Results for 'Kieran O’Meara'

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  1.  18
    (1 other version)Power and Events: An Essay on Dynamics in Philosophy. By William O'Meara.William O'Meara - 1946 - Ethics 57 (4):305-306.
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    Guillaume Faye and the battle of Europe.Michael O'Meara - 2013 - London: Arktos.
    Europe is at war and does not know it. She is overrun by invaders from the Global South, who seek to replace those who have inhabited her lands for at least the last 30,000 years. She is subject to an American overlord, whose world system dictates her de-Europeanization and globalization. She is mismanaged and betrayed by EU technocrats, corrupt politicians, and plutocratic elites. Without a revolutionary mobilization in her defense, the thousand-year-old civilization that grew out of the medieval Respublica Christiana (...)
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    Structures Hiérarchiques Dans la Pensée de Plotin: Étude Historique Et Interprétative.Dominic J. O'Meara - 1975 - Leiden: Brill.
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    Plotinus: an introduction to the Enneads.Dominic J. O'Meara - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is addressed to readers new to the Enneads. One of the greatest of ancient philosophers, Plotinus is attracting ever-increasing attention from those interested in ancient philosophy, late Antiquity, and the importance of this period for the Western intellectual tradition. O'Meara presents a brief outline of Plotinus's life, and of the composition of the Enneads, placing Plotinus within the intellectual context of the philosophical schools and religious movements of his time. He then discusses selected Plotinian texts in relation to (...)
  5.  69
    Neoplatonism and Christian thought.Dominic J. O'Meara (ed.) - 1981 - Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press [distributor].
    1 The Platonic and Christian Ulysses JEAN PEPIN i PHILOSOPHOS ODYSSEUS1 Several philosophical schools in antiquity made use of the figure of Ulysses. ...
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  6. Pythagoras revived: mathematics and philosophy in late antiquity.Dominic J. O'Meara - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Pythagorean idea that numbers are the key to understanding reality inspired philosophers in late Antiquity (4th and 5th centuries A.D.) to develop theories in physics and metaphysics based on mathematical models. This book draws on some newly discovered evidence, including fragments of Iamblichus's On Pythagoreanism, to examine these early theories and trace their influence on later Neoplatonists (particularly Proclus and Syrianus) and on medieval and early modern philosophy.
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  7. Magnorum virorum quendam consensum velimus machinari.John J. O'Meara - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  8.  27
    Language, Counter-Memory, Practice.Maureen F. O'Meara - 1978 - Substance 6 (21):160.
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    Erich Przywara, S.J.: His Theology and His World.Thomas F. O'Meara O. P. & Michael A. Fahey S. J. - 2002 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "O'Meara masterfully situates Pryzwara in relation to the traditional and contemporary theological, philosophical, ecclesial, cultural, and social contexts within which he wrote." --_William P. Loewe, professor of religious studies, Catholic University of America_ Erich Przywara, S.J. is one of the important Catholic intellectuals of the twentieth century. Yet, in the English-speaking world Przywara remains largely unknown. Few of his sixty books or six hundred articles have been translated. In this engaging new book, Thomas O'Meara offers a comprehensive study of the (...)
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    Cosmology and Politics in Plato's Later Works.Dominic J. O'Meara - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Knowledge of the structure of the cosmos, Plato suggests, is important in organizing a human community which aims at happiness. This book investigates this theme in Plato's later works, the Timaeus, Statesman, and Laws. Dominic J. O'Meara proposes fresh readings of these texts, starting from the religious festivals and technical and artistic skills in the context of which Plato elaborates his cosmological and political theories, for example the Greek architect's use of models as applied by Plato in describing the making (...)
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    Studies in Aristotle.Dominic J. O'Meara - 1981 - The Catholic University of America Press.
    From the Preface: "The majority of the papers contained in this volume was delivered in the fall of 1978 at The Catholic University of America as part of the Machette series of lectures on Aristotle. Although collections of essays on Aristotle are hardly lacking at present, this volume presents new studies which, it is hoped, give some idea of the variety of philosophical perspectives in which Aristotle has held and continues to hold great interest and of the scholarly analysis needed (...)
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  12. .Dominic J. O’Meara - unknown
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  13. Paris as a Cultural Milieu of Thomas Aquinas's Thought.Thomas F. O'meara - 1974 - The Thomist 38 (4):689.
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  14. Aristotelian ethics in Plotinus.Dominic J. O'Meara - 2012 - In Jon Miller (ed.), The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  15. La question de l'être et du non être des objects mathématiques chez Plotin et Jamblique.Dominic J. O'Meara - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 122:405-416.
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  16. The Justinianic Dialogue on Political Science and Its Neoplatonic Sources.D. O'Meara - 2002 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.), Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 49--62.
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  17. (1 other version)Virgil and Saint Augustine: The Roman Background to Christian Sexuality.John J. O'Meara - forthcoming - Augustinus: Revista Trimestral.
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  18. An Eckhart Bibliography.Thomas F. O'meara - 1978 - The Thomist 42 (2):313.
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  19. Albert the Great: A Bibliographical Guide.Thomas F. O'meara - 1980 - The Thomist 44 (4):597.
  20. (2 other versions)Pythagoras revived. Mathematics and Philosophy in late Antiquity.Dominic O'MEARA - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (4):687-687.
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    F. W. J. Schelling.Thomas Franklin O'Meara - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (2):283 - 309.
    The Encyclopedia of Philosophy could state accurately in 1967: "Of all the major German philosophers, Schelling is the least known in the English-speaking world." A tentative survey discloses few articles and books on one who is casually ranked with Hegel. There is, in fact, not one book-length study in English on Schelling’s thought.
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  22. Le problème du discours sur l'indicible chez Plotin.Dj O'meara - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 122 (2):145-156.
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  23. Structures hiérarchiques dans la pensée de Plotin.Dominic J. O'meara - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (4):708-708.
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    Трансформация метафизики в эпоху поздней античности.Dominic O'Meara - 2009 - Schole 3 (2):416-432.
    The paper discusses the development of metaphysics understood as a philosophical discipline or science. I would like to propose that the last period of Greek philosophy, that going from about the 3rd to the 6th centuries A.D., made new and interesting contributions to metaphysics as a philosophical discipline, indeed made metaphysics into a metaphysical science, while also bringing out the limits of such a science. The paper has four parts. In part I, I introduce the way in which the great (...)
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    Eriugena.John Joseph O'Meara - 1969 - Cork,: Clarendon Press.
    This book deals with Johannes Scottus Eriugena, an Irish scholar at the Court of Charles the Bald in France in the second half of the ninth century - to be clearly distinguished from John Duns Scotus, after whom `Scotist' philosophy is named. Eriugena's main work, Periphyseon, is a remarkable attempt at a real intellectual synthesis between the Bible and Neoplatonist philosophy. It was not looked upon with great favour in the West except by the mystics and, more recently, by German (...)
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  26.  8
    War closure in the 21st century1.Richard M. O'Meara - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge. pp. 105.
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    Patterns of Perfection in Damascius' Life of Isidore.Dominic O'Meara - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (1):74 - 90.
    In this article, it is shown that, following the precedent set in particular by Marinus' "Life of Proclus", Damascius, in his "Life of Isidore", uses biography so as to illustrate philosophical progress through the Neoplatonic scale of virtues. Damascius applies this scale, however, to a wide range of figures belonging to pagan philosophical circles of the fifth century AD: they show different degrees and forms of progress in this scale and thus provide an edificatory panorama of patterns of philosophical perfection. (...)
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  28. Neoplatonism and Christian Thought.Dominic J. O'meara - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (4):705-708.
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  29. Paul Tillich and Erich Przywara at Davos.Thomas F. O'meara - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (2):227-238.
    Among the almost fifty speakers at the Davos Seminars from 1928 to 1931 were Paul Tillich and Erich Przywara, S.J. Tillich discussed contemporary philosophies of religion with the Catholic Przywara. While the basic question of these lectures at Davos was the suitable form of religion for the modern person, the speakers often were presenting theologies, Lutheran and Catholic, on grace and nature. Tillich went beyond both the liberal Protestantism of the late nineteenth century and the new dialectical theology of Karl (...)
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    Author's Preface.John O'Meara - 1961 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:8-10.
  31. John Dewey and modern thomism.William O'meara - 1943 - The Thomist 5:308.
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    Johannes B. Lotz, S.J., and Martin Heidegger in Conversation.O’Meara - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (1):125-131.
    This article by Johannes B. Lotz, S.J., never before translated into English, describes his contacts with Martin Heidegger. First it describes his arrival, along with Karl Rahner, S.J., to pursue doctoral studies in Freiburg im Breisgau and their first experiences with the famous professor. Lotz continues his narrative by mentioning times he met with Heidegger over the subsequent forty years up to the philosopher’s death. With Gustav Siewerth, Max Müller, Bernhard Welte, and Karl Rahner, Lotz belonged to a group of (...)
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  33.  48
    Max Müller, His Philosophy and His Journey.Thomas F. O'meara - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (3):385-396.
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    Augustine's Descriptions of the Book.John O'Meara - 1961 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:20-28.
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    From the Office.Penny Evans O'Meara & Priscilla Pearce - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (1):4.
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    I. Augustine, Literal and Scientific.John J. O'Meara - 1977 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:9-35.
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    II. The Creation of Man and Woman.John J. O'Meara - 1977 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:37-62.
  38. Les Déchirures de la Philosophie.Dominic O'meara - 2006 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 53 (1/2):428-431.
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  39. Mary in Protestant and Catholic Theology.T. A. O'Meara - 1966
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  40. Philosophie antique et byzantine: à propos de deux nouvelles collections.Dominic J. O'meara - 1989 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 36:471-478.
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  41. Problems: Physical Sciences and Causality; Science and a Philosophy of Nature.William J. O'meara - 1936 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 12:117.
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    Rome.John O'Meara - 1961 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:88-110.
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    The Justinianic Dialogue On.Dominic O'Meara - 2002 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.), Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 49.
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    Porphyry's Philosophy from oracles in Augustine.John Joseph O'Meara - 1959 - Paris,: Études augustiniennes.
  45.  39
    Preliminary Note on the Structure of the City of God.John O'Meara - 1961 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:31-34.
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  46. Plotin, une introduction aux « Ennéades », coll. « Pensée antique et médiévale - Initiation ».Dominic O'meara & Anna Callet-Molin - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (2):229-232.
  47. Causal Individualism and the Unification of Anthropology.J. Tim O'Meara - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long (ed.), Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey. pp. 105--42.
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    Intentional Objects in Later Neoplatonism.Dominic O'Meara - 2001 - In Dominik Perler (ed.), Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality. Leiden: Brill. pp. 115--125.
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  49. Paul Tillich and Karl Rahner: Similarities and Contrasts.Thomas F. O'meara - 2010 - Gregorianum 91 (3):443-459.
    Paul Tillich and Karl Rahner were Christian theologians who thought out of a modern perspective: transcendental, existential, and historical. One was from a Protestant church joining Calvinist and Lutheran traditions, and the other belonged to the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus; both studied Immanuel Kant and learned from Martin Heidegger. Tillich's theology unfolded amid and after the two World Wars with marked cultural changes, while Rahner's years were particularly marked by the changes of Vatican II and cultural shifts after 1960. (...)
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    Chasing medical miracles: the promise and perils of clinical trials.Alex O'Meara - 2009 - New York: Walker & Co..
    Chasing Medical Miracles" is the first book to give readers a behind-the-scenes look at the complicated world of clinical trials, revealing how a multibillion-dollar industry of private companies conducting them with little oversight has taken root and quietly become a major part of the American medical establishment.
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