Results for 'Kees Hengeveld'

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  1.  58
    Bootstrapping the energy flow in the beginning of life.R. Hengeveld & M. A. Fedonkin - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (2):181-226.
    This paper suggests that the energy flow on which all living structures depend only started up slowly, the low-energy, initial phase starting up a second, slightly more energetic phase, and so on. In this way, the build up of the energy flow follows a bootstrapping process similar to that found in the development of computers, the first generation making possible the calculations necessary for constructing the second one, etc. In the biogenetic upstart of an energy flow, non-metals in the lower (...)
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    Definitions of Life are not Only Unnecessary, but they can do Harm to Understanding.Rob Hengeveld - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):323-325.
    In my response to the paper by Jagers op Akkerhuis, I object against giving definitions of life, since they bias anything that follows. As we don’t know how life originated, authors characterise life using criteria derived from present-day properties, thus emphasising widely different ones, which gives bias to their further analysis. This makes their results dependent on their initial suppositions, which introduces circularity in their reasoning.
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    An Existentialist Approach to the Social Psychology of Fairness.Kees van Den Bos - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press.
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  4. New urbanism in former harbours.Kees Christiaanse - 2003 - Topos 44:6-13.
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    Oefening en bespiegeling: Het verloskundig onderwijs van M. S. du Pui te Leiden. M. M. Lamens-van Malenstein.Kees Grooss - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):551-551.
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    Conway Morris, S. (2003). Life's solution. Inevitable humans in a lonely universe.Rob Hengeveld - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (3):221-228.
  7.  32
    The Soviet Union did not have a legal system.Kees Quist & Wouter Veraart - 2009 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (1):37-49.
    This interview with Jeremy Waldron covers three topics. Firstly, we dealt with the methodology debate, that is, the discussion about how to proceed in analyzing the nature of law. Does the question ‘What is law?’ require a descriptive analysis of the concept of law or, rather, a normative exercise in political philosophy? Secondly, we spoke about the role of law in response to historic injustice, especially in relation to the restitution of property rights. On this topic Waldron vindicates the ‘supersession-thesis’, (...)
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  8. 'Endrikien: kern van geestelijke natuurwetenschappen.Kees Sandberg - 1945 - s'-Gravenhage,: Geestelijk-wetenschappelijk genootschap "De Eeuw van Christus,".
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    Model-guided implementation of an instrument for program evaluation: The use of social policy and innovation models.Kees Mesman Schultz, Wilma I. Poot & Peter H. M. Bogaart - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (3):57-73.
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  10. Paul Carus's "Positive Monism" and Critique of Other Types of Monism.Kee Soo Shin - 1973 - Dissertation, Temple University
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    Causes and consequences of eukaryotization through mutualistic endosymbiosis and compartmentalization.R. Hengeveld & M. A. Fedonkin - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (2):105-154.
    This paper reviews and extends ideas of eukaryotization by endosymbiosis. These ideas are put within an historical context of processes that may have led up to eukaryotization and those that seem to have resulted from this process. Our starting point for considering the emergence and development of life as an organized system of chemical reactions should in the first place be in accordance with thermodynamic principles and hence should, as far as possible, be derived from these principles. One trend to (...)
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    Two approaches to the study of the origin of life.R. Hengeveld - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (2):97-131.
    This paper compares two approaches that attempt to explain the origin of life, or biogenesis. The more established approach is one based on chemical principles, whereas a new, yet not widely known approach begins from a physical perspective. According to the first approach, life would have begun with—often organic—compounds. After having developed to a certain level of complexity and mutual dependence within a non-compartmentalised organic soup, they would have assembled into a functioning cell. In contrast, the second, physical type of (...)
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  13.  50
    The two coexisting ecological paradigms.R. Hengeveld & G. H. Walter - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (2):141-170.
    We analyse theories and research approaches in ecology and find that they fall into two internally homogeneous groups of linked ideas, each comprising a unique set of premises. The two sets of interpretive statements are thus mutually exclusive; they constitute alternative theoretical developments in ecology and should not be seen as complementary. They can, therefore, be considered two paradigms (Kuhn, 1962). Our interpretation is supported by the minimal overlap, if any, in the premises and research directions of the two approaches. (...)
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    Utility and Language Generation: The Case of Vagueness.Kees Deemter - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):607-632.
    This paper asks why information should ever be expressed vaguely, re-assessing some previously proposed answers to this question and suggesting some new ones. Particular attention is paid to the benefits that vague expressions can have in situations where agreement over the meaning of an expression cannot be taken for granted. A distinction between two different versions of the above-mentioned question is advocated. The first asks why human languages contain vague expressions, the second question asks when and why a speaker should (...)
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  15. Inleiding tot het modelbegrip.Kees Bertels - 1969 - Bussum,: W. de Haan. Edited by Doede Nauta.
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    Sarjana filsafat di Indonesia.Kees Bertens - 1985 - Jakarta, Indonesia: Atma Jaya, Pusat Pengembangan Etika Atma Jaya. Edited by A. A. Nugroho.
    List of philosphers graduated from universities in Indonesia, includes titles of their theses.
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    The Wonderful Crucible of Life's Creation: An Essay on Contingency versus Inevitability of Phylogenetic Development.R. Hengeveld - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 129--157.
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    Patterns, Models, Complexity: Notes On Mapping Patterns In Analysis Of Complexity.Kees P. Pieters - 2010 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 12 (4).
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    A conceptual linkage between cognitive architectures and social interaction.Kees Zoethout & Wander Jager - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):317-333.
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    Von Uexküll’s Umwelt Concept Revived.Rob Hengeveld - 2024 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (4):1-8.
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  21. Phenomenology and naturalism in autopoietic and radical enactivism: exploring sense-making and continuity from the top down.Hayden Kee - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 9):2323-2343.
    Radical and autopoietic enactivists disagree concerning how to understand the concept of sense-making in enactivist discourse and the extent of its distribution within the organic domain. I situate this debate within a broader conflict of commitments to naturalism on the part of radical enactivists, and to phenomenology on the part of autopoietic enactivists. I argue that autopoietic enactivists are in part responsible for the obscurity of the notion of sense-making by attributing it univocally to sentient and non-sentient beings and following (...)
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    Understanding Mantras.Kees W. Bolle & Harvey P. Alper - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):146.
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  23. Phenomenology and Ontology of Language and Expression: Merleau-Ponty on Speaking and Spoken Speech.Hayden Kee - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (3):415-435.
    This paper clarifies Merleau-Ponty’s distinction between speaking and spoken speech, and the relation between the two, in his Phenomenology of Perception. Against a common interpretation, I argue on exegetical and philosophical grounds that the distinction should not be understood as one between two kinds of speech, but rather between two internally related dimensions present in all speech. This suggests an interdependence between speaking and spoken aspects of speech, and some commentators have critiqued Merleau-Ponty for claiming a priority of speaking over (...)
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    The Sacred Marriage of a Hindu Goddess.Kees W. Bolle & William P. Harman - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):512.
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  25.  44
    Reminders of behavioral disinhibition increase public conformity in the Asch paradigm and behavioral affiliation with ingroup members.Kees van den Bos, E. A. Lind, Jeroen Bommelé & Sebastian D. J. VandeVondele - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Methodology going astray in population biology.Rob Hengeveld - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (2):77-93.
    This paper analyses the broad methodological structure of population-biological theorising. In it, I show that the distinction between initial exploratory, hypothesis-generating research and the subsequent process-reconstructing, hypothesis-testing type of research is not being made. Rather, the hypotheses generated in population biology are elaborated in such detail that students confound the initial research phase with the subsequent hypotheses-testing phase of research. In this context, I therefore analyse some testing procedures within the exploration phase and show that, as an extreme form of (...)
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    Editorial: A new turn in the study of the origin of life.Rob Hengeveld & Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (2):95-96.
    This paper compares two approaches that attempt to explain the origin of life, or biogenesis. The more established approach is one based on chemical principles, whereas a new, yet not widely known approach begins from a physical perspective. According to the first approach, life would have begun with—often organic—compounds. After having developed to a certain level of complexity and mutual dependence within a non-compartmentalised organic soup, they would have assembled into a functioning cell. In contrast, the second, physical type of (...)
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    Relatives of the Russell Paradox.Kees Doets - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (1):73-83.
    A formula ϕ in the one non-logical symbol ϵ with one free variable x is Russell if the sentence Vχ) is logically valid. This note describes a pattern common to the classical examples of Russell formulas, adds a couple of new ones, and constructs many formulas that are near-Russell.
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  29. Adult learning from a confucian way of thinking.Youngwha Kee - 2007 - In Sharan B. Merriam (ed.), Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing. Krieger Pub. Co..
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  30. Horizons of the word: Words and tools in perception and action.Hayden Kee - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):905-932.
    In this paper I develop a novel account of the phenomenality of language by focusing on characteristics of perceived speech. I explore the extent to which the spoken word can be said to have a horizonal structure similar to that of spatiotemporal objects: our perception of each is informed by habitual associations and expectations formed through past experiences of the object or word and other associated objects and experiences. Specifically, the horizonal structure of speech in use can fruitfully be compared (...)
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  31. Phenomenological reduction in Merleau‐Ponty's The Structure of Behavior: An alternative approach to the naturalization of phenomenology.Hayden Kee - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):15-32.
    Approaches to the naturalization of phenomenology usually understand naturalization as a matter of rendering continuous the methods, epistemologies, and ontologies of phenomenological and natural scientific inquiry. Presupposed in this statement of the problematic, however, is that there is an original discontinuity, a rupture between phenomenology and the natural sciences that must be remedied. I propose that this way of thinking about the issue is rooted in a simplistic understanding of the phenomenological reduction that entails certain assumptions about the subject matter (...)
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    Auspicious Wisdom: The Texts and Traditions of Śrīvidyā Śākta Tantrism in South IndiaAuspicious Wisdom: The Texts and Traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India.Kees W. Bolle & Douglas Renfrew Brooks - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):172.
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    Im Tod gewinnt der Mensch sein Selbst: Das Phänomen des Todes in asiatischer und abendländischer Religionstradition; Arbeitsdokumentation eines SymposionsIm Tod gewinnt der Mensch sein Selbst: Das Phanomen des Todes in asiatischer und abendlandischer Religionstradition; Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposions.Kees W. Bolle & Gerhard Oberhammer - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):113.
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    Mantras et diagrammes rituels dans l'Hindouisme.Kees W. Bolle, André Padoux & Andre Padoux - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):659.
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    V back to the future 16.Kees Brants - 1998 - In Kees Brants, Joke Hermes & Liesbet van Zoonen (eds.), The media in question: popular cultures and public interests. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 169.
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    Life's origin and unfolding popularized - de duve, C. (2002). Life evolving. Molecules, mind and meaning.Rob Hengeveld & Mikhail Fedonkin - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (3):239-244.
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    Macarthur, R.h. And E.o. Wilson (1967, reprinted 2001). The theory of island biogeography.Rob Hengeveld - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (2):133-136.
  38.  20
    Hommage à Peter Sharratt (1936-2014).Kees Meerhoff & Dominique Couzinet - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (2):435-438.
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    Logic and eloquence: A Ramusian revolution.Kees Meerhoff - 1991 - Argumentation 5 (4):357-374.
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    Unfinished Business : les projets de Ramus au sujet de l’éthique et de la Politique d’Aristote.Kees Meerhoff - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (2):285-304.
    Dans cet article, composé en hommage aux travaux de Peter Sharratt, l’auteur examine l’attitude de Pierre de La Ramée (Ramus) et d’Omer Talon à l’égard de l’Éthique à Nicomaque. En tant qu’humanistes, ces derniers s’occupent intensément des arts du discours. Tout en reconnaissant la nécessité d’un fondement éthique dans tout discours, ils se montrent violemment hostiles au traité aristotélicien. Le traité posthume de théologie composé par Ramus propose le Décalogue comme source exclusive de la morale chrétienne. Ramus et Talon refusent (...)
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  41. The new edition of K.e. Løgstrup's the ethical demand.Kees Kooten Niekervank - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4).
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    Writings of Professor Philip P. Wiener.Kee Soo Shin - 1972 - Journal of the History of Ideas 33 (3):358.
  43. Assessing the Incremental Algorithm: A Response to Krahmer et al.Kees van Deemter, Albert Gatt, Ielka van der Sluis & Richard Power - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (5):842-845.
    This response discusses the experiment reported in Krahmer et al.’s Letter to the Editor of Cognitive Science. We observe that their results do not tell us whether the Incremental Algorithm is better or worse than its competitors, and we speculate about implications for reference in complex domains, and for learning from ‘‘normal” (i.e., non-semantically-balanced) corpora.
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    Politics is E-verywhere.Kees Brants - 2002 - Communications 27 (2):171-188.
    Internet is often said to open up new avenues for a more direct and deliberative democracy. In this article, the notion of ‘deliberation’ will be problematized and a typology of political web sites will be developed. Next, three case studies of Dutch discussion sites are used to test the claim that the organizational structure, aim, control of content and kind of interactivity of political web sites can explain the level and quality of participation. Except for its mostly extreme elitist participation, (...)
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  45. The city as loft. Berlin.Kees Christiaanse - 2002 - Topos 38.
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  46. The city as loft.Kees Christiaanse - 2000 - Topos 29.
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    Axiomatizing Universal Properties of Quantifiers.Kees Doets - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):901-905.
    We axiomatize all quantifier properties which can be expressed by a universal condition on the class of algebras of sets.
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    Der Optimismus der Ingenieure: Triumph der Technik in der Krise der Moderne um 1900. Hans-Liudger Dienel.Kees Gispen - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):409-410.
  49. Verder met Bakker?Kees Goudswaard - 2009 - Idee (Misc) 30:34.
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    Issues of Buddhist Thoery of Moral Education and Its contemporary Tasks.Pak Byung Kee - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (72):81-102.
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