Results for 'Jyanee Loi Yecla'

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  1.  55
    Foucault: a critical introduction.Lois McNay - 1994 - New York: Continuum.
    "Foucault: A Critical Introduction offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the work of one of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers. Unlike most books on Foucault, this book offers an assessment of all Foucault's work, including his final writings on governmentality and the self. McNay argues that the later work initiates an important shift in his intellectual concerns which alters any retrospective reading of his writings as a whole." "Throughout, McNay is concerned to assess the normative and political implications (...)
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    Kwong-Loi Shun on Moral Reasons in Mencius.Kwong-Loi Shun - 1991 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 18 (4):353-370.
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    Towards Rawlsian ‘property-owning democracy’ through personal data platform cooperatives.Michele Loi, Paul-Olivier Dehaye & Ernst Hafen - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):769-787.
    This paper supports the personal data platform cooperative as a means of bringing about John Rawls’s favoured institutional realisation of a just society, the property-owning democracy. It describes personal data platform cooperatives and applies Rawls’s political philosophy to analyse the institutional forms of a just society in relation to the economic power deriving from aggregating personal data. It argues that a society involving a significant number of personal data platform cooperatives will be more suitable to realising Rawls’s principle of fair (...)
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    Choosing how to discriminate: navigating ethical trade-offs in fair algorithmic design for the insurance sector.Michele Loi & Markus Christen - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):967-992.
    Here, we provide an ethical analysis of discrimination in private insurance to guide the application of non-discriminatory algorithms for risk prediction in the insurance context. This addresses the need for ethical guidance of data-science experts, business managers, and regulators, proposing a framework of moral reasoning behind the choice of fairness goals for prediction-based decisions in the insurance domain. The reference to private insurance as a business practice is essential in our approach, because the consequences of discrimination and predictive inaccuracy in (...)
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    Self as Enterprise.Lois McNay - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):55-77.
    This article considers Foucault’s analysis of ordoliberal and neoliberal governmental reason and its reorganization of social relations around a notion of enterprise. I focus on the particular idea that the generalization of the enterprise form to social relations was conceptualized in such exhaustive terms that it encompassed subjectivity itself. Self as enterprise highlights, inter alia, dynamics of control in neoliberal regimes which operate through the organized proliferation of individual difference in an economized matrix. It also throws into question conceptions of (...)
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    Children's Capacities to Decide about Participation in Research.Lois A. Weithorn - 1983 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 5 (2):1.
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    Some methodological problems associated with researching women entrepreneurs.Lois Stevenson - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (4):439 - 446.
    There is a need to feminize the research on entrepreneurs — to include the experiences of women in what we know to be true about entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial process. This paper highlights some of the most significant methodological problems in researching women's entrepreneurial experience, problems which in the past, have prevented researchers from gaining an understanding of this experience, and which continues to stand in the way of developing female perspectives. Instead of using the existing male-based models, new approaches (...)
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    How to fairly incentivise digital contact tracing.Michele Loi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e76-e76.
    Digital apps using Bluetooth to log proximity events are increasingly supported by technologists and governments. By and large, the public debate on this matter focuses on privacy, with experts from both law and technology offering very concrete proposals and participating to a lively debate. Far less attention is paid to effective incentives and their fairness. This paper aims to fill this gap by offering a practical, workable solution for a promising incentive, justified by the ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy (...)
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    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung. Festschrift für Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag.Lois Marie Rendl & Robert König (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin, Deutschland: Peter Lang.
    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung is a collection of essays in honor of Kurt Walter Zeidler. Mr. Zeidler is a distinguished Kant- and Neo-Kantian-scholar who has reconstructed Kant's concept of transcendental logic in connection with the logic of the concept of Hegel and the logic of symbolization of Peirce. (cf. Zeidler: Grundriss der transzendentalen Logik, 3rd ed., Wien 2017) He has most notably inquired intensively into the relation of transcendental logic to philosophy of science (cf. Zeidler: Prolegomena zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Wien 2000) and to (...)
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    Highway to (Digital) Surveillance: When Are Clients Coerced to Share Their Data with Insurers?Michele Loi, Christian Hauser & Markus Christen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):7-19.
    Clients may feel trapped into sharing their private digital data with insurance companies to get a desired insurance product or premium. However, private insurance must collect some data to offer products and premiums appropriate to the client’s level of risk. This situation creates tension between the value of privacy and common insurance business practice. We argue for three main claims: first, coercion to share private data with insurers is pro tanto wrong because it violates the autonomous choice of a privacy-valuing (...)
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    Justifying Descartes' causal principle.Lois Elaine Frankel - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (3):323-341.
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    Clichés and defamiliarization in the fiction of Manuel Puig and Luis Rafael sánchez.Lois Parkinson Zamora - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4):421-436.
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  13. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self.Lois McNay - 1992 - Boston: Polity.
  14.  64
    Mutual causation, simultaneity and event description.Lois Frankel - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 49 (3):361 - 372.
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    Transparency as design publicity: explaining and justifying inscrutable algorithms.Michele Loi, Andrea Ferrario & Eleonora Viganò - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):253-263.
    In this paper we argue that transparency of machine learning algorithms, just as explanation, can be defined at different levels of abstraction. We criticize recent attempts to identify the explanation of black box algorithms with making their decisions (post-hoc) interpretable, focusing our discussion on counterfactual explanations. These approaches to explanation simplify the real nature of the black boxes and risk misleading the public about the normative features of a model. We propose a new form of algorithmic transparency, that consists in (...)
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  16. Being Able to do Otherwise. Leibniz on Freedom and Contingency.Lois Frankel - 1984 - Studia Leibnitiana 16:45.
    Dieser Aufsatz möchte zeigen, daß Leibniz Freiheit nur in dem Sinne Kontingenz voraussetzt, daß andere Handlungsweisen als absolut möglich denkbar sein müssen. Freiheit besteht nicht in der bloßen Illusion, daß unsere Handlungen nicht durch unseren vollständigen Begriff verursacht und bestimmt sind, sondern in der epistemischen Möglichkeit des Handelnden, anders zu handeln. Für endliche Wesen impliziert diese epistemische Möglichkeit die Unkenntnis des göttlichen Plans. Für Gott ist sie begründet in dem intellektuellen Bewußtsein, daß die Handlungen von seinem Willen, der aufgrund der (...)
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    The Temporal Emotion Work of Motherhood: Homeschoolers’ Strategies for Managing Time Shortage.Jennifer Lois - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):421-446.
    Drawing on fieldwork and in-depth interviews with homeschooling mothers in the Pacific Northwest, the author reveals several ways the temporal experience of motherhood was emotionally problematic. The intensive demands of homeschooling left them stressed and dissatisfied with the amount of time they had to pursue their own interests. Mothers tried to allocate their time differently to manage these feelings, yet their efforts were unsuccessful, which led them to become frustrated and resentful. To resolve these troublesome feelings, mothers resorted to manipulating (...)
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    Research in the physician's office:.Lois Snyder & Paul S. Mueller - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (2):23-25.
    : Dr. Smith is an internist in private practice who works at an inner city clinic affiliated with a university hospital. He is also a member of the university faculty. Many of Dr. Smith’s patients have type 2 diabetes mellitus and struggle with health care and other costs. Thinking about opportunities to better serve his patients and advance his career, Dr. Smith considers conducting clinical research in his office. ACME is a respected pharmaceutical company that for decades has engaged in (...)
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  19. Cybersecurity in health – disentangling value tensions.Michele Loi, Markus Christen, Nadine Kleine & Karsten Weber - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):229-245.
    Purpose Cybersecurity in healthcare has become an urgent matter in recent years due to various malicious attacks on hospitals and other parts of the healthcare infrastructure. The purpose of this paper is to provide an outline of how core values of the health systems, such as the principles of biomedical ethics, are in a supportive or conflicting relation to cybersecurity. Design/methodology/approach This paper claims that it is possible to map the desiderata relevant to cybersecurity onto the four principles of medical (...)
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  20.  30
    Erosion of informed consent in U.S. research.Lois Shepherd & Ruth Macklin - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):4-12.
    This paper evaluates four recent randomized clinical trials in which the informed consent of participants was either not sought at all, or else was conducted with critical information missing from the consent documents. As these studies have been taking place, various proposals to conduct randomized clinical trials without consent have been appearing in the medical literature. Some of the explanations offered for why it is appropriate to bypass consent or disclosure requirements appear to represent a fundamental misunderstanding of applicable government (...)
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  21. Gender, Habitus and the Field: Pierre Bourdieu and the Limits of Reflexivity.Lois McNay - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):95-117.
    This article argues that the failure of certain theories of reflexive identity transformation to consider more fully issues connected to gender identity leads to an overemphasis on the expressive possibilities thrown up by processes of detraditionalization. By ignoring certain deeply embedded aspects, some theories of reflexive change reproduce the `disembodied and disembedded' subject of masculinist thought. The issues of disembodiment and disembeddedness are explored through a study of the work of Pierre Bourdieu on `habitus' and the `field'. The idea of (...)
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  22.  24
    The Over-Medicalization and Corrupted Medicalization of Abortion and its Effect on Women Living in Poverty.Lois Shepherd & Hilary D. Turner - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):672-679.
    Many current abortion regulations represent an over-medicalization of abortion or a corruption of abortion's true medical nature, with disproportionate consequences to women with lower incomes and lesser means. This article explores the effects of unnecessary and harmful abortion restrictions on women living in poverty. A brief summary of the major abortion rights cases explains how the Constitution, as currently interpreted, vests the government and sometimes the medical profession with the power to protect women's health, rather than granting this power to (...)
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  23.  23
    Agency, Anticipation and Indeterminacy in Feminist Theory.Lois McNay - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):139-148.
    Much contemporary work on agency offers only a partial account because it remains within an essentially negative understanding of subject formation. This essay examines the work of Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell and argues that the negative paradigm needs to be supplemented by a more generative theoretical framework, if feminists are to develop a fuller account of agency. In the negative paradigm, the subject is understood in passive terms as an effect of discursive structures. This tends to overlook ideas of (...)
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    Le fragile et le flou: de la précarité en rhétorique.Loïc Nicolas (ed.) - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Whether on the theoretical level or by analyzing specific cases, this collection examines the different ways of experiencing and dealing with precarity. Its goal is to elucidate the uses of rhetoric so as to grasp to what extent the "minus" may (sometimes) represent a "plus".
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  25. Primitivism and the Idea of Progress.Lois Whitney - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:101.
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    Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.Lois Parkinson Zamora - 1986 - Semiotics:115-122.
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    Awareness of Officials and People About the Content of the People's Mobilization Work of the Government in Dong Nai Province.Pham Ngoc Loi - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):67-74.
    This article aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the awareness of both officials and the public regarding the government's people's mobilization work (PMW) in Dong Nai province today. People's mobilization efforts have garnered significant attention from multiple sectors, yet it is crucial to examine the perspectives of both government officials and ordinary citizens. The research focuses on identifying the levels of awareness, understanding, and engagement of these groups in relation to the government's PMW policies and strategies. By (...)
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  28. Social Epigenetics and Equality of Opportunity.Michele Loi, Lorenzo Del Savio & Elia Stupka - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):142-153.
    Recent epidemiological reports of associations between socioeconomic status and epigenetic markers that predict vulnerability to diseases are bringing to light substantial biological effects of social inequalities. Here, we start the discussion of the moral consequences of these findings. We firstly highlight their explanatory importance in the context of the research program on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) and the social determinants of health. In the second section, we review some theories of the moral status of health inequalities. (...)
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    Abuse in the name of injustice: mechanisms of moral disengagement.Raymond Loi, Angela J. Xu & Yan Liu - 2015 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):57-72.
    Grounded in Bandura’s social cognitive theory of moral thought and action, we develop a conceptual model linking supervisors’ perceptions of organizational injustice and abusive supervision with moral disengagement mechanisms acting as the underlying process. Specifically, we elaborate why and how supervisors’ experiences of each type of injustice would trigger their adoption of distinctive moral disengagement mechanisms, which in turn lead to their abusive supervisory conduct. The present conceptual model sheds new light on linking organizational injustice to abusive supervision from a (...)
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  30. Gender and agency: reconfiguring the subject in feminist and social theory.Lois McNay - 2000 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This book reassesses theories of agency and gender identity against the backdrop of changing relations between men and women in contemporary societies.
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    The earthist challenge to economism: A theological critique of the world bank.Lois Ann Lorentzen - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (3):327-330.
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    The politics of exemplarity: Ferrara on the disclosure of new political worlds.Lois McNay - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (2):127-145.
    This paper focuses on the idea of exemplarity outlined by the Italian critical theorist Alessandro Ferrara that forms part of his general case for the centrality of disclosure to emancipatory political reasoning. Ferrara argues that “at its best” political thought should have the capacity to animate the democratic imagination by disclosing new political worlds and hence new possibilities for thought and action. I argue that Ferrara’s notion of exemplarity provides important conceptual resources for a re-grounding of critical theory in the (...)
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  33. Studying confucian and comparative ethics: Methodological reflections.Shun Kwong-Loi - 2009 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (3):455-478.
  34.  93
    The Effects of Working Memory Updating Training in Parkinson’s Disease: A Feasibility and Single-Subject Study on Cognition, Movement and Functional Brain Response.Lois Walton, Magdalena Eriksson Domellöf, Carl-Johan Boraxbekk, Erik Domellöf, Louise Rönnqvist, David Bäckström, Lars Forsgren & Anna Stigsdotter Neely - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In Parkinson’s disease, the fronto-striatal network is involved in motor and cognitive symptoms. Working memory updating training engages this network in healthy populations, as observed by improved cognitive performance and increased striatal BOLD signal. This two-part study aimed to assess the feasibility of WM updating training in PD and measure change in cognition, movement and functional brain response in one individual with PD after WM updating training. A feasibility and single-subject study were performed in which patients with PD completed computerized (...)
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    The Digital Phenotype: a Philosophical and Ethical Exploration.Michele Loi - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):155-171.
    The concept of the digital phenotype has been used to refer to digital data prognostic or diagnostic of disease conditions. Medical conditions may be inferred from the time pattern in an insomniac’s tweets, the Facebook posts of a depressed individual, or the web searches of a hypochondriac. This paper conceptualizes digital data as an extended phenotype of humans, that is as digital information produced by humans and affecting human behavior and culture. It argues that there are ethical obligations to persons (...)
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    The aesthetics of islamic art.Lois al Faruqi - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (3):353-355.
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    Introducción a la filosofía del derecho y a la ciencia de la legislación.José Lois Estévez - 1959 - Santiago de Compostela,: Porto.
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  38. Soy︠s︡ialʹno-istoricheskoe soderzhanie kategoriĭ "Vremi︠a︡" i "Prostranstvo".Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich Loĭ - 1978
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    Apocalyptic Birth Pangs: The Cross, Corporeality, and Epiphanic Manifestation in Apostolic Practice.Lois Malcolm - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):439-454.
    Thinking with, against, and after Ernst Käsemann’s appropriation of the biblical metaphor of eschatological birth pangs, this article seeks to reassess our understanding of what it means to be a theologian of the cross. It does so by way of a depiction of Paul’s apostolic practice as a social and embodied—and yet cruciform—mode of epiphanic manifestation. Thinking with Käsemann, it brings to the fore the significance of this apocalyptic understanding of apostolic practice for contemporary theological reflection at the interface of (...)
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    Direct to consumer genetic testing and the libertarian right to test.Michele Loi - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9):574-577.
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    Damaris Cudworth Masham.Lois Frankel - 1991 - In Mary Ellen Waithe (ed.), A History of Women Philosophers: Modern Women Philosophers, 1600–1900. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 73-85.
    This chapter begins with a brief examination of the life of Damaris Cudworth Masham. Section II focuses on her philosophical writing including her correspondence, her ideas on the relationship of faith and reason, her views on reason and women’s education and possible feminist aspects of her views on morality and epistemology.
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    How much do you trust me? A logico-mathematical analysis of the concept of the intensity of trust.Michele Loi, Andrea Ferrario & Eleonora Viganò - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-30.
    Trust and monitoring are traditionally antithetical concepts. Describing trust as a property of a relationship of reliance, we introduce a theory of trust and monitoring, which uses mathematical models based on two classes of functions, including _q_-exponentials, and relates the levels of trust to the costs of monitoring. As opposed to several accounts of trust that attempt to identify the special ingredient of reliance and trust relationships, our theory characterizes trust as a quantitative property of certain relations of reliance that (...)
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    A first look: God.Lois Rock - 1994 - Elgin, Ill.: Lion. Edited by Carolyn Cox.
    Explores what we know about God from the words of the Bible and from the world around us.
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    Winner and Waster's “Wyse Wordes”: Teaching Economics and Nationalism in Fourteenth-Century England.Lois Roney - 1994 - Speculum 69 (4):1070-1100.
  45.  16
    Paul Interpreted for India.Lois M. Rothenheber & Donald G. Dawe - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):150.
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    Religious Beliefs and Practices of North India during the Early Mediaeval Period.Lois M. Rothenheber & Vibhuti Bhushan Mishra - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):575.
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    At the intersection of silencing and voice: Discursive constructions in school.Lois Weis - 1993 - Educational Studies 24 (1):1-22.
  48.  12
    Ethics Manual.Lois Snyder (ed.) - 2005 - American College of Physicians.
    The fifth edition of the Ethics Manual examines emerging issues in medical ethics faced by internists and their patients and revisits older issues that are ...
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    Zu Hermann Cohens Reduktion der „transzendentalen Methode“ auf die „regressive Lehrart“ der Prolegomena.Lois Marie Rendl - 2018 - In Christian Damböck (ed.), Philosophie Und Wissenschaft Bei Hermann Cohen/Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen. Springer Verlag. pp. 135-144.
    Hermann Cohen hat mit seiner wissenschaftslogischen Kantinterpretation und programmatischen Orientierung der Erkenntnislehre am ‚Faktum der Wissenschaft‘ das Verständnis von transzendentaler Logik bis in die Gegenwart maßgeblich mitgeprägt. Der zentrale Punkt seiner Kantinterpretation ist die Identifikation der „transzendentalen Methode“ mit der „regressiven Lehrart“ der Prolegomena und damit die Ersetzung der metaphysischen Deduktion der Kategorien durch eine wissenschaftstheoretische Rekonstruktion der synthetischen Grundsätze der mathematischen Naturwissenschaft. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird versucht im Anschluss an grundlegende Arbeiten von Kurt Walter Zeidler, die von Cohen in (...)
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  50. Date rape: A feminist analysis.Lois Pineau - 1989 - Law and Philosophy 8 (2):217-243.
    This paper shows how the mythology surrounding rape enters into a criterion of reasonableness which operates through the legal system to make women vulnerable to unscrupulous victimization. It explores the possibility for changes in legal procedures and presumptions that would better serve women's interests and leave them less vulnerable to sexual violence. This requires that we reformulate the criterion of consent in terms of what is reasonable from a woman's point of view.
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