Results for 'Kripke, Russell, Frege, boş adlar, tikel niteleyici, ontoloji, dil felsefesi, mantık'

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  1. Bos̩ adlar ve dil felsefesinin ontolojik yükü.Yavuz Recep Bas̩oğlu & Mehmet Taylan Cüyaz - 2017 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 10 (1).
    Bu metnin gayesi, dil felsefesi, mantık ve ontoloji alanlarında ortak olarak karşılaşılan boş adlar problemini ele almaktır. Metinde, çağdaş semantik kuramlarının ve dil felsefesinin ortaya çıkışında önemli rolü olan J. S. Mill’in özel adlar üzerine düşüncelerinden başlanarak, analitik felsefenin temelini atan, köşe taşları diyebileceğimiz G. Frege ve B. Russell’ın semantik kuramlarına değinilecektir. Daha sonra, kendi dil felsefesi pozisyonunu bu iki isimin eleştirisi üzerinden kurgulayan S. Kripke’nin, bu isimlere karşı olan argümanları incelenecektir. Metinde, bu incelemeyi gerçekleştirdikten sonra, S. Kripke ve (...)
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    Dil Felsefesi Açısından “Allah”ı Adlandırmak.Sümeyra Hatice Sandıkçı - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):161-182.
    Kant’ın teorik akla getirdiği sınırlamayla metafiziği bilginin konusu olmaktan çıkarma iddiası modern dönemde gerçekleştirilen fikri faaliyetleri derinden etkilemiştir. Kant düşüncesinin daha ileri boyutlara taşınması mantıkçı pozitivizm gibi ekollerde metafiziğe dair önermelerin ve bu önermelerin temel kavramı olan “tanrı” teriminin anlamsız kabul edilmesi sonucunu doğurmuştur. Mantıkçı pozitivistlerin bu iddialarına karşın din felsefesi alanında “tanrı” teriminin gönderimi bir problem olarak tartışılmakta ve modern gönderim kuramlarıyla tanrıya gönderimde bulunabilmenin yani onu adlandırabilmenin imkânı soruşturulmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, tanrıya gönderim meselesinin tartışıldığı çalışmalardaki iki temel (...)
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  3. Kripke’s Frege.Yourgrau Palle - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):100-107.
    In a recent essay, “Frege's Theory of Sense of Reference: Some Exegetical Notes”, Saul Kripke shows that in addition to being an astute critic of Frege, he is also an insightful interpreter. Kripke's Frege emerges as a closet Russellian, who, like Russell, relies heavily on a doctrine of acquaintance. Is Kripke right? Where exactly does his approach resemble, and where depart from earlier interpretations, and what should one take away about whether or not Frege really was a Russellian and the (...)
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  4. Frege's Theory of Sense and Reference: Some Exegetical Notes.Saul A. Kripke - 2008 - Theoria 74 (3):181-218.
    Frege's theory of indirect contexts and the shift of sense and reference in these contexts has puzzled many. What can the hierarchy of indirect senses, doubly indirect senses, and so on, be? Donald Davidson gave a well-known 'unlearnability' argument against Frege's theory. The present paper argues that the key to Frege's theory lies in the fact that whenever a reference is specified (even though many senses determine a single reference), it is specified in a particular way, so that giving a (...)
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  5. The Quasi-Verbal Dispute Between Kripke and 'Frege-Russell'.J. P. Smit - manuscript
    Traditional descriptivism and Kripkean causalism are standardly interpreted as rival theories on a single topic. I argue that there is no such shared topic, i.e. that there is no question that they can be interpreted as giving rival answers to. The only way to make sense of the commitment to epistemic transparency that characterizes traditional descriptivism is to interpret Russell and Frege as proposing rival accounts of how to characterize a subject’s beliefs about what names refer to. My argument relies (...)
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  6. Philosophical Troubles: Collected Papers, Volume 1.Saul A. Kripke (ed.) - 2011 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This important new book is the first of a series of volumes collecting the essential articles by the eminent and highly influential philosopher Saul A. Kripke. It presents a mixture of published and unpublished articles from various stages of Kripke's storied career.
  7. The analytic/synthetic distinction.Gillian Russell - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (5):712–729.
    Once a standard tool in the epistemologist’s kit, the analytic/synthetic distinction was challenged by Quine and others in the mid-twentieth century and remains controversial today. But although the work of a lot contemporary philosophers touches on this distinction – in the sense that it either has consequences for it, or it assumes results about it – few have really focussed on it recently. This has the consequence that a lot has happened that should affect our view of the analytic/synthetic distinction, (...)
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    Frege's Answer to Kripke.Tapio Korte - 2021 - Theoria 88 (2):464-479.
    In his Naming and Necessity, Saul Kripke puts forth a series of arguments against theories of proper names he calls Frege-Russell theories. As the title reveals, Kripke takes Gottlob Frege's theory of sense and Bedeutung to be a good representative of these theories. In this essay, I characterize how Frege might have answered Kripke. I agree with Kripke that presumably Frege thought that the sense of a proper name is the same as some definite description. I, however, question his assumption (...)
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  9. Frege’s Distinction Between Sense and Reference.Gideon Makin - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (2):147-163.
    The article presents Frege's distinction between Sense and Reference. After a short introduction, it explains the puzzle which gave rise to the distinction; Frege's earlier solution, and his reasons for its later repudiation. The distinction, which embodies Frege's second solution, is then discussed in two phases. The first, which is restricted to proper names, sets out its most basic features. The second discusses 'empty' names; indirect speech, and the distinction for predicates and for complete sentences. Finally, two criticisms, by Russell (...)
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    İslam Dil Felsefesinde Bağlam Duyarlı Terimlerin Ele Alınışı ve İşaret Adının Mantıksallaştırılması.Harun Kuşlu - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (1):67-98.
    Adudüddîn el-Îcî’nin (ö. 756/1355) er-Risâletü’l-vaz‘iyye adlı eserinin esas konusunu oluşturan müphem lafızlar meselesi müteahhir dönem İslâm düşüncesinin iki büyük ismi olan Sa‘duddîn et-Teftâzânî (ö. 792/1390) ile Sey- yid Şerîf el-Cürcânî (ö. 816/1413) arasında mantık ve dil felsefesi açısından ciddi bir ihtilaf konusuna dönüşmüştür. Tartışmanın izleri geç dönem Osmanlı filozoflarından İsmail Gelenbevî (ö. 1205/1791) ve şârihlerine kadar takip edilebilmektedir. Bu makalede ben; söz konusu tartışmayı, çağdaş dil felsefesindeki bağlam duyarlı terimler prob- lemine atıfla ele alıyorum. Yazı boyunca hem Îcî’nin risalesini (...)
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    Contributions of Philosophical Thought to the Science of Recitation.Osman Bayraktutan - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):509-523.
    Bu makale, felsefi düşüncenin Kıraat İlmi üzerindeki etkisini, özellikle metodoloji, yorumlama ve analitik derinlik üzerindeki etkisine odaklanarak incelemektedir. Temel felsefi kavramların, özellikle ontoloji, epistemoloji ve aksiyolojinin, bu disiplindeki yorumlama kapasitesini büyük ölçüde artırdığını savunmaktadır. Dil felsefesi, temel metinlerin doğru anlaşılması ve yorumlanmasında kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Metodolojik ilerlemelerin ötesinde, felsefi söylem, metinsel yapılar ve anlamların detaylı incelenmesi için sağlam bir teorik çerçeve sağlar. Eleştirel düşünce ve ontolojik içgörülerin entegrasyonuyla, Kıraat İlmi metinsel analizde daha derin bir seviyeye ulaşır, katmanlı anlamları ortaya (...)
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  12. Frege: The Philosophy of Language. [REVIEW]L. J. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):121-121.
    In this book Dummett develops the view of his essay "Truth" that a full development of the Wittgensteinian "meaning-as-use" view of language will displace truth from its central position in the philosophy of language in favor of verifiability. He adds the provision, however, that one must first liberalize the extreme constructivism in favor of a suitably nonpsychologistic intuitionism. His view gradually emerges in a careful reconstruction and criticism of the most viable and coherent of Frege’s positions in philosophic logic. In (...)
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  13. Referring Without Individuating the Referent.Ayoob Shahmoradi - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    A theory of reference attributed to Frege, Russell, and others holds that referring to an object requires the ability to uniquely individuate it. According to a famous story told around campfires on winter nights, a group of young revolutionaries—led by Kripke and Donnellan—was destined to tear down the Frege-Russell edifice of reference. And indeed, they did. Reflecting the spirit of the 60s and 70s, this makes for a compelling tale. However, the truth is that what these young revolutionaries actually did (...)
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    A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls.Stephen P. Schwartz - 2012 - Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls_ presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested further readings (...)
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    A brief history of analytic philosophy: from Russell to Rawls.Steve Schwartz - 2012 - Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested further readings (...)
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  16. Fragments of frege’s grundgesetze and gödel’s constructible universe.Sean Walsh - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):605-628.
    Frege's Grundgesetze was one of the 19th century forerunners to contemporary set theory which was plagued by the Russell paradox. In recent years, it has been shown that subsystems of the Grundgesetze formed by restricting the comprehension schema are consistent. One aim of this paper is to ascertain how much set theory can be developed within these consistent fragments of the Grundgesetze, and our main theorem shows that there is a model of a fragment of the Grundgesetze which defines a (...)
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    Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kripke and Naming and Necessity.Harold W. Noonan - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Saul Kripke is one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. His most celebrated work, Naming and Necessity , makes arguably the most important contribution to the philosophy of language and metaphysics in recent years. Asking fundamental questions – how do names refer to things in the world? Do objects have essential properties? What are natural kind terms and to what do they refer? – he challenges prevailing theories of language and conceptions of metaphysics, especially the descriptivist account (...)
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    Philosophy of language: the classics explained.Colin McGinn - 2015 - London, England: The MIT Press.
    Many beginning students in philosophy of language find themselves grappling with dense and difficult texts not easily understood by someone new to the field. This book offers an introduction to philosophy of language by explaining ten classic, often anthologized, texts. Accessible and thorough, written with a unique combination of informality and careful formulation, the book addresses sense and reference, proper names, definite descriptions, indexicals, the definition of truth, truth and meaning, and the nature of speaker meaning, as addressed by Frege, (...)
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    Attitude ascriptions: a new old problem for Russell’s theory of descriptions.Stefan Rinner - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-14.
    In order to explain that sentences containing empty definite descriptions are nevertheless true or false, Russell famously analyzes sentences of the form ‘The F is G’ as ‘There is exactly one F and it is G’. Against this it has been objected that Russell’s analysis provides the wrong truth-conditions when it comes to non-doxastic attitude ascriptions. For example, according to Heim, Kripke, and Elbourne (HKE), there are circumstances in which (1) is true and (2) is false. Hans wants the ghost (...)
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  20. Dil felsefesi.Besim Karakadılar - 2002 - In Abdülbaki Güçlü, Erkan Uzun, Serkan Uzun & Ü. Hüsrev Yolsal, Felsefe Sözlüğü. pp. 385-388.
    Dil felsefesi ilk bakışta XX. yüzyılda ortaya çıkmış oldukça yeni bir felsefe dalıymış gibi görünmekle birlikte, henüz felsefe dalları arasında bugünkü anlamda bir bölünmenin söz konusu olmadığı Platon ile Aristoteles'e dek uzanan "geleneksel felsefe"nin hemen bütün filozofları, dili felsefi araştırmanın es geçilemez, değme bir konusu olarak görmüşlerdir. Nitekim dil üstüne düşünüşün tarihi başta mantık tarihi olmak üzere bir bütün olarak felsefe tarihinden ayrılamaz.
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    Gottlob Freges Briefwechsel mit D. Hilbert, E. Husserl, B. Russell, sowie ausgewählte Einzelbriefe Freges.Gottlob Frege - 1980 - Hamburg: F. Meiner. Edited by Gottfried Gabriel, Friedrich Kambartel & Christian Thiel.
    Freges Werk eröffnete und leitete den Prozeß der Emanzipation der Logik von der ontologisch fundierten zur autarken, von allen nicht-logischen Voraussetzungen losgelösten Logik der Zeichen. Unmittelbaren Aufschluß über den Beginn dieser neuen Epoche gibt Freges Briefwechsel mit den führenden Theoretikern und Philosophen seiner Zeit. Kern des Bandes ist seine Korrespondenz mit Hilbert (über die Grundlagen der Geometrie), mit Husserl (über Sprachphilosophie) und mit Russell (über Logik).
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    The fate of analysis: analytic philosophy from Frege to the ash-heap of history, and toward a radical Kantian philosophy of the future.Robert Hanna - 2021 - New York: In The Weeds.
    Robert Hanna's twelfth book, The Fate of Analysis, is a comprehensive revisionist study of Analytic philosophy from the early 1880s to the present, with special attention paid to Wittgenstein's work and the parallels and overlaps between the Analytic and Phenomenological traditions. By means of a synoptic overview of European and Anglo-American philosophy since the 1880s-including accessible, clear, and critical descriptions of the works and influence of, among others, Gottlob Frege, G.E. Moore, Bertrand Russell, Alexius Meinong, Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, The (...)
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    Begriff, Bewusstsein und Bedeutung: Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Mentalem und Bezugsobjekt.Volker A. Munz - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Bewusstsein, Außenwelt und Sprache bilden eine untrennbare Einheit in der Frage nach dem Sinn und der Bedeutung sprachlicher Ausdrücke. Zeichen und ihre Verwendung lassen sich daher weder durch rein internalistische Bewusstseinsanalysen noch durch rein externalistische Gegenstandsbezüge angemessen rekonstruieren. Daher befinden sich Bedeutungen weder „innerhalb" noch „außerhalb" des Kopfes. Unterschiedliche Gebrauchsweisen und somit Bedeutungen spiegeln sich vielmehr in der Fähigkeit wieder, sprachliche Zeichen zu verstehen und auf unsere subjektiven Erlebnisse sowie die uns umgebende Welt anzuwenden. Volker Munz zeigt, inwieweit sowohl rein (...)
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    An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):344-344.
    A careful and competent introduction to the Russell-Broad type of analytic philosophy.--A. C. P.
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  25. Nondescriptionality and natural kind terms.Barbara Abbott - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):269 - 291.
    The phrase "natural kind term" has come into the linguistic and philosophical literature in connection with well-known work of Kripke (1972) and Putnam (1970, 1975a). I use that phrase here in the sense it has acquired from those and subseqnent works on related topics. This is not the transparent sense of the phrase. That is, if I am right in what follows there are words for kinds of things existing in nature which are not natural kind terms in the current (...)
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    RUSSELL'S Why I am not a Christian. [REVIEW]Abelson Abelson - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19:112.
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    Forcing and satisfaction in Kripke models of intuitionistic arithmetic.Maryam Abiri, Morteza Moniri & Mostafa Zaare - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):659-670.
    We define a class of first-order formulas $\mathsf{P}^{\ast }$ which exactly contains formulas $\varphi$ such that satisfaction of $\varphi$ in any classical structure attached to a node of a Kripke model of intuitionistic predicate logic deciding atomic formulas implies its forcing in that node. We also define a class of $\mathsf{E}$-formulas with the property that their forcing coincides with their classical satisfiability in Kripke models which decide atomic formulas. We also prove that any formula with this property is an $\mathsf{E}$-formula. (...)
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  28. On Purposeful Systems.Russell L. Ackoff & Fred E. Emery - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (3):456-458.
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    We should eliminate the concept of disease from mental health.Nicholas Agar - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):591-591.
    Russell Powell and Eric Scarffe1 are pluralists about disease. They offer their thickly normative account to meet the needs of doctors, but they allow that a different concept of disease might work better for zoologists. In this commentary, I grant that Powell and Scarffe’s thickly normative evaluation of biological dysfunction works well in many medicinal contexts. Powell and Scarffe respond effectively to eliminativists—we should retain the concept of disease. But the paper’s pluralism and focus on the specific needs of institutions (...)
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  30. L'antinomia di Russell E le antinomie Del transfinito.Italo Aimonetto - 1984 - Epistemologia 7 (1):95-114.
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    Bertrand Russell Stalks the Nazis.Thomas Akehurst - 2013 - Philosophy Now 97:20-22.
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    Deleuze’ın Felsefesi Bağlamında İrade Kavramı: Müslüman Kadına Dair Sorular.Hesna Serra Aksel - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):1009-1025.
    Müslüman kadınların İslami gelenekler tarafından bastırılmış mı özgürlüğe kavuşturulmuş mu olduğuna dair pek çok çalışma bulunmakta. Bu çalışmalardan bazıları başörtüsü gibi İslami geleneklerin bir baskı unsuru olarak görürken, bazıları da Müslüman kadınların bu gelenekleri uygularken kendi iradelerini ortaya koyduğunu, dolayısıyla bu geleneklerin bir baskı emaresi olarak görülemeyeceğini savunur. Bu çalışmada, Müslüman kadınların hayatlarının çok yönlü, ilişkisel ve mekân bağlamında şekillendiğini incelememizi sağlayacak, Deleuze felsefisi bağlamında ele alınan irade ve özgürlük kavramlarını kullanmak amaçlanmıştır. Diğer bir ifade ile Fransız filozof Gilles Deleuze (...)
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  33. On the gnoseologic principles of Bertrand Russell.Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2021 - Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares.
    Exposed in 1948, within his masterpiece on the scope and limits of human knowledge, the epistemological tenets that Bertrand Russell regarded as fundamental elements in the construction of scientific knowledge, are still worthy of a detailed discussion today. Given the excellence of the author, it will not be surprising to see that Russell's gnoseologic postulates, even for the present scientific view, address some of the most controversial questions still to be solved in the theory of knowledge.
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    Bradley’s Argument Against Correspondence.James W. Allard - 1980 - Idealistic Studies 10 (3):232-244.
    Despite periodic references to F. H. Bradley as a dogmatic metaphysician of the worst sort, or an unreformed, conservative, and nonhistorical Hegelian, one of his logical doctrines is now a commonplace: his analysis of the logical form of affirmative universal categorical statements. In “On Denoting” Russell adopted this analysis without discussion, merely noting that it had been “ably argued” by Bradley. Virtually all philosophers since have followed suit. It is now an accepted truth that statements like “All A’s are B” (...)
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    Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy (review).Aloysius Martinich - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):161-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 161-163 [Access article in PDF] Avrum Stroll. Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000. Pp. ii + 302. Cloth, $32.50. Analytic philosophy has entered the history of philosophy since the greatest twentieth-century philosophers of that tradition are dead or retired. It is appropriate then to have a book that clearly and accurately explains the main theories and identifies (...)
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    A Neo-Hintikkan Solution to Kripke’s Puzzle.Peter Alward - 2005 - In Kent A. Peacock & Andrew D. Irvine, Mistakes of reason: essays in honour of John Woods. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 93-108.
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    International Citizens' Tribunals [review of Arthur Jay Klinghoffer and Judith Apter Klinghoffer, International Citizens' Tribunals ].Stefan Andersson - 2002 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 22 (1).
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    New Essays on Russell [review of Alan Schwerin (under the auspices of the Bertrand Russell Society), ed., Russell Revisited: Critical Reflections on the Thought of Bertrand Russell ].Stefan Andersson - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (1).
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğrenen İranlılar İçin İş Türkçesi Öğretim Programı, T.Önder Çangal - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):707-707.
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    Wittgenstein and the Limits of Language.Hanne Appelqvist (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The limit of language is one of the most pervasive notions found in Wittgenstein's work, both in his early Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and his later writings. Moreover, the idea of a limit of language is intimately related to important scholarly debates on Wittgenstein's philosophy, such as the debate between the so-called traditional and resolute interpretations, Wittgenstein's stance on transcendental idealism, and the philosophical import of Wittgenstein's latest work On Certainty. This collection includes thirteen original essays that provide a comprehensive overview of (...)
  41. Husserl and Frege on meaning.Richard E. Aquila - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (3):377-383.
    Husserl's theory of meaning is often regarded as a somewhat obscure attempt at a view which frege stated more clearly. I argue that while this may be true with respect to the "ideas," it is false with respect to the "logical investigations." the theory presented in the latter work is superior to frege's theory. It provides an objective foundation for the semantical distinctions which concerned frege while remaining within the confines of an ontology that is more economical than frege's.
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    The Other Emerson.Branka Arsić & Cary Wolfe (eds.) - 2010 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the most significant figures in nineteenth-century American literature and culture-indeed, this collection argues, in the history of philosophy. The Other Emerson is a thorough reassessment of the philosophical underpinnings, theoretical innovations, and ethical and political implications of the prose writings of one of America's most enduring thinkers. Considering Emerson first and foremost as a daring and original thinker, _The Other Emerson_ focuses on three Emersonian subjects-subjectivity, the political, and the nature of philosophy-and range in (...)
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    On the significance of A. A. Robb’s philosophy of time, especially in relation to Bertrand Russell’s.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):251-273.
    The aim of this paper is to explain the significance of Alfred A. Robb’s philosophy of time stemming from his interpretation of relativity theory; and at the same time, to investigate the reasons for the failure of his philosophical contemporaries to appreciate its significance, with special attention to its reception on Russell’s part. The study of Russell’s reaction to Robb exposes shortcomings in Russell’s own philosophy of time, which has been extremely influential through the years. It also highlights the philosophical (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Future Morality, Edited by David Edmonds. [REVIEW]Russell W. Askren - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (1):521-524.
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    Marcus Düwell, Gerhard Bos and Naomi Van Steenbergen (eds), Towards the Ethics of a Green Future: The Theory and Practice of Human Rights for Future People[REVIEW]J. Spencer Atkins - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (4):510-512.
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    The Meaning of Names and Their Propositional Context.Robin Attfield - 1995 - Cogito 9 (2):153-157.
    Michael Durrant’s rejection is examined of Frege’s and Wittgenstein’s thesis that a name has meaning only in the context of a proposition (the Context Principle). Durrant argues that in two ways the Context Principle makes it impossible for a hearer to determine the meaning of a name, for such identification would involve both an infinite regress and a vicious circle of reasoning. I reply that a finite (rather than infinite) set of propositions could suffice; and that making corrigible assumptions allows (...)
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    Entretien avec Ali Ben Makhlouf.No Author - 2003 - Astérion 1.
    Ali Benmakhlouf est actuellement maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris-X Nanterre. Spécialiste de logique et des œuvres de Frege, Russel et Whitehead, il est par ailleurs depuis dix ans la cheville ouvrière de la convention passée entre la Fondation du Roi Abdul Aziz pour les études islamiques et les sciences humaines (Casablanca) et le Collège international de Philosophie (Paris). Cinq volumes, publiés par les éditions Le Fennec en français et en arabe, témoignent de cet échange : La Raison et (...)
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    Unicorn agnosticism.Yuval Avnur - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (8):818-829.
    ABSTRACT Atheists and agnostics have a vexed relationship. Atheists often regard agnostics as timid, or perhaps as disguised apologists. Agnostics often regard atheists as dogmatic hypocrites: they proclaim something on insufficient evidence, while accusing theists of this. This dynamic is familiar from the academic and popular literature. Here, I consider a more radical conflict between the two, based on Kripkean semantics for empty terms applied to atheism. Sorensen : 373–388) christened the Kripke-inspired formulation of atheism ‘Unicorn Atheism’ and argued from (...)
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    Din Felsefesi Dersleri.Hüseyin Aydoğan - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (34):149-153.
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    Is There a Purpose in the Biological Evolution of Living Beings?Justo Aznar - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (3):403-413.
    An unquestionably important biological question is whether human beings are the product of chance or of purpose in the evolutionary process. Charles Darwin did not accept purpose in biological evolution, a view not shared by his colleague Alfred Russel Wallace. The controversy has remained ever since, and while many experts argue against purpose in biological evolution, many others defend it. This paper reflects on this biological and ethical problem, relating it to the possible existence of a plan that governs and (...)
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