Results for 'Judaism and secularism '

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  1.  11
    ha-Gan shel Epiḳoros: ateʼizm, Yahadut ṿeha-ḥatirah la-osher = The garden of Epicurus: atheism, Judaism, and the pursuit of happiness.Yaakov Malkin - 2013 - Moshav Ben Shemen: Modan.
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    The pale God: Israeli secularism and Spinoza's philosopy of culture.Gideon Katz - 2011 - Brighton, Ma: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Miriam Ron & Jacky Feldman.
    The Pale God examines the relationship between secularism and religious tradition. It begins with a description of the secular options as expressed by Israeli intellectuals, and describes how these options have led to a dead end. A new option must be sought, and one of the key sources for this option is the works of Spinoza. The author explains that unlike Nietzsche, who discussed "the death of God," Spinoza tried to undermine the authority of religious virtuosos and establish the (...)
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    Moral and Political Secularism.Paul Cliteur - 2010 - In The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 172–280.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Pope Benedict XVI on the Apostles' Creed “Who Are You to Tell Believers What to Believe?” What Judaism, Christendom, and Islam Have in Common: Theism Divine Command Theories Abraham and Isaac The Story of Abraham in the Qur'an The Story of Jephtha Adherents of Divine Command Theory Command Ethics or Divine Command Ethics? An Assessment of Divine Command Ethics Kierkegaard and Mill Kohlberg and Moral Education Religious and Secular Ethics Worship Kant's Struggle with Moral (...)
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  4. Judaism, Business and Privacy.Elliot N. Dorff - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):31-44.
    This article first describes some of the chief contrasts between Judaism and American secularism in their underlying convictions about the business environment and the expectations which all involved in business can have of each other—namely, duties vs. rights,communitarianism vs. individualism, and ties to God and to the environment based on our inherent status as God’s creatures rather than on our pragmatic choice. Conservative Judaism’s methodology for plumbing the Jewish tradition for guidance is described and contrasted to those (...)
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  5. ha-Ḥiloniyut ha-ḥadashah: ideʼologyah, filosofyah, Aḳṭivizm = The new secularism: ideology, philosophy, activism.Shelomi Śaśon - 2019 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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    Multi-Secularism: A New Agenda.Paul Kurtz - 2010 - Routledge.
    The contemporary world is witness to an intense, sometimes violent controversy about secularism. These trends have been exacerbated by the emergence of fundamentalism, which challenges the secular society and the secularization of philosophical ideas and ethical values. Paul Kurtz has been personally involved in the campaign for secularism throughout his career as a philosopher. This book reflects his participation in this battle and extends his thinking to new areas. Secularists maintain that the state should not impose a religious (...)
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    Rorty and the prophetic: Jewish engagements with a secular philosopher.Jacob L. Goodson & Brad Elliott Stone (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book brings Jewish moral reasoning into conversation with Richard Rorty's secular neo-pragmatist philosophy, which often comes across as anti-religious. The result is a type of hope for the future concerning the relationship between Judaism and secularism.
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    Shenayim yaḥdaṿ: filosofyah datit-ḥilonit ḥadashah.Mosheh Meʼir - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    Jewish law as rebellion: a plea for religious authenticity and halachic courage.Lopes Cardozo & T. Nathan - 2018 - New York: Urim Publications.
    Jewish Law as Rebellion is unconventional and controversial in its approach to the world of Jewish Law and its response to religious crises. The book delves into the contemporary application and development of halacha and pointedly protests many accepted methods and ideals, offering new solutions to existing halachic dilemmas. Rabbi Cardozo discusses hot topics such as same-sex marriage, conversion, and religion in the State of Israel and presents a critical analysis and explanation of the application of halacha.
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  10. Democracy without Secularism?Raja Bahlul - 2004 - In John Bunzl, Islam, Judaism, and the Political Role of Religions in the Middle East. University of Florida Press. pp. 99-118.
    The object of this paper is to present and discuss the way democracy is conceived of by some prominent Islamic thinkers. Their position is that democracy, rightly understood, is simply a method of dispensing, sharing, and managing political authority, and as such does not imply secularism or other values and practices that are associated with liberalism. This paper is conceived of within a broader project to theorize the relations (actual and possible) between Islam, democracy, and modernity.
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    Otherwise than Laïcité?: Toward an Agonistic Secularism in Levinas.Mark Cauchi - 2016 - Levinas Studies 10 (1):187-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Otherwise than Laïcité? Toward an Agonistic Secularism in LevinasMark Cauchi (bio)Levinas and SecularismAlong with the so-called “return of the religious” in contemporary Western philosophy and politics, there has been a renewed effort in recent years to rethink secularism, the political doctrine of the separation of religion and politics.1 It would not be difficult to show that Emmanuel Levinas has been a substantial force in the resurgence of (...)
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    The Poverty of Secularism: An Open World Governed by the Creator Versus a Closed, Imaginary World That Develops on its Own.Benjamin Fain - 2013 - Urim.
    In this book, the author presents two worldviews. The first is the theocentric view of divine providence: God governs and is involved in the development of the world, including that of the animal kingdom. The second worldview is atheistic-materialistic and secular. It regards the abundance of different life forms, human society, economics, beliefs, and emotions as the products of one factor: matter and its movement. Through an analysis of the foundations and assumptions of the secular worldview, the author demonstrates its (...)
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  13.  14
    Spinoza and Other Heretics, Volume 1: The Marrano of Reason.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1989 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    This ambitious study presents Baruch Spinoza as the most outstanding and influential thinker of modernity--and examines the question of whether he was the "first secular Jew." A number-one bestseller in Israel, Spinoza and Other Heretics is made up of two volumes--The Marrano of Reason and The Adventures of Immanence. Yirmiyahu Yovel shows how Spinoza grounded a philosophical revolution in a radically new principle--the philosophy of immanence, or the idea that this world is all there is--and how he thereby anticipated secularization, (...)
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    Spinoza and other heretics.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1989 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    This ambitious study presents Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) as the most outstanding and influential thinker of modernity--and examines the question of whether he was the "first secular Jew." A number-one bestseller in Israel, Spinoza and Other Heretics is made up of two volumes--The Marrano of Reason and The Adventures of Immanence offered as a set and also separately. Yirmiyahu Yovel, Professor of Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, shows how Spinoza grounded a philosophical revolution in a radically new principle--the philosophy (...)
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  15.  8
    Ḥazarah beli teshuvah: ʻal ḥiloniyut aḥeret ṿe-ʻal datiyut aḥeret = Philosophic roots of the secular-religious devide.Micah Goodman - 2019 - Ḥevel Modiʻin: Devir.
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  16. Ḥilon u-modernah be-mishnato ha-datit shel Avraham Yehoshuʻa Heshel.Bini Breuer - 2021 - [Israel]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    The universality of jewish ethics: A rejoinder to secularist critics.David Novak - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (2):181-211.
    Jewish ethics like Judaism itself has often been charged with being "particularistic," and in modernity it has been unfavorably compared with the universality of secular ethics. This charge has become acute philosophically when the comparison is made with the ethics of Kant. However, at this level, much of the ethical rejection of Jewish particularism, especially its being beholden to a God who is above the universe to whom this God prescribes moral norms and judges according to them, is also (...)
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    David Novak: natural law and revealed Torah.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Aaron W. Hughes (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    "This volume [...] presents the work of Novak, a thinker interested in the intersection of traditional Judaism and the modern world, especially how religious Jews can simultaneously exist within the liberal and democratic nation state yet remain separate from its tradition of secularism"--Back cover.
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  19.  27
    Monotheism and Tolerance: Recovering a Religion of Reason.Robert Erlewine - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Why are religious tolerance and pluralism so difficult to achieve? Why is the often violent fundamentalist backlash against them so potent? Robert Erlewine looks to a new religion of reason for answers to these questions. Drawing on Enlightenment writers Moses Mendelssohn, Immanuel Kant, and Hermann Cohen, who placed Christianity and Judaism in tension with tolerance and pluralism, Erlewine finds a way to break the impasse, soften hostilities, and establish equal relationships with the Other. Erlewine’s recovery of a religion of (...)
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  20. History and the future of science and religion.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):448-461.
    Philip Hefner identifies three settings in which to assess the future of science and religion: the academy, the public sphere, and the faith community. This essay argues that the discourse of science and religion could improve its standing within the secular academy in America by shifting the focus from theology to history. In the public sphere, the science-and-religion discourse could play an important role of promoting tolerance and respect toward the religious Other. For a given faith community (for example, (...)) the discourse of science and religion can ensure future intellectual depth by virtue of study and ongoing interpretation. The essay challenges the suggestion to adopt irony as a desirable posture for science-and-religion discourse. (shrink)
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  21.  8
    Leibowitz, ou, L'absence de Dieu.Daniel Horowitz - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  22.  14
    Leibowitz or God's absence.Daniel Horowitz - 2022 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Adrian Sackson.
    As a scientist, philosopher and scholar in Jewish thought, Yeshayahu Leibowitz was one of the most noteworthy Jewish thinkers in the twentieth century. He was endowed with an remarkable intellect and was knowledgeable across a variety of fields. Born in Riga (Latvia) in 1903 he later immigrated to Israel, where he taught Organic chemistry, biochemistry, neurology, biology, neurophysiology, philosophy and Jewish thought at Haifa and Jerusalem University. He was chief editor of the Hebrew encyclopedia, where he wrote about scientific, philosophical, (...)
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  23.  9
    Respecting the Wicked Child: A Philosophy of Secular Jewish Identity and Education.Mitchell Silver - 1998
    A guide to reconciling Jewish tradition and modern, secular identity.
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  24. The downfall of God: a history of atheism in the West.S. T. Joshi - 2024 - Durham, North Carolina: Pitchstone Publishing.
    Atheism has been on the rise in the West for several decades, but its roots, including those belonging to secularism, agnosticism, and freethought, run deep in Western history, philosophy, and thought. Drawing on a multitude of sources from a number of disciplines, S. T. Joshi outlines the natural origins of religious belief in primitive times and charts the slow development of secular accounts of natural phenomena in the Greco-Roman world. Adopting the " Christ myth" theory, he surveys the emergence (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    Redemption Restored: The Star in the Context of Modernity.Eveline Goodman-Thau - 2020 - Naharaim 14 (1):133-147.
    In retrospect of a century, the philosophical and theological concepts of Franz Rosenzweig’s New Thinking, as developed in the Star of Redemption, are in many aspects a milestone in modernity, reflecting the crisis of the modern Jew and Judaism both historically and politically. The notion of redemption serves here in fact as a paradigm for modernity itself, where the individual attempts to position himself in the tension between religion and secularism, tradition and modernity. This contribution analyses Rosenzweig’s “Jewish (...)
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  27.  14
    Religion, the Enlightenment, and the New Global Order.John M. Owen Iv & J. Judd Owen (eds.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Largely due to the cultural and political shift of the Enlightenment, Western societies in the eighteenth century emerged from sectarian conflict and embraced a more religiously moderate path. In nine original essays, leading scholars ask whether exporting the Enlightenment solution is possible—or even desirable—today. Contributors begin by revisiting the Enlightenment's restructuring of the West, examining its ongoing encounters with Protestant and Catholic Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. While acknowledging the necessity of the Enlightenment emphasis on toleration and peaceful religious (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Islam and Secularism in Post-Colonial Thought: A Cartography of Asadian Genealogies.Hadi Enayat - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book is a theoretically and historically informed exploration of 'secularism' in Muslim contexts. It does this through a critical assessment of an influential tradition of thinking about Islam and secularism, derived from the work of anthropologist Talal Asad and his followers. The study employs the tools of comparative historical sociology and sociology of knowledge to engage with the assumptions of Asadian theory. Ultimately, Enayat argues against nativist assertions drawn from the experience of Western modernity and provides a (...)
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  30.  74
    Enlightenment and Secularism. Foreword from the Guest Editor.Anna Tomaszewska - 2017 - Diametros 54:1-6.
  31.  10
    A Little History of Religion.Richard Holloway - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _For curious readers young and old, a rich and colorful history of religion from humanity’s earliest days to our own contentious times_ In an era of hardening religious attitudes and explosive religious violence, this book offers a welcome antidote. Richard Holloway retells the entire history of religion—from the dawn of religious belief to the twenty-first century—with deepest respect and a keen commitment to accuracy. Writing for those with faith and those without, and especially for young readers, he encourages curiosity and (...)
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  32. ‘Spinoza’s ‘Atheism’, the Ethics and the TTP.Yitzhak Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal, Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The impermanence of human affairs is a major theme in Spinoza’s discussions of political histories, and from our present-day perspective it is both intriguing and ironic to see how this very theme has played out in the evolving fate of Spinoza’s association with atheism. While Spinoza’s contemporaries charged him with atheism in order to impugn his philosophy (and sometimes his character), in our times many lay readers and some scholars portray Spinoza as an atheist in order to commemorate his role (...)
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    Judaism and human rights in contemporary thought: a bibliographical survey.S. Daniel Breslauer - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The fifth chapter contains entries for works on contemporary Judaism and human rights. The volume concludes with author, title, and subject indexes.
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    God's presence in history: Jewish affirmations and philosophical reflections.Emil L. Fackenheim - 1970 - Northvale, N.J.: J. Aronson.
    Comprises the Charles F. Deems Lectures delivered at New York University in 1968. Discusses the significance of the Holocaust, emphasizing theological issues, and its uniqueness in history. An authentic response to it - religious or secular - is a commitment to the autonomy and security of the State of Israel. Refers to Jewish midrash to explore the meaning and significance of the Holocaust and relates Jewish thinking about the Holocaust to Jewish thinking about earlier catastrophes. Jewish particularism remains a scandal (...)
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  35. Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.Navras Jaat Aafreedi, Raihanah Abdullah, Zuraidah Abdullah, Iqbal S. Akhtar, Blain Auer, Jehan Bagli, Parvez M. Bajan, Carole A. Barnsley, Michael Bednar, Clinton Bennett, Purushottama Bilimoria, Leila Chamankhah, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Golam Dastagir, Albert De Jong, Amanullah De Sondy, Arthur Dudney, Janis Esots, Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst, Jonathan Goldstein, Rebecca Ruth Gould, Thomas K. Gugler, Vivek Gupta, Andrew Halladay, Sowkot Hossain, A. R. M. Imtiyaz, Brannon Ingram, Ayesha A. Irani, Barbara C. Johnson, Ramiyar P. Karanjia, Pasha M. Khan, Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Søren Christian Lassen, Riyaz Latif, Bruce B. Lawrence, Joel Lee, Matthew Long, Iik A. Mansurnoor, Anubhuti Maurya, Sharmina Mawani, Seyed Mohamed Mohamed Mazahir, Mohamed Mihlar, Colin P. Mitchell, Yasien Mohamed, A. Azfar Moin, Rafiqul Islam Molla, Anjoom Mukadam, Faiza Mushtaq, Sajjad Nejatie, James R. Newell, Moin Ahmad Nizami, Michael O’Neal, Erik S. Ohlander, Jesse S. Palsetia, Farid Panjwani & Rooyintan Pesh Peer - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    The earlier volume in this series dealt with two religions of Indian origin, namely, Buddhism and Jainism. The Indian religious scene, however, is characterized by not only religions which originated in India but also by religions which entered India from outside India and made their home here. Thus religious life in India has been enlivened throughout its history by the presence of religions of foreign origin on its soil almost from the very time they came into existence. This volume covers (...)
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  36.  19
    Judaism and ethics.Daniel Jeremy Silver - 1970 - [New York]: Ktav Pub. House.
    Introduction, by D. J. Silver.--The issues: Some current trends in ethical theory, by A. Edel. Contemporary problems in ethics from a Jewish perspective, by H. Jonas. What is the contemporary problematic of ethics in Christianity? By J. M. Gustafson. Modern images of man, by J. N. Hartt. Is there a common Judaeo-Christian ethical tradition? By I. M. Blank. Problematics of Jewish ethics, by M. A. Meyer. Revealed morality and modern thought, by N. Samuelson.--The Jewish background: Does Torah mean law? By (...)
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  37.  10
    Race and Secularism in America.Jonathon Samuel Kahn & Vincent W. Lloyd (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This anthology draws bold comparisons between secularist strategies to contain, privatize, and discipline religion and the treatment of racialized subjects by the American state. Specializing in history, literature, anthropology, theology, religious studies, and political theory, contributors expose secularism's prohibitive practices in all facets of American society and suggest opportunities for change.
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  38.  21
    Religion and Secularism in Liberalism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (113):79-104.
    Emmanuel Levinas has provided a hermeneutical key for reinterpreting the Western intellectual tradition. Certain recurring conundrums of Western philosophy led him to regard ethics above all other modes of inquiry and to emphasize infinity rather than totality. Yet, the primacy of the ethical cannot do what he wants it to do. To reinterpret the Western intellectual tradition, it is necessary to shift emphasis to the distinction between infinity and totality. This highlights the religious dimension of secularism, i.e., how modern (...)
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  39.  36
    Judaism and science: a historical introduction.Noah J. Efron - 2007 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The sages of Israel and natural wisdom -- Jews and natural philosophy -- Jews and science.
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    (1 other version)Judaism and modernity: philosophical essays.Gillian Rose - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays challenges the philosophical presentation of Judaism as the sublime Other of modernity. Gillian Rose continues to develop a philosophical alternative to deconstruction and post-modernism by critically re-engaging the social and political issues at stake in every reconstruction. The chapters cover Judaism and philosophy, ethics and law (Halacha), 'The Future of Auschwitz', post-modern theology, Judaism and architecture, Judaism in Hegel, Nietzsche, Adorno and Derrida, and modern Jewish thinkers - Cohen, Rosenzweig, Buber, (...)
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  41. Said And Secularism.Bruce Robbins - 2008 - In Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan, Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: reconstellating humanism and the global hybrid. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 140.
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    Judaism and Science.Norbert M. Samuelson - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 41-56.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001712104; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 41-56.; Language(s): English; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay.
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    Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca.Claire Elise Katz - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging previous interpretations of Levinas that gloss over his use of the feminine or show how he overlooks questions raised by feminists, Claire Elise Katz explores the powerful and productive links between the feminine and religion in Levinas’s work. Rather than viewing the feminine as a metaphor with no significance for women or as a means to reinforce traditional stereotypes, Katz goes beyond questions of sexual difference to reach a more profound understanding of the role of the feminine in Levinas’s (...)
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    Whiteness, Judaism and the challenge of the postcolonial critique: A response to Rattansi.Matt Dawson - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):145-148.
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    Judaism and spiritual ethics.Niles Elliot Goldstein - 1996 - New York: UAHC Press. Edited by Steven S. Mason, Eugene B. Borowitz & Jehiel ben Jekuthiel ben Benjamin Anav.
    Values that cannot be directly legislated by human courts, values by which we judge one another and ourselves.
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  46. Judaism and Hellenism in Antiquity: Conflict or Confluence?Lee I. Levine - 1998
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    Believers and Secularists: “Postmodernism,” Relativism, and Fake Reasoning.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2014 - Cultura 11 (2):183-198.
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    Sex and secularism.Joan Wallach Scott - 2018 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    Scott shows that the gender equality invoked today as a fundamental principle was not originally associated with the term "secularism" when it first entered the nineteenth century. The inequality of the sexes was fundamental to the articulation of the separation of church and state that inaugurated Western modernity. Western nation-states imposed a new order of women's subordination, assigning them to a feminized familial sphere meant to complement the rational masculine realms of politics and economics. It was not until the (...)
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    Judaism and the Contingency of Religious Law in Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.James Haring - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (1):74-100.
    For Kant’s moral universalism, contingent religious law is legitimate only when it serves as a means of fulfilling the moral law. Though Kant uses traditional theological resources to account for the possibility of “statutory ecclesiastical law” in historical religions, he denies this possibility to Jewish law. Something like Kant’s logic appears in the work of some of his intellectual successors who continue to define Christianity in terms of its moral superiority to Judaism while attempting to excise remaining “Jewish” elements (...)
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    Judaism and human geography.Yosef Kats - 2021 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    Judaism is a religion and a way of life that combines beliefs as well as practical commandments and traditions, encompassing all spheres of life. Some of the numerous precepts emerge directly from the Torah (the Law of Moses). Others are commanded by Oral Law, rulings of illustrious Jewish legal scholars throughout the generations, and rabbinic responsa composed over hundreds of years and still being written today. Like other religions, Judaism has also developed unique symbols that have become virtually (...)
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