Results for 'Joy Easton'

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  1.  21
    On the Date of Robert Recorde's Birth.Joy Easton - 1966 - Isis 57 (1):121-121.
  2.  14
    The Early Editions of Robert Recorde's Ground of Artes.Joy Easton - 1967 - Isis 58 (4):515-532.
    The most popular English arithmetic of the 16th century was Robert Recorde’s Ground of Artes. Of the many surviving editions (15 before 1600), only two were published during Recorde’s lifetime, and a third was published shortly after his death. The first two differ materially from the latter, which was the basis of the long series of „augmented“ or „revised“ editions which appeared from 1561 to 1699. Because of their greater accessibility, discussions of 16th-century arithmetics usually cite these later editions, sometimes (...)
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  3. The Political System.David Easton - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (1):131-132.
  4. A Critique of Easton on the Moral Foundations of Theoretical Research in Political Science. [REVIEW]David Easton - 1955 - Ethics 65 (3):201-205.
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  5. A systems analysis of political life ER -.David Easton - 1965 - Wiley.
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    LGBT‐Inclusive Education in Liberal Pluralist Societies.Christina Elizabeth Easton - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):550-568.
    What should be the aim of LGBT-inclusive, state-mandated curricula in liberal, pluralist societies? In this article, I identify two distinct aims that such curricula might have. The first, LGBT Respect, aims to teach that LGBT individuals have equal political status and rights. The second, LGBT Approval, aims to teach a positive attitude towards LGBT relationships, including that there is nothing wrongful about these forms of relationship. I examine what arguments in favour of these different aims are available to the liberal (...)
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  7. E. S. Brightman's basic rationalism.Loyd D. Easton - 1956 - Philosophical Forum 14:42.
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    Feminist perspectives on the human rights act: Two cheers for incorporation.Susan M. Easton - 2002 - Res Publica 8 (1):21-40.
    This paper considers feministperspectives on the Human Rights Act. Itdiscusses the reasons why many feminists aresceptical regarding the impact the Act willhave on women''s lives, including theimplications for anti-discrimination law,problems with the framework of rights in theEuropean Convention and deeper difficulties facingfeminism in negotiating rights discourse. Whileacknowledging these problems, it is argued thatthere are grounds for a more positiveinterpretation of incorporation. Questions arethen raised about the nature and scope of rightsand the role of the state in challenging genderinequality.
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    German Culture and Philosophy in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Ohio.Loyd D. Easton - 1994 - The Personalist Forum 10 (1):29-45.
  10.  74
    Morbid Jealousy and Sex Differences in Partner-Directed Violence.Judith A. Easton & Todd K. Shackelford - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (3):342-350.
    Previous research suggests that individuals diagnosed with morbid jealousy have jealousy mechanisms that are activated at lower thresholds than individuals with normal jealousy, but that these mechanisms produce behavior that is similar to individuals with normal jealousy. We extended previous research documenting these similarities by investigating sex differences in partner-directed violence committed by individuals diagnosed with morbid jealousy. The results support some of our predictions. For example, a greater percentage of men than women diagnosed with morbid jealousy used physical violence, (...)
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  11.  15
    The Father of Cartesian Empiricism: Robert Desgabets on the physics and metaphysics of blood transfusion.Patricia Easton - unknown
    The period in the history of blood transfusion that I discuss is roughly 1628, the date of publication of Harvey’s work on blood circulation, De Motu Cordis, and 1668, the year of the first allegedly successful transfusion of blood into a human subject by a French physician Jean Denis, and the official order to prohibit the procedure. The subject of special interest in this history is Robert Desgabets, an early defender and teacher of the Cartesian philosophy at St. Maur, in (...)
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    Autonomy and the Free Speech Principle.Susan Easton - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):27-39.
    ABSTRACT Autonomy may be used to justify free speech claims where the right is raised against the state but also to justify state intervention intended to promote autonomy which may entail restraints on others' speech. The appeal to diversity and autonomy may be used by both sides of the pornography and censorship debate. Although autonomy may be invoked in defence of pornography as part of the general defence of free speech, it is argued that autonomy favours the regulation of pornography. (...)
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  13. Teaching Liberal Values: The Case of Promoting ‘British Values’ in Schools.Christina Easton - 2022 - In Julian Culp, Johannes Drerup, Isolde de Groot, Anders Schinkel & Douglas Yacek (eds.), Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis. Brill Mentis. pp. 47-66.
    I analyse the 2014 policy to promote 'British values' in schools from the perspective of the two main positions in contemporary liberal theory, comprehensive liberalism and political liberalism. I highlight in what ways comprehensive and political liberal defences of the policy are unsatisfactory, before briefly sketching a possible alternative position – ‘thin comprehensive liberalism’ – and discussing its potential for justifying a substantive education in liberal values. In light of this theoretical perspective, I suggest some ways that the existing British (...)
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    Defining the scope of implied consent in the emergency department.Raul B. Easton, Mark A. Graber, Jay Monnahan & Jason Hughes - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12):35 – 38.
    Purpose: To determine the relative value that patients place on consent for procedures in the emergency department (ED) and to define a set of procedures that fall in the realm of implied consent. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample 134 of 174 patients who were seen in the ED of a Midwestern teaching hospital. The questionnaire asked how much time they believed was necessary to give consent for various procedures. Procedures ranged from simple (venipuncture) to complex (procedural (...)
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  15. What is at stake in the cartesian debates on the eternal truths?Patricia Easton - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (2):348-362.
    Descartes's claim that the eternal truths were freely created by God is fraught with interpretive difficulties. The main arguments in the literature are classified as concerning the ontological status or the modalities of possibility and necessity of the eternal truths. The views of the principal defenders of the Creation Doctrine – Robert Desgabets, Pierre Sylvain Régis, and Antoine Le Grand are contrasted with those of Nicolas Malebranche. In clarifying the theological, ontological, and logical terms of the debate we can see (...)
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  16.  66
    (1 other version)Women and ‘the philosophical personality’: evaluating whether gender differences in the Cognitive Reflection Test have significance for explaining the gender gap in Philosophy.Christina Easton - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):139-167.
    The Cognitive Reflection Test is purported to test our inclination to overcome impulsive, intuitive thought with effortful, rational reflection. Research suggests that philosophers tend to perform better on this test than non-philosophers, and that men tend to perform better than women. Taken together, these findings could be interpreted as partially explaining the gender gap that exists in Philosophy: there are fewer women in Philosophy because women are less likely to possess the ideal ‘philosophical personality’. If this explanation for the gender (...)
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  17.  4
    Does the understanding of wholes require both analysis and synopsis?Loyd David Easton - 1942 - [Boston]: [Boston].
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  18.  9
    Gods and Giants in Early Modern Philosophy.Patricia Easton (ed.) - 2011 - Brill.
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  19.  25
    Marx and Individual Liberty.Loyd D. Easton - 1974 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 4:51-54.
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  20.  94
    Teaching & learning guide for: What is at stake in the cartesian debates on the eternal truths?Patricia Easton - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (5):880-884.
    Any study of the 'Scientific Revolution' and particularly Descartes' role in the debates surrounding the conception of nature (atoms and the void v. plenum theory, the role of mathematics and experiment in natural knowledge, the status and derivation of the laws of nature, the eternality and necessity of eternal truths, etc.) should be placed in the philosophical, scientific, theological, and sociological context of its time. Seventeenth-century debates concerning the nature of the eternal truths such as '2 + 2 = 4' (...)
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  21.  46
    Hegelianism in Nineteenth-Century Ohio.Loyd D. Easton - 1962 - Journal of the History of Ideas 23 (3):355.
  22.  12
    (1 other version)Robert Desgabets.Patricia A. Easton - 2002 - In Steven M. Nadler (ed.), A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 197–209.
    This chapter contains section titled: Life and Works Desgabets's Philosophical System Cartesianism or Robertism?
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  23.  25
    Antoine le grand.Patricia Easton - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  24. Did most brits fail in their civic duties in the eu referendum?Christina Easton - 2017 - Think 16 (45):7-14.
    What sorts of reasons should citizens have in mind when they cast votes? Arguments from both sides of the EU referendum debate are used here to raise questions about what our motivations should be when voting. The article introduces John Rawls's requirement to give public reasons that are acceptable to all reasonable people.
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  25.  34
    Educating in Respect: Against Neutral Discourse as a Norm for Respectful Classroom Discussion.Christina Easton - 2018 - Philosophy 93 (2):187-210.
    Since 2014, British schools have been required to ‘actively promote’ the value of ‘mutual respect’ to the children in their care. This is relatively unproblematic: liberals are agreed that good citizenship education will involve teaching mutual respect. However, there is disagreement over how ‘respect’ should be understood and what it should imply for norms of respectful classroom discussion. Some political liberals have indicated that when engaging in discussion in the classroom, students should provide only neutral reasons to defend their views. (...)
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  26.  7
    Ethics, policy, and social ends, with selected readings.Loyd David Easton - 1955 - Dubuque, Iowa,: W.C. Brown Co..
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  27.  17
    Second Conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain.S. Easton - 1980 - Hegel Bulletin 1 (2):2-5.
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  28. (1 other version)Alienation and empiricism in Marx's thought.Loyd D. Easton - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  29.  59
    Pragmatic effects on reference resolution in a collaborative task: evidence from eye movements.Joy E. Hanna & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):105-115.
    In order to investigate whether addressees can make immediate use of speaker‐based constraints during reference resolution, participant addressees' eye movements were monitored as they helped a confederate cook follow a recipe. Objects were located in the helper's area, which the cook could not reach, and the cook's area, which both could reach. Critical referring expressions matched one object (helper's area) or two objects (helper's and cook's areas), and were produced when the cook's hands were empty or full, which defined the (...)
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  30.  64
    Macroscopic Observability of Spinorial Sign Changes under 2pi Rotations.Joy Christian - unknown
    The question of observability of sign changes under 2pi rotations is considered. It is shown that in certain circumstances there are observable consequences of such sign changes in classical physics. A macroscopic experiment is proposed which could in principle detect the 4pi periodicity of rotations.
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  31. Rights, Killing, and Suffering: Moral Vegetarianism and Applied Ethics.Susan M. Easton - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (1):51-52.
  32.  46
    Gassendi, the atomist: advocate of history in an age of science.Lynn Sumida Joy - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Scholars in the early seventeenth century who studied ancient Greek scientific theories often drew upon philology and history to reconstruct a more general picture of the Greek past. Gassendi's training as a humanist historiographer enabled him to formulate a conception of the history of philosophy in which the rationality of scientific and philosophical inquiry depended on the historical justifications which he developed for his beliefs. Professor Joy examines this conception and analyzes the nature of Gassendi's historical training, especially its relationship (...)
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  33.  30
    Christ in the Gospels.Burton Scott Easton - 1931 - The Monist 41 (4):638-638.
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  34. Basic Christian Beliefs.W. Burnet Easton - 1957
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  35.  19
    Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy.Patricia Ann Easton - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):614-616.
  36.  57
    (1 other version)Facts, values and marxism.Susan M. Easton - 1977 - Studies in East European Thought 17 (2):117-134.
    From the foregoing discussion we can note that whilst Marx transcends the fact-value distinction he embraces neither a scientistic approach nor a moral theory. Rather he gives a sociological account of morality, illustrating that description and evaluation cannot be separated and that juridical conceptions need to be understood in relation to the mode of production in which they arise.30 In the absence of an absolute notion of justice it is mistaken to see Marx as offering a critique of capitalism based (...)
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  37.  7
    Mostly Work and Some Play.Jeffrey Easton - 2021 - História 70 (2):242.
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  38.  13
    Notes on Social Democracy in America.Loyd D. Easton - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:517-522.
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  39.  21
    Superconducting transition temperatures of chemically vapour-deposited tungsten-rhenium alloys.D. S. Easton, C. C. Koch, D. M. Kroeger & J. W. Cable - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (5):1117-1134.
  40.  77
    The Cartesian doctor, François Bayle , on psychosomatic explanation.Patricia Easton - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (2):203-209.
  41.  62
    Taking women's rights seriously: Integrity and the “right” to consume pornography.Susan Easton - 1995 - Res Publica 1 (2):183-198.
  42. Religion and Religious Education on the Journey to the Ideal Society.Christina Easton - 2024 - Analysis 84 (3):609-621.
    We all want to find a way to live fulfilling lives together in spite of our differences. What beliefs must be held in common if we are to do so? What beliefs must be excluded? And what are the implications for religion’s place in society? Philip Kitcher recognises that our answers to these questions have important implications for education, and he devotes a chapter of 'The Main Enterprise of the World' to the role of religion in education and wider society. (...)
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  43.  55
    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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  44.  40
    An exploratory study into the effects of extraordinary nature on emotions, mood, and prosociality.Yannick Joye & Jan Willem Bolderdijk - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  45.  7
    Enacting Civic‐Minded Early Childhood Pedagogy in the Context of Chauvinistic Education Legislation.Joy Dangora Erickson & Winston C. Thompson - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (5):662-681.
    Amid efforts to limit “divisive concepts” in educational settings, this article investigates the obstruction of a civic-focused early childhood curriculum. Joy Dangora Erickson and Winston Thompson analyze the challenges faced by a resourceful kindergarten teacher striving to uphold curriculum goals despite constraints imposed by the state legislature. Through an empirically informed exploration of political and pedagogical factors, this conceptual analysis elucidates the moral complexities of risks, costs, and outcomes as educators navigate non-ideal political conditions. By doing so, the authors provide (...)
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  46. Joy and Laughter. By V.M.M. V. & Joy - 1886
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  47.  35
    Logic and the Workings of the Mind the Logic of Ideas and Faculty Psychology in Early Modern Philosophy.Patricia A. Easton - 1997
  48.  28
    Renaissance Philosophy.Lynn S. Joy - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):537-539.
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  49. Addendum on rationalism and personalism.Loyd D. Easton - 1958 - Philosophical Forum 16:55.
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  50. Donald Herbert Vincent.Loyd David Easton - 1947 - Philosophical Forum 5:40.
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