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Katsuzo Murakami [3]Kyoko Murakami [2]Kyōichi Murakami [2]K. Murakami [1]
Komao Murakami [1]Kan'itsu Murakami [1]Kazuhiro Murakami [1]Kazuo Murakami [1]

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  1.  12
    Sense of Coherence as a Mediator in the Association Between Empathy and Moods in Healthcare Professionals: The Moderating Effect of Age.Miyo Hori, Eisho Yoshikawa, Daichi Hayama, Shigeko Sakamoto, Tsuneo Okada, Yoshinori Sakai, Hideomi Fujiwara, Kazue Takayanagi, Kazuo Murakami & Junji Ohnishi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While empathy is considered a critical determinant of the quality of medical care, growing evidence suggests it may be associated with both one’s own positive and negative moods among healthcare professionals. Meanwhile, sense of coherence plays an essential role in the improvement of both psychological and physical health. Reportedly, individual SOC reaches full stability after around age 30. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the mediatory role of SOC on the association between empathy and individual moods among (...)
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  2.  31
    Collectivity and Agency in Remembering and Reconciliation.David Middleton & Kyoko Murakami - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (1):16-30.
    This paper examines how British war veterans fold together war time and post war experiences in practices of remembering and reconciliation. We examine these practices as networks of association between British ex-servicemen (veterans) and the people, places and circumstances associated with their experiences as prisoners in Japan during WW2. We focus on the experience of World War 2 British ex-servicemen (veterans) who were prisoners of war in Far East. During their period of captivity they worked to build Thai-Burma Railway before (...)
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  3.  10
    Concordance to Descartes' Meditationes de prima philosophia.Katsuzo Murakami - 1995 - New York: Olms-Weidmann. Edited by Meguru Sasaki & Tetsuichi Nishimura.
  4.  16
    Grave matters: collectivity and agency as emergent effects in remembering and reconciliation.Kyoko Murakami & D. Middleton - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (2):273-296.
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  5. Ronrigaku josetsu.Kyōichi Murakami - 1971
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  6.  26
    Role of nickel and manganese in recovery of resistivity in iron-based alloys after low-temperature proton irradiation.K. Murakami, T. Iwai, H. Abe, N. Sekimura, Y. Katano, T. Iwata & T. Onitsuka - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (15):1680-1695.
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  7. Shisō mondai ni nayamu seinen ni ataeru no sho.Kan'itsu Murakami - 1970 - Imababari: Chūgai Jōhōsha.
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  8. Shinkyōiku to kyūkyōiku.Komao Murakami - 1948 - [Tokyo]: Nishiogi Shoten.
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  9. Shōmon yakuseki.Kazuhiro Murakami - 1970 - Edited by Nozaki, Norikage & [From Old Catalog].
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  10. Tetsugaku no shomondai.Kyōichi Murakami - 1972
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