Results for 'Katrin Tiidenberg'

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  1.  64
    Selfies, Image and the Re-making of the Body.Edgar Gómez Cruz & Katrin Tiidenberg - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (4):77-102.
    This article explores the relationality between women’s bodies and selfies on NSFW (Not Safe For Work) tumblr blogs. We consider the way selfie practices engage with normative, ageist and sexist assumptions of the wider culture in order to understand how specific ways of looking become possible. Women’s experiences of their bodies change through interactions, sense of community and taking and sharing selfies. This article provides an empirical elaboration on what sexy selfies are and do by analysing interviews, selfies and blog (...)
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    Kant and Modern Political Philosophy.Katrin Flikschuh - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book Katrin Flikschuh examines the relevance of Kant's political thought to major issues and problems in contemporary political philosophy. She advances and defends two principal claims: that Kant's philosophy of Right endorses the role of metaphysics in political thinking, in contrast to its generally hostile reception in the field today, and that his account of political obligation is cosmopolitan in its inception, assigning priority to the global rather than the domestic context. She shows how Kant's metaphysics of (...)
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    Kultureller Wettstreit um Urbanitas im 12. Jahrhundert.Katrin Beyer - 2011 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 45 (1).
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    Überblick über die bioethischen Entwicklungen auf EUEbene.Katrin Hatzinger - 2006 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 50 (1):291-300.
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    Die Kritik des souveränen Menschen und ihre Grenzen.Katrin Meyer - 2004 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (3):492.
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    (1 other version)Doublings and Couplings.Katrin Pahl - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (1):177-184.
    Das Studium von Valérys Metalepsis und Kleists hybrider Ästhetik führt den Beitrag zu einer Untersuchung von Gefühlen als »offene Objekte«. Anhand von Dopplungen und Paarungen präsentiert Kleists Theater Emotionalität als »Dinggefühl« im Doppelsinn von »das fühlende Ding« (z. B. ein menschlicher Körper) und »das Gefühl als Ding« (z. B. ein Dolch): als ein offenes, komplexes und dynamisches Gefüge von menschlichen und paramenschlichen Aktanten, die auf ihre Unstimmigkeit mit sich selbst reagieren. Via an analysis of Valéry's metalepsis and Kleist's hybrid aesthetics, (...)
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    Von Gott und den Göttern.Katrin Riedel - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 66 (3-4):270-294.
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    Barriers to Behavior Change in Parents With Overweight or Obese Children: A Qualitative Interview Study.Katrin Ziser, Stefanie Decker, Felicitas Stuber, Anne Herschbach, Katrin Elisabeth Giel, Stephan Zipfel, Stefan Ehehalt & Florian Junne - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents are global problems of our time. Due to their authority and role modeling, parents play an essential part in the efficacy of prevention and intervention programs. This study assessed the barriers that parents of overweight/obese children face in preventive and interventional health care utilization. Sixteen parents were qualitatively interviewed. A content analysis was performed, and barriers to change were allocated to their stage of change according to the transtheoretical model. Among the main barriers (...)
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    Execution Without Verdict: Kafka’s (Non-)Person.Katrin Trüstedt - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (2):135-154.
    This contribution investigates the intimate relation and the tension between legal and literary procedures of personification and subjectivation. In order to do so, the contribution turns to Kafka’s The Trial and examines the proximity of the juridical procedure depicted in the novel, intending to establish Josef K. as a subject, to the narrative procedures of the novel itself that aims at bringing forth an accountable protagonist. The intimate relation of the legal procedures described in the novel and the narrative ones (...)
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    Pragmatic Meaning and Non-Monotonic Reasoning: The Case of Exhaustive Interpretation.Katrin Schulz & Robert van Rooij - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (2):205 - 250.
    In this paper an approach to the exhaustive interpretation of answers is developed. It builds on a proposal brought forward by Groenendijk and Stokhof (1984). We will use the close connection between their approach and McCarthy's (1980, 1986) predicate circumscription and describe exhaustive interpretation as an instance of interpretation in minimal models, well-known from work on counterfactuals (see for instance Lewis (1973)). It is shown that by combining this approach with independent developments in semantics/pragmatics one can overcome certain limitations of (...)
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  11.  30
    Effects of Acute Laboratory Stress on Executive Functions.Katrin Starcke, Carina Wiesen, Patrick Trotzke & Matthias Brand - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  12.  40
    Kinder- und Jugendsport in einer geschichteten Gesellschaft? Aufarbeitung und Diskussion des aktuellen Forschungsstandes in Deutschland.Katrin Albert & Tina Nobis - 2018 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 15 (1):63-92.
    Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass die deutsche Gesellschaft als eine geschichtete Gesellschaft beschrieben werden kann, verfolgt der vorliegende Beitrag das Ziel, den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu schichtspezifischen Einfärbungen der Sportengagements von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland zu beschreiben und zu reflektieren. Dabei zeigt sich, dass in einem Teil der vorliegenden Publikationen auf die Darlegung theoretischer Annahmen verzichtet wird und dass die gewählten Methoden zur Datenerfassung und -auswertung wie auch die Komplexität der Interpretationsansätze als heterogen einzuschätzen sind. Die vorliegenden empirischen Befunde (...)
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  13.  48
    Humour as the Playful Sidekick to Language in the Zhuangzi.Katrin Froese - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (2):137-152.
    Humour in the Zhuangzi is used to question the priority that human beings bestow upon language and thought, revealing both its limitations and its possibilities. Hierarchies and conventions are overturned and both the sense and senselessness of language are celebrated. Humour also opens up a world in which a plethora of perspectives is acknowledged and the purpose of purposelessness is underscored. Encouraging us to take laughter seriously also allows us to view the seeming gravity of the human condition with increased (...)
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  14.  17
    About Process and Progress - Suggestions About How to Investigate Subjective Experience Most Ecologically.Katrin Heimann - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 15 (3):253-255.
    While appreciating Oblak’s call for and investment in more ecological research designs in psychology, I point out several aspects in Oblak’s own experimental setup that might themselves derive ….
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  15. Herbert Marcuse.Katrin Hugendubel - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher, Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--315.
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    Adorno, mit Arendt gelesen.Katrin Meyer - 2004 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (1).
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    Film-Erfahrung. Überlegungen zum Begriff der Erfahrung im Kontext der Filmrezeption.Katrin Peters - 1996 - Die Philosophin 7 (14):32-50.
  18.  18
    What is Orientation in Global Thinking?: A Kantian Inquiry.Katrin Flikschuh - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Starting from Kant's striking question 'What is orientation in thinking?', this book argues that the main challenge facing global normative theorising lies in its failure to acknowledge its conceptual inadequacies. We do not know how to reason globally; instead, we tend to apply our domestic political experiences to the global context. Katrin Flikschuh argues that we must develop a form of global reasoning that is sensitive to the variability of contexts: rather than trying to identify a uniquely shareable set (...)
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  19. “If you’d wiggled A, then B would’ve changed”: Causality and counterfactual conditionals.Katrin Schulz - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):239-251.
    This paper deals with the truth conditions of conditional sentences. It focuses on a particular class of problematic examples for semantic theories for these sentences. I will argue that the examples show the need to refer to dynamic, in particular causal laws in an approach to their truth conditions. More particularly, I will claim that we need a causal notion of consequence. The proposal subsequently made uses a representation of causal dependencies as proposed in Pearl to formalize a causal notion (...)
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  20.  48
    The complex duration perception of emotional faces: effects of face direction.Katrin M. Kliegl, Kerstin Limbrecht-Ecklundt, Lea Dürr, Harald C. Traue & Anke Huckauf - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21. Unconscious modulation of the conscious experience of voluntary control.Katrin Linser & Thomas Goschke - 2007 - Cognition 104 (3):459-475.
    How does the brain generate our experience of being in control over our actions and their effects? Here, we argue that the perception of events as self-caused emerges from a comparison between anticipated and actual action-effects: if the representation of an event that follows an action is activated before the action, the event is experienced as caused by one’s own action, whereas in the case of a mismatch it will be attributed to an external cause rather than to the self. (...)
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  22.  55
    Are abstract action words embodied? An fMRI investigation at the interface between language and motor cognition.Katrin Sakreida, Claudia Scorolli, Mareike M. Menz, Stefan Heim, Anna M. Borghi & Ferdinand Binkofski - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  23. Kant.Katrin Flikschuh - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly, Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  24.  64
    Does Economics and Business Education Wash Away Moral Judgment Competence?Katrin Hummel, Dieter Pfaff & Katja Rost - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):559-577.
    In view of the numerous accounting and corporate scandals associated with various forms of moral misconduct and the recent financial crisis, economics and business programs are often accused of actively contributing to the amoral decision making of their graduates. It is argued that theories and ideas taught at universities engender moral misbehavior among some managers, as these theories mainly focus on the primacy of profit-maximization and typically neglect the ethical and moral dimensions of decision making. To investigate this criticism, two (...)
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  25.  17
    Seinsbegegnung: Nicolai Hartmann und das zeitgenössische Bedürfnis nach Realität.Katrin Felgenhauer - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (2):261-274.
    The contemporary realist turn in philosophy can be seen as a reaction to a merely constructivist understanding of being. The formulation of a realist ontology was already the central concern of Nicolai Hartmann’s philosophy. Hartmann argues that in order to pose the ontological question critically, a realist analysis of the cognitive relation must precede posing the question of being. From the critical analysis, it follows that the cognitive relation is embedded in the relationship of being. Thus, the epistemic relation becomes (...)
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    Editorial foreword.Katrin Flikschuh & Jens Timmermann - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (2):151-153.
    The present stage in the development of our society is marked by serious changes in social morality. The building of communism is entering a new stage. The man of the communist future is taking shape and being perfected before our eyes. Under these conditions, the Party - and this was emphasized at its Twenty-Fourth Congress - requires of a worker in the arts a thorough examination of contemporary life and of its hero to the full extent of his talent, and (...)
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  27.  10
    Is Red the New Black? A Quasi-Experimental Study Comparing Perceptions of Differently Coloured Cycle Lanes.Katrine Karlsen & Aslak Fyhri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cities and road authorities in many countries have started colouring their cycle lanes. Some road authorities choose red, some blue, and some green. The reasoning behind this choice is not clear, and it is uncertain whether some colours are superior to others. The current study aims to examine whether coloured cycle lanes are viewed more positively than uncoloured lanes, and whether one of the typically chosen colours is perceived as safer and more inviting to cyclists or more deterring to motorists. (...)
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    Libera electio.Katrin Kottmann - 2005 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 39 (1):151-176.
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    Ästhetik der Historie: Friedrich Nietzsches "Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben".Katrin Meyer - 1998 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Gewalt, Sinn und Verletzlichkeit.Katrin Meyer - 2016 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 64 (1):150-154.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 64 Heft: 1 Seiten: 150-154.
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    Macht und Gewalt im Widerstreit. Politisches Denken nach Hannah Arendt.Katrin Meyer - 2016 - Basel: Schwabe.
    Philosophische Analysen zum Verhaltnis von Macht und Gewalt Die Philosophin Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) hat die politische Theorie des 20. Jahrhunderts durch eine folgenreiche begriffliche Unterscheidung nachhaltig herausgefordert. Sie entwickelt in ihren Schriften Vita activa, Uber die Revolution und Macht und Gewalt in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren die These, dass Macht und Gewalt zwei politische Phanomene darstellen, die gegenteilige Ursachen und Effekte haben und darum radikal zu unterscheiden sind. Arendt unterzieht die politische Geschichte der Gegenwart im Lichte des Gegensatzes von (...)
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    Operationalisierung anhand moralischer Dilemmata: zwei Klassen rationalen Entscheidens und ihre Voraussetzungen bei den Hominidae.Katrin Oechsner - 2014 - Berlin: Wvb, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
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    Measuring Biology.Katrin Schaefer & Fred L. Bookstein - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (1):1-5.
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  34. Constitutional recognition of Islamic family law and Sharia courts in Ethiopia : governmental strategies to co-regulate the plural family law arena.Katrin Seidel - 2019 - In Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja, Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts. Boston: Brill.
  35.  51
    The application of Montague translations in universal research and typology.Katrin Tent - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (6):661 - 686.
  36.  8
    Rousseau and Nietzsche: Toward an Aesthetic Morality.Katrin Froese - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Rousseau and Nietzsche: Toward an Aesthetic Morality offers a vivid depiction of the problems and potential of modernity through the words of two of its most poignant voices. The book focuses upon the modern self's desire to individuate while facing the ethical responsibility to integrate into the world. Katrin Froese elegantly juxtaposes Nietzsche's drive for extraordinary individualism with Rousseau's call for the dependable citizen, demonstrating that where Nietzsche's aestheticism embraces the limitless and irreconcilable longings of a divided being, Rousseau's (...)
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  37. Adaptation to Novel Accents: Feature-Based Learning of Context-Sensitive Phonological Regularities.Katrin Skoruppa & Sharon Peperkamp - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):348-366.
    This paper examines whether adults can adapt to novel accents of their native language that contain unfamiliar context-dependent phonological alternations. In two experiments, French participants listen to short stories read in accented speech. Their knowledge of the accents is then tested in a forced-choice identification task. In Experiment 1, two groups of listeners are exposed to newly created French accents in which certain vowels harmonize or disharmonize, respectively, to the rounding of the preceding vowel. Despite the cross-linguistic predominance of vowel (...)
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    Architecture and organizational principles of Broca's region.Katrin Amunts & Karl Zilles - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (8):418-426.
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    Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives.Katrin Flikschuh & Lea Ypi (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book presents the first full exploration of Kant's position on colonialism. Leading experts in both political thought and normative theory place Kant's thoughts on the subject in historical context, examine the tensions that colonialism produces in his work, and evaluate the relevance of these reflections for current debates on global justice.
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    Joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives in German psychiatric practice: Table 1.Katrin Radenbach, Peter Falkai, Traudel Weber-Reich & Alfred Simon - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):343-345.
    This study explores the attitude of German psychiatrists in leading positions towards joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives. This topic was examined by contacting 473 medical directors of German psychiatric hospitals and departments. They were asked to complete a questionnaire developed by us. That form contained questions about the incidence and acceptance of joint crisis plans and psychiatric advance directives and previous experiences with them. 108 medical directors of psychiatric hospitals and departments responded . Their answers demonstrate that in (...)
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  41.  61
    Innate right in Kant—A critical reading.Katrin Flikschuh - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):823-839.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 823-839, June 2022.
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    Zivilisation« statt »Freiheit.Katrin Simons - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009 (2):100-111.
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    Philosophie, in Geschichten verstrickt.Katrin Wille & Ingrid Vendrell Ferran - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (6):1169-1170.
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  44.  24
    Uten lovlig opphold = uten rettigheter? Tilværelsen til migranter uten oppholdstillatelse i lys av normativ teori om rettferdighet.Katrine Fangen & Halvar Andreassen Kjærre - 2012 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):6-22.
    Migranter som fortsetter å oppholde seg i et land etter avslag på søknad om opphold, eller som unnlater å søke om oppholdstillatelse, utfordrer det juridiske rammeverket for nasjonalstater og statsborgerskap. I denne artikkelen diskuteres livssituasjonen til migranter uten lovlig opphold opp mot normativ kosmopolitisk teori om universelle rettigheter. Dette er belyst i internasjonal litteratur, men i mindre grad innenfor en norsk kontekst. Vi tar i denne artikkelen for oss tre empiriske eksempler: tilværelsen i såkalte ventemottak, tilværelsen utenfor ventemottakene og tilværelsen (...)
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  45.  10
    Ethics Unbound: Some Chinese and Western Perspectives on Morality.Katrin Froese - 2013 - Hong Kong: Columbia University Press.
    This book closely examines texts from Chinese and Western traditions that hold up ethics as the inviolable ground of human existence, as well as those that regard ethics with suspicion. The negative notion of morality contends that because ethics cannot be divorced from questions of belonging and identity, there is a danger that it can be nudged into the domain of the unethical since ethical virtues can become properties to be possessed with which the recognition of others is solicited. Ethics (...)
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  46. The adaptive evolution of early human symbolic behavior.Katrin Heimann, Riccardo Fusaroli, Sergio Rojo, Niels Nørkjær Johannsen, Felix Riede, Nicolas Fay, Marlize Lombard & Kristian Tylén - unknown
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    Wissen! Welches Wissen?: zu Wahrheit, Theorien und Glauben sowie ökonomischen Theorien.Katrin Hirte, Sebastian Thieme & Walter Otto Ötsch (eds.) - 2014 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  48.  36
    (1 other version)Window on Eastern Europe.Katrin Erna Hjort - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (3):171-177.
    Commercial cooperation between transBaltic neighbours Denmark and Poland is thriving, yet relationships between business people in the two countries are not always easy as a consequence of differing cultural histories and misunderstandings. The author is Associate Professor in the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management in Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, DK‐2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.
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    Portret filozofa u postelji.Katrin Kleman - 1996 - Theoria 39 (4):7-10.
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    14. Personality, Autonomy, Fairness: On Nicolai Hartmann’s Material Ethics of Value in the Age of Human Enhancement.Katrin Lörch - 2016 - In Keith Peterson & Roberto Poli, New Research on the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 267-282.
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