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  1.  32
    On Time, Being, and Hunger: Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    The traditional way of understanding life, as a self-appropriating and self-organizing process of not ceasing to exist, of taking care of one's own hunger, is challenged by today's unprecedented proliferation of discourses and techniques concerning the living being. This challenge entails questioning the fundamental concepts of metaphysical thinking--namely, time, finality, and, above all, being. Garrido argues that today we are in a position to repeat Nietzsche's assertion that there is no other representation of "being" than that of "living." But in (...)
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  2. Reaching consensus in polarized moral debates.Joaquin Navajas, Facundo Álvarez Heduan, Juan Garrido, Pablo Gonzalez, Gerry Garbulsky, Dan Ariely & Mariano Sigman - 2019 - Current Biology 29 (23):4124–9.
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  3. Marx y los signos de una época.Juan Ignacio Garrido - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):233-259.
    Se muestra cómo K. Marx establece en el marxismo y en la filosofía política en general una ambivalencia constitutiva entre la crítica y la imaginación política, pues desarrolla un realismo político que derrumba los artificios del idealismo al denunciar los intereses dominantes que lo sostienen, y que constituye una nueva figura del presente. En El Capital y en los Grundrisse lleva a cabo un desmontaje de las apariencias del mundo de las mercancías, y al mismo tiempo indica cómo los montajes (...)
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  4.  55
    “Appearing As Such” in Patocka’s A-Subjective Phenomenology.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (2):121-136.
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  5. Jean-Luc Nancy’s Concept of Body.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (1):189-211.
    This article carries out a systematic exposition of the concept of the body in Jean-Luc Nancy, with all the risks of reduction that such an exposition entails. First it is necessary to return to Western philosophy’s founding text on living corporality, that is, Aristotle’s treatise on the soul. The oppositions that can be established between the Greek thinker’s psyche (soul) and Nancy’s dead Psyche are not so radical as may at first be thought: In both it is a question of (...)
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    Perspectives néokantiennes.Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, Marc B. de Launay, Juan-Manuel Garrido & Heinrich Rickert (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Analyse des origines, de l'évolution et des problématiques du néokantisme permettant de comprendre l'histoire de la philosophie du XXe siècle, à propos des renouvellements de la logique depuis G. Frege, B. Russell et le cercle de Vienne, ainsi que pour la naissance et le devenir de la phénoménologie husserlienne et l'herméneutique heideggérienne. Avec deux textes du chef de file de ce courant. ©Electre 2017.
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  7.  23
    Estudios filosóficos 2007-2009.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (68):199-203.
    En este ensayo se examina de manera crítica el desarrollo de la filosofía analítica y, en particular, de la filosofía analítica latinoamericana. Se propone que esta última adopte un giro político y uno pedagógico con el fin de recuperar su espíritu original y reconectarse con la tradición intelectual latinoamericana. This essay is a critical examination of the development of analytic philosophy and, in particular, of Latin American analytic philosophy. It is argued that the latter ought to adopt a political and (...)
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  8.  74
    From Ideality to Historicity, What Happens?Juan Manuel Garrido - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (4):949-973.
    The problem of the origin of geometry is crucial for understanding the formation and development of Derrida’s early conception of historicity. Mathematical idealities offer the most powerful example of meanings that are fully transmissible through history. Against Husserl’s explanation of the particular, Derrida considers that the logic and progression of mathematical idealities can only be explained if they are referred to non-intentional and pre-subjective movements of production and development of significations: language itself, which is structured as non-phonetic writing. Historicity is, (...)
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  9.  84
    Husserl’s Somatology and Life Sciences.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (3):295-308.
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    La formation des formes.Juan-Manuel Garrido - 2008 - Paris: Galilée.
    Interrogation sur les conditions transcendentales d'une réceptivité sensible et sur la formation des formes pures. L'étude se base sur les présupposés de l'esthétique critique de Kant, en vue d'interroger l'origine de la sensibilité pure.
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    La mutation infinie du sens.Juan-Manuel Garrido - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:119-125.
    Cet article analyse la notion de « sens » chez Jean-Luc Nancy à partir du constat suivant : le phénomène du sens et de la supposée « crise du sens » qui traverserait aujourd’hui l’humanité révèle que le sens du sens est lui-même celui d’une mutation. Face à cette révélation, il ne s’agit plus de poser la question : « que faire? », « vers où aller? » ou « comment orienter une nouvelle mutation? ». Il s’agit d’entamer la critique (...)
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    La synthèse de la limite ou la formation du temps.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2007 - Philosophie 95 (4):49-71.
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  13.  18
    La synthèse de la limite ou la formation du temps.Juan-Manuel Garrido - 2007 - Philosophie 95 (4):49.
  14.  27
    La tulipe, l’androgyne et le vulgaire. Sexe en Derrida.Juan-Manuel Garrido, Rosaria Caldarone & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):158-171.
  15.  20
    On time, being, and hunger: challenging the traditional way of thinking life.Juan-Manuel Garrido - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    " In this study, Garrido establishes the basic elements of the question concerning life through readings of Aristotle, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida; through the discussion of scientific breakthroughs in thermodynamics and evolutionary ...
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  16.  45
    Lisa Marie Anderson, Hamann and the Tradition (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2012). David Appelbaum, À Propos, Levinas (Albany: SUNY Press, 2012). Alain Badiou, The Adventure of French Philosophy, trans. Bruno Bosteels (New York: Verso Press, 2012). [REVIEW]Alain Badiou, Miguel Beistegui, David Boersema, Steven M. Cahn, Robert B. Talisse, Adam Rosen-Carole, Todd Mayers, Françoise Dastur, Juan Manuel Garrido & Boris Gasparov - 2012 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2).
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  17. (1 other version)Una pizca de sentido. Acerca de entre Celan y Heidegger de Pablo Oyarzún. [REVIEW]Juan Garrido - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía 64:79-88.
    En el siguiente artículo, me propongo explicar y analizar las que me parecen ser las tesis filosóficas principales del libro de Pablo Oyarzún Entre Celan y Heidegger, así como proponer algunas pistas para reflexionar en torno a problemáticas relevantes que esta obra contribuye a identificar y a formular. Dos son los principales argumentos que elaboro con el fin de llevar a cabo este trabajo. El primero concierne el concepto de "sentido", que Oyarzún intenta desarrollar en tensión con lo que entiende (...)
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