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  1.  4
    On the atmosphere of landscape-borders.Jürgen Hasse & Kateryna Demerza - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    The following article deals with atmospheric boundaries in landscapes. The first part focuses on their change, the situational shifting of atmospheric boundaries – their fading in and out, their temporality on the one hand, and their permanence on the other. The initial focus will be on landscapes in general, and on their boundaries that include atmospheres as boundary phenomena. Special attention (in a phenomenological sense) is given to the ‘psychoscape’ in which emotional border-experience is formed. The second part is dedicated (...)
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    Der Leib der Stadt.Jürgen Hasse - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:101-131.
    This article discusses the complex space of the city as an urban milieu of vitality. On the skin of the city, a permanent change of its physical and physiognomic appearance takes place. The alternation of urban “faces” is constituted situationally in the structures and wrinkles of the skin. However, characteristic features of urban quarters do not only appear visually; they become bodily felt and are perceptible as holistic impressions, emanating from atmospheric “vital qualities”. Therefore, lively urban districts are discussed as (...)
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    Wohnen als Ausdruckssituation des Lebens.Jürgen Hasse - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2021 (1):38-55.
    Dwelling is understood in the sense of Martin Heidegger: »Dwelling is the manner in which mortals are on the earth.« The way in which people are living on earth situates them in their dwelling. Because dwelling is not an activity, but a mode of being, an ethics of dwelling is required because »habitability« of the earth is limited. This demands a sustainable way of life. Responsible housing therefore needs a structural pause in the growth-focussed process of civilisation. As a result, (...)
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  4. Atmosfere.Tonino Griffero, Antonio Somaini, Gemot Bohme, Hermann Schmitz, Elio Franzini, Ken-Ichi Sasaki, Jürgen Hasse & Barbara Carnevali - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 46 (33).
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    Atmosfere e tonalità emotive. I sentimenti come mezzi di comunicazione.Jurgen Hasse - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (33):95-115.
    Il concetto di atmosfera può essere inteso in due sensi diversi — da un lato come atmosfera terrestre, la cui composizione viene studiata con i metodi delle scienze naturali; dall’altro come fluido sentimentale-spaziale, capace di condizionare affettivamente gli uomini in determinate circostanze. L’atmosfera terrestre è oggetto delle scienze naturali, mentre le atmosfere affettive sono oggetto di una pluralità di discipline non-scientifiche eterogenee, sia dal punto di vista paradigmatico che...
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    Die Aura des Einfachen.Jürgen Hasse - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Unsere von den Medien gelenkte Aufmerksamkeit gilt zumeist den grossen Themen aus Politik, Okonomie und Gesellschaft. Das Kleine, Einfache, Banale und lebensweltlich Ubersehene hingegen erscheint kaum der Beachtung wert. In diesem Buch werden vier alltagliche Situationen herumraumlichen Erlebens zum Anlass phanomenologischer Reflexion - ein zufallig angreifender aversiver Geruch, das Warten in Airport-Lounges, das Wehen des Windes und das Gebannt-werden von Atmospharen der Stille. Mikrologische Beschreibungen detaillierten Situationserlebens lassen uns hinsehen, wo es schein- bar nichts zu sehen gibt. Im Fokus steht (...)
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  7. Die Küste als gelebter Raum und die Sprache der Wissenschaft.Jürgen Hasse - 2002 - Philosophia Naturalis 39 (2):293-321.
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    Erlebnisräume: vom Spass zur Erfahrung.Jürgen Hasse - 1994 - Wien: Passagen.
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    Raume menschlichen Lebens Zur Ontologie von Raum und Raumlichkeit zwischen Natur und Kultur.Jürgen Hasse - 2007 - Philosophia Naturalis 44 (1):3-30.
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  10.  27
    Was bedeutet es zu wohnen?: Anstöße zu einer Ethik des Wohnens.Jürgen Hasse - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    The way people live is neither a task, nor an action, nor a function. Rather, living expresses how people carry out their lives in places and spaces. One’s home in the broader sense (beyond ‘one's own four walls’) is the earth as a whole. In order for living to be successful on both a local and global scale, and for the earth not to become overly inhabited, people must live in a good way. But where extraction (from the resources of (...)
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    Wohnungswechsel: Phänomenologie des Ein- und Auswohnens.Jürgen Hasse - 2020 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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