  1.  32
    Briefwechsel zwischen Karl Weierstrass und Sofja Kowalewskaja. Karl Weierstrass, Sofja Kowalewskaja, Reinhard Bolling.Karin Reich - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):672-673.
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    Cauchy und Gauβ. Cauchys Rezeption im Umfeld von Gauβ.Karin Reich - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (6):433-463.
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    Die Ręzeption Diophants im 16. Jahrhundert.Karin Reich - 2003 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 11 (2):80-89.
    Diophant was the classical Greek author who was the last to become known in Christian Europe. Figures who passed on Diophant's writings decisively were Regiomontan, Scheubel, Ramus, Joachim Camerarius the elder, and the Wittenberg mathematicians Praetorius, Dieterich and Schuler. The first Diophant edition, a translation into Latin, was published by Xylander in Basel in 1575. In the forword Xylander mentions all the details about how he managed to take possession of Dudith's mansucript. Xylander's publication is more than a mere translation (...)
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    Fiatland: An Analogy between Mathematics and Physics.Karin Reich - 2007 - Science & Education 16 (6):625-636.