Results for 'Karlis Peter Ameriks'

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  1.  27
    Cognitive Control as a 5-HT1A-Based Domain That Is Disrupted in Major Depressive Disorder.Scott A. Langenecker, Brian J. Mickey, Peter Eichhammer, Srijan Sen, Kathleen H. Elverman, Susan E. Kennedy, Mary M. Heitzeg, Saulo M. Ribeiro, Tiffany M. Love, David T. Hsu, Robert A. Koeppe, Stanley J. Watson, Huda Akil, David Goldman, Margit Burmeister & Jon-Kar Zubieta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441648.
    Heterogeneity within MDD has hampered identification of biological markers (e.g., intermediate phenotypes, IPs) that might increase risk for the disorder or reflect closer links to the genes underlying the disease process. The newer characterizations of dimensions of MDD within Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domains may align well with the goal of defining IPs. We compare a sample of 25 individuals with MDD compared to 29 age and education matched controls in multimodal assessment. The multimodal RDoC assessment included the primary IP (...)
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    Peter Green: Katul in njegov čas.Peter Green, Ana Anžlovar, Nena Bobovnik, Jošt Yoshinaka Gerl, Domen Iljaš, David Movrin, Meta Skubic & Kajetan Škraban - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):319-361.
    O Katulu vemo zelo malo zanesljivega in celo večino tega je treba razbrati iz njegovega lastnega literarnega dela. To je vedno tvegan pristop, ki mu kritika danes večinoma nasprotuje (četudi je kritika vedno spremenljiva in znaki teh sprememb so že v zraku). Toda po drugi strani vemo kar precej o zadnjem stoletju rimske republike, o času torej, v katerem je Katul preživel svoje kratko, a intenzivno življenje, in o številnih javnih osebnostih, tako iz sveta književnosti kot politike, ki jih je (...)
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    Review: Ameriks, Karl, Kant and the Historical Turn: Philosophy As Critical Interpretation[REVIEW]Peter Thielke - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (6).
  4.  16
    Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism : Romantik / Romanticism.Jürgen Stolzenberg, Karl Ameriks & Fred Rush (eds.) - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    For a long time Romanticism stood in the shadow of German Idealism. Hegel's criticisms were particularly decisive. Lately, Romanticism has been rehabilitated, above all as a philosophically independent alternative to the systematic thought of Idealism, and has been revealed to be a source for modern thought which has yet to be exhausted.Against this background volume 6 of the International Yearbook of German Idealism pursues the many and diverse interrelations between Romantic thought and post-Kantian philosophy.Contributions from: Andreas Arndt, J.M. Bernstein, Faustino (...)
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    Book Reviews : J.P. Das, Binod C. Kar and Rauno K. Par rila. Cognitive Planning—The Psycho logical Basis of Intelligent Behavior. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1996, 201 pp., Rs 295. [REVIEW]Peter Pruzan - 1996 - Journal of Human Values 2 (2):199-203.
  6. ""Peter van lnwagen: Uganka nejasnosti Klju~: ne besede: nejasnost, mejni primeri, sorites, obstoj, sestav t~ lanek obravnava dve uganki povezani z nejasnostjo. Prva se nana~ a na obstoj. Mo~ ni so primeri, pri katerih ima" Obstaja nekaj, kar je F" nedolo~ eno resni~ nosmo vrednost in pri katerih ni mogo~ e zatrditi, da gre za mejne. [REVIEW]T. Williamson - 2002 - Acta Analytica 17 (29):161-164.
  7.  34
    Yeni “Öteki”: Amerikan Politik Söyleminde İslamofobiyi Onaylama.Hatice Altundal Erkmen - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):423-446.
    Bu makale, İslamofobik söylemin Amerikan siyasetinin ayrılmaz bir parçası haline nasıl geldiğini, İslam ve Müslümanlar hakkındaki Amerikan siyasi söyleminin, özellikle 11 Eylül terör saldırılarından sonra İslamofobinin artışını nasıl etkilediğini ve İslamofobinin Amerikalıların desteğini toplamak ve Amerikan askeri işgalleri de dahil olmak üzere Amerikan emperyal emellerini meşrulaştırmak için siyasi bir araç olarak nasıl kullanıldığı incelemektedir. “Batılı” kimliğinin öteki algısındaki İslam karşıtlığı, 11 Eylül olayları ile birlikte yeni bir ivme kazanırken, Amerikan politik söylemi de -parallel bir şekilde- İslamafobi üzerinden doğu batı ayrımını (...)
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    Gereksiz ve Anlamsız Kötülüklere Bir Açıklama Olarak İvaz Teorisi.İbrahim Yildiz - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):513-527.
    Delilci kötülük argümanları, teizme karşı sunulan en güçlü argümanların başında gelmektedir. Bu argümanlar arasında gereksiz ve anlamsız kötülük türlerini merkeze alan argümanlar özellikle önemlidir. Edward H. Madden ve Peter Hare gereksiz kötülük üzerine bir argüman formüle ederken, William Rowe anlamsız kötülük üzerine argümanlar geliştirmiştir. Madden ve Hare argümanlarını altmışlarda, Rowe ise yetmişlerde öne sürmüş olsalar da İslam düşüncesinde gereksiz ve anlamsız kötülük kavramına ışık tutabilecek bir teori bulunmaktadır. Bu tür kötülükleri açıklamak için öne sürdüğüm teori, ivaz teorisidir. Bu makalede (...)
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  9. Paul Goodman’ın Anarşist ve Özgürlükçü Eğitim Anlayışı: Escuela Moderna ve Summerhill School Örneği.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı (ed.) - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
    Paul Goodman, 1960’larda modern Amerikan toplumunun organize sistemi içerisinde dönemin gençliğinin sorunlarını ön plana çıkaran ‘Growing Up Absurd: Problems of Youth in the Organized System’ (Saçmayı Büyütmek: Organize Sistemde Gençliğin Problemleri, 1960) eseri ile sosyal bir eleştirmen olarak ön plana çıkmıştır. Amerikalı bir düşünür olan Paul Goodman’ın kısa öyküler, romanlar, şiirler ve makalelerden oluşan çalışmaları, siyaset, sosyal teori, eğitim, kentsel tasarım, edebi eleştiri, hatta psikoterapi gibi geniş bir yelpazeye dağılmıştır. Onun temel argümanı (1960: 9-10) tek bir merkez etrafında örgütlenen teknoloji (...)
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    Odrešljivi prihranki ali kako skozi potrošnjo postati asketski.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Filozofski Vestnik 35 (3):53–64.
    Webrova vznemirljiva teza iz dela Protestanska etika in duh kapitalizma, ki sprva izgleda tako neverjetno, je bila od svoje prve objave deležna številnih kritik, spodbijajo pa jo vse do danes. Ena izmed številnih kritik, pa ostaja še posebej nepopustljiva: če je duh samoodpovedovanja primeren za kapitalistično podjetništvo, pa ekonomije ne poganjajo samo podjetniki; ekonomija potrebuje tudi potrošnike, ki so pripravljeni kupiti več od tega, kar predstavlja njihove dejanske potrebe. Po Benjaminu je kapitalizem religija brez dogme ali teologije in ni nič (...)
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    Precis of Strategic justice: convention and problems of balancing divergent interests.Peter Vanderschraaf - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1701-1705.
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  12. Relative truth, speaker commitment, and control of implicit arguments.Peter Lasersohn - 2009 - Synthese 166 (2):359-374.
    Recent arguments for relativist semantic theories have centered on the phenomenon of “faultless disagreement.” This paper offers independent motivation for such theories, based on the interpretation of predicates of personal taste in certain attitude contexts and presuppositional constructions. It is argued that the correct interpretation falls out naturally from a relativist theory, but requires special stipulation in a theory which appeals instead to the use of hidden indexicals; and that a hidden indexical analysis presents problems for contemporary syntactic theory.
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    Children's early understanding of false belief.Peter Mitchell & Hazel Lacohée - 1991 - Cognition 39 (2):107-127.
  14. (1 other version)On being simple minded.Peter Carruthers - 2004 - American Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):205-220.
  15. The Many Altars of Modernity: Toward a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age.Peter L. Berger - 2014
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  16. The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Measurement Process.Peter Mittelstaedt - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (4):649-651.
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    Coordinate transformations or dynamic models?Peter D. Neilson - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):348-348.
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    (1 other version)Compositionality.Peter Pagin & Dag Westerståhl - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 96-123.
    This article is concerned with the principle of compositionality, i.e. the principle that the meaning of a complex expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and its mode of composition. After a brief historical background, a formal algebraic framework for syntax and semantics is presented. In this framework, both syntactic operations and semantic functions are partial. Using 20 the framework, the basic idea of compositionality is given a precise statement, and several variants, both weaker and stronger, as (...)
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  19. Animal minds are real, (distinctively) human minds are not.Peter Carruthers - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (3):233-248.
    Everyone allows that human and animal minds are distinctively (indeed, massively) different in their manifest effects. Humans have been able to colonize nearly every corner of the planet, from the artic, to deserts, to rainforests (and they did so in the absence of modern technological aids); they live together in large cooperative groups of unrelated individuals; they communicate with one another using the open-ended expressive resources of natural language; they are capable of cultural learning that accumulates over generations to result (...)
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    Does Postmodernism Really Entail a Disregard for the Truth? Similarities and Differences in Postmodern and Critical Rationalist Conceptualizations of Truth, Progress, and Empirical Research Methods.Peter Holtz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. De Veritate: Austro-Polish Contributions to the Theory of Truth from Brentano to Tarski.Peter M. Simons & Jan Wolenski - 1988 - In Klemens Szaniawski (ed.), The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School. Dordrecht, Netherland: Dordrecht.
  22. Propositional Quantification in Bimodal S5.Peter Fritz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):455-465.
    Propositional quantifiers are added to a propositional modal language with two modal operators. The resulting language is interpreted over so-called products of Kripke frames whose accessibility relations are equivalence relations, letting propositional quantifiers range over the powerset of the set of worlds of the frame. It is first shown that full second-order logic can be recursively embedded in the resulting logic, which entails that the two logics are recursively isomorphic. The embedding is then extended to all sublogics containing the logic (...)
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    Aligning Developmental and Processing Accounts of Implicit and Statistical Learning.Michelle S. Peter & Caroline F. Rowland - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):555-572.
    In this article, Peter and Rowland explore the role of implicit statistical learning in syntactic development. It is often accepted that the processes observed in classic implicit learning or statistical learning experiments play an important role in the acquisition of natural language syntax. As Peter and Rowland point out, however, the results from neither research strand can be used to fully explain how children's syntax becomes adult‐like. They propose to address this shortcoming by using the structural priming paradigm.
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  24. Rasse, Blut und Gene: Geschichte der Eugenik und Rassenhygiene in Deutschland.Peter Weingart, Kurt Bayertz & Robert N. Proctor - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (3):501-505.
  25. Class and concept.Peter Geach - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (4):561-570.
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    Education and the limits of reason: reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov.Peter Roberts - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Herner Saeverot.
    Troubling Reason: Notes from Underground Revisited -- Love, Attention and Teaching: The Brothers Karamazov -- Passion as a Quality of Education: The Death of Ivan Ilyich -- Education, Rationality and the Meaning of Life: Tolstoy's Confession -- Pedagogy of the Gaze: An Educational Reading of Lolita -- Education Arrayed in Time: Nabokov and the Problem of Time and Space -- Conclusion: Literature, Philosophy and Education.
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  27. On Harsanyi's utilitarian cardinal welfare theorem.Peter C. Fishburn - 1984 - Theory and Decision 17 (1):21-28.
  28. Social externalism and memory: A problem?Peter Ludlow - 1995 - Acta Analytica 10 (14):69-76.
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    Optimal compression of propositional Horn knowledge bases: complexity and approximation.Peter L. Hammer & Alexander Kogan - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 64 (1):131-145.
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    Not yet making sense of political toleration.Peter Balint - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (3):259-264.
    Abstract A growing number of theorists have argued that toleration, at least in its traditional sense, is no longer applicable to liberal democratic political arrangements—especially if these political arrangements are conceived of as neutral. Peter Jones has tried make sense of political toleration while staying true to its more traditional (disapproval yet non-prevention) meaning. In this article, while I am sympathetic to his motivation, I argue that Jones’ attempt to make sense of political toleration is not successful. Content Type (...)
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    Descartes and the Enlightenment.Peter A. Schouls - 1989 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Peter Schouls examines the role played by the concepts of freedom, mastery, and progress in Descartes' writings, arguing that these ideas express a vital and ...
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    Speculation: Within and About Science.Peter Achinstein - 2018 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Newton deplored speculation in science, Einstein reveled in it. What exactly are scientific speculations? Are they ever legitimate? Are they subject to constraints? This book defends a pragmatic approach to these issues and applies it to speculations within science and to speculations about science.
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    Michele Rabatta from Gorizia, Author of the Iter Sancti Sepulcri Travelogue.Vojko Pavlin - 2024 - Clotho 6 (1):11-25.
    Mihael Rabatta se je s svojim prijateljem Morandom Porcio odpravil k Božjemu grobu leta 1396 in zapustil kroniko potovanja, ki jo hrani Državni arhiv v Gorici. Iter sancti sepulcri je v prepisu leta 2007 v Pordenonu objavila Accademia San Marco. Dnevnik opisuje potovanje, ki je trajalo tri mesece, od 27. avgusta do 28. novembra leta 1396. Ohranile so se tudi risbe in skice nekaterih krajev. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena odpustkom, ki so jih romarji prejeli ob obisku Jeruzalema in drugih (...)
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    Quantum mechanics and ordinary language: The fuzzy link.Peter J. Lewis - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1437-1446.
    It is widely acknowledged that the link between quantum language and ordinary language must be "fuzzier" than the traditional eigenstate-eigenvalue link. In the context of spontaneous-collapse theories, Albert and Loewer argue that the form of this fuzzy link is a matter of convention, and can be freely chosen to minimize anomalies for those theories. I defend the position that the form of the link is empirical, and could be such as to render collapse theories idle. This means that defenders of (...)
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  35. Is the doctrine of double effect irrelevant in end-of-life decision making?Peter Allmark, Mark Cobb, B. Jane Liddle & Angela Mary Tod - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (3):170-177.
    In this paper, we consider three arguments for the irrelevance of the doctrine of double effect in end-of-life decision making. The third argument is our own and, to that extent, we seek to defend it. The first argument is that end-of-life decisions do not in fact shorten lives and that therefore there is no need for the doctrine in justification of these decisions. We reject this argument; some end-of-life decisions clearly shorten lives. The second is that the doctrine of double (...)
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    (1 other version)Husserl and Frege.Peter M. Simons - 1982 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (2):300-302.
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    Simultaneous Cooperation and Competition in the Evolution of Musical Behavior: Sex-Related Modulations of the Singer's Formant in Human Chorusing.Peter E. Keller, Rasmus König & Giacomo Novembre - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Basic emotions and their biological substrates: A nominalistic interpretation.Peter Zachar & S. Bartlett - 2002 - Consciousness and Emotion 2 (2):189-221.
    The thesis of this article is that an attitude akin to pragmatism is internal to the scientific enterprise itself, and as a result many scientists will make the same types of non-essentialistic interpretations of their subject matter that are made by pragmatists. This is demonstrably true with respect to those scientists who study the biological basis of emotion such as Panksepp, LeDoux, and Damasio. Even though these scientists are also influenced by what cognitive psychologists call the essentialist bias, their research (...)
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    Re-working Eisenman.Peter Eisenman - 1993 - Wiley.
    A presentation of writings by and about Peter Eisenman, arguably the most significant architect working today. The book analyzes the whole spectrum of subjects covered in the architect/philosopher's oeuvre. Seminal texts are included that show how his theories have developed over time.
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    Copulation Song in Drosophila: Do Females Sing to Change Male Ejaculate Allocation and Incite Postcopulatory Mate Choice?Peter Kerwin & Anne C. Philipsborn - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000109.
    Drosophila males sing a courtship song to achieve copulations with females. Females were recently found to sing a distinct song during copulation, which depends on male seminal fluid transfer and delays female remating. Here, it is hypothesized that female copulation song is a signal directed at the copulating male and changes ejaculate allocation. This may alter female remating and sperm usage, and thereby affect postcopulatory mate choice. Mechanisms of how female copulation song is elicited, how males respond to copulation song, (...)
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    Analysis of notions of diagnosis.Peter J. F. Lucas - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 105 (1-2):295-343.
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    Reason Holism, Individuation, and Embeddedness.Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1091-1103.
    The goal of this paper is to promote what I call ‘the embedded thesis’ as a general constraint on how moral reasons behave. Dancy’s reason holism will be used as a foil to illustrate the thesis. According to Dancy’s reason holism, moral reasons behave in a holistic way; that is, a feature that is a moral reason in one context might not be so in another or might even be an opposite reason. The way a feature manages to switch its (...)
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    Miskawayh on Animals.Peter Adamson - 2022 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (1):1-24.
    Drawing on all the extant philosophical works of Miskawayh, including his well known Refinement of Character, this paper aims to determine his attitudes towards the psychological capacities and moral standing of non-human animals. Miskawayh most often mentions animals as a contrast to the rationality of humans, but also grants animals likenesses or lesser versions of typically human traits like virtues and friendship. It is argued that for Miskawayh, the teleological design of animals gives humans reasons to show them justice.
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    Political judgment: an introduction.Peter J. Steinberger - 2018 - Medford, Massachusetts: Polity Press.
    Introduction -- What is political judgment? -- Foundations: Plato and Aristotle -- The Kantian Problematic -- The Arendtian Theory of Judgment -- Hermeneutics, tacit knowledge and neo-rationalism.
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    Task decomposition, dynamic role assignment, and low-bandwidth communication for real-time strategic teamwork.Peter Stone & Manuela Veloso - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 110 (2):241-273.
  46. The limits of individuation, or how to distinguish Deleuze and Foucault.Peter Hallward - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (2):93 – 111.
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    Navigating Everyday Life: Exploring the Tension Between Finitude and Transcendence.Peter Adams - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Navigating Everyday Life, Peter Adams explores the moments when everyday experience seems to open up spaces beyond what we normally experience. Adams draws on two philosophical concepts: finitude, the things that bind a person to a situation, and transcendence, the things that lie beyond these boundaries.
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    Why Frankenstein is a Stigma Among Scientists.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1143-1159.
    As one of the best known science narratives about the consequences of creating life, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an enduring tale that people know and understand with an almost instinctive familiarity. It has become a myth reflecting people’s ambivalent feelings about emerging science: they are curious about science, but they are also afraid of what science can do to them. In this essay, we argue that the Frankenstein myth has evolved into a stigma attached to scientists (...)
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    The language of social science in everyday life.Peter Mandler - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (1):66-82.
    An ethnographic or ethnomethodological turn in the history of the human sciences has been a Holy Grail at least since Cooter and Pumphrey called for it in 1994, but it has been little realized in practice. This article sketches out some ways to explore the reception, use and/or co-production of scientific knowledge using material generated by mediators such as mass-market paperbacks, radio, TV and especially newspapers. It then presents some preliminary findings, tracing the prevalence and, to a lesser extent, use (...)
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  50. Replies.Peter Geach - 1991 - In .
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