in der Griechischen Philosophie.Max Heinze & [Franz Friedrich Maximillian Heinze] - 1872 - F. Schmidt.
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    The Philosophic Foundations of Mimetic Theory and Cognitive Science: (Including Artificial Intelligence).Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Philosophic Foundations of Mimetic Theory and Cognitive Science(Including Artificial Intelligence)Jean-Pierre Dupuy (bio)In the mid 1970s I discovered at the same time cognitive science and mimetic theory. Being a philosopher with a scientific background, I immediately brought them together and tried to reconceptualize the latter in terms of the former. In a sense, I haven't stopped doing that in the last 45 years. That is why I feel fully (...)
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  21. An Epistemic Non-Consequentialism.Kurt L. Sylvan - 2020 - The Philosophical Review 129 (1):1-51.
    Despite the recent backlash against epistemic consequentialism, an explicit systematic alternative has yet to emerge. This paper articulates and defends a novel alternative, Epistemic Kantianism, which rests on a requirement of respect for the truth. §1 tackles some preliminaries concerning the proper formulation of the epistemic consequentialism / non-consequentialism divide, explains where Epistemic Kantianism falls in the dialectical landscape, and shows how it can capture what seems attractive about epistemic consequentialism while yielding predictions that are harder for the latter to (...)
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  22. What apparent reasons appear to be.Kurt Sylvan - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (3):587-606.
    Many meta-ethicists have thought that rationality requires us to heed apparent normative reasons, not objective normative reasons. But what are apparent reasons? There are two kinds of standard answers. On de dicto views, R is an apparent reason for S to \ when it appears to S that R is an objective reason to \ . On de re views, R is an apparent reason for S to \ when R’s truth would constitute an objective reason for S to \ (...)
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    Vorlesungen Kants über Metaphysik aus drei Semestern.Max Heinze & Immanuel Kant - 2017 - Hirzel.
    Vorlesungen Kants über Metaphysik aus drei Semestern ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1894. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für (...)
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  24. Veritism Unswamped.Kurt Sylvan - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):381-435.
    According to Veritism, true belief is the sole fundamental epistemic value. Epistemologists often take Veritism to entail that all other epistemic items can only have value by standing in certain instrumental relations—namely, by tending to produce a high ratio of true to false beliefs or by being products of sources with this tendency. Yet many value theorists outside epistemology deny that all derivative value is grounded in instrumental relations to fundamental value. Veritists, I believe, can and should follow suit. After (...)
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    The Organism.Kurt Goldstein - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Foreword by Oliver Sacks Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965) was already an established neuropsychologist when he emigrated from Germany to the United States in the 1930s. This book, his magnum opus and widely regarded as a modern classic in psychology and biology, grew out of his dissatisfaction with traditional natural science techniques for analyzing living beings. It offers a broad introduction to the sources and ranges of application of the "holistic" or "organismic" research program that has since become a standard part (...)
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  26. Knowledge as a Non‐Normative Relation.Kurt Sylvan - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):190-222.
    According to a view I’ll call Epistemic Normativism, knowledge is normative in the same sense in which paradigmatically normative properties like justification are normative. This paper argues against EN in two stages and defends a positive non-normativist alternative. After clarifying the target in §1, I consider in §2 some arguments for EN from the premise that knowledge entails justification. I first raise some worries about inferring constitution from entailment. I then rehearse the reasons why some epistemologists reject the Entailment Thesis (...)
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  27. (5 other versions)What is Cantor's Continuum Problem?Kurt Gödel - 1947 - The American Mathematical Monthly 54 (9):515--525.
  28. Mind Perception is the Essence of Morality.Kurt Gray, Liane Young & Adam Waytz - 2012 - Psychological Inquiry 23 (2):101-124.
    Mind perception entails ascribing mental capacities to other entities, whereas moral judgment entails labeling entities as good or bad or actions as right or wrong. We suggest that mind perception is the essence of moral judgment. In particular, we suggest that moral judgment is rooted in a cognitive template of two perceived minds—a moral dyad of an intentional agent and a suffering moral patient. Diverse lines of research support dyadic morality. First, perceptions of mind are linked to moral judgments: dimensions (...)
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  29. Epistemic Reasons I: Normativity.Kurt Sylvan - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (7):364-376.
    This paper is an opinionated guide to the literature on normative epistemic reasons. After making some distinctions in §1, I begin in §2 by discussing the ontology of normative epistemic reasons, assessing arguments for and against the view that they are mental states, and concluding that they are not mental states. In §3, I examine the distinction between normative epistemic reasons there are and normative epistemic reasons we possess. I offer a novel account of this distinction and argue that we (...)
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    Limited Force and the Return of Reprisals in the Law of Armed Conflict.Eric A. Heinze & Rhiannon Neilsen - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (2):175-188.
    Armed reprisals are the limited use of military force in response to unlawful actions perpetrated against states. Historically, reprisals provided a military remedy for states that had been wronged by another state without having to resort to all-out war in order to counter or deter such wrongful actions. While reprisals are broadly believed to have been outlawed by the UN Charter, states continue to routinely undertake such self-help measures. As part of the roundtable, “The Ethics of Limited Strikes,” this essay (...)
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  31. Epistemic Reasons II: Basing.Kurt Sylvan - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (7):377-389.
    The paper is an opinionated tour of the literature on the reasons for which we hold beliefs and other doxastic attitudes, which I call ‘operative epistemic reasons’. After drawing some distinctions in §1, I begin in §2 by discussing the ontology of operative epistemic reasons, assessing arguments for and against the view that they are mental states. I recommend a pluralist non-mentalist view that takes seriously the variety of operative epistemic reasons ascriptions and allows these reasons to be both propositions (...)
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  32. Reasons: Wrong, Right, Normative, Fundamental.Kurt Sylvan & Errol Lord - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15 (1).
    Reasons fundamentalists maintain that we can analyze all derivative normative properties in terms of normative reasons. These theorists famously encounter the Wrong Kind of Reasons problem, since not all reasons for reactions seem relevant for reasons-based analyses. Some have argued that this problem is a general one for many theorists, and claim that this lightens the burden for reasons fundamentalists. We argue in this paper that the reverse is true: the generality of the problem makes life harder for reasons fundamentalists. (...)
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  33. Respect and the reality of apparent reasons.Kurt Sylvan - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (10):3129-3156.
    Rationality requires us to respond to apparent normative reasons. Given the independence of appearance and reality, why think that apparent normative reasons necessarily provide real normative reasons? And if they do not, why think that mistakes of rationality are necessarily real mistakes? This paper gives a novel answer to these questions. I argue first that in the moral domain, there are objective duties of respect that we violate whenever we do what appears to violate our first-order duties. The existence of (...)
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  34. Responsibilism out of character.Kurt Sylvan - 2017 - In Mark Alfano & Abrol Fairweather (eds.), Epistemic Situationism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Recent writers claim that responsibilist virtue epistemology courts skepticism, owing to the fact that most of us lack the virtues it deems necessary for justified belief and knowledge. A powerful version of this objection is the challenge from situationist social psychology pressed by Alfano (2012, 2013) and Olin and Doris (2014). This paper develops a new version of responsibilism that is immune from this objection, and shows that this view has many advantages over other forms of virtue epistemology. My responsibilism (...)
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    Kultur - Interdisziplinäre Zugänge.Hubertus Busche, Thomas Heinze, Frank Hillebrandt & Franka Schäfer (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Eine interdisziplinäre Verständigung über Kultur ist fällig und notwendig, um dem gegenwärtig weit verbreiteten Eindruck entgegenzuwirken, „Kultur“ habe sich als semantisches Irrlicht und als obsolet gewordener Gegenstand von Forschung erwiesen, weil der Begriff unüberschaubare wie unvereinbare Bedeutungsmomente bündele und aus einem bloßen Gespinst von Mehrdeutigkeiten bestehe. Demgegenüber wird in diesem Buch die Überzeugung vertreten, dass es gewinnbringend ist, die spezifischen Kompetenzen aus der Kultursoziologie und Populärkulturforschung, aus der Theorie des Kulturmanagements und der Medienkultur sowie aus der Kulturphilosophie zusammenzubringen, um zu (...)
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  36. From smart to autonomous weapons : confounding territoriality and moral agency.Brent J. Steele & Eric A. Heinze - 2014 - In Caron E. Gentry & Amy Eckert (eds.), The future of just war: new critical essays. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.
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  37. Feeling robots and human zombies: Mind perception and the uncanny valley.Kurt Gray & Daniel M. Wegner - 2012 - Cognition 125 (1):125-130.
    The uncanny valley—the unnerving nature of humanlike robots—is an intriguing idea, but both its existence and its underlying cause are debated. We propose that humanlike robots are not only unnerving, but are so because their appearance prompts attributions of mind. In particular, we suggest that machines become unnerving when people ascribe to them experience, rather than agency. Experiment 1 examined whether a machine’s humanlike appearance prompts both ascriptions of experience and feelings of unease. Experiment 2 tested whether a machine capable (...)
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  38. Reliabilism without Epistemic Consequentialism.Kurt L. Sylvan - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (3):525-555.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  39. Legal hybridity in Shakespeare : revisiting the post-colonial in the tempest and cymbeline.Eric Heinze - 2017 - In Rosa Freedman & Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (eds.), Hybridity: law, culture and development. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  40. Selecting the memory, controlling the myth : the propaganda of legal foundations in early modern drama.Eric Heinze - 2018 - In Kalliopē Chainoglou, Barry Collins, Michael Phillips & John Strawson (eds.), Injustice, memory and faith in human rights. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  41. The constitution of the constitution : democratic legitimacy and public discourse.Eric Heinze - 2016 - In Mónica López Lerma & Julen Etxabe (eds.), Ranciere and Law. New York, NY: Routledge.
  42.  26
    The Organism.Kurt Goldstein - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (2):249-253.
  43. The illusion of discretion.Kurt Sylvan - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1635-1665.
    Having direct doxastic control would not be particularly desirable if exercising it required a failure of epistemic rationality. With that thought in mind, recent writers have invoked the view that epistemic rationality gives us options to defend the possibility of a significant form of direct doxastic control. Specifically, they suggest that when the evidence for p is sufficient but not conclusive, it would be epistemically rational either to believe p or to be agnostic on p, and they argue that we (...)
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    Relations among corporate social responsibility, financial soundness, and investment value in 22 manufacturing industry groups.David Heinze, Scott Sibary & Andrew Sikula Sr - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (4):331 – 347.
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    Relations Among Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Soundness, and Investment Value in 22 Manufacturing Industry Groups.David Heinze, Scott Sibary & Sr Sikula - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (4):331-347.
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    What Is the Opposite of Injustice?Eric Heinze - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (3):353-371.
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  47. Absolute Stellungnahmen.Kurt Stavenhagen - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):113-114.
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    Freiheit zwischen Normativität und Kreativität.Isolde Eckle, Martin Heinze, Christian Kupke & Dirk Quadflieg (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin: Parodos.
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  49. Truth monism without teleology.Kurt Sylvan - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):161-163.
    Some say the swamping problem confronts all who believe that true belief is the sole fundamental epistemic value. This, I say, is mistaken. The problem only confronts T-Monists if they grant two teleological claims: that all derived epistemic value is instrumental, and that it is the state of believing truly rather than the standard of truth in belief that is fundamentally epistemically valuable. T-Monists should reject and, and appeal to a non-teleological form of value derivation I call Fitting Response Derivation (...)
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  50. Von Dietrich zu Albert.Kurt Flasch - 1985 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 32:7-26.
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