Results for 'Kimberly Arriaga-Gonzalez'

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  1. Katzi Txumu'n : creating a curriculum of Meso-American short stories for philosophical conversations with children and families.Cristina Cammarano & Kimberly Arriaga-Gonzalez - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha (eds.), Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala Subregion Morphology Are Associated With Obesity and Dietary Self-control in Children and Adolescents.Mimi S. Kim, Shan Luo, Anisa Azad, Claire E. Campbell, Kimberly Felix, Ryan P. Cabeen, Britni R. Belcher, Robert Kim, Monica Serrano-Gonzalez & Megan M. Herting - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    A prefrontal control system that is less mature than the limbic reward system in adolescence is thought to impede self-regulatory abilities, which could contribute to poor dietary choices and obesity. We, therefore, aimed to examine whether structural morphology of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala are associated with dietary decisions and obesity in children and adolescents. Seventy-one individuals between the ages of 8–22 years participated in this study; each participant completed a computer-based food choice task and a T1- and T2-weighted (...)
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  3. Algunas cuestiones polémicas en la tributación por el IBI de los «bienes inmuebles de características especiales»(BICES).Clemente Checa González - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 4:1-20.
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    Marx y el humanismo: Notas de una polémica en la filosofía de Sergio Vuskovic.Patricia González San Martín - 2014 - Cuyo 31 (2):9-32.
    El ejercicio filosófico de raíz marxista en Chile tiene un capítulo escrito por los intelectuales comunistas de la década del 60 del siglo XX. Uno de ellos, Sergio Vuskovic, se abocó a discutir con las tesis althusserianas que identificaron la teorización de Marx como un antihumanismo teórico. Para oponerse a tal perspectiva, Vuskovic realiza una operación teórica al interior de la obra de Marx con el objetivo de afirmar la categoría de sujeto, así como la interna relación entre ejercicio teórico (...)
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    (1 other version)Democracia, hospitalidad y violencia. Entrevista con Marc Crépon.Verónica González & Javier Agüero Águila - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía 72:221-229.
    Marc Crépon es director de investigación en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique y director del Departamento de Filosofía de l’École normale supérieure de París. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran: La culture de la peur, I. Démocratie, identité, sécurité ; La culture de la peur, II. La guerre des civilisations ; Le consentement meurtrier ; La vocation de l’écriture ; La gauche c’est quand?.
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  6. (1 other version)Entrevista a Carlos París.David González Niñerola - 1999 - Dilema: Revista de Filosofía 3 (6):5-24.
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  7. Naturaleza y gracia en San Francisco de Asís. Evocación y actualidad de un mensaje.Francisco González - 2004 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:779-814.
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  8. Are 'Facials' Misogynistic?Richard Kimberly Heck - manuscript
    So-called ‘facial’ cumshots, when a man ejaculates onto a woman’s face, are very common in pornography. While they are frequently said to be degrading and misogynistic, the fact that women are usually shown as enjoying this act should make us think again. Facials are instead rooted in male insecurity: of a fear that an aspect of how men orgasm—semen—is disgusting to women. By contrast, the fantasy, which pornography makes vivid, is that women might not just tolerate but celebrate and eroticize (...)
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    A Note on the Strength of Disentangled Truth-Theories.Richard Kimberly Heck - manuscript
    So-called `disentangled' truth-theories are supposed to prevent assumptions about the truth of statements in the object-language from inadvertently strengthening the background syntax. In earlier work, I proved some limitative results in an attempt to show that the strategy works, but those results leave several questions unanswered. We address some of them here. We also discuss a subtlety that has so far been overlooked in discussions of these theories.
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  10. Reproductive genome editing interventions are therapeutic, sometimes.César Palacios-González - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):557-562.
    In this paper I argue that some human reproductive genome editing interventions can be therapeutic in nature, and thus that it is false that all such interventions just create healthy individuals. I do this by showing that the conditions established by a therapy definition are met by certain reproductive genome editing interventions. I then defend this position against two objections: (a) reproductive genome editing interventions do not attain one of the two conditions for something to be a therapy, and (b) (...)
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    Sexual Fantasy and the Eroticization of Evil.Richard Kimberly Heck - manuscript
    Many people have sexual fantasies about being forced to have sex, or forcing someone to have sex. Several authors have argued that it is wrong to enjoy such fantasies: They lead to harm, or reinforce oppressive social structures, are liable to corrupt our character, or, mostly interestingly, are wrong in themselves, because they involve the eroticization of things that are wrong. I argue here that all such arguments fail properly to distinguish between fantasy and desire (despite authors' acknowledgement of that (...)
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  12. El ser principal y Dios. Una observacion a la teologia de Maimonides.J. Garcia Gonzalez - 1988 - Espíritu 37 (97):35-44.
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    Health technologist in clinical laboratory’s professional training model from the integration of basic biomedical-laboratory sciences.Mercedes Caridad García González, Enrique Loret de Mola López, Rolando Miguel Bermejo Correa, José Luis Cadenas Freixas & Humberto Silvio Varela de Moya - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):239-257.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo está dirigido a exponer elementos inherentes al modelo de superación profesional del tecnólogo de la salud en laboratorio clínico desde la integración ciencias básicas biomédicas-laboratorio. Entre los métodos teóricos empleados, el analítico-sintético permitió la determinación de los fundamentos epistemológicos y praxiológicos del proceso de superación, el inductivo-deductivo posibilitó la determinación de las categorías que surgen en el proceso investigativo, el sistémico estructural funcional para fundamentar el carácter de sistema del modelo y la modelación con la finalidad (...)
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  14. La implicitud de Dios y la vida intelectual: nota sobre los implícitos gnoseo-antropológicos de la idea cusana de Dios.Juan A. García-González - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (3):611-626.
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    Social implications of basic biomedical sciences in the professional training of the clinical lab technician.Mercedes Caridad García González & Muñoz Calvo - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):67-86.
    El propósito fundamental del trabajo fue destacar la trascendencia social de las ciencias básicas biomédicas en la superación profesional de los tecnólogos en Laboratorio Clínico, egresados de la Facultad de Tecnología de la Salud de Camagüey. Se partió de las insuficiencias que influyen en el desempeño profesional de estos licenciados, y se justifica la importancia de las ciencias básicas biomédicas para el laboratorista clínico. Se concluyó que la ciencia y la tecnología son prácticas sociales que debe tener en cuenta en (...)
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  16. Ontologia de la felicidad.Ja García González - 1990 - Studium 30 (2):353-359.
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    Professional development strategy for health technologists in Clinical Laboratory.Mercedes Caridad García González, Cira Cecilia León Ramentol, Bárbara Reyes Labarcena, José Luis Cadenas Freixas & Georgina García Linares - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):336-359.
    El perfeccionamiento del desempeño profesional del laboratorista clínico constituye una necesidad, por lo que el objetivo de la investigación fue elaborar una estrategia para la superación profesional del tecnólogo de la salud en laboratorio clínico a partir de la integración con las ciencias básicas biomédicas. La estrategia se efectuó en la Facultad de Tecnología de la Salud de Camagüey. Su factibilidad fue valorada por expertos y la validación se llevó a cabo con un pre experimento pedagógico que se desarrolló en (...)
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    Cancer progression as a sequence of atavistic reversions.Charles H. Lineweaver, Kimberly J. Bussey, Anneke C. Blackburn & Paul C. W. Davies - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2000305.
    It has long been recognized that cancer onset and progression represent a type of reversion to an ancestral quasi‐unicellular phenotype. This general concept has been refined into the atavistic model of cancer that attempts to provide a quantitative analysis and testable predictions based on genomic data. Over the past decade, support for the multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion predicted by the atavism model has come from phylostratigraphy. Here, we propose that cancer onset and progression involve more than a one‐off multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion, and are (...)
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  19. La libertad de expresión: De la doctrina a la ley.Margarita Belandria & Javier Gonzalez - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 14 (8).
    Objeto o sujeto de derechos Nature: Object or subject of rights Cartay, Belkis Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación Scientific rationality, Feyerabend and the limits of the argument Castrejón, Gilberto El embrión es vida humana The embryo is human life Chacín, Ronald Ética y política: Las consecuencias prácticas de la modernización en la óptica de una acción comunicativa Ethics and politics: Practical consequences of modernization from the viewpoint of a comunicative act De La Vega, (...)
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    ¿Por qué unas tareas mentales nos cuestan más que otras? El esfuerzo cognitivo y la percepción subjetiva de la dificultad.Alberto Sobrado, Carlos González-García & María Ruz - 2018 - Ciencia Cognitiva 12 (2):42-44.
    Alberto Sobrado, Carlos González-García y María Ruz Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento, Universidad de Granada, España El término … Read More →.
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  21. Fenomenológico-científico, Una propuesta para la medicina actual.Ximena González Grandón - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (33):301-304.
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  22. Del concepto onto-teo-lógico de Dios a la comprensión fenomenológica de lo divino.Lucero González Suárez - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (131):121-134.
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  23. Ayudar a crecer: notas sobre la educación en el pensamiento de L. Polo.Luz González Umeres - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):695-708.
    Here some reflections from Leonardo Polo about basic questions of educative philosophy are presented: the family, affection, imagination, interest, ethic and the global orientation. He points out the importance of the idea that belongs to the family to obtain the affective stability of the son.
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  24. Hacia donde se orienta la filosofía política en los últimos años del siglo veinte.Héctor González Uribe - 1988 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 61:5-22.
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  25. Las Alternancias Causativas Con Se En La Gramática Del Papel Y La Referencia.Carlos González Vergara - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (2):226-255.
    Following González Vergara (2006a, 2009, 2012), the presence of the morpheme se in Spanish is explained by a lexical phenomenon that modifies the logical structure of sentences in which it appears. This phenomenon decreases the importance of the Actor and favors the Undergoer. According to this proposal, this phenomenon expresses itself, in most of the Spanish sesentences, as a lexical rule that makes unspecific the highest ranking argument. Taking the above as a basis, this paper explores and proposes explanations for (...)
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  26. An Account of the Democratic Status of Constitutional Rights.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (3):241-256.
    The paper makes a twofold contribution. Firstly, it advances a preliminary account of the conditions that need to obtain for constitutional rights to be democratic. Secondly, in so doing, it defends precommitment-based theories from a criticism raised by Jeremy Waldron—namely, that constitutional rights do not become any more democratic when they are democratically adopted, for the people could adopt undemocratic policies without such policies becoming democratic as a result. The paper shows that the reductio applies to political rights, yet not (...)
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    La teoría islámica del conocimiento profético y la concepción suareciana del intelecto.Ángel Poncela-González - 2015 - Quaestio 15:837-846.
    We start from a line of research that studies the prophetic knowledge in Islamic philosophy of the classical period, as a symbol and a promise of perfect knowledge which can be reached by man. And from this place, we ask after the meaning of perfect knowledge in Suarez’s epistemology. We will discuss a number of issues that will emerge from the analysis of the faculty of imagination inserted into an intentional conception of knowledge supported on two pillars: a theory of (...)
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    Colloquium 5 Final Causality Without Teleology in Aristotle’s Ontology of Life.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2020 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):133-172.
    The present paper has a negative aim and a positive aim, both limited in the present context to a sketch or outline. The negative aim, today less controversial, is to show that Aristotle’s theory of final causality has little or nothing to do with the teleology rejected by modern science and that, therefore, far from having been rendered obsolete, it has yet to be fully understood. This aim will be met through the identification and brief discussion of some key points (...)
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  29. Adolf Reinach is not a Platonist.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2009 - Symposium 13 (1):100-112.
    Contemporary scholars have generally labelled Adolf Reinach, a founding member of early phenomenology’s Göttingen Circle, a Platonist. Because Reinach conceives of states of affairs as neither real nor ideal, as involved with timeless essences and necessary logical laws, many have hastily concluded that states of affairs are Platonic entities. In this essay, I analyse Barry Smith’s argument that Reinach is a Platonist. Smith’s widely accepted argument often becomes utilised to show that Reinach and other phenomenologists, including Husserl, are Platonic realists (...)
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    Weakened semantics and the traditional square of opposition.Luis Estrada-González - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (1):155-165.
    . In this paper we present a proposal that (i) could validate more relations in the square than those allowed by classical logic (ii) without a modification of canonical notation neither of current symbolization of categorical statements though (iii) with a different but reliable semantics.
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  31. Evaluation of patients' perception of safety to drive after outpatient, minimally invasive procedures of the hand.Warren C. Hammert, Ronald Gonzalez & John C. Elfar - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1--3.
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  32. Encarar lo real: caos, fantasía y trabajo : sobre Hans Blumenberg.Sebastián González Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (51):85-114.
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    La religión en la ciencia contemporánea: impertinencias e inspiración.Santiago Collado González - 2013 - Scientia et Fides 1 (1):63.
    The present article provides an overview of the different positions throughout history on the connections between science and religion. We expose the diffi culty to classify these connections and the defi ciency in the taxonomic proposals. This study is intended to revise this interplay from the perspective of the impertinences committed to each other, as well as from the benefi ts that one has received from the other. From this point of view, we can get a glimpse of a more (...)
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    Editorial: Trait Emotional Intelligence: Foundations, Assessment, and Education.Juan-Carlos Pérez-González, Donald H. Saklofske & Stella Mavroveli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:535523.
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    Lealtades compartidas, lealtades divididas: la pertenencia política en Estados plurinacionales.Francisco Colom González - 1996 - Isegoría 14:55-77.
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  36. Los límites políticos de la racionalización social.Francisco Colom González - 1990 - Isegoría: Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 1:167-171.
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  37. Diez tesis sobre la acción humana.Daniel González Lagier - 1999 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 10:145-172.
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  38. “Condena a todos los genocidas, justicia por todos los compañeros” Luchas políticas en el juicio a Miguel Etchecolatz.Cintia González Leegstra - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3).
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  39. Evaluación de genotoxicidad in vivo mediante el ensayo cometa y de micronúcleos en ratones tratados con glifosato.F. MAÑAS, Cidm Gonzalez, A. Weyers, L. Ugnia, Ovando H. García & I. Larripa - 2007 - Theoria 15:53-60.
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    Cambios conceptuales y emociones: una propuesta de teoría integradora Conceptual Changes and Emotions: A Proposal for an Integrative Theory.Ana Isabel González Manso - 2011 - Historiografias 2:29-44.
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  41. El argumento del objeto del pensamiento en el tratado aristotélico" Sobre las ideas".José Edgar González Varela - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (60):53-78.
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  42. Deutsche und Spanische Rechtsphilosophie der Gegenwart.Felipe Gonzalez Vicen - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:97.
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    La filosofia del estado en Kant.Felipe González Vicen - 1952 - [Universidad de la Laguna],].
  44. Separating response bias from judgment in statement verification.Ts Wallsten, Cg Gonzalez & O. Strickland - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):530-530.
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    A Reply to Our Critics.Larry Alexander & Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (3):485-502.
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  46. Propuestas de cambio en la enseñanza universitaria.Ramón González Cabanach - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández (eds.), Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
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  47. Miguel de Unamuno: precursor del existencialismo.Nemesio González Caminero - 1949 - Pensamiento 5 (20):455-472.
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  48. Sobre el modo indirecto de comunicar la verdad.José Alejandro González Contreras - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 41 (124):61-74.
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    El azar y la historia.Juan Manuel González Cremona - 1994 - Barcelona, España: Planeta.
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  50. Europa y el Cristianismo: Reciprocidad de su destino en los siglos XIX y XX.O. González de Caededal - 2001 - Salmanticensis 48 (2):207-238.
    Christianity shaped Europe and Europe shaped Christianity until the Enlightenment broke of from earlier institutions and dogmas. Was this to eliminate them or to bring them to a better realization? The relationship of Modernity to Christianity has been interpreted in different ways: as an alternative. as a better realization or as a secularized continuation. Looking to the future, can Christianity exist without Europe, an can Europe exist without Chistianity? After listing what are the values and undeniable achievements of Christianity, without (...)
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