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Julie Loveland Swanstrom [6]Julie Swanstrom [1]
  1.  10
    Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers by Gloria Frost (review).Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):715-717.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers by Gloria FrostJulie Loveland SwanstromFROST, Gloria. Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. xii + 239 pp. Cloth, $99.99; paper, $32.99; eBook, $32.99Reconstructing Aquinas’s premodern approach to causation in which causation is an ontological rather than logical relationship is Frost’s goal in Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers. Uniting components of Aquinas’s discussions of (...)
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  2.  69
    Creation as Efficient Causation in Aquinas.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this article, I explore Aquinas’s account of divine creative activities as a type of efficient causation. I propose that Aquinas’s works hold a framework for understanding God as an efficient cause and creating as an act of divine efficient causation that makes explicit what Aquinas views to be implicit in Aristotle’s account of efficient causation. I explore Aristotelian efficient causation in depth, offering a detailed analysis of the components of Aristotelian efficient causation. After this exploration, it is necessary to (...)
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  3.  51
    Avicenna’s account of Creation by Divine Voluntary Emanation.Julie Swanstrom - 2017 - Otrosiglo 1 (2):103-128.
    I defend the claim that Avicenna explains the creation of the universe in terms of emanation modeled on Neoplatonic emanation by exploring Avicenna’s account of creation by emanation in detail. I address what appears to be an obvious problem for the application of this model to creation—namely, that creation as emanation seems to be non-voluntary and has been understood to be non-voluntary by several prominent interpreters. I explore how Avicenna contends that God emanates voluntarily and non-necessarily. Avicenna is able to (...)
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  4.  15
    Aquinas and Virtue Acquisition in Secondary Causes.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (1):261-282.
    A part of Aquinas’s argument against occasionalism is that creatures like human beings must be true causes in order to be able to grow and be perfected. Were humans not true causes, God’s promises and exhortations to humankind are for naught. Here, I explore the role of virtue in habit and the perfection of human beings in Aquinas, with the larger goal of using this discussion of virtue to address secondary causation. Virtue is relevant because a) creatures can act as (...)
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  5.  41
    Embedding Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Philosophy Course.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:78-99.
    I explore methods for the explicit instruction of critical thinking in a topics-based philosophy course. These methods make the classroom more experiential and less didactic and involve students in the philosophical process, allowing them to learn content while using the methods of philosophy to work through, explain, or produce similar content. Experiential learning—approaching learning as a “continuous process grounded in experience” involving the acquisition of practices, the specialization in those practices, and the integration of oneself into the learning process—enhances traditional (...)
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  6.  34
    Illumination of the Heart: Doubt, Certainty, and Knowledge Acquisition in al-Ghazali and Augustine.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (2):307-330.
    Though al-Ghazalı is often superficially compared to Descartes, Ghazalı’s epistemological project echoes—in consonance or dissonance—Augustine’s, warranting a clear exploration of the depths of these echoes. For both Augustine and Ghazalı the epistemological and theological quest starts with an interior turn, and divine illumination provides the tools for and content of knowledge. Both recount skeptical leanings resolved by divine illumination; both employ philosophy as a tool in theological disputes; both see knowledge as dynamic and transformative; and both assert that God’s direct (...)
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  7. “Soul Making and Soul Splitting: Alchemy of the Soul in Harry Potter”.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2020 - In Anne J. Mamary (ed.), The Alchemical Harry Potter: Essays on Transfiguration in J.K. Rowling’s Novels. Mcfarland. pp. 244-264.
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