Results for 'Kathrin Prieß'

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  1. The structure of objects.Kathrin Koslicki - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The objects we encounter in ordinary life and scientific practice - cars, trees, people, houses, molecules, galaxies, and the like - have long been a fruitful source of perplexity for metaphysicians. The Structure of Objects gives an original analysis of those material objects to which we take ourselves to be committed in our ordinary, scientifically informed discourse. Koslicki focuses on material objects in particular, or, as metaphysicians like to call them "concrete particulars", i.e., objects which occupy a single region of (...)
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    The evolution of eukaryotic cells from the perspective of peroxisomes.Kathrin Bolte, Stefan A. Rensing & Uwe-G. Maier - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):195-203.
    Beta‐oxidation of fatty acids and detoxification of reactive oxygen species are generally accepted as being fundamental functions of peroxisomes. Additionally, these pathways might have been the driving force favoring the selection of this compartment during eukaryotic evolution. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses of enzymes involved in beta‐oxidation of fatty acids in Bacteria, Eukaryota, and Archaea. These imply an alpha‐proteobacterial origin for three out of four enzymes. By integrating the enzymes' history into the contrasting models on the origin of eukaryotic cells, (...)
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  3. The normativity of meaning and content.Kathrin Glüer, Asa Wikforss & Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini - 2022 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Normativism in the theory of meaning and content is the view that linguistic meaning and/or intentional content are essentially normative. As both normativity and its essentiality to meaning/content can be interpreted in a number of different ways, there is now a whole family of views laying claim to the slogan “meaning/content is normative”. In this essay, we discuss a number of central normativist theses, and we begin by identifying different versions of meaning normativism, presenting the arguments that have been put (...)
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  4. General Terms and Relational Modality.Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin - 2012 - Noûs 46 (1):159-199.
    Natural kind terms have exercised philosophical fancy ever since Kripke, in Naming and Necessity, claimed them to be rigid designators. He there drew attention to the peculiar, name-like behavior of a family of prima facie loosely related general terms of ordinary English: terms such as ‘water’, ‘tiger’, ‘heat’, and ‘red’. Just as for ordinary proper names, Kripke argued that such terms cannot be synonymous with any of the definite descriptions ordinary speakers associate with them. Rather, the name-like behavior of these (...)
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  5. Form, Matter, Substance.Kathrin Koslicki - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    In _Form, Matter, Substance_, Kathrin Koslicki defends a hylomorphic analysis of concrete particular objects (e.g., living organisms). The Aristotelian doctrine of hylomorphism holds that those entities that fall under it are compounds of matter (hulē) and form (morphē or eidos). Koslicki argues that a hylomorphic analysis of concrete particular objects is well-equipped to compete with alternative approaches when measured against a wide range of criteria of success. A successful application of the doctrine of hylomorphism to the special case of (...)
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    Shodagor Family Strategies.Kathrine E. Starkweather - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (2):138-166.
    The Shodagor of Matlab, Bangladesh, are a seminomadic community of people who live and work on small wooden boats, within the extensive system of rivers and canals that traverse the country. This unique ecology places particular constraints on family and economic life and leads to Shodagor parents employing one of four distinct strategies to balance childcare and provisioning needs. The purpose of this paper is to understand the conditions that lead a family to choose one strategy over another by testing (...)
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  7. Ontological Dependence: An Opinionated Survey.Kathrin Koslicki - 2013 - In Benjamin Schnieder, Miguel Hoeltje & Alex Steinberg (eds.), Varieties of Dependence: Ontological Dependence, Grounding, Supervenience, Response-Dependence (Basic Philosophical Concepts). Munich: Philosophia Verlag. pp. 31-64.
    This essay provides an opinionated survey of some recent developments in the literature on ontological dependence. Some of the most popular definitions of ontological dependence are formulated in modal terms; others in non-modal terms (e.g., in terms of the explanatory connective, ‘because’, or in terms of a non-modal conception of essence); some (viz., the existential construals of ontological dependence) emphasise requirements that must be met in order for an entity to exist; others (viz., the essentialist construals) focus on conditions that (...)
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  8. Where grounding and causation part ways: comments on Schaffer.Kathrin Koslicki - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):101-112.
    Does the notion of ground, as it has recently been employed by metaphysicians, point to a single unified phenomenon? Jonathan Schaffer holds that the phenomenon of grounding exhibits the unity characteristic of a single genus. In defense of this hypothesis, Schaffer proposes to take seriously the analogy between causation and grounding. More specifically, Schaffer argues that both grounding and causation are best approached through a single formalism, viz., that utilized by structural equation models of causation. In this paper, I present (...)
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    Training to Act FAIR: A Pre-Post Study on Teaching FAIR Guiding Principles to (Future) Researchers in Higher Education.Julia Priess-Buchheit, Noémie Hermeking & Thomas W. D. Möbius - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-17.
    The scientific community has tried to implement the FAIR guiding principles to foster open science actions in data-driven research in higher education since 2016. However, what strategies work and do not in fostering open science actions still need to be determined. This article is the first step to closing this research gap by examining one strategy, the effectiveness of FAIR training in higher education. With a pre-post test design, the study evaluates the short-term effectiveness of FAIR training on students’ scientific (...)
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    (1 other version)The coarse-grainedness of grounding.Kathrin Koslicki - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. pp. 306-344.
    This chapter discusses why the grounding idiom does not perform as well as we have been led to believe in providing a plausible approach to relative fundamentality. Grounding suffers from some of same deficiencies as supervenience: most prominently, grounding also fails to be sufficiently fine-grained to do its intended explanatory work. In addition, there is doubt as to whether the phenomena collected together under the rubric of grounding are really unified by the presence of a single relation. Grounding turns out (...)
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    The Thought of Becoming: Gilles Deleuze’s Poetics of Life.Kathrin Thiele - 2008 - Diaphanes.
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    Donald Davidson: A Short Introduction.Kathrin Glüer - 2011 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    In this book, Kathrin Gl¨uer carefully outlines Donald Davidson's principal claims and arguments, and discusses them in some detail, providing a concise, systematic introduction to all the main elements of Davidson's philosophy.
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  13. The ‘Reduction’ of Necessity to Non-Modal Essence.Kathrin Koslicki - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 319-332.
    Non-modalists about essence reject the idea that metaphysical modality is prior to essence, e.g., in the sense that the latter can be reduced to or defined in terms of the former. On the contrary, according to these theorists, the explanation, if anything, proceeds in the opposite direction: metaphysical modality does not explain, but is instead explained in terms of, essence. Thus, for non-modalists like Aristotle, Kit Fine and E. J. Lowe, one of the primary theoretical roles of essence is to (...)
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  14. „On Perceiving That “, erscheint in.Kathrin Glüer - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Geschlecht und Geblüt, eine tägliche Last.Kathrin Peters - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):34-42.
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    Die Auswirkungen Der Zinspolitik Im Bankensystem Und Bei Immobilienentwicklungen / The Impact Of Interest Rate Policy, On The Banking System And On Real Estate Development.Pamela Priess - 2016 - Creative and Knowledge Society 6 (2):13-25.
    The research purpose is to find out if signs of a real estate bubble are shown at the austrian real estate market right now. Lending rates are composed of different factors: the base rate is the price that the customer is willing to pay. The risk premium is given to compensate the lenders risk of full or partial failure of repayment. The inflation adjustment takes into account the impairment of money over the term of a loan. The liquidity premium increases (...)
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    (1 other version)November-Rose: eine Rede über den Tod.Kathrin Stengel - 2007 - New York: Upper West Side Philosophers.
    Der Tod als Zukunft -- Der Tod als Gegenwart -- Der Tod als Vergangenheit -- Die Schuld des Lebens.
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    Ertötung aller Selbstheit: das anthroposophische Dorf als Lebensgemeinschaft mit geistig Behinderten.Kathrin Taube - 1994 - München: AG SPAK Bücher.
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  19. Varieties of ontological dependence.Kathrin Koslicki - 2012 - In Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.), Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 186.
    A significant reorientation is currently under way in analytic metaphysics, away from an almost exclusive focus on questions of existence and towards a greater concentration on questions concerning the dependence of one type of phenomenon on another. Surprisingly, despite the central role dependence has played in philosophy since its inception, interest in a systematic study of this concept has only recently surged among contemporary metaphysicians. In this paper, I focus on a promising account of ontological dependence in terms of a (...)
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  20. Essence, Necessity, and Explanation.Kathrin Koslicki - 2011 - In Tuomas E. Tahko (ed.), Contemporary Aristotelian Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 187--206.
    It is common to think of essence along modal lines: the essential truths, on this approach, are a subset of the necessary truths. But Aristotle conceives of the necessary truths as being distinct and derivative from the essential truths. Such a non-modal conception of essence also constitutes a central component of the neo-Aristotelian approach to metaphysics defended over the last several decades by Kit Fine. Both Aristotle and Fine rely on a distinction between what belongs to the essence proper of (...)
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    Making new out of old: Recycling and modification of an ancient protein translocation system during eukaryotic evolution.Kathrin Bolte, Nicole Gruenheit, Gregor Felsner, Maik S. Sommer, Uwe-G. Maier & Franziska Hempel - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (5):368-376.
    At first glance the three eukaryotic protein translocation machineries – the ER‐associated degradation (ERAD) transport apparatus of the endoplasmic reticulum, the peroxisomal importomer and SELMA, the pre‐protein translocator of complex plastids – appear quite different. However, mechanistic comparisons and phylogenetic analyses presented here suggest that all three translocation machineries share a common ancestral origin, which highlights the recycling of pre‐existing components as an effective evolutionary driving force.Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays ERAD ubiquitin ligases Abstract.
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  22. In Defence of a Doxastic Account of Experience.Kathrin Glüer - 2009 - Mind and Language 24 (3):297-327.
    Today, many philosophers think that perceptual experiences are conscious mental states with representational content and phenomenal character. Subscribers to this view often go on to construe experience more precisely as a propositional attitude sui generis ascribing sensible properties to ordinary material objects. I argue that experience is better construed as a kind of belief ascribing 'phenomenal' properties to such objects. A belief theory of this kind deals as well with the traditional arguments against doxastic accounts as the sui generis view. (...)
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  23. On Perceiving That.Kathrin Glüer - 2004 - Theoria 70 (2-3):197-212.
  24. The crooked path from vagueness to four-dimensionalism.Kathrin Koslicki - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 114 (1-2):107-134.
    In his excellent book, Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time (Sider, 2001), Theodore Sider defends a version of four-dimensionalism which he calls the ‘stage-theory’. This paper focuses on Sider's argument from vagueness and argues that, due to the problematic nature of the argument from vagueness, Sider’s case in favor of four-dimensionalism is in the end not successful.
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  25. The semantics of mass-predicates.Kathrin Koslicki - 1999 - Noûs 33 (1):46-91.
    Along with many other languages, English has a relatively straightforward grammatical distinction between mass-occurrences of nouns and their countoccurrences. As the mass-count distinction, in my view, is best drawn between occurrences of expressions, rather than expressions themselves, it becomes important that there be some rule-governed way of classifying a given noun-occurrence into mass or count. The project of classifying noun-occurrences is the topic of Section II of this paper. Section III, the remainder of the paper, concerns the semantic differences between (...)
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    On the Force-Feeding of Prisoners on Hunger Strike.Kathrine Bendtsen - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (1):29-48.
    Roughly 80,000 U.S. prisoners are held in solitary confinement at any given time. A significant body of research shows that solitary confinement has severe, long-term effects, and the United Nations has condemned the practice of solitary confinement as torture. For years, prisoners have been organizing hunger strikes in order to protest solitary confinement. But such action is not without consequences, and some inmates have suffered serious injury or death. The question I raise in this paper is whether we ought to (...)
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  27. Form, Matter, Substance.Kathrin Koslicki - 2021 - Chroniques Universitaires 2020:99-119.
    This inaugural lecture, delivered on 17 November 2021 at the University of Neuchâtel, addresses the question: Are material objects analyzable into more basic constituents and, if so, what are they? It might appear that this question is more appropriately settled by empirical means as utilized in the natural sciences. For example, we learn from physics and chemistry that water is composed of H2O-molecules and that hydrogen and oxygen atoms themselves are composed of smaller parts, such as protons, which are in (...)
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  28. Constitution and similarity.Kathrin Koslicki - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 117 (3):327-363.
    Whenever an object constitutes, makes up or composes another object, the objects in question share a striking number of properties. This paper is addressed to the question of what might account for the intimate relation and striking similarity between constitutionally related objects. According to my account, the similarities between constitutionally related objects are captured at least in part by means of a principle akin to that of strong supervenience. My paper addresses two main issues. First, I propose independently plausible principles (...)
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  29. ‘To Believe In This World, As It Is’: Immanence and the Quest for Political Activism.Kathrin Thiele - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (Suppl):28-45.
    In What is Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari make the claim that ‘[i]t may be that believing in this world, in this life, becomes our most difficult task, or the task of a mode of existence still to be discovered on our plane of immanence today. This is the empiricist conversion.’ What are we to make of such a calling? The paper explicates why and in what sense this statement is of exemplary significance both for an appropriate understanding of Deleuze's political (...)
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    Practical Form: Abstraction, Technique, and Beauty in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics.Kathrine Cuccuru - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (3):448-451.
    Hands are notoriously hard to draw. To compellingly capture their detail, proportion, and movement is generally considered a mark of an artist’s mastery of tech.
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  31. Skeptical Doubts.Kathrin Koslicki - 2020 - In Michael J. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge. pp. 164-179.
    This chapter reviews several varieties of grounding skepticism as well as responses that have been proposed by grounding enthusiasts to considerations raised by grounding skeptics. Grounding skeptics, as I conceive of them here, are theorists who belong to one of the following two schools of thought. “Old-school” grounding skeptics doubt the theoretical utility of the grounding idiom by denying one of its presuppositions, viz., that this notion is at least intelligible or coherent. “Second-generation” grounding skeptics call into question the theoretical (...)
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  32. Against Content Normativity.Kathrin Glüer & Åsa Wikforss - 2009 - Mind 118 (469):31-70.
    As meaning's claim to normativity has grown increasingly suspect the normativity thesis has shifted to mental content. In this paper, we distinguish two versions of content normativism: 'CE normativism', according to which it is essential to content that certain 'oughts' can be derived from it, and 'CD normativism', according to which content is determined by norms in the first place. We argue that neither type of normativism withstands scrutiny. CE normativism appeals to the fact that there is an essential connection (...)
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    AI Text Generators and the Truth Paradigm: Considerations from a Phenomenological Perspective.Kathrin Burghardt - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (5):514-528.
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    Ausstellen: zur Kritik der Wirksamkeit in den Künsten.Kathrin Busch, Burkhard Meltzer & Tido von Oppeln (eds.) - 2016 - Zürich: Diaphanes.
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  35. » Dass Gut schenken eine Kunst ist «für eine ästhetik der Gabe.Kathrin Busch - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 50 (1).
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  36. „Rationalität und Regeln “.Kathrin Glüer - 1998 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 9:106-108.
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    The effects of six-month exercise programs on structural changes in gray and white matter volume and balance abilities in senior citizens: the case for dance training.Rehfeld Kathrin, Hoekelmann Anita, Lueders Angie, Kaufmann Joern & Mueller Notger - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The Recovery of the Body: The Disclosure of a Forgotten Precondition in James Mensch’s Embodiments: From the Body to the Body Politic.Kathrin Morgenstern & Barbara Weber - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (3):441-449.
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    Commentary: Psychosocial screening and assessment in oncology and palliative care settings.Kathrine G. Nissen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Monological versus dialogical consciousness – two epistemological views on the use of theory in clinical ethical practice.Kathrin Ohnsorge & Guy Widdershoven - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):361-369.
    In this article, we argue that a critical examination of epistemological and anthropological presuppositions might lead to a more fruitful use of theory in clinical-ethical practice. We differentiate between two views of conceptualizing ethics, referring to Charles Taylors' two epistemological models: ‘monological’ versus ‘dialogical consciousness’. We show that the conception of ethics in the model of ‘dialogical consciousness’ is radically different from the classical understanding of ethics in the model of ‘monological consciousness’. To reach accountable moral judgments, ethics cannot be (...)
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  41. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz im Spiegel der Bibliotheca Boineburgica.Kathrin Paasch - 2008 - In Karin Hartbecke (ed.), Zwischen Fürstenwillkür und Menschheitswohl: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz als Bibliothekar. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
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    A nova estética de R. Musil e os “estados de agregação” da alma e do intelecto.Kathrin Rosenfield - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e37859.
    Em 1910, quatro anos depois de publicar O Jovem Törless, Musil terminou, enfim, sua difícil segunda obra. É um período de incertezas, primeiro porque Musil duvida que suas novelas teriam o sucesso do primeiro romance, segundo, porque se preocupa com sua carreira de escritor. Nesse momento de crise ainda sorrateira, ele começa a anotar ideias sobre as relações da moral com a arte. É um assunto antigo que acompanha a reflexão estética desde Platão e Aristóteles, mas ele recebe na reflexão (...)
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    The impact of key experiences associated with guilt and shame on sports socialization: A qualitative case study of conflicts between norms of success and fairness in soccer.Kathrin Wahnschaffe - 2016 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 13 (3):281-306.
    Summary This paper rests on the assumption that norms of success and fairness may come into conflict in a variety of situations in competitive soccer, forcing individual actors to weigh and balance the two sets of norms. If established norms of fair play are violated, shame and guilt may result. Based on qualitative interviews with soccer players, the study identified key experiences associated with shame and guilt resulting from harmful actions toward others. In the context of transformative learning processes, the (...)
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    Materiality-critique-transformation: challenging the political in feminist new materialisms.Kathrin Thiele, Hanna Meißner, Brigitte Bargetz & Doris Allhutter - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):403-411.
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    Perception and acceptance of agricultural production in and on urban buildings : a qualitative study from Berlin, Germany.Kathrin Specht, Rosemarie Siebert & Susanne Thomaier - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):753-769.
    Rooftop gardens, rooftop greenhouses and indoor farms have been established or planned by activists and private companies in Berlin. These projects promise to produce a range of goods that could have positive impacts on the urban setting but also carry a number of risks and uncertainties. In this early innovation phase, the relevant stakeholders’ perceptions and social acceptance of ZFarming represent important preconditions for success or failure of the further diffusion of this practice. We used the framework of acceptance to (...)
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    Not Just for Experts: The Public Debate about Reprogenetics in Germany.Kathrin Braun - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (3):42.
    When reproductive and genetic technologies spurred an extended German policy debate, the issues at stake went beyond the technologies to include the very meaning of “ethics” and the respective roles of ethicists and of the public in thinking about ethical questions.
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    Rule-Following and Charity : Wittgenstein and Davidson on Meaning Determination.Kathrin Glüer - 2017 - In Claudine Verheggen (ed.), Wittgenstein and Davidson on Language, Thought, and Action. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 69-96.
    The project of this chapter is to explore some relations between the rule-following considerations and radical interpretation. I spell out the sense in which the rule-following considerations are about meaning determination, and investigate whether the principle of meaning determination used in the early Davidson's account of meaning determination - the principle of charity - provides an answer to what I shall call "Wittgenstein's paradox". More precisely, I am interested in one aspect of the paradox: the "problem of objectivity". My question (...)
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    Incentives and voluntary stopping: The intentional hand task.Kathrin Weidacker, Timo L. Kvamme, Seb Whiteford, Natalie Valle Guzman & Valerie Voon - 2021 - Cognition 206:104504.
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  49. Natural kinds and natural kind terms.Kathrin Koslicki - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):789-802.
    The aim of this article is to illustrate how a belief in the existence of kinds may be justified for the particular case of natural kinds: particularly noteworthy in this respect is the weight borne by scientific natural kinds (e.g., physical, chemical, and biological kinds) in (i) inductive arguments; (ii) the laws of nature; and (iii) causal explanations. It is argued that biological taxa are properly viewed as kinds as well, despite the fact that they have been by some alleged (...)
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  50. Talk About Stuffs & Things: The Logic of Mass and Count Nouns.Kathrin Koslicki - 1995 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    My thesis examines the mass/count distinction; that is, to illustrate, the distinction between the role of "hair" in "There is hair in my soup" and "There is a hair in my soup". In "hair" has a mass-occurrence; in a count-occurrence. These two kinds of noun-occurrences, I argue, can be marked off from each other largely on syntactic grounds. Along the semantic dimension, I suggest that, in order to account for the intuitive distinction between nouns in their mass-occurrences and their singular (...)
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