Results for 'Kubrick, Stanley'

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  1.  7
    Stanley Kubrick at Look Magazine: Authorship and Genre in Photojournalism and Film.Philippe Mather - 2013 - Intellect.
    Sheds new light on the aesthetic factors that shaped Kubrick's artistic voice by examining the links between his photojournalist work (done between 1945 to 1950) and his films.
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    Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.Alain J.-J. Cohen - 2000 - Semiotics:183-196.
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    Monolith in a hollow: Paleofuturism and earth art in Stanley kubrick’s 2001: A space odyssey.Jacob Wamberg - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (59):36-78.
    This article analyses 2001 in terms of what I term paleofuturism. Fusing deep future and deep past, this cyclical figure reconciles rational machinic intelligence with diverse repressed temporal layers: archaic cultures, the embryonic state of individuals, and bygone biological and geological eras. In 2001, paleofuturism is nourished by Nietzsche’s Übermensch of the future, reborn as a child, and by Jungian ideas of individuation, the reconciliation with the shadow of the collective unconscious that leads to the black cosmos itself. Further paleofuturist (...)
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    Kubrick’s audible bodies: unseen subjectivities in 2001 and The Shining.James Batcho - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):281-303.
    Stanley Kubrick is regarded as a filmmaker of complex imagery. Yet the vitality of his more metaphysical works lies in what is unseen. There is an embodiment to Kubrick’s films that maintains a sense of subjectivity, but one which is unapparent and non-visual. This opens another way into Kubrick’s works, that of conditions of audibility, affectivity, and signs. To think of embodiment from such an audible perspective requires one to subvert film spectatorship and instead enter the reality of the (...)
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    Jerold J. Abrams, ed. (2007) The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick.Philippe Mather - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (3):224-230.
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  6. Eyes wide shut: mimesis and historical memory in Stanley Kubrick's The shining.David Humbert - 2015 - In Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.), Mimesis, movies, and media. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  7. Dis-)continuities from "within" the West. "A double set of glasses": Stanley Kubrick and the midrashic mode of interpretation.Nathan Abrams - 2012 - In Saër Maty Bâ & Will Higbee (eds.), De-westernizing film studies. New York: Routledge.
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    Discussione su "Eyes Wide Shut" di Stanley Kubrick.Umberto Curi - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (3):647-652.
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    Monoliteísmo.Vitor Chaves de Souza & Marcio Cappelli Aló Lopes - forthcoming - Horizonte:e206108.
    O artigo articulará a temática do dossiê Religião e Cinema no gênero da ficção científica. Para isso, propõe-se uma reflexão acerca de um conceito de Deus em 2001 Uma Odisseia no Espaço a partir de uma declaração do diretor Stanley Kubrick. O trabalho mostrará, inicialmente, um fundo de reflexão comum tanto para a religião quanto para a ficção científica. Uma narrativa cuja realização se dá num evento maior distingue-se, no filme, da confessionalidade religiosa, encontrando, a despeito da tecnologia e (...)
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    Monoliteísmo: um conceito de Deus em 2001 Uma Odisseia no Espaço.Vitor Chaves de Souza & Marcio Cappelli Aló Lopes - forthcoming - Horizonte:206108-206108.
    O artigo articulará a temática do dossiê _Religião e Cinema_ no gênero da ficção científica. Para isso, propõe-se uma reflexão acerca de um conceito de Deus em _2001 Uma Odisseia no Espaço_ a partir de uma declaração do diretor Stanley Kubrick. O trabalho mostrará, inicialmente, um fundo de reflexão comum tanto para a religião quanto para a ficção científica. Uma narrativa cuja realização se dá num evento maior distingue-se, no filme, da confessionalidade religiosa, encontrando, a despeito da tecnologia e (...)
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    Shadow Philosophy: Plato’s Cave and Cinema.Nathan Andersen - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Shadow Philosophy: Plato’s Cave and Cinema is an accessible and exciting new contribution to film-philosophy, which shows that to take film seriously is also to engage with the fundamental questions of philosophy. Nathan Andersen brings Stanley Kubrick’s film A Clockwork Orange into philosophical conversation with Plato’s Republic , comparing their contributions to themes such as the nature of experience and meaning, the character of justice, the contrast between appearance and reality, the importance of art, and the impact of images. (...)
  12. Claire Keegan’s Small Things Like These: Expressing truths in the silence between the words.Jytte Holmqvist - 2024 - Proceedings From Pausing Time/Timing the Pause: Sayability in the Arts, Philosophy, and Politics, the 4Th Interdisciplinary Ereignis Conference.
    According to Stanley Kubrick, “[i]f it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed”. This is true for award-winning Irish short story writer Claire Keegan (1968) whose sparse and effective prose has hit the core of audiences struggling to process the lingering impact of national trauma. Keegan confronts it all head-on, highlighting social issues that loom large in evocative narratives where thoughts, situations and scenarios spill over into the space between the words. What is left unsaid says it (...)
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    Watching Film with One’s Body.Charles Forceville - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):111-120.
    Film viewers make sense of films first of all at a precognitive level, triggered by their bodi­ly responses. The key notion here is movement: the movements of screen characters, the movements simulated by the viewers who perceive these characters, and the camera move­ments that mediate between the two. This review essay evaluates two monographs: Maarten Coëgnarts’ Embodied Cinema, which expands conceptual metaphor theo­ry to account for film’s unique affordances to communicate embodied meaning; and Vit­torio Gallese's and Michele Guerra’s The Empathic (...)
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    On Pros and Cons and Bills and Gates: The Heist Film as Pleasure.Julian Hanich - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (3):304-320.
    This article tries to shed light on the multiple, but underrated pleasures of the heist film – a genre that has attracted numerous major directors from Jean-Pierre Melville and Stanley Kubrick to Michael Mann and Steven Soderbergh, but has received limited scholarly attention. I approach the genre from a, broadly, philosophical perspective and draw on thinkers such as Peter Sloterdijk, Georg Simmel, Paul Souriau and Bruno Latour to argue that their emphasis on (1) skillful action and kinaesthetic empathy, (2) (...)
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  15. Apresentação.Erick Felinto - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (1):02-03.
    Mais do que nunca, pensar em comunicação significa pensar em imagens. Já se repetiu exaustivamente que vivemos em uma cultura imagética, marcada pela crescente proliferação de telas e tecnologias de produção audiovisual. E se passamos de regimes analógicos para digitais, isso só fez aumentar a vitalidade da imagem e multiplicar suas potencialidades. Nesse sentido, o presente número de Logos nos oferece uma amostragem da riqueza que também podemos encontrar hoje no campo das pesquisas sobre o audiovisual. O crescimento da pós-graduação (...)
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    Haunted Phenomenology and Synesthetic Cinema.Jennifer M. Barker - 2016 - Studia Phaenomenologica 16:373-408.
    By now it goes without saying that cinema is and has always been a synesthetic experience. But what exactly do we mean when we say that? The paper develops a phenomenology of “cinematic synesthesia” that draws upon three recent developments: first, the neuroscientific “neonatal synesthesia hypothesis”; second, Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s lectures on child psychology and translator Talia Welsh’s contextualization of that work within recent developmental psychology; and third, Dylan Trigg’s concept of a “darkened phenomenology” that accounts for the radically “unhuman.” These (...)
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  17.  23
    Dans les imaginaires de l’IA.Ariel Kyrou - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):75-83.
    Du film Her de Spike Jonze à 2001 L’Odyssée de l’espace de Stanley Kubrick, et des androïdes de Philip K. Dick à l’utopie intergalactique de la Culture de l’écrivain Iain M. Banks, il est impossible de comprendre aujourd’hui l’intelligence artificielle sans s’intéresser à ses puissants imaginaires. Ceux-ci, nourrissant bien des fantasmes de la Silicon Valley, sont essentiels à décrypter pour ne pas les subir, voire pour se les approprier et mieux les détourner, en faire des antidotes contre les multinationales (...)
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    La création du Monde : La philosophie entre art et science.Victor Lopez - 2008 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 60 (4):517.
    La philosophie contemporaine est tiraillée entre deux pôles apparemment inconciliables, que sont la littérature et les sciences dures. Une possibilité de réconciliation et de fusion est pourtant envisageable en remontant à Descartes, qui ne voit pas, dans son traité du Monde, de discontinuité entre philosophie et science et qui utilise la fable et la fiction pour exposer une vérité scientifique universelle. Or, cette vérité est exposée par des moyens (la déréalisation expérimentale du monde, la géométrisation de l’espace, la force d’un (...)
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    The Gaze and Eyes Wide Shut.Marty Fairbairn - 1999 - Film-Philosophy 3 (1).
    _Eyes Wide Shut_ Produced and Directed by Stanley Kubrick Warner Bros., 1999.
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    The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 31: Psychoanalysis and History.Jerome A. Winer & James W. Anderson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    In 1958 William L. Langer, in a well-known presidential address to the American Historical Association, declared the informed use of psychoanalytic depth psychology as "the next assignment" for professional historians. _Psychoanalysis and History_, volume 31 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis_, examines the degree to which Langer's directive has been realized in the intervening 45 years. Section I makes the case for psychobiography in the lives of historical figures and exemplifies this perspective with analytically informed studies of the art of Wassily (...)
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  21.  33
    Out of Field: the future of film studies.Gregory Flaxman - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (4):119 - 137.
    While every discipline in the humanities worries about its future, film studies is caught in the thrall of a particular anxiety, namely the possibility that it lacks a consistent object and a compelling reason. Behind the question of film studies looms the question of cinema itself, an aging techn? that seems to have hung around in the midst of new(er) media that lay claim to the image as their province. Why cinema? Against so many digital incursions, more traditionally minded critics (...)
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    Les psychonautes.Sinziana Ravini - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
    Qu'est-ce que l'inconscient? À cette question, de nombreuses disciplines, de la psychanalyse aux neurosciences, ont proposé une réponse - toujours frustrante. Peut-être cet échec reposait-il sur le fait que l'inconscient a trop longtemps été considéré comme une chose à observer de loin, plutôt que comme un paysage à arpenter, à explorer. S'entourant d'une pléiade d'artistes, de cinéastes et d'écrivains, de Christopher Nolan à Mikhaïl Boulgakov, de Pierre Huygue à Stanley Kubrick, de Michel Houellebecq à Liv Strômquist, Sinziana Ravini propose (...)
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  23.  5
    A Biosemantic Type of Anti-intentionalist Film Analysis.Joseph McKenna - 2025 - Film and Philosophy 29:107-124.
    The Ontological Question seems to be the main source of controversy in the Anti-intentionalism versus Intentionalism debate. The Ontological Question asks what determines the meaning of an artwork? Intentionalists argue that the intention of the artist determines the meaning of the artwork, while Anti-intentionalists argue that the artwork alone determines its own meaning. In this article I answer this question as it relates to film analysis. I propose a Biosemantic variety of film analysis, rooted in semantic externalist philosophy of language. (...)
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  24.  75
    Must we mean what we say?: a book of essays.Stanley Cavell - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Reissued with a new preface, this famous collection of essays covers a remarkably wide range of philosophical issues, including essays on Wittgenstein, Austin, Kierkegaard, and the philosophy of language, and extending beyond philosophy into discussions of music and drama. Previous edition hb ISBN (1976): 0-521-21116-6 Previous edition pb ISBN (1976): 0-521-29048-1.
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    Cinema of confinement.Thomas J. Connelly - 2019 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Excess, the gaze, and cinema of confinement -- Excess in confinement in Room and Green room -- Big window, big other: enjoyment and spectatorship in Alfred Hitchcock's Rope -- Interior confinement: shattering and disintegration in Ingmar Bergman's The passion of Anna -- It "over-looks": movement and stillness in Stanley Kubrick's The shining -- "It's just a show?" Paranoia and provocation in Oliver Stone's Talk radio -- Voices, telephones, and confined spaces: Phone booth and Locke -- Captive, captor, and (...)
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    Cinema's bodily illusions: flying, floating, and hallucinating.Scott C. Richmond - 2016 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Do contemporary big-budget blockbuster films like Gravity move something in us that is fundamentally the same as what avant-garde and experimental films have done for more than a century? In a powerful challenge to mainstream film theory, Cinema's Bodily Illusions demonstrates that this is the case. Scott C. Richmond bridges genres and periods by focusing, most palpably, on cinema's power to evoke illusions: feeling like you're flying through space, experiencing 3D without glasses, or even hallucinating. He argues that cinema is, (...)
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  27. Complex Demonstratives: A Quantificational Account.Jason Stanley - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (4):605-609.
    Complex demonstrative phrases, in English, are phrases such as ‘that woman in the department’ and ‘that car on the corner’. They are of particular interest to philosophers for two related reasons. The first involves the problem of intentionality. If there are phrases that are candidates for “latching directly onto the world,” they are such phrases, and their “simple” counterparts, as in the occurrences of ‘that’ in ‘that is nice’. As a result, philosophers interested in intentionality, from the sense-data theorists to (...)
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  28.  30
    Suffering Presence: Theological Reflections on Medicine, the Mentally Handicapped and the Church.Stanley Hauerwas - 1988 - Burns & Oates.
    This work examines contemporary views on medical ethics, such as preventing death, defining family relations, and reproductive and disabled issues.
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    Mimesis, movies, and media.Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.) - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction -- Media and representation. On the one medium / Eric Gans -- The scapegoat mechanism and the media: beyond the folk devil paradigm / John O'Carroll -- The apocalypse will not be televised / Chris Fleming -- Film. Mirrors of nature: artificial agents in real life and virtual worlds / Paul Dumouchel -- Superheroes, scapegoats, and saviors: the problem of evil and the need for redemption / Joel Hodge -- Sanctified victimage on page and screen: The hunger games as (...)
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  30. The Architecture of image: existential space in cinema.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2001 - Helsinki: Rakennustieto.
    This book explores the shared experiential ground of cinema, art, and architecture. Pallasmaa carefully examines how the classic directors Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Andrei Tarkovsky used architectural imagery to create emotional states in their movies. He also explores the startling similarities between the landscapes of painting and those of movies.
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  31. Depoliticization: The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism.Ingerid S. Straume & John Fredrick Humphrey (eds.) - 2011 - NSU Press.
    Depoliticization: The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism follows in the path blazed by Hannah Arendt and Cornelius Castoriadis, where politics is seen as a mode of freedom; the possibility for individuals to consciously and explicitly create the institutions of their own societies. Starting with such problem as: What is capital? How can we characterize the dominant economic system? What are the conditions for its existence, and how can we create alternatives?, the articles examine the central institutions of modern Western societies, (...)
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  32. Declining decline: Wittgenstein as a philosopher of culture.Stanley Cavell - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):253 – 264.
    Granted a certain depth of accuracy in citing an aspect of Spengler as an enactment of an aspect of Wittgenstein's thought, Wittgenstein's difference from Spengler should have depth. One difference can be characterized by saying that in the Investigations Wittgenstein diurnalizes Spengler's vision of the destiny toward exhausted forms, toward nomadism, toward loss of culture, or of home, or community: he depicts our everyday encounters with philosophy, with our ideals, as brushes with skepticism, wherein the ancient task of philosophy, to (...)
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  33.  22
    Transcendence and Film: Cinematic Encounters with the Real.David P. Nichols (ed.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, ten experts in philosophy of film explore the importance of transcendence for cinema as an art form in the films of the great directors, David Cronenberg, Karl Theodor Dreyer, Federico Fellini, Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Terrence Malick, Yasujiro Ozu, and Martin Scorsese.
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    Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?: Domestic Violence in The Shining.Elizabeth Jean Hornbeck - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):689.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 689 Elizabeth Jean Hornbeck Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?: Domestic Violence in The Shining At first glance, Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining seems to be a straightforward Gothic horror film. It starts with the Torrance family— Jack, Wendy, and Danny—moving from their Boulder, Colorado, apartment into the Overlook Hotel, where Jack (Jack Nicholson) has (...)
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  35.  13
    Art and the Form of Life.Roy Brand - 2020 - Springer Verlag.
    Art and the Form of Life takes a classic theme—philosophy as the art of living—and gives it a contemporary twist. The book examines a series of watershed moments in artistic practice alongside philosophers’ most enduring questions about the way we live. Coupling Tino Sehgal with Wittgenstein, cave art with Foucault, Stanley Kubrick with Nietzsche, and the Bauhaus with Walter Benjamin, the book animates the idea that life is literally ours to make. It reflects on universal themes that connect the (...)
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    Responsibility for personal health: A historical perspective.Stanley J. Reiser - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (1):7-18.
    Reflections about the role of human choice in determining personal health occur in the writings of practitioners and laymen throughout history. The Greek and Roman writers emphasized the effect of life's activities. During the Middle Ages and Renaisance, disease continued to be seen as a consequence of disorder of the bodily humors, which were under the individual's control. The rise of the paternalistic national regimes in Europe produced the view that society had the responsibility to maintain health. Jacksonian egalitarianism led (...)
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  37.  35
    Vision and Virtue: Essays in Christian Ethical Reflection.Stanley Hauerwas - 1974 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press.
    “In describing Hauerwas’ work as Christian ethics, one can allow that phrase its full scope of meaning. It is the work of an ethician who is thoroughly conversant with that branch of philosophy and comes to grips with its major issues. He is also firmly committed to the view that, in modifying the substantive ‘ethics’ with the adjective ‘Christian,’ one is designating a distinct reality.... Hauerwas invites us to share an understanding of ethics in general and of Christian ethics in (...)
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  38. Philosophy of Language in the Twentieth Century.Jason Stanley - 2008 - In Dermot Moran (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 382-437.
    In the Twentieth Century, Logic and Philosophy of Language are two of the few areas of philosophy in which philosophers made indisputable progress. For example, even now many of the foremost living ethicists present their theories as somewhat more explicit versions of the ideas of Kant, Mill, or Aristotle. In contrast, it would be patently absurd for a contemporary philosopher of language or logician to think of herself as working in the shadow of any figure who died before the Twentieth (...)
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  39. Anti-Theory in Ethics.Stanley G. Clarke - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):237 - 244.
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  40. The self as a knowledge structure.Stanley B. Klein - 1994 - In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.), Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 1--153.
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    The Appleton Consensus: suggested international guidelines for decisions to forego medical treatment.J. M. Stanley - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (3):129-136.
    Thirty-three physicians, bioethicists, and medical economists from ten different countries met at Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, to create The Appleton Consensus: International Guidelines for Decisions to Forego Medical Treatment. The guidelines deal with four specific decision-making circumstances: 1. Five guidelines were created for decisions involving competent patients or patients who have executed an advance directive before becoming incompetent, and those guidelines fell into three categories. 2. Thirteen guidelines were created for decisions involving patients who were once competent, but are not (...)
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    Naming the Silences.Stanley Hauerwas - 2004 - T&T Clark.
    Hauerwas explores why we so fervently seek explanations for suffering and evil, and he shows how modern medicine has become a god to which we look-in vain-for deliverance from the evils of disease and mortality.
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  43. Libet's timing of mental events: Commentary on the commentaries.Stanley Klein - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):326-333.
    This issue of Consciousness and Cognition presents four target articles and eight commentaries on the target articles. The present article presents comments on those commentaries, grouped into backward referral and volition categories. Regarding backward referral: I disagree with my fellow commentators and take the unpopular position of defending Libet's notion of backward referral. I join my fellow commentators in critiquing Libet's notion of a 500-ms delay. I examine several of the hypotheses suggested by other commentators for why cortical and lateral (...)
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  44. The touch of words.Stanley Cavell - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.), Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
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  45. Benjamin and Wittgenstein: Signals and Affinities.Stanley Cavell - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 25 (2):235-246.
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    Cosmos and Creator.Stanley L. Jaki - 1980
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    (1 other version)Cavell on film.Stanley Cavell - 2005 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by William Rothman.
    In his introduction, William Rothman provides an overview of Cavell's work on film and his aims as a philosopher more generally."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Understanding how Student Nurses Experience Morally Distressing Situations.Mary Jo Stanley & Nancy J. Matchett - 2014 - Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 4 (10).
    Introduction/Background: Moral distress and related concepts surrounding morality and ethical decision-making have been given much attention in nursing. Despite the general consensus that moral distress is an affective response to being unable to act morally, the literature attests to the need for increased clarity regarding theoretical and conceptual constructs used to describe precisely what the experience of moral distress involves. The purpose of this study is to understand how student nurses experience morally distressing situations when caring for patients with different (...)
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    “Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet”: Reflections on a secular age.Stanley Hauerwas & Romand Coles - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (3):349-362.
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    Obstinate Or Obsolete?: The Fate of the Nation-state and the Case of Western Europe.Stanley Hoffmann - 1966
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