Results for 'Keye Martin'

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  1. Time, Ambiguity, Miracle a Theological Investigation Based, in Part, on the Methods of M. Heidegger's Being and Time. --.C. D. Keyes & Martin Heidegger - 1966
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    Pathmarks.Martin Heidegger (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first time that a seminal collection of fourteen essays by Martin Heidegger (originally published in German under the title Wegmarken) has appeared in English in its complete form. It includes new or first-time translations of seven essays, and thoroughly revised, updated versions of the other seven. Amongst the new translations are such key essays as 'On the Essence of Ground', 'Hegel and the Greeks' and 'On the Question of Being'. Spanning a period from 1919-1961, these essays (...)
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    Information Theoretic Representations of Qubit Channels.Tanner Crowder & Keye Martin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (7):976-983.
    A set of qubit channels has a classical representation when it is isomorphic to the convex closure of a group of classical channels. From Crowder and Martin (Proceedings of Quantum Physics and Logic, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2009), we know that up to isomorphism there are five such sets, each corresponding to either a subgroup of the alternating group on four letters, or a subgroup of the symmetric group on three letters. In this paper, we show that (...)
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  4. Basic Writings – Nine Key Essays, plus the Introduction to Being and Time.Martin Heidegger & David Farrell Krell - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (1):166-167.
  5. An introduction to decision theory.Martin Peterson - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This up-to-date introduction to decision theory offers comprehensive and accessible discussions of decision-making under ignorance and risk, the foundations of utility theory, the debate over subjective and objective probability, Bayesianism, causal decision theory, game theory, and social choice theory. No mathematical skills are assumed, and all concepts and results are explained in non-technical and intuitive as well as more formal ways. There are over 100 exercises with solutions, and a glossary of key terms and concepts. An emphasis on foundational aspects (...)
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    Consciousness: Philosophical and Psychological Essays.Martin Davies & Glyn W. Humphreys (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Consciousness is, perhaps, the aspect of our mental lives that is the most perplexing for both psychologists and philosophers. Daniel Dennett has described it as 'both the most obvious and the most mysterious feature of our minds' and attempts at definition often seem to move in circles. Thomas Nagel famously remarked that 'without consciousness the mind-body problem would be much less interesting. With consciousness it seems hopeless.' These observations might suggest that consciousness - indefinable and mysterious - falls outside the (...)
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    Francis Bacon, the state and the reform of natural philosophy.Julian Martin - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Why was it that Francis Bacon, trained for high political office, devoted himself to proposing a celebrated and sweeping reform of the natural sciences? Julian Martin's investigative study looks at Bacon's family context, his employment in Queen Elizabeth's security service and his radical critique of the relationship between the Common Law and the Monarchy, to find the key to this important question. Deeply conservative and elitist in his political views, Bacon adapted Tudor strategies of State management and bureaucracy, the (...)
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    Around the Day in Eighty Worlds: Politics of the Pluriverse.Martin Savransky - 2021 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Around the Day in Eighty Worlds_ Martin Savransky calls for a radical politics of the pluriverse amid the ongoing devastation of the present. Responding to an epoch marked by the history of colonialism and ecological devastation, Savransky draws on the pragmatic pluralism of William James to develop what Savransky calls a “pluralistic realism”—an understanding of the world as simultaneously one and many, ongoing and unfinished, underway and yet to be made. Savransky explores the radical multifariousness of reality by (...)
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  9.  14
    Songs of Experience: Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme.Martin Jay - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Few words in both everyday parlance and theoretical discourse have been as rhapsodically defended or as fervently resisted as "experience." Yet, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of how the concept of experience has evolved over time and why so many thinkers in so many different traditions have been compelled to understand it. _Songs of Experience _is a remarkable history of Western ideas about the nature of human experience written by one of our best-known intellectual historians. With its (...)
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    Political Jurisprudence.Martin Loughlin - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    A collection of brand new and revised essays from eminent scholar of public law, Martin Loughlin, that systematizes his work on political jurisprudence - a school of thought that contends the key to understanding the nature of legal order lies in how political authority is constituted.
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  11. Scientists’ Views on (Moral) Luck.Martin Sand & Karin Jongsma - forthcoming - Journal of Responsible Innovation:1-22.
    Scientific discoveries are often to some degree influenced by luck. Whether luck’s influence is at odds with common-sense intuitions about responsibility, is the central concern of the philosophical debate about moral luck. Do scientists acknowledge that luck plays a role in their work and – if so – do they consider it morally problematic? The present article discusses the results of four focus groups with scientists, who were asked about their views on luck in their fields and its moral implications. (...)
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    Context processing in older adults: evidence for a theory relating cognitive control to neurobiology in healthy aging.Todd S. Braver, Deanna M. Barch, Beth A. Keys, Cameron S. Carter, Jonathan D. Cohen, Jeffrey A. Kaye, Jeri S. Janowsky, Stephan F. Taylor, Jerome A. Yesavage & Martin S. Mumenthaler - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4):746.
  13. The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap Between Scientists and the Public.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The lack of public support for climate change policies and refusals to vaccinate children are just two alarming illustrations of the impacts of dissent about scientific claims. Dissent can lead to confusion, false beliefs, and widespread public doubt about highly justified scientific evidence. Even more dangerously, it has begun to corrode the very authority of scientific consensus and knowledge. Deployed aggressively and to political ends, some dissent can intimidate scientists, stymie research, and lead both the public and policymakers to oppose (...)
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  14.  18
    Finding your ethical research self: a guidebook for novice qualitative researchers.Martin Tolich & Emma Tumilty - 2021 - Routledge.
    Finding Your Ethical Research Self introduces novice researchers to the need for ethical reflection in practice and gives them the confidence to use their knowledge and skill when, later as researchers, they are confronted by big ethical moments in the field. -/- The 12 chapters build on each other, but not in a linear way. Core ethical concepts like consent and confidentiality once established in the early chapters are later challenged. The new focus becomes how to address qualitative research ethics (...)
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    The end of philosophy.Martin Heidegger - 1973 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Joan Stambaugh's translations of the works of Heidegger, accomplished with his guidance, have made key aspects of his thought and philosophy accessible to readers of English for many years. This collection, writes Stambaugh, contains Heidegger's attempt "to show the history of Being as metaphysics," combining three chapters from the philosopher's Nietzsche ("Metaphysics as a History of Being," "Sketches for a History of Being as Metaphysics," and "Recollection in Metaphysics") with a selection from Vortrage und Aufsatze ("Overcoming Metaphysics").
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  16.  15
    Land and labour: Marxism, ecology and human history.Martin Empson - 2014 - London: Bookmarks Publications.
    Martin Empson draws on a Marxist understanding of history to grapple with the contradictory potential of our relationship with our environment. In so doing he shows that human action is key, both to the destruction of nature and to the possibility of a sustainable solution to the ecological crises of the 21st century.
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    Jacques Lacan: a critical introduction.Martin Murray - 2016 - London: Pluto Press.
    The wide-ranging and brilliant ideas of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan have had a major influence on twentieth and twenty-first century thought. His 'followers' are loyal and legion. Yet his ideas are complex and were conveyed in a dense and abstract form. Lacan's detractors have accused him of obscurantism, pretentiousness and even incoherence. His psychoanalytic practice and his personal life were complicated too. He was famous and contentious in equal measure. Martin Murray provides a lucid account of Lacan's key (...)
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  18. Simulation theory.Martin Davies & Tony Stone - 2018 - In Tim Crane (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online. London: Routledge.
    Mental simulation is the simulation, replication or re-enactment, usually in imagination, of the thinking, decision-making, emotional responses, or other aspects of the mental life of another person. According to simulation theory, mental simulation in imagination plays a key role in our everyday psychological understanding of other people. The same mental resources that are used in our own thinking, decision-making or emotional responses are redeployed in imagination to provide an understanding of the thoughts, decisions or emotions of another.
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    Peirces 'Religion of Science': Studien zu den Grundlagen einer naturalistischen Theologie.Martin Schmuck - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The question of how to determine the relationship between faith and knowledge is still one of the key questions in theology as well as in the philosophy of religion. Martin Schmuck suggests an answer to this question by illustrating Charles Sanders Peirce's philosophy of religion, which is based upon experience, common sense and pragmatism, in the sense of a strong interdependency of the religious and the scientific approach to one single reality. German description: Die Frage nach der (...)
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    Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease.Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig, Slawek Altenstein, Sebastian Bader, Tommaso Ballarini, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Daniel Cantré, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Emrah Düzel, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Wenzel Glanz, John-Dylan Haynes, Michael T. Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Deniz B. Keles, Ingo Kilimann, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline D. Metzger, Matthias H. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Boris Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Björn H. Schott, Annika Spottke, Eike J. Spruth, Marc-André Weber, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen & Stefan J. Teipel - unknown
    Background: Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve high diagnostic accuracy for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, they are not yet applied in clinical routine. One important reason for this is a lack of model comprehensibility. Recently developed visualization methods for deriving CNN relevance maps may help to fill this gap as they allow the visualization of key input image features that drive the decision of the model. We investigated whether models with higher accuracy (...)
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  21.  8
    Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology.Martin Farrell - 2014 - [New York]: Cambridge University Press.
    This textbook connects the big ideas and key thinkers of psychology and philosophy in a clear and cohesive theoretical narrative. Students are led to understand the relations between different schools of thought, and to connect the various thinkers, theories and facts in psychology's history. Focusing on the major ideas that have reoccurred throughout history, such as the mind-body problem and the role of the mind in our experience, Martin Farrell shows how specific thinkers have explored the same ideas, but (...)
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  22.  17
    Letters to His Wife.Martin Heidegger - 2010 - Polity.
    'There is something absolute about the letters between you & me; … The letter is a form of communion of the soul-spirit – … one that is faded & yet unimpeded, complete’, wrote Martin Heidegger to his fiancée Elfride Petri shortly before their wedding. In the course of a marriage that lasted almost sixty years Martin and Elfride were often apart, and the letter thus remained a vital means of communication right through to the final years. The letters (...)
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    Critique of the Public Sphere: A Kantian Measure of the Enlightenment of Societies.Martin Hammer - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:344-368.
    I propose a method of assessing the degree of enlightenment of a society based on its discourses. My hypothesis is that the more objectivity prevails in a society’s spheres of discourse, the more enlightened it is; the more subjectivity dominates, the more unenlightened. This relationship can be made evident through the reconstruction of Kant’s Theory of Prejudice by taking into account the handwritten notes and fragments and the lectures on logic. First, I will discuss some key aspects of Kant’s concept (...)
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    Voltaire, Maupertuis and the 18th century debate on the principle of least action: scientific and extrascientific features.Roberto de Andrade Martins & Ana Paula Bispo da Silva - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 8 (2).
    Towards the middle of the 18th century, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis proposed the “principle of least action” as a fundamental law of physics and as a proof of the existence of God. Samuel König and other contemporary authors criticized Maupertuis’ work. There ensued a fierce discussion concerning this subject, in which Leonhard Euler, the king Frédéric II of Prussia and Voltaire took part. This paper discusses that debate, emphasizing its extrascientific features and analyzing the interests that motivated the actions of (...)
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    (1 other version)Active Passivity: On the Aesthetic Variant of Freedom.Martin Seel - 2014 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 51 (2):269-281.
    ‘Being with oneself in the other’ is a well-known formula that Hegel uses to characterize the basic relation of subjective freedom. This phrase points to the fact that subjects can only come to themselves if they remain capable of going beyond themselves. This motif also plays a significant role in Hegel’s philosophy of art. The article further develops this motif by exploring the extent to which this polarity of selfhood and otherhood is also characteristic of states of aesthetic freedom. It (...)
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  26. Nigerian Music and the Black Diaspora in the USA : African Identity, Black Power, and the Free Jazz of the 1960s.Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole - 2016 - In Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole (eds.), From Tribal to Digital - Effects of Tradition and Modernity on Nigerian Media and Culture. Scholars Press. pp. 15-44.
    This article is the attempt of an historically oriented analysis focused on the role of Nigerian music as a cultural hub for the export of African cultural influences into the Black diaspora in the United States and its anticipation by the Free Jazz/Avantgarde-scene as well as the import of key-values related to the Black Power-movement to the African continent. The aim is to demonstrate the leading role and international impact of Nigeria's cultural industry among sub-saharan African nation states and its (...)
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  27.  7
    Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics.Martin Cohen (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Hodder Arnold.
    An important resource for those needing to understand the key concepts in philosophy and ethics and their relevance to current issues. It covers a wide range of philosophical ideas including often-neglected non-European traditions such as African philosophies and Islamic ethics.
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    Thinking radical democracy: the return to politics in post-war France.Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi & Devin Penner (eds.) - 2014 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    Thinking Radical Democracy is an introduction to nine key political thinkers who contributed to the emergence of radical democratic thought in post-war French political theory: Hannah Arendt, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Clastres, Claude Lefort, Cornelius Castoriadis, Guy Debord, Jacques Rancière, Étienne Balibar, and Miguel Abensour. The essays in this collection connect these writers through their shared contribution to the idea that division and difference in politics can be perceived as productive, creative, and fundamentally democratic. The questions they raise regarding equality and (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy for dummies.Martin Cohen - 2011 - Chichester: John Wiley.
    Confused by metaphysics? In a muddle with aesthetics? Intimidated by Kant? Then look no further! _Philosophy For Dummies, UK Edition_ is a complete crash-course in philosophical thought, covering key philosophers, philosophical history and theory and the big questions that affect us today. Tying in with standard UK curricula and including core topics such as logic, ethics and political philosophy, this impartial, expert guide cuts through the jargon to give you the facts. Whether you're a philosophy student or a complete beginner, (...)
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    Realismo sin empirismo.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 28 (1):13-26.
    In this paper a non-paradoxical interpretation of Hobbes’s defence of scientific realism of materialistic type is proposed. It attempts to explain how this author was able to defend the truth of materialism and at the same time to deny that it could be demonstrated in a metaphysical way. The key to his position depends on the metaphorical use of the concept of ‘imitation’ and the treatment of the infinite and irresistible power as the philosophically relevant attribute of God. So Hobbes’s (...)
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    Key Sources and Further Reading.Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez (eds.), Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Ancients and More Ancients Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy Enlightened Philosophy The Idealists The Romantics Recent Philosophy.
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    Political philosophy: from Plato to Mao.Martin Cohen - 2008 - London: Pluto Press.
    "The central advantages of this book are undoubtedly its lucidity, range and unorthodox approach to presenting key thinkers who have deeply influenced political philosophy. ... This wide range is covered with surprising agility and clarity. The book offers an engaging account of political philosophy where great schools of thought are audaciously summarized in a paragraph or two." --- Times Higher Education Supplement "Reliable and fair... Clear, relaxed, jargon-free and often attractively witty." --- The Philosopher "A handbook of the history of (...)
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  33. Toward a mechanistic psychology of dialogue.Martin J. Pickering & Simon Garrod - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):169-190.
    Traditional mechanistic accounts of language processing derive almost entirely from the study of monologue. Yet, the most natural and basic form of language use is dialogue. As a result, these accounts may only offer limited theories of the mechanisms that underlie language processing in general. We propose a mechanistic account of dialogue, the interactive alignment account, and use it to derive a number of predictions about basic language processes. The account assumes that, in dialogue, the linguistic representations employed by the (...)
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  34. Essentialist Explanation.Martin Glazier - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2871-2889.
    Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in metaphysical explanation, and philosophers have fixed on the notion of ground as the conceptual tool with which such explanation should be investigated. I will argue that this focus on ground is myopic and that some metaphysical explanations that involve the essences of things cannot be understood in terms of ground. Such ‘essentialist’ explanation is of interest, not only for its ubiquity in philosophy, but for its being in a sense an ultimate (...)
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  35. Presidential Address to the 48th Annual Meeting of the Florida Philosophical Association: "Kant's Thing in Itself, or the Tao of Königsberg".Martin Schonfeld - 2003 - Florida Philosophical Review 3 (1):5-32.
    Kant has been the target of innumerable objections, and yet his thought involves correct scientific aperçus, as well as viable ethical ideas, which are increasingly embraced in the Global Village. Kant's critical philosophy involves profound puzzles. In the first Critique, a spatial force field is identified as an a priori and yet material condition of experience . In the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, the Good Will is of singular but odd importance , and the Categorical Imperative has a (...)
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  36. Decision theory and de minimis risk.Martin Smith - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2169-2192.
    A de minimis risk is defined as a risk that is so small that it may be legitimately ignored when making a decision. While ignoring small risks is common in our day-to-day decision making, attempts to introduce the notion of a de minimis risk into the framework of decision theory have run up against a series of well-known difficulties. In this paper, I will develop an enriched decision theoretic framework that is capable of overcoming two major obstacles to the modelling (...)
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  37.  25
    A constructivist approach to the use of case studies in teaching Engineering Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2017 - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 715:193-201.
    Our paper aims to explore the effectiveness of a constructivist approach to the teaching of engineering ethics through case studies, by putting forward a contextualization of the much discussed case study “Cutting Road Side Trees” [12] in light of the constructivist frame suggested by Jonassen [8]. First, we briefly analyse how the use of case studies for the teaching of engineering ethics eludes the complexity of the engineering professional environment before arguing that constructivism is a learning theory that can help (...)
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    The essentials of-- philosophy & ethics.Martin Cohen - 2006 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. of America by Oxford University Press.
    The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics offers a distinctive take on philosophical and ethical concepts and on key thinkers in these areas. Philosophy and ethics are fascinating and thought-provoking subjects in their own right and also have important implications for the way we think about a whole range of other issues such as religion and civil liberties. The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics provides an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to understand the key concepts in these fields and their relevance (...)
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  39. Sociology of science: Bloor, Collins, Latour.Martin Kusch - 2012 - In James Robert Brown (ed.), Philosophy of Science: The Key Thinkers. New York: Continuum Books. pp. 168.
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    On Hegel's philosophy of right: the 1934-35 seminar and interpretive essays.Martin Heidegger - 2014 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Andrew J. Mitchell, Peter Trawny, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback & Michael Marder.
    This is the first English translation of the seminar Martin Heidegger gave during the Winter of 1934-35, which dealt with Hegel's Philosophy of Right. This remarkable text is the only one in which Heidegger interprets Hegel's masterpiece in the tradition of Continental political philosophy while offering a glimpse into Heidegger's own political thought following his engagement with Nazism. It also confronts the ideas of Carl Schmitt, allowing readers to reconstruct the relation between politics and ontology. The book is enriched (...)
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    Politics and globalisation: knowledge, ethics, and agency.Martin Shaw (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Globalisation is widely understood as a set of processes driven by technological, economic and cultural change. Few have successfully defined the changing character and role of politics in global change. Political institutions such as the nation-state have been seen as undermined by globalisation, or needing to respond to it. This book clarifies the tensions which global change has provoked in our understanding of politics. Politics and Globalisation suggests that globalisation is a process which is politically contested and even politically constituted. (...)
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  42. Historical approaches: Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend.Martin Carrier - 2012 - In James Robert Brown (ed.), Philosophy of Science: The Key Thinkers. New York: Continuum Books. pp. 132.
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  43. Existence and the communicatively competent self.Martin Beck Matustik - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (3).
    Most readers of Habermas would not classify him as an existential thinker. The view of Habermas as a philosopher in German Idealist and Critical traditions from Kant to Hegel and Marx to the Frankfurt School prevails among Continental as much as among analytic philosophers. And the mainstream Anglo-American reception of his work and politics is shaped by the approaches of formal analysis rather than those of existential and social phenomenology or even current American pragmatism. One may argue that both these (...)
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    Mathematics, Science and the Cambridge Tradition.Nuno Ornelas Martins - 2012 - Economic Thought 1 (2).
    In this paper the use of mathematics in economics will be discussed, by comparing two approaches to mathematics, a Cartesian approach, and a Newtonian approach. I will argue that while mainstream economics is underpinned by a Cartesian approach which led to a divorce between mathematics and reality, the contributions of key authors of the Cambridge tradition, like Marshall, Keynes and Sraffa, are characterised by a Newtonian approach to mathematics, where mathematics is aimed at a study of reality. Marshall was influenced (...)
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    Metaphysics and nihilism.Martin Heidegger - 2022 - New York: Polity Press. Edited by Arun Iyer.
    The two treatises The Overcoming of Metaphysics (1938/39) and The Essence of Nihilism (1946-1948) do not belong together temporally or formally, but they are brought together in this volume because they both treat a common thesis from the standpoint of different questions - namely, that nihilism is the essence of metaphysics in relation to the history of being. The overcoming of metaphysics is, for Heidegger, the decisive historical moment in which metaphysics is experienced as the history of the abandonment by (...)
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    (1 other version)Aesthetics in the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead.Martin Kaplický - 2011 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2):157-171.
    Alfred North Whitehead published no book or article strictly on aesthetics. Nonetheless, in his philosophical writings he mentions several times that aesthetic experience is the key to his metaphysics. In fundamental places of his philosophical system, moreover, he uses expressions like ‘aesthetic experience’, ‘aesthetic fact’, ‘aesthetic unity’, and ‘aesthetic order’. These expressions do not, however, refer to human conscious experience alone, but to all entities of the universe. That has led some scholars to the conviction that these terms are used (...)
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  47.  19
    God Matters: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion.Raymond Martin - 2003 - Longman Publications.
    God Matters is a state-of-the-art, accessible anthology of the major issues in philosophy of religion. Its accessibility is due to its mix of classic readings and brand new readings about contemporary issues, commissioned specifically with an undergraduate student in mind. These commissioned readings make the difficult concepts of contemporary philosophy of religion easy to understand, and are complemented by key excerpts from more technical philosophers' writing on the same subjects. The result is an engaging, comprehensive reader that introduces students to (...)
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  48. Standpoints: A Study of a Metaphysical Picture.Martin A. Lipman - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (3):117-138.
    There is a type of metaphysical picture that surfaces in a range of philosophical discussions, is of intrinsic interest, and yet remains ill-understood. According to this picture, the world contains a range of standpoints relative to which different facts obtain. Any true representation of the world cannot but adopt a particular standpoint. The aim of this paper is to propose a regimentation of a metaphysics that underwrites this picture. Key components are a factive notion of metaphysical relativity, a deflationary notion (...)
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    Nursing Ethics Education: are we really delivering the good(s)?Martin Woods - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (1):5-18.
    The vast majority of research in nursing ethics over the last decade indicates that nurses may not be fully prepared to ‘deliver the good(s)’ for their patients, or to contribute appropriately in the wider current health care climate. When suitable research projects were evaluated for this article, one key question emerged: if nurses are educationally better prepared than ever before to exercise their ethical decision-making skills, why does research still indicate that the expected practice-based improvements remain elusive? Hence, a number (...)
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    Recovering religion's prophetic voice for business ethics.Martin S. J. Calkins - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (4):339 - 352.
    This article surveys western business ethics' recent history to show how this ethic has neglected recently its religious traditions and become construed more narrowly as an applied philosophy and social science. It argues that this narrowness has confused business ethics' role in business education and helped to weaken the distinctiveness of certain institutions of higher education. It then suggests ways that western business ethics might become more integrated, interesting, and autonomous as an academic discipline by incorporating its key religious traditions.
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