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Karl Leidlmair [9]K. Leidlmair [1]
  1.  6
    Meillassoux and Heidegger – How to Deal with Things-in-Themselves?Karl Leidlmair - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):117-32.
    In his critique of post-Kantian philosophy, Meillassoux expresses considerable doubts as to how it is capable of describing a world independent of man. He places Heidegger among the ranks of thinkers who are caught in the same trap of the thought-world circle. In this article, I will first examine which complex indirect proof Meillassoux uses to find a path towards an independent reality. In the next step, I will discuss where Heidegger locates Beings in themselves against the backdrop of the (...)
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    Reinhard Margreiter: Medienphilosophie. Eine Einführung.Karl Leidlmair - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (1):68-72.
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    From the Philosophy of Technology to a Theory of Media.Karl Leidlmair - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (3):159-164.
  4.  65
    Being-in-the-World Reconsidered: Thinking Beyond Absorbed Coping and Detached Rationality.Karl Leidlmair - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (1):23-36.
    Recently, a revival of phenomenological approaches has been gaining ground in the literature of cognition and human understanding. Heidegger’s Being-in-the-World plays a decisive role here. Instead of viewing the mind as an independent entity separated from the “outer” world, these approaches assert an immediate understanding of a meaningful environment. Such an immediate understanding is seen in the light of embodied practices, when humans are engaged in skillful absorbed coping. An analysis of Heidegger’s concept of truth provides a more sophisticated view. (...)
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  5. Artificial Intelligence als ein philosophisches Problem.Karl Leidlmair - 1987 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 94 (2):372-387.
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    Künstliche Intelligenz und Heidegger: über den Zwiespalt von Natur und Geist.Karl Leidlmair - 1991 - Brill Fink.
    Originally presented as the author's Habilitationsschrift--Universitèat Salzburg, 1990.
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    Technisierungsschübe und Wissenswandel.Karl Leidlmair - 1997 - In Christoph Hubig (ed.), Cognitio Humana - Dynamik des Wissens Und der Werte: Xvii. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Leipzig 23.–27. September 1996, Kongreßband: Vorträge Und Kolloquien. De Gruyter. pp. 557-566.
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  8. Wozu Künstliche Intelligenz? (Conceptus-Studien 5).K. Leidlmair & O. Neumaier (eds.) - 1988 - VWGÖ.
  9. Rafael Capurro, Hermeneutik der Fachinformation. [REVIEW]Karl Leidlmair - 1988 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 95 (1):216.
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  10. Reinhard Margreiter, Ontologie und Gottesbegriffe bei Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Karl Leidlmair - 1983 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 90 (2):420.
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