Results for 'Julia Badzińska'

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  1. As different as fear and anxiety: Introducing the fear and anxiety model of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia.Daryna Rubanets, Julia Badzińska, Sofiia Honcharova, Przemysław Bąbel & Elżbieta A. Bajcar - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Problem of sex differences in space perception and aspects of intellectual functioning.Julia A. Sherman - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (4):290-299.
  3. Our Sense of the Real: Aesthetic Experience and Arendtian Politics.Kimberley Curtis, Julia Kristeva, Ross Guberman, John Mcgowan, Norma Claire Moruzzi & Dana Villa - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (3):443-460.
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    Double distress: women healthcare providers and moral distress during COVID-19.Julia Smith, Alexander Korzuchowski, Christina Memmott, Niki Oveisi, Heang-Lee Tan & Rosemary Morgan - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):46-57.
    Background: COVID-19 pandemic has led to heightened moral distress among healthcare providers. Despite evidence of gendered differences in experiences, there is limited feminist analysis of moral distress. Objectives: To identify types of moral distress among women healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic; to explore how feminist political economy might be integrated into the study of moral distress. Research Design: This research draws on interviews and focus groups, the transcripts of which were analyzed using framework analysis. Research Participants and Context: 88 (...)
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    The empathic skill fiction can’t teach us.Julia Langkau - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):313-331.
    This paper argues that a crucial skill needed to empathize with others cannot be trained by reading fiction: the skill of reading the evidence for the other person’s state of mind and, thus, empath...
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    Market Reactions to Increased Reliability of Sustainability Information.Julia Lackmann, Jürgen Ernstberger & Michael Stich - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):111-128.
    This article investigates whether investors consider the reliability of companies’ sustainability information when determining the companies’ market value. Specifically, we examine market reactions (in terms of abnormal returns) to events that increase the reliability of companies’ sustainability information but do not provide markets with additional sustainability information. Controlling for competing effects, we regard companies’ additions to an internationally important sustainability index as such events and consider possible determinants for market reactions. Our results suggest that first, investors take into account the (...)
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    Race, Rights and Rebels: Alternatives to Human Rights and Development From the Global South.Julia Suárez-Krabbe - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    An analysis of the evolution of the overlapping histories of human rights and development, and an exploration of the alternatives, through the lens of indigenous and other southern theories and epistemologies.
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    Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: on the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses.Julia Kozlik, Roland Neumann & Ljubica Lozo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Inneres Sprechen und mentale Bilder: Ein Kommentar zu Language, Cognition, and the Way We Think.Julia Langkau - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 78 (3):437-441.
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    Wir segeln in unerforschten Gewässern: Debatten des Wirtschaftsphilosophischen Clubs München.Julia Böllhoff & Nicole Wiedinger (eds.) - 2013 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  11. Filosofía de la historia.Julián Sanz del Río - 1977 - [Soria]: Centro de Estudios Sorianos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Edited by Franco Díaz de Cerio Ruiz.
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    Ideologie der Sachlichkeit: Hannah Arendts politische Theorie des Antisemitismus.Julia Schulze Wessel - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  13. Approaching abjection.Julia Kristeva - 2000 - In Clive Cazeaux (ed.), The Continental Aesthetics Reader. New York: Routledge.
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  14. The Meaning of Equality.Julia Kristeva - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh (eds.), Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 90--108.
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  15. Europäisches versus Estnisches Rechtssystem - Anschein oder Wirklichkeit ?Julia Laffranque - 2007 - Rechtstheorie 38 (2):203-218.
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    An Experimental Public.Julia Laki - 2014 - The New Bioethics 20 (2):109-123.
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    Europhilia, Europhobia.Julia Kristeva - 1998 - Constellations 5 (3):321-332.
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    What Brings Out the Best and Worst of People With a Strong Explicit Achievement Motive? The Role of (Lack of) Achievement Incentives for Performance in an Endurance Task.Julia Schüler & Wanja Wolff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    ‘Their memories will never grow old’: The politics of remembrance in the athenian funeral orations.Julia L. Shear - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):511-536.
    Every winter in the classical period, on a specifically chosen day, Athenians gathered together to mourn the men who had died in war. According to Thucydides, the bones of the dead killed in that year lay in state for two days before being carried in ten coffins organized by tribe to thedêmosion sêmawhere they were buried and then a speech was made in honour of the dead men by a man chosen by the city. As his description makes clear, this (...)
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    What is creative imagining?Julia Langkau - forthcoming - Analysis.
    The aim of this paper is to give an account of the use of imagination at the core of artistic creative processes involving experiential imagination, and to show that this use of the imagination does not always lead to a creative output. Creative imagining is a value-guided process, where the values are essentially subjective in that they are given in the phenomenal aspects of experience or imagined experience. But creative imagining is neither sufficient nor necessary for artistic creative processes. It (...)
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  21. Una aproximación indecorosa a las categorías: democracia y ciudadanía.Bozo de Carmona & Ana Julia - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):71-81.
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    Feminismos revolucionarios: hacia una teoría materialista del capitalismo patriarco-colonial.Julia Expósito - 2021 - [Vicente López, Argentina?]:
  23. Reclaiming the Ancient One: Addressing the Conflicts between American Indians and Archaeologists over Protection of Cultural Places.Darby C. Stapp & Julia G. Longenecker - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst (eds.), Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 171--184.
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    Fossil-fueled stories: an ecolinguistic critical discourse analysis of the South African government’s naturalisation of fossil fuels in the context of the climate crisis.Julia Laurie & Miché Thompson - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    In recent years, aging coal power plants, lack of maintenance, and issues of poor governance have resulted in a high frequency of rolling scheduled blackouts, throughout South Africa. This has led to greater urgency being placed on switching to renewable energy sources, which South Africa has great potential for. Despite this, and the current reality of the global climate crisis, South Africa continues to rely heavily on coal, not only as an energy source at home, but also as a key (...)
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    Three-dimensional model of martensitic transformations with elasto-plastic effects.Julia Kundin, Heike Emmerich & Johannes Zimmer - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (11):1495-1510.
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    El humanismo trágico de Gabriel Marcel: el ser humano en un mundo roto.Julia Urabayen Pérez - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 41:35-59.
    Este artículo presenta la filosofía de Marcel como una reflexión sobre el ser humano que es, en el fondo, una forma de humanismo. Es, no obstante, un humanismo trágico, una visión del ser humano como un ser digno que puede destruirse a sí mismo. Esta capacidad de envilecimiento es tal que ha llevado a los seres humanos a vivir en un mundo roto. Sin embargo, la descripción que Marcel realiza de la sociedad industrial occidentalizada no cae en el desanimo, pues (...)
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    Metaphysik des Individuums: die Marx-Interpretation Michel Henrys und ihre Aktualität.Emil Angehrn & Julia Scheidegger (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Yale French Studies, Number 135-136: Existentialism, 70 Years After.Lauren Du Graf, Julia Elsky & Clémentine Fauré (eds.) - 2019 - New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
    _Focused on existentialism, this issue explores current writers, thinkers, and texts affiliated with the movement_ In 1948, _Yale French Studies_ devoted its inaugural issue to existentialism. This anniversary issue responds seventy years later. In recent years, new critical and theoretical approaches have reconfigured existentialism and refreshed perspectives on the philosophical, literary, and stylistic movement. This special issue restores the writers, thinkers, and texts of the movement to their subversive strength. In so doing, it illustrates existentialism’s present relevance, revealing how the (...)
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    La dominación a través del discurso: el concepto “anti-sistema”.Julia Nuño de la Rosa & Joseba Fernández - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:335-344.
    En este artículo conceptualizamos a los mass media como dispositivos sociales de control destinados a reproducir una violencia simbólica que pretende mantener los esquemas de dominación derivados del consenso entre dominantes y dominados. En este contexto, analizamos cómo el término “antisistema” es utilizado por los medios de comunicación de masas, en un sentido claramente peyorativo, para designar a los colectivos que se posicionan en contra del funcionamiento del sistema político y económico actual. Así, intentaremos vislumbrar cómo el discurso dominante consigue (...)
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  30. Códices misceláneos de agronomía andalusí.Expiración García Sánchez & Julia María Carabaza Bravo - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):393-416.
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    (1 other version)Die performative Oberflächlichkeit der Dinge. Design und die De-Konstruktion der Geschlechterverhältnisse.Julia Krumme - 2022 - Bielefeld: transcript.
    Die Einsicht, dass Sprache performativ Geschlecht herstellen kann, markiert seit langem den Kern des feministischen Mainstreams. Welche Rolle Alltagsgegenstände bei der Produktion spielen, ist in der Forschung bisher allerdings ein blinder Fleck. Eingebettet in das Feld des diskursiven Konstruktivismus und im Anschluss an Judith Butler und Michel Foucault zeigt Julia Krumme, welche affirmativ und subversiv performativen Möglichkeiten die Oberflächen gestalteter Objekte in sich bergen. Durch ihre interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit produktsprachlichen Theorien ermöglicht sie den Blick auf potenzielle Erweiterungen des Design-Begriffs.
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    The Crime System.Julia Kristeva, Carolyn Abbate, Carlo Ginzburg, Mark Seltzer, Mark Hansen, Clark Lunberry & Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 30 (3):557.
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    A Third Note: Helmholtz, Palestrina, and the Early History of Musicology.Julia Kursell - 2015 - Isis 106 (2):353-366.
    ABSTRACT This contribution focuses on Hermann von Helmholtz's work on Renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Helmholtz used his scientific concept of distortion to analyze this music and, reversely, to find corroboration for the concept in his musical analyses. In this, his work interlocked with nineteenth-century aesthetic and scholarly ideals. His eagerness to use the latest products of historical scholarship in early music reveals a specific view of music history. Historical documents of music provide the opportunity for the discovery of (...)
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  34. Relato de una jornada: personas y lugares en George Santayana.Miriam Hoyo Juliá - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy:187-191.
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    Aldo Gosso in Memo Riam.Victoria Julia - 1994 - Méthexis 7 (1):105-106.
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    Il riconoscimento e la possibilità del dire in E. Lévinas.Ponzio Julia - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (1):303-324.
    According to Levinas, answering the question concerning the relation between recognition and intersubjectivity implies a critique of ontology. Indeed, from an ontological perspective, recognition reduces alterity to the self. The whole philosophical research undertaken by Levinas consists in investigating what ontology presupposes, that is to say an inquiry on what transcends ontology as well as constitutes its condition of possibility. This paper seeks to show how Levinas, through the critic of ontology, tries to solve the contradiction between the recognition of (...)
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    Towards lifting the burden of stereotyping.Julia Tanner - 2016 - “Ethos”:152-172.
    Some may doubt whether the question of equality of opportunity applies to women anymore. In most Western countries every career is now, in theory, open to women. Firstly, while this may be true in Western countries, it is not true in others; there are still many careers barred to women outside the West. However, affirmative action is not a remedy where women are barred from given careers, for in such cases the principle of equality of opportunity has been rejected. Rather, (...)
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    Beauvoir présente.Julia Kristeva - 2004 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 20 (1):11-22.
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    My Body Had a Mind of Its Own: On Teaching, the Illusion of Control, and the Terrifying Limits of Governmentality (Part I).Julia Eklund Koza - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (2):98-125.
    This essay examines control discourse in and out of educational settings, arguing that illusions of control are among the means by which governance is accomplished in domains far from schools. The tactical productivity of such illusions in non-school settings "necessitates" and explicates their prevalence in education. The first installment of this essay identifies some assumptions undergirding dominant control and management discourse; analyzes discussions of control in fields other education; and briefly examines the role that social location plays in fostering specific (...)
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    En ny type intellektuell: dissidenten.Julia Kristeva - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (1):21-29.
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  41. 2 Psychoanalysts in times of distress.Julia Kristeva - 1994 - In Michael Munchow & Sonu Shamdasani (eds.), Speculations After Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, and Culture. New York: Routledge. pp. 13.
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    Rethinking “Normative Conscience”.Julia Kristeva - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):192-199.
    Written originally as part of a Common Knowledge symposium responding to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger’s homily against relativism, which was delivered immediately before his election as pope, this essay describes a reactionary German intellectual current that includes not only Ratzinger and the conservative jurist E.-W. Böckenförde but also the more liberal philosopher Jürgen Habermas. What the three share, according to Kristeva, is their assessment of “rationalist humanism” as incapable of sustaining constitutional democracies, which by nature “need ‘normative presuppositions’ [on which] to (...)
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    Reading The Second Sex Sixty Years Later.Julia Kristeva & Timothy Hackett - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):137-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading The Second Sex Sixty Years LaterJulia KristevaTranslated by Timothy HackettPublished in 1949, today The Second Sex is a youthful sixty-year-old woman who has created a scandal, but also a school of thought: She marks a decisive stage in women's liberation and continues to accelerate it.Let's try to place ourselves in that year, 1949: The world has barely dressed its wounds from World War II and onto the scene (...)
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    Sémanalyse: Conditions d’une sémiotique scientifique.Julia Kristeva & J. -Cl Coquet - 1972 - Semiotica 5 (4).
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    Fantasy Themes and Rhetorical Visions in the Brent Spar Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of German and French Newspaper Coverage.Julia Kruse - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):439-456.
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    Advertising to Canada's official language groups: A comparative critical discourse analysis.Julia Kuhn & Erhard Lick - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (176):165-176.
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    First person plural: Roman Jakobson’s grammatical fictions.Julia Kursell - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (2):217-236.
    Roman Jakobson, who had left Russia in 1920 and in 1941 took refuge in the USA from the Nazis, was one of the main figures in post war linguistics and structuralism. Two aspects of his work are examined in this article. Firstly, Jakobson purifies his linguistic theory of pragmatic references. Secondly, he develops his own diplomatic mission of mediating between East and West. In this article, I argue that these two aspects did not develop independently from one another. Instead I (...)
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    Field Science at Sea: A History of Marine Biological Stations.Julia Lajus - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (3):209-237.
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    Reading Plato's Dialectics: Schleiermacher's Insistence on Dialectics as Dialogical.Julia A. Lamm - 2003 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 10 (1):1-25.
    Zusammenfassung Sprechen Wissenschaftler üblicherweise vom Platonischen Charakter der Dialektik Schleiermachers, meinen sie deren grundlegend Sokratisch-dialogischen Charakter, zumal Schleiermacher Dialektik als „die Kunst des Diskurses oder des Dialogs“ definierte. Problematisch daran ist nun, daß Platons Dialoge mehr als eine Art von Dialektik aufweisen. Der Aufsatz beginnt mit einem Überblick auf die, in der „Allgemeinen Einleitung“ dargelegten fünf Grunddeutungsprinzipien, die Schleiermachers Interpretation der platonischen Dialektik untermauern, leiten und einschränken sollen. Der Beitrag wendet sich dann den Einleitungen der einzelnen Dialoge zu, um zu (...)
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    Inequality and the labour market: employers.Julia Lane - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on the relationship of employer behaviour to labour market inequalities. Matched employer-employee data are casting an important new light on how variation in wage setting practices across firms can affect the structure of earnings and earnings mobility. It shows that very different wages are paid to equivalent labour across and within firms. It also argues that policies targeting firm selection of workers may affect inequality as much as policies of training and education.
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