Results for 'Julia3 Jansen'

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  1.  49
    Jansen, from page one.Sue Curry Jansen - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 8 (4):21-24.
  2.  32
    Jansen (from page 11).Sue Curry Jansen - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):23-23.
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    How to read an ethics paper.Melanie Jansen & Peter Ellerton - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):810-813.
    In recent decades, evidence-based medicine has become one of the foundations of clinical practice, making it necessary that healthcare practitioners develop keen critical appraisal skills for scientific papers. Worksheets to guide clinicians through this critical appraisal are often used in journal clubs, a key part of continuing medical education. A similar need is arising for health professionals to develop skills in the critical appraisal of medical ethics papers. Medicine is increasingly ethically complex, and there is a growing medical ethics literature (...)
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  4. La posición filosófica del Padre Félix Varela.Gustavo Amigó Jansen - 1991 - Miami: Editorial Cubana.
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    Nils Jansen: Zum Gedanken einer juristischen Strukturtheorie (Rezensionsabhandlung).Nils Jansen - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (2):277-283.
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    Catching Ourselves in the Act: Situated Activity, Interactive Emergence, Evolution, and Human Thought.Horst Hendriks-Jansen - 1996 - MIT Press.
    ""Catching Ourselves in the Act" is no less than an attempt to explain intelligence. Delightful how the author dismantles traditional views in.
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    Dispute Resolution as an Ethical Phantasm.Bart Jansen - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):293-306.
    Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a collective noun for all kinds of alternative methods to formal dispute resolution. Business ethics attempts to theorize the different forms of normative coordination of corporate acts that remain within the lifeworld and outside the formal sphere of the legal system. In this context, business ethics could offer a positive approach to ADR, as ADR would be an effective, practical form of casuistry ethics. In this manner, concrete conflicts of interest and disagreements between economic actors (...)
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    Heisenberg’s Versus Von Neumann’s Indeterminism of Quantum Mechanics.Franz Klaus Jansen - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (5).
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    Studies on fronting.Frank Jansen (ed.) - 1978 - Lisse [postbus 168]: Peter de Ridder Press.
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    Paternalism and fairness in clinical research.Lynn A. Jansen & Steven Wall - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (3):172-182.
    In this paper, we defend the ethics of clinical research against the charge of paternalism. We do so not by denying that the ethics of clinical research is paternalistic, but rather by defending the legitimacy of paternalism in this context. Our aim is not to defend any particular set of paternalistic restrictions, but rather to make a general case for the permissibility of paternalistic restrictions in this context. Specifically, we argue that there is no basic liberty-right to participate in clinical (...)
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    Prolonged immigration detention, complicity and boycotts.Melanie Jansen, Alanna Sue Tin & David Isaacs - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):138-142.
    Australia’s punitive policy towards people seeking asylum deliberately causes severe psychological harm and meets recognised definitions of torture. Consequently, there is a tension between doctors’ obligation not to be complicit in torture and doctors’ obligation to provide best possible care to their patients, including those seeking asylum. In this paper, we explore the nature of complicity and discuss the arguments for and against a proposed call for doctors to boycott working in immigration detention. We conclude that a degree of complicity (...)
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  12. Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Formal Causation.Ludger Jansen & Petter Sandstad (eds.) - 2021 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Introducing formal causation / Ludger Jansen and Petter Sandstad -- Form, intention, information : from scholastic logic to artificial intelligence / Gyula Klima -- Formal causation : accidental and substantial / David S. Oderberg -- A non-hylomorphic account of formal causation / Petter Sandstad and Ludger Jansen -- Formal causes for powers theorists / Giacomo Giannini and Stephen Mumford -- Away with dispositional essences in trope theory / Jani Hakkarainen and Markku Keinänen -- Functional powers / Michele Paolini (...)
  13.  7
    Chapter 7: Classifications.Ludger Jansen - 2008 - In Katherine Munn & Barry Smith, Applied Ontology: An Introduction. Frankfurt: ontos. pp. 159-172.
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    Revisiting Quantum Mechanical Weirdness From a Bio-psychological Perspective.Franz Klaus Jansen - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (8).
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  15. Unconscious perception during balanced anesthesia?C. K. Jansen, B. Bonke, J. Theodore Klein & J. Bezstarosti - 1990 - In B. Bonke, W. Fitch & K. Millar, Memory and Awareness In Anesthesia. Swets & Zeitlinger.
  16.  35
    Two concepts of therapeutic optimism.L. A. Jansen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):563-566.
    Researchers and ethicists have long been concerned about the expectations for direct medical benefit expressed by participants in early phase clinical trials. Early work on the issue considered the possibility that participants misunderstand the purpose of clinical research or that they are misinformed about the prospects for medical benefit from these trials. Recently, however, attention has turned to the possibility that research participants are simply expressing optimism or hope about their participation in these trials. The ethical significance of this therapeutic (...)
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  17.  42
    Reconsidering paternalism in clinical research.Lynn A. Jansen & Steven Wall - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (1):50-58.
    The ethical standards that regulate clinical research have multiple rationales. Among them is the need to protect potential subjects from making imprudent decisions, which extends beyond the soft paternalistic concern to protect people from making uninformed decisions to participate in trials. This article argues that a plausible risk/benefit restriction on clinical trials is presumptively justified by hard paternalism, which in turn is supported by a deeper fairness-based rationale. This presumptive case for hard paternalism in research is not defeated by the (...)
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  18.  28
    Moral distress in acute psychiatric nursing: Multifaceted dilemmas and demands.Trine-Lise Jansen, Marit Helene Hem, Lars Johan Dambolt & Ingrid Hanssen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1315-1326.
    Background In this article, the sources and features of moral distress as experienced by acute psychiatric care nurses are explored. Research design A qualitative design with 16 individual in-depth interviews was chosen. Braun and Clarke’s six analytic phases were used. Ethical considerations Approval was obtained from the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Participation was confidential and voluntary. Findings Based on findings, a somewhat wider definition of moral distress is introduced where nurses experiencing being morally constrained, facing moral dilemmas or moral (...)
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  19.  55
    The Ethics of Altruism in Clinical Research.Lynn A. Jansen - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):26-36.
    If people sometimes participate in research because of altruism—because they want to help in the search for treatments—should we revise our views about what kinds of experiments are ethical? If participants act out of altruism, we might let them accept greater risks than we would if they are motivated only by a desire for personal gain. But how can we know when participants are genuinely altruistic?
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    Disambiguating Clinical Intentions: The Ethics of Palliative Sedation.L. A. Jansen - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (1):19-31.
    It is often claimed that the intentions of physicians are multiple, ambiguous, and uncertain—at least with respect to end-of-life care. This claim provides support for the conclusion that the principle of double effect is of little or no value as a guide to end-of-life pain management. This paper critically discusses this claim. It argues that proponents of the claim fail to distinguish two different senses of “intention,” and that, as a result, they are led to exaggerate the extent to which (...)
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  21. Tendencies and Other Realizables in Medical Information Sciences.Ludger Jansen - 2007 - The Monist 90 (4):534-554.
    In order to develop the ontology of tendencies for use in the representation of medical knowledge, tendencies are compared with other kinds of entities possessing the realizable-realization structure, specifically: dispositions, propensities, abilities and virtues. The peculiarities of tendencies are discussed and a standard schema of tendency ascription is developed in order to represent the relations between the ascriptions of tendency tokens to particulars and the ascriptions of tendency types to universals. Two nonstandard cases and their epistemic variants are discussed.
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  22. On the development of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology of imagination and its use for interdisciplinary research.Julia Jansen - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):121-132.
    In this paper I trace Husserl’s transformation of his notion of phantasy from its strong leanings towards empiricism into a transcendental phenomenology of imagination. Rejecting the view that this account is only more incompatible with contemporary neuroscientific research, I instead claim that the transcendental suspension of naturalistic (or scientific) pretensions precisely enables cooperation between the two distinct realms of phenomenology and science. In particular, a transcendental account of phantasy can disclose the specific accomplishments of imagination without prematurely deciding upon a (...)
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  23.  30
    Psychological Flexibility as a Buffer against Caregiver Distress in Families with Psychosis.Jens E. Jansen, Ulrik H. Haahr, Hanne-Grethe Lyse, Marlene B. Pedersen, Anne M. Trauelsen & Erik Simonsen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Andrea Staiti: Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology: Nature, Spirit, and Life.Julia Jansen - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):199-207.
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    Dworkin’s Rights Conception of the Rule of Law in Criminal Law.Briain Jansen - 2017 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (2):160-176.
    Dworkin’s Rights Conception of the Rule of Law in Criminal Law The extensive interpretation of criminal law to the detriment of the defendant in criminal law is often problematized in doctrinal theory. Extensive interpretation is then argued to be problematic in the light of important ideals such as democracy and legal certainty in criminal law. In the Dutch discussion of this issue, Klaas Rozemond has argued that sometimes extensive interpretation is mandated by the rule of law in order to protect (...)
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  26. Hamann and Kant on Language, Reason and the Categories.Julia Jansen - 2007 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society.
  27. The Will to Gig. The Social Ontology of Bands.Ludger Jansen - 2024 - In Ludger Jansen & Thorben Petersen, ONTOLOGY OF MUSIC GROUPS: Identity, Persistence, and Agency of Creative. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Social Mindfulness and Psychosis: Neural Response to Socially Mindful Behavior in First-Episode Psychosis and Patients at Clinical High-Risk.Imke L. J. Lemmers-Jansen, Anne-Kathrin J. Fett, Niels J. Van Doesum, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Dick J. Veltman & Lydia Krabbendam - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  29. Preface.Ludger Jansen & Petter Sandstad - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (2):289-290.
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  30.  42
    Doctor vs. scientist?Lynn A. Jansen - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (2):3-3.
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  31. Proportionality, terminal suffering and the restorative goals of medicine.Lynn A. Jansen & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):321-337.
    Recent years have witnessed a growing concern that terminally illpatients are needlessly suffering in the dying process. This has ledto demands that physicians become more attentive in the assessment ofsuffering and that they treat their patients as `whole persons.'' Forthe most part, these demands have not fallen on deaf ears. It is nowwidely accepted that the relief of suffering is one of the fundamentalgoals of medicine. Without question this is a positive development.However, while the importance of treating suffering has generally (...)
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  32. Sperm and ova as property.R. P. Jansen - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (3):123-126.
    To whom do sperm and ova belong? Few tissues are produced by the human body with more waste than the germ cells. Yet dominion over the germ cells, and over the early embryo that results from their union in vitro, is behind much of the emotion that modern reproductive intervention can engender. The germ cells differ from other human tissues that can be donated or transplanted because they carry readily utilizable genetic information. Eventual expression of the germ cells' genetic potential (...)
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  33. Aristotle’s Categories.Ludger Jansen - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):153-158.
    Being an "untimely review", this paper reviews Aristotle's 'Categories' as if they were published today, in the era of computerised information, where categorisation becomes more and more essential for information retrieval. I suggest a systematic ordering of Aristotle's list of categories and argue that Aristotle's discussion of ontological dependency and his focus on concrete entities are still a source of new insight and can indeed be read as a contribution to the emerging field of applied ontology and ontological engineering.
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    Proving God without Dualism: Improving the Swinburne-Moreland Argument from Consciousness.Ludger Jansen & Ward Blondé - 2021 - Metaphysica 22 (1):75-87.
    With substance dualism and the existence of God, Swinburne (2004, The Existence of God, Oxford University Press, Oxford) and Moreland (2010, Consciousness and the Existence of God, Routledge, New York) have argued for a very powerful explanatory mechanism that can readily explain several philosophical problems related to consciousness. However, their positions come with presuppositions and ontological commitments which many are not prepared to share. The aim of this paper is to improve on the Swinburne-Moreland argument from consciousness by developing an (...)
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    Inteligência Artificial e Sustentabilidade: Uma União Possível?Euler Paulo de Moura Jansen & Rogério Roberto Gonçalves de Abreu - 2024 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 10 (1).
    O artigo aborda o tema da Inteligência Artificial (IA) e seu papel na sustentabilidade econômica e social em diversas fases. Inicialmente, realiza uma revisão bibliográfica extensiva para estabelecer um marco teórico, identificando estudos anteriores que exploram a relação entre IA, emprego e sustentabilidade. Em seguida, adota uma abordagem qualitativa para analisar como a IA influencia a dinâmica do mercado de trabalho, focando em desafios como desemprego tecnológico e oportunidades para novas formas de empregabilidade. Baseando-se na teoria da Sociedade de Risco (...)
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  36.  67
    Between Beneficence and Justice: The Ethics of Stewardship in Medicine.L. A. Jansen - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (1):50-63.
    In an era of rapidly rising health care costs, physicians and policymakers are searching for new and effective ways to contain health care spending without sacrificing the quality of services provided. These proposals are increasingly articulated in terms of an ethical duty of stewardship. The duty of stewardship in medicine, however, is not at present well understood, and it is frequently conflated with other duties. This article presents a critical analysis of the notion of stewardship, which shows that it has (...)
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  37.  13
    De aktualiteit van Freinet: opvoeding tot initiatief en gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid.Jansen Schoonhoven & A. W. - 1979 - Nijmegen: Dekker & Van de Vegt.
    Studie over het werk van de Franse onderwijspionier Célestin Freinet (1896-1966).
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    Assessing clinical pragmatism.Lynn A. Jansen - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):23-36.
    : "Clinical pragmatism" is an important new method of moral problem solving in clinical practice. This method draws on the pragmatic philosophy of John Dewey and recommends an experimental approach to solving moral problems in clinical practice. Although the method may shed some light on how clinicians and their patients ought to interact when moral problems are at hand, it nonetheless is deficient in a number of respects. Clinical pragmatism fails to explain adequately how moral problems can be solved experimentally, (...)
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  39. Dispositions, Laws, and Categories.Ludger Jansen - 2007 - Metaphysica 8 (2):211-220.
    After a short sketch of Lowe’s account of his four basic categories, I discuss his theory of formal ontological relations and how Lowe wants to account for dispositional predications. I argue that on the ontic level Lowe is a pan-categoricalist, while he is a language dualist and an exemplification dualist with regard to the dispositional/categorical distinction. I argue that Lowe does not present an adequate account of disposition. From an Aristotelian point of view, Lowe conflates dispositional predication with hôs epi (...)
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  40. Biomedizinische Ontologie: Wissen strukturieren für den Informatik-Einsatz.Ludger Jansen & Barry Smith (eds.) - 2008 - Zürich: Vdf Hochschulverlag.
    Dieses Buch betritt Neuland. Es ist eine Einführung in das neue Gebiet der angewandten Ontologie, jenem multidisziplinären Arbeitsgebiet, in dem Philosophen gemeinsam mit Informatikern und Vertretern der jeweils thematischen Wissenschaftsbereiche, in unserem Fall mit Biologen und Medizinern, daran arbeiten, wissenschaftliches Wissen informationstechnisch zu repräsentieren. Es zeigt, wie Philosophie eine praktische Anwendung findet, die von zunehmender Wichtigkeit nicht nur in den heutigen Lebenswissenschaften ist. Und so richtet sich dieses Buch an Philosophen, aber auch an interessierte Biologen, Mediziner und Informatiker.
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  41.  72
    Drawing the line on physician-assisted death.Lynn A. Jansen, Steven Wall & Franklin G. Miller - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (3):190-197.
    Drawing the line on physician assistance in physician-assisted death (PAD) continues to be a contentious issue in many legal jurisdictions across the USA, Canada and Europe. PAD is a medical practice that occurs when physicians either prescribe or administer lethal medication to their patients. As more legal jurisdictions establish PAD for at least some class of patients, the question of the proper scope of this practice has become pressing. This paper presents an argument for restricting PAD to the terminally ill (...)
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  42.  35
    Hastening death and the boundaries of the self.Lynn A. Jansen - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):105–111.
    ABSTRACT When applying moral principles to concrete cases, we assume a background shared understanding of the boundaries of the persons to whom the principles apply. In most contexts, this assumption is unproblematic. However, in end‐of‐life contexts, when patients are receiving ‘artificial’ life‐support, judgments about where a person's self begins and ends can become controversial. To illustrate this possibility, this paper presents a case in which a decision must be made whether to deactivate a patient's pacemaker as a means to hasten (...)
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    De‐Fining Material Things.Charles M. Jansen - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (4):459-477.
    This paper investigates Kit Fine's account of the nature of material objects – the theory of embodiments.1 This theory is custom-fitted to an intuitive distinction between ‘timeless’ and ‘temporary’ parthood. It incorporates these notions by postulating two operations by which objects can be generated from their (immediate) parts. The operation of ‘rigid embodiment’ generates objects which have their immediate parts timelessly. In contrast, any product of the alternative operation, ‘variable embodiment’, has only temporary material parts. I shall argue that Fine's (...)
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    Analytische Sozialontologie.Ludger Jansen - 2010 - Dissertation,
    This is my habilitation thesis that has now been published under the title "Gruppen und Institutionen. Eine Ontologie des Sozialen" with Springer VS.
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    GoodOD: Ontology, empirically tested, 2010-2012.Ludger Jansen - 2010 - The Reasoner (4):58-59.
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    Hoe te leven of hoe te lezen?H. Y. M. Jansen - 2001 - Krisis 4:91-94.
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  47. Ontologie der Modalitäten.Ludger Jansen - 2000
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  48. Philosophen katholichen Bekenntnisses in ihrer Stellung zur Philosophie der Aufklárung.Bernhard Jansen - 1936 - Theologie Und Philosophie 11 (1):1.
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  49. Tuskegee Experiment.Sue Curry Jansen - 2001 - In Derek Jones, Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London: Fitzroy Dearborn (1412-1414).
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    The Idea of Legal Responsibility.Nils Jansen - 2014 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 34 (2):221-252.
    The article analyses and reconstructs a broad idea of legal responsibility which underlies and normatively links tort law with the law of unjustified enrichment. The article’s central proposition is that responsibility for damage caused and enrichment-responsibility are closely interrelated. Both aspects of obligations are equally an expression of corrective justice, and ultimately serve to protect the civil rights of citizens. It is shown that the idea of civil equality and the principle against unjustified enrichment require citizens to assume responsibility not (...)
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