Results for 'Kioumars Ghereghlou'

  1.  34
    Chronicling a Dynasty on the Make: New Light on the Early Ṣafavids in Ḥayātī Tabrīzī's Tārīkh.Kioumars Ghereghlou - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):805.
    This article studies Qāsim Beg Ḥayātī Tabrīzī’s unpublished account of Ṣafavid history, which has long been considered lost. Ḥayātī’s account—dedicated, in 961/1554, to Shah Ṭahmāsp’s sister, Princess Mihīn Begum —spans the period between the formative years of the Ṣafaviyya Sufi order under Ṣafī al-Dīn Isḥāq Ardabīlī and the early years of the reign of Shah Ismāʿīl. Emphasis is given to the way in which it fills in the gaps of our knowledge insofar as the pre-dynastic and early dynastic phases of (...)
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  2.  8
    Review of Muslim-Christian Polemics in Safavid Iran. By Alberto Tiburcio. [REVIEW]Kioumars Ghereghlou - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (4):996-998.
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  3.  13
    Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran: Mulla Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī’s Ḥikmat al-ʿĀrifīn. Edited by Ata Anzali and S. M. Hadi Gerami. [REVIEW]Kioumars Ghereglou - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2).
    Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran: Mulla Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī’s Ḥikmat al-ʿĀrifīn. Edited by Ata Anzali and S. M. Hadi Gerami. Islamicate Intellectual History, vol. 3. Leiden: Brill, 2018. Pp. ix + 56 + 402, illus. $138, €119.
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