Results for 'Joseph Eger'

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  1. The Ethics of Immigration.Joseph H. Carens - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Eminent political theorist Joseph Carens tests the limits of democratic theory in the realm of immigration, arguing that any acceptable immigration policy must be based on moral principles even if it conflicts with the will of the majority.
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    Synderesis as Remorse of Conscience.Joseph W. Yedlicka - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (2):204-212.
  3.  51
    The Moral Foundations of Parenthood.Joseph Millum - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Joseph Millum explains how parental rights and responsibilities are acquired, what they consist in, and how parents should go about making decisions on behalf of their children. In doing so, he provides a set of frameworks to help solve pressing ethical dilemmas relating to parents and children.
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    Communicative Action and Rational Choice.Joseph Heath - 2001 - MIT Press.
    In this book Joseph Heath brings Jürgen Habermas's theory of communicative action into dialogue with the most sophisticated articulation of the instrumental conception of practical rationality-modern rational choice theory. Heath begins with an overview of Habermas's action theory and his critique of decision and game theory. He then offers an alternative to Habermas's use of speech act theory to explain social order and outlines a multidimensional theory of rational action that includes norm-governed action as a specific type.In the second (...)
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  5. Free Will.Joseph Keim Campbell - 2011 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    What is free will? Why is it important? Can the same act be both free and determined? Is free will necessary for moral responsibility? Does anyone have free will, and if not, how is creativity possible and how can anyone be praised or blamed for anything? These are just some of the questions considered by Joseph Keim Campbell in this lively and accessible introduction to the concept of free will. Using a range of engaging examples the book introduces the (...)
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  6. Cue integration with categories: Weighting acoustic cues in speech using unsupervised learning and distributional statistics.Joseph C. Toscano & Bob McMurray - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):434.
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    Why actor models are integral to structural analysis.Joseph M. Whitmeyer - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):153-165.
    Some versions of structuralism consider actors to be necessary for structural analysis; others argue that they are not. All versions of structuralism consider social structure to be analytically independent of actors. I show through examples and subsequently through deduction that this position is wrong. That is, any conceptualization of social structure necessarily involves a conception of its constituent actors. Moreover, I generalize this point to argue that the structure of scientific knowledge follows a multilevel modeling approach: theory at every level (...)
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  8. The What and the How.Joseph Almog - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (5):225.
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    Faraday as a Natural Philosopher.Joseph Agassi - 1971
  10.  16
    Rationality: the critical view.Joseph Agassi & I. C. Jarvie (eds.) - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    In our papers on the rationality of magic, we distinghuished, for purposes of analysis, three levels of rationality. First and lowest (rationalitYl) the goal directed action of an agent with given aims and circumstances, where among his circumstances we included his knowledge and opinions. On this level the magician's treatment of illness by incantation is as rational as any traditional doctor's blood-letting or any modern one's use of anti-biotics. At the second level (rationalitY2) we add the element of rational thinking (...)
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    Scepsis Scientifica: Or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science; In an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and Confident Opinion (Classic Reprint).Joseph Glanvill & John Owen - 2015 - Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
    Excerpt from Scepsis Scientifica: Or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science; In an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and Confident Opinion He seems to have been brought up, if not as an extreme sectary, at least in some school of Puritanism which allowed small scope for independent judgment. Thus he tells us, in his "Plus Ultra" (p. 142): "In my first education I was continually instructed into a religious and fast adherence to everything I was taught, and a dread (...)
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    Analyzing Knowledge Retrieval Impairments Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Using Network Analyses.Jeffrey C. Zemla & Joseph L. Austerweil - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
    A defining characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease is difficulty in retrieving semantic memories, or memories encoding facts and knowledge. While it has been suggested that this impairment is caused by a degradation of the semantic store, the precise ways in which the semantic store is degraded are not well understood. Using a longitudinal corpus of semantic fluency data, we derive semantic network representations of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and of healthy controls. We contrast our network-based approach with analyzing fluency data with (...)
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  13. Newtonian supertasks: A critical analysis.Joseph S. Alper & Mark Bridger - 1998 - Synthese 114 (2):355-369.
    In two recent papers Perez Laraudogoitia has described a variety of supertasks involving elastic collisions in Newtonian systems containing a denumerably infinite set of particles. He maintains that these various supertasks give examples of systems in which energy is not conserved, particles at rest begin to move spontaneously, particles disappear from a system, and particles are created ex nihilo. An analysis of these supertasks suggests that they involve systems that do not satisfy the mathematical conditions required of Newtonian systems at (...)
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  14.  48
    Using Video Game Telemetry Data to Research Motor Chunking, Action Latencies, and Complex Cognitive‐Motor Skill Learning.Joseph J. Thompson, C. M. McColeman, Ekaterina R. Stepanova & Mark R. Blair - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):467-484.
    Many theories of complex cognitive-motor skill learning are built on the notion that basic cognitive processes group actions into easy-to-perform sequences. The present work examines predictions derived from laboratory-based studies of motor chunking and motor preparation using data collected from the real-time strategy video game StarCraft 2. We examined 996,163 action sequences in the telemetry data of 3,317 players across seven levels of skill. As predicted, the latency to the first action is delayed relative to the other actions in the (...)
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  15.  26
    The Mobility of Builders in Medieval Port Cities. The Foreign Masters of Dubrovnik Cathedral.Joseph C. Williams - 2023 - Convivium 10 (1):136-149.
    Study of the foreign magistri and protomagistri of the medieval cathedral of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) (ca 1130-1350, rebuilt after 1693) reveals the social dynamics of artists’ travel in Mediterranean ports. Building on previous research of the builders’ artistic contexts and references, this analysis combines close reading and comparison of contract documents, discussion of Ragusa’s foreign citizenship law, and questions informed by the sociology of mobility. The study concludes that the governor patrons of Ragusa Cathedral exploited the increased physical and occupational mobility (...)
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  16. Chinese language and chinese thought.Joseph S. Wu - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (4):423-434.
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    Reel Spirituality: Theology and Film in Dialogue.Joseph D. Wooddell - 2003 - Philosophia Christi 5 (2):667-669.
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    A Note on the Third Section of the Divided Line.Joseph S. Wu - 1969 - New Scholasticism 43 (2):269-275.
  19. Discourse regimes and liberal vehemence.Joseph Yi - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1511-1519.
    Self-identified adherents of freedom and democracy (hereafter ‘liberals’) increasingly accuse each other as being harmful, illiberal actors. To explain, I argue that present day liberals adhere to different sets of rules on public discourse (discourse regimes), and that adherents of one regime frame those of another as false liberals, who allow or commit rights violations. I illustrate with diverging discourse regimes within and among advanced, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) democracies.
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    Metaphysics and epistemology in Stephen Hawking's theory of the creation of the universe.Joseph M. Życiński - 1996 - Zygon 31 (2):269-284.
    In 1981 S. W. Hawking and J. Hartle presented a quantum mechanical description of the early stages of possible cosmological evolution. Their proposal was interpreted by many authors as a pattern of cosmic creation from nothing in which no divine Creator is needed. In this approach, physically defined “nothing” was identified both with the empty set of set theory and with metaphysical nothingness. After defining philosophical presuppositions implicitly assumed in Hawking's paper, one discovers that this alleged nothingness has all properties (...)
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  21. The what and the how II: Reals and mights.Joseph Almog - 1996 - Noûs 30 (4):413-433.
  22. Cross-genre argument mining: Can language models automatically fill in missing discourse markers?Gil Rocha, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Jonas Belouadi & Steffen Eger - 2024 - Argument and Computation:1-41.
    Available corpora for Argument Mining differ along several axes, and one of the key differences is the presence (or absence) of discourse markers to signal argumentative content. Exploring effective ways to use discourse markers has received wide attention in various discourse parsing tasks, from which it is well-known that discourse markers are strong indicators of discourse relations. To improve the robustness of Argument Mining systems across different genres, we propose to automatically augment a given text with discourse markers such that (...)
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    Saussure.John E. Joseph - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    In the first comprehensive biography of Ferdinand de Saussure, John E. Joseph restores the full character and history of a man who is considered the founder of modern linguistics and whose ideas have influenced literary theory, philosophy, cultural studies, and virtually every other branch of humanities and the social sciences.
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  24. Logic and the world.Joseph Almog - 1989 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 18 (2):197 - 220.
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    Kuhn’s Way.Joseph Agassi - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (3):394-430.
  26.  15
    Enlightenment 2.0: restoring sanity to our politics, our economy, and our lives.Joseph Heath - 2014 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: HarperCollins Publishers.
    Over the last twenty years, the political systems of the Western world have become increasingly divided-not between right and left, but between crazy and non-crazy. What's more, the crazies seem to be gaining the upper hand. Rational thought cannot prevail in the current social and media environment, where elections are won by appealing to voters' hearts rather than their minds. The rapid-fire pace of modern politics, the hypnotic repetition of daily news items and even the multitude of visual sources of (...)
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    Is popular sovereignty a useful myth?Joseph Chan & Franz Mang - 2020 - In Melissa S. Williams (ed.), Deparochializing Political Theory. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149-173.
    Popular sovereignty is one of the most widespread but poorly understood notions in modern politics. Exalted as the highest principle of democratic legitimacy, the idea of popular sovereignty has been given various but broadly similar formulations. . . .
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    A Radical Philosophy of Saint Paul.Joseph N. Ballan (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Stanislas Breton's _A Radical Philosophy of Saint Paul_, which focuses on the political implications of the apostle's writings, was an instrumental text in Continental philosophy's contemporary "turn to religion." Reading Paul's work against modern thought and history, Breton helped launch a reassessment of Marxism, introduce secular interpretations of biblical and theological traditions, develop "radical negativity" as a critical category, and rework modern political ideas through a theoretical lens. Newly translated and critically situated, this edition takes a fresh approach to Breton's (...)
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    Ein Irrtum In Harnacks Possidius-Übersetzung.Joseph Balogh - 1931 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 86 (1-4):261-262.
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    (1 other version)Continuants and occurrents, II.Joseph Melia - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):77–92.
    [Peter Simons] Commonsense ontology contains both continuants and occurrents, but are continuants necessary? I argue that they are neither occurrents nor easily replaceable by them. The worst problem for continuants is the question in virtue of what a given continuant exists at a given time. For such truthmakers we must have recourse to occurrents, those vital to the continuant at that time. Continuants are, like abstract objects, invariants under equivalences over occurrents. But they are not abstract, and their being invariants (...)
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    Three paradoxes of personhood: the Venetian lectures.Joseph Margolis - 2017 - [Milano]: Mimesis International. Edited by Roberta Dreon.
    The starting point of Joseph Margolis' last philosophical effort is represented by the problem of the human "gap" in animal continuity: "There appear to be no comparable variants of animal evolution [...] effected by anything like the culturally enabled creation". While we share with other animals more or less refined forms of societal life, acquiring a natural language remains a distinctively human character: although it is grounded in the completely natural favourable changes in the human vocal apparatus and brain, (...)
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    Interior colors.Joseph Thomas Tolliver - 1994 - Philosophical Topics 22 (1/2):411-41.
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  33. Making Salmon: An Environmental History of the Northwest Fisheries Crisis.Joseph E. Taylor - 2000 - Journal of the History of Biology 33 (2):390-392.
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    Democratizing Science: Various Routes and Visions of Dutch Science Shops.Joseph Wachelder - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (2):244-273.
    Science shops were established at universities throughout the Netherlands in the early 1970s with the avowed aim of democratizing science and contributing to social change. During the past few years, science shops have met with significant challenges. For one thing, they have had to adapt to various changes directly associated with the Dutch political climate, the organization of higher education, national research policies, and so on. Moreover, they have faced serious financial cutbacks. In their efforts to address these challenges, science (...)
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    The Piety of the English Deists: Their Personal Relationship with an Active God.Joseph Waligore - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (2):181-197.
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    Text analysis shows conceptual overlap as well as domain-specific differences in Christian and secular worldviews.Joseph Watts, Sam Passmore, Joshua Conrad Jackson, Christoph Rzymski & Robin I. M. Dunbar - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104290.
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    The Concept of Language.Joseph S. Ullian - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (1):133.
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    Induced preference for morphine in rats.Joseph W. Ternes - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):315-316.
  39. Criteria for plausible arguments.Joseph Agassi - 1974 - Mind 83 (331):406-416.
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    Genius in science.Joseph Agassi - 1975 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5 (2):145-161.
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    Privileged access.Joseph Agassi - 1969 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-4):420 – 426.
    That everyone has some privileged access to some information is trivially true. The doctrine of privileged access is that I am the authority on all of my own experiences. Possibly this thesis was attacked by Wittgenstein (the thesis on the non?existence of private languages). The thesis was refuted by Freud (I know your dreams better than you), Duhem (I know your methods of scientific discovery better than you), Malinowski (I know your customs and habits better than you), and perception theorists (...)
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  42. The Vernacular and the Omniscient Observer of History.Joseph Almog - 2004 - In Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout (eds.), Descriptions and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Catholic teaching on the morality of euthanasia.Joseph Vincent Sullivan - 1949 - Washington,: Catholic Univ. of America Press.
    (Anna Maria Taigi 1769 - 1837)St. Alphonsus writes: "a single bad book will be sufficient to cause the destruction of a monastery." Pope Pius XII wrote in 1947 at the beatification of Blessed Maria Goretti: "There rises to Our lips the cry of the Saviour: 'Woe to the world because of scandals!' (Matthew 18:7). Woe to those who consciously and deliberately spread corruption-in novels, newspapers, magazines, theaters, films, in a world of immodesty!" We at St. Pius X Press are calling (...)
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    Seeking the Sources of a Theologian: In Memory of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist. (1933–2022).Joseph Van House O. Cist - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):781-789.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Seeking the Sources of a Theologian:In Memory of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist. (1933–2022)Joseph Van House O.Cist.Fr. Roch Kereszty long enjoyed thinking about how, and how much, we can discover the truth about Jesus of Nazareth through historical research into his earthly life. Fr. Roch also often enjoyed indicating that at least part of the answer is that research about a human being can never be content with descriptions (...)
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    Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature.Joseph Torchia - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book explores the metaphysical underpinnings of theories of human nature, personhood, and the self. The coverage of the work is broad in scope, moving from the Pre-Socratics to Postmodernism, critically assessing what transpired during the intervening 2500 year period, with a special focus on the contributions of the Aristotelian/Thomistic tradition of inquiry. The work is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students.
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    Variability of irrelevant discriminative stimuli.David Zeaman & Joseph Denegre - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):574.
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    The last refuge of the scoundrel.Joseph Agassi - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (2-3):315-317.
    Patriotism is a form of loyalty. The range of loyalty is from patriotism to friendship. Liberals were often accused of having no sense of loyalty. They usually tend to deny the charge — even while refusing to take a loyalty oath. Even the liberal philosopher Sir Karl Popper has claimed (Open Society, i, ch. 10), that liberals can be better patriots than others. 1 find this line of defense erroneous and morally wrong. I find it much nicer, much more honest, (...)
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  48.  16
    Abraham’s Faith: Both the Aesthetic and the Ethical in Fear and Trembling.Joseph Westfall - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):75.
    In this paper, I examine Johannes de Silentio’s presentation of the faith of Abraham, deriving therefrom a new way of conceiving his notion of faith as a paradoxical co-inhabiting of both the aesthetic and the ethical stages, rather than as a rejection, synthesis, or overcoming of them. Relying largely upon Silentio’s account of Abraham’s faith as anxious but not doubting, I argue that the interpretations of Fear and Trembling by Alastair Hannay and Mark C. Taylor fail to account for some (...)
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    Caring: A Pluralist Account.Joseph P. Walsh - 2017 - Ratio 31 (S1):96-110.
    In this paper, I argue that care ethics should be understood as a form of value pluralism. Writers on the ethics of care tend not explicitly to address issues in the theory of value, although much of what has been written about care ethics may be taken to suggest that it endorses some form of value monism. I argue against this conception of care ethics by showing that the practical reality of caregiving is more accurately represented by a pluralist account (...)
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    The Epistemology of a Priori Knowledge.Joseph L. Camp (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This volume collects articles of the late philosopher Tamara Horowitz. It includes four previously published and two unpublished articles. Though she had wide-ranging interests during her career, Horowitz was mostly concerned with what can be known as priori. She argued against too much confidence in philosophical intuition and argued for a more naturalist, scientific approach. Joseph Camp includes an editor's introduction to the collection of this important philosopher.
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