Results for 'Koli Xoxi'

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  1. Erasmi roterdam dhe Helena Gjika.Koli Xoxi - 1994 - Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese "Marin Barleti".
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    Ribosomal dormancy at the nexus of ribosome homeostasis and protein synthesis.Saloni Koli & Sunil Shetty - forthcoming - Bioessays:2300247.
    Dormancy or hibernation is a non‐proliferative state of cells with low metabolic activity and gene expression. Dormant cells sequester ribosomes in a translationally inactive state, called dormant/hibernating ribosomes. These dormant ribosomes are important for the preservation of ribosomes and translation shut‐off. While recent studies attempted to elucidate their modes of formation, the regulation and roles of the diverse dormant ribosomal populations are still largely understudied. The mechanistic details of the formation of dormant ribosomes in stress and especially their disassembly during (...)
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  3. Bernard Bolʹt︠s︡ano.V. I. Koli︠a︡dko - 1982 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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    Bulk single crystal growth from hydrothermal solutions.Colin D. McMillen & Joseph W. Kolis - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (19-21):2686-2711.
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    A Survey on Depressive Symptoms and Its Correlates Amongst Physicians in Bangladesh During the COVID-19 Pandemic.M. Tasdik Hasan, Afifa Anjum, Md Abdullah Al Jubayer Biswas, Sahadat Hossain, Sayma Islam Alin, Kamrun Nahar Koly, Farhana Safa, Syeda Fatema Alam, Md Abdur Rafi, Vivek Podder, Md Moynul Hossain, Tonima Islam Trisa, Dewan Tasnia Azad, Rhedeya Nury Nodi, Fatema Ashraf, S. M. Quamrul Akther, Helal Uddin Ahmed & Roisin McNaney - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:846889.
    AimThe aim of this study was to determine the presence of depressive symptoms and understand the potential factors associated with these symptoms among physicians in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsA cross-sectional study using an online survey was conducted in between April 21 and May 10, 2020, among physicians living in Bangladesh. Participants completed a series of demographic questions, COVID-19-related questions, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Descriptive statistics, test statistics were performed to explore the association between physicians’ experience of depression symptoms (...)
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    Surveying the Indian research ethics committee response to the COVID‐19 pandemic.Yashashri C. Shetty, Sudha Ramalingam, Paresh Koli, Karthikeyan Shanmugam & Rajmohan Seetharaman - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):243-253.
    Research ethics committees (RECs) have played a crucial role in expediting the review of research protocols amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic. To improve their performance and identify areas of enhancement, a multicentric study was conducted in India by the Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region (FERCAP). The study aimed to evaluate the preparedness of Indian RECs during the COVID‐19 outbreak while conducting protocol reviews and comprehend the challenges they encountered. After obtaining ethics committee approval, a (...)
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    Filosofija na Velikoj školi.Ilija Marić - 2003 - Beograd: Plato.
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  8. Binemakanî derûnzanî giştî: (lêkołînewey hawçerx) = Principles of general psychology: contemporary study.ʻIzz al-Dīn Aḥmad ʻAzīz - 2023 - Hewlêr [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Fêrbûn bo Çap u Biławkirdinewe.
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  9. Le seretada wişeke nebû: lêkolîneweyek sebaret felsefey Arser Şopinhawer.Diłşad Ḧamîd Derwêş - 2019 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Nawendî Roşinbîrîy R̄ehend.
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  10. Felsefey mêjû lay Şpingler: lêkołîneweyekî şîkarî, r̄exneyiye.Merîwan ʻEbdul - 2009 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Ber̄êweberêtîy Çap u Biławkirdinewey Silêmanî.
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  11. Filosofie a ideologie frankfurtské školy: kritika některých koncepcí: [sborník].Zdeněk Javůrek (ed.) - 1976 - Praha: Academia.
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    Sloboda i nasilje: razgovor o časopisu Praxis i Korčulanskoj letnjoj školi.Milan Kangrga, Božidar Jakšić & Nebojša Popov (eds.) - 2003 - Beograd: Res publica.
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    Úvod do logiky: Lvovsko-varšavské školy.Zuzana Rybaříková - 2020 - Praha: Togga.
    This book focuses on mathematical logic that was a prominent philosophical method in the Lvov-Warsaw School. Kazimierz Twardowski, who was the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School, favoured psychology as a philosophical method. However, his pupil Jan Łukasiewicz opposed to him and claimed that the proper method is mathematical logic. Łukasiewicz’s work attracted many other members of the Lvov-Warsaw School and soon became one of its most important subjects of interest. The results of its members in the field of mathematical logic (...)
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  14. "Kritická teória" frankfurtskej školy a jej vplyv v Československu.Rudolf Šíma - 1976 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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  15. Řízení výchovně vzdělávací činnosti školy.František Bacík - 1978 - Praha: SPN. Edited by Václav Císař & Jiří Lukš.
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  16. Estetická výchova a vysoké školy.B. S. Urban - 1961 - [V Praze]: Státní pedagogické nakl..
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  17. Sociologie jako cesta ke štěstí: česká verze.Zdeněk R. Nešpor - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (4):481-497.
    Zájem současné sociologie a dalších společenských věd o výzkumy spokojenosti a štěstí zatemňuje skutečnost, že původně právě sociologie chtěla „štěstí" poskytovat a nahrazovat tak náboženské přístupy ke světu. Tento implicitně nábo- ženský charakter je patrný i v rané české sociologii v dílech prvních propagátorů sociologie, jako byl především Emanuel Makovička, a později u některých následovníků a epigonů T. G. Masaryka, v meziválečném období zejména u Ladislava Kunteho, R. I. Malého, Alexandra Sommera-Batěka, Jindřicha Fleischnera a Jana Duška. Z hlediska vývoje české (...)
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  18. Možnosti in meje medkulturnega sporazumevanja Possibilities and Limits of Intercultural Coming to an Understanding.Klaus Held - 2003 - Phainomena 45.
    Prvi in drugi del predavanja na splošno obravnavata možnosti in meje medkulturnega sporazumevanja. Pri tem se z vidika temeljnih navad in »globokih razpoloženj« razložijo razlike med kulturnimi svetovi ljudi. Iz tega se poraja razlikovanje med razsežnostjo vsakdanje prakse, ki jo lahko dandanes srečamo kjer koli v svetu in v kateri se ne pojavljajo nikakršne načelne težave medkulturnega sporazumevanja, in razsežnostjo, v kateri je treba premagovati takšne težave in v kateri zaradi tega grozi tako imenovani »clash« kultur. Tretji del predavanja (...)
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    Fašizem in drobne roke trga.Joshua Simon - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    V tem eseju digitalna hibridnost pomeni večno razpoložljivost življenja kot dela in dolga, za kapital, tako v resničnem življenju kot na spletu. V središču teh razmišljanj je spoznanje, da je digitalno tisti režim, v katerem finančni kapital verjame, da je končno osvobojen kakršne koli odvisnosti od družbene reprodukcije. S prehodom od vrednosti k ceni, od dela k dolgu, od revolucije k razdoru in od avantgarde k špekulacijam, se je digitalno razvilo kot materialno kapitala, na mesto totalnosti družbenega pa je (...)
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