Results for 'Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, pedagogy, culture, novel, Philippines, history'

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  1. Hugo's “Notre Dame De Paris” and Rizal's “Noli Me Tangere”: A Phenomenology of Confluence.Kathleen B. Solon-Villaneza - 2012 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 2 (1).
    The study subjected to scrutiny the context of Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere and Hugo’s novel, Notre Dame de Paris in the search for confluence through the two novels’ use of rhetorical devices and imagery. It utilized Kolb’s Experiential Method, Phenomenology, and Interdisciplinary Approach. Primarily, a connection between Hugo and Rizal is established since no studies relating the two writers existed. Gathered evidences proved the historical and biographical connections: the phenomenology of both writers’ existence in the same Romantic milieu, (...)
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    Noli me tangere: Essai sur la levée du corps.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2003 - Bayard.
    Noli me tangere - Ne me touche pas : c'est une scène singulière de l'évangile de Jean, et c'est une parole emblématique pour des situations de violence ou de désir. C'est aussi, et d'abord, le rappel lapidaire d'un tabou majeur de toutes les cultures : celui du toucher. Or Marie-Madeleine, à qui cette parole est adressée par Jésus, a connu dans l'hagiographie un destin bien particulier : amante tantôt physique et tantôt mystique du Christ, double féminin et sensuel de (...)
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    José Emilio Pacheco Translating Samuel Beckett. The case of Cómo es.José Francisco Fernández - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:149-162.
    Resumen: En la historia de la recepción de Samuel Beckett en los países de habla no inglesa, la primera traducción de Comment c’est al castellano, realizada por José Emilio Pacheco en 1966, aparece como un hito aislado y deslumbrante. Esta traducción a partir del texto original en francés, hecha por el poeta mexicano cuando tenía 27 años, no tuvo una repercusión notable en su momento, a pesar de la audacia de la empresa y de la brillantez de la traducción. Sin (...)
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    Noli Me Tangere’: Why John Meier Won't Touch the Risen Lord.William Lane Craig - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):91-97.
    John Meier distinguishes ‘the real Jesus’ from ‘the historical Jesus’. Meier claims that whatever happened to the real Jesus after his death, his resurrection cannot belong to the historical Jesus because that event is in principle not open to the observation of any observer. But why think that the resurrection is not observable in this way? Meier finds justification in Gerald O'Collins' view that although the resurrection of Jesus is a real event, it is not an event in space and (...)
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    Looking Through the Sweetheart, Flamboyant and Insane: Rereading Rizal’s Critique of the 19th Century Filipina in Noli Me Tangere.Fleurdeliz Altez-Albela - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):198-213.
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    Be-longing and Bi-lingual States.Doris Sommer - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (4):84-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.4 (1999) 84-115 [Access article in PDF] Be-longing and Bi-lingual States Doris Sommer "How sad that people don't keep commitments any more. Even marriages last only about five years.""Yes, but long-distance marriages can stretch those five years out over weekends and vacations to make relationships last a lifetime."Benedict Anderson's provocative new book, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World, raises questions about political relationships over (...)
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    Raising Death: resurrection between christianity and modernity − a dialogue with jean-luc nancy’s noli me tangere 1.Laurens ten Kate - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):195-206.
    In his philosophical project of a “deconstruction of monotheism,” Jean-Luc Nancy explores the hypothesis that the historical roots of secularization should be traced back to the beginnings of the monotheistic traditions. The secular is not exclusively a feature of modern culture. The complex connections and tensions between secularity and religion in recent decades can only be analyzed effectively if one rethinks the notion of the secular along these historical lines. The author offers a brief introduction into Nancy’s project, before focusing (...)
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    A 'Pedagogia do Ser e Fazer' em Os Trabalhos e os Dias.José Joaquim Pereira Melo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1273-1301.
    Resumo: A proposta é analisar a concepção de trabalho de Hesíodo em Os Trabalhos e Os Dias e abordar os referenciais de sua relação entre trabalho, virtude e justiça. A fonte é: Os Trabalhos e Os Dias e análise contemporânea de sua obra, já consagrada. Entende-se que as necessidades materiais, comuns e aceitas no mundo rural de então, motivaram-no a defender o trabalho como meio de transformação social e de superação do contexto desolador em que vivia o camponês. Seu interlocutor (...)
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  9. Jose Rizal and the Birth of the Social Sciences in the Philippines.Resil B. Mojares - 2012 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 16 (2):30-41.
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    ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture.Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.) - 2017 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    Rizal's Ideas on National Liberation: The Three-Phased Discussion in El Filibusterismo.Miguel A. Bernad - 1999 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 3 (2 & 3):151-160.
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    El debate sobre la democracia ateniense en la filosofía política francesa de los años 70 y 80 del siglo XX.José Sarrión Andaluz - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):195-199.
    The latest book by José Luis Moreno Pestaña presents the Athenian democracy as interpreted by French authors during the 1970s and 80s, with special emphasis on Foucault, Castoriadis and Rancière. This work focuses on the participatory cultural model that, at the specific moment in history, managed to adjust in order to avoid the vices inherent in any assembly model. Moreover, this book pleads for the need to distribute knowledge and cultural wealth to be able to develop a democratic political (...)
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  13. Els mots i els hómes.José Ferrater Mora - 1970 - Barcelona,: Edicions 62.
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    El Asedio a la Modernidad: Crítica Del Relativismo Cultural.Juan José Sebreli - 2013 - Debate.
    Hay en la obra de Juan José Sebreli, más allá de la diversidad de los temas, una sorprendente continuidad. En esta obra, ambiciosa y de madura reflexión, Sebreli encara la síntesis de los problemas que lo han obsesionado desde los años 60. Los analiza ahora desde una perspectiva originalísima, a la que contribuyen sin duda los cambios experimentados por el mundo y por él mismo. El asedio a la modernidad, publicada en Argentina en 1991 y totalmente revisada para la actual (...)
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    Sincretismo e identidad: El caso de la Virgen de Matanzas como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza del patrimonio cultural intangible.José Manuel Hernández de la Cruz - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:236-250.
    La religiosidad popular es una de las manifestaciones más patentes en la cultura de los pueblos y una importante y recurrente forma de expresión del patrimonio cultural intangible. Se transforma y evoluciona a la par del desarrollo social y juega un importante papel en la trasmisión de conocimientos culturales. Es a su vez un cardinal instrumento didáctico en la enseñanza de la historia y el patrimonio vinculado a ella. El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar el valor educativo e importancia (...)
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    Sobre la libertad de John Stuart Mill y la disputa sobre el canon liberal (con unas breves consideraciones sobre la educación obligatoria).José Luis Tasset - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 16 (2):30-58.
    La primera etapa de este trabajo, parte de la idea del Canon Occidental de Harold Bloom, pero trasladándola al ámbito de la explicación de la conformación y desarrollo de lo que podríamos denominar el Canon liberal, y sostiene que ese canon se cierra con On Liberty; pero, como un pensamiento canónico constituye siempre una realidad dinámica, compleja y en tensión interna permanente, las lecturas e interpretaciones de On Liberty, sobre todo las realizadas en nuestro país desde coordenadas que interpretan a (...)
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  17.  64
    Noli Me Tangere: On the Raising of the Body.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - Fordham University Press.
    Christian parables have retained their force well beyond the sphere of religion; indeed, they share with much of modern literature their status as a form of address: "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." There is no message without there first being--or, more subtly, without there also being in the message itself--an address to a capacity or an aptitude for listening. This is not an exhortation of the kind "Pay attention!" Rather, it is a warning: if you do not (...)
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    The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America.Elí Paltri - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (1):149-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 67.1 (2006) 149-179 [Access article in PDF] The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America Elías José Palti Universidad Nacional de Quilmes—CONICET The change that has come over this branch of historiography in the past two decades may be characterized as a movement away from emphasizing history of thought (and even more sharply, "of (...)
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    Ascesis, Gnosis, Praxis: La Sabiduría Religiosa frente al Mal.José Gómez Caffarena - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (3):459 - 483.
    As religiões podem ser consideradas como sistemas simbólicos mediante os quais os seres humanos ao longo da sua história sempre procuraram encontrar sabedoria em ordem a enfrentar o mal Um olhar pela história das religiões oferece-nos dados que podem ser compreendidos a partir de três tipos ideais de atitude básica em relação ao problema: Ascese, Gnose, Praxis. O Budismo originário, o Maniqueísmo e a religião bí-blico-cristã são exemplificações disso mesmo. Mais do que uma opção pela exclusão, os membros da nossa (...)
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    Bogeyman: Benedict Anderson's "Derivative" Discourse.Andrew Parker - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (4):40-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.4 (1999) 40-57 [Access article in PDF] Bogeyman: Benedict Anderson's "Derivative" Discourse Andrew Parker Between life and death, nationalism has as its own proper space the experience of haunting. There is no nationalism without some ghost. -Jacques Derrida, "Onto-Theology of National-Humanism" Writing a mere decade ago about Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities, Timothy Brennan noted that "with the exception of some recent sociological works which use literary theories, it (...)
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  21. EL RELATIVISMO FILOSÓFICO.Miguel Acosta & José María Garrido (eds.) - 2005 - Madrid, Spain: Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala-CEU (Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU).
    Esta obra compila los estudios presentados en las I Jornadas de Filosofía del Instituto CEU de Humanidades Ángel Ayala y está prologada por Abelardo Lobato, O. P. Los filósofos tienen el deber de buscar y alcanzar la verdad apelando a las fuerzas de la razón, la cual, por cierto, no impide otras vías genuinas de conocimiento, como la fe. La búsqueda intelectual exige un trabajo de análisis que debe afinarse ante las obcecaciones que a menudo se interponen en el horizonte (...)
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    NOLI ME TANGERE : For Jacques Derrida.Zsuzsa Baross - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (2):149 – 164.
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    NOLI ME TANGERE : For Jacques Derrida.Zsuzsa Baross - 2001 - Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6 (2):149-164.
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    Jesus Christ through Buddhist Eyes.José Ignacio Cabezón - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):51-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gordon Kaufman InterviewGordon Kaufman, emeritus professor of theology at Harvard Divinity School, has been a member of the Cobb-Abe Buddhist-Christian dialogue since its inception in 1987. As he mentions below, that experience has profoundly affected his work as a theologian and his conviction that theology is an activity of “the imaginative construction of a comprehensive and coherent picture of humanity in the world under God.” This perspective has characterized (...)
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    Re-visioning obscure spaces.Jose Jowel Canuday - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 145 (1):77-98.
    In popular imagery, the littorals of Sulu and Zamboanga conjure visions of pirates, terrorists, and bandits marauding its rough seas, open shores, and rugged mountains. These bleak accounts render the region nothing but a violent and peripheral southern Philippine backdoor inconspicuous to the sophisticated constituencies of the world’s metropolitan centres. Obscured from these imageries are the lasting cosmopolitan traits of openness, flexibility, and reception of local folk to trans-local cultural streams that marked Sulu and Zamboanga as a globalised space across (...)
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    Vaticano II, cincuenta años después (Vatican II, fifty years later) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p1207.José Comblin - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1207-1220.
    Resumen El artículo parte de una situación que tendrá gran importancia para la posterior evolución del Concilio en la Iglesia: la existencia de una minoría conciliar conservadora, representada por la Curia Romana, estratégicamente presente en las comisiones preparatorias. De las tensiones entre renovadores y conservadores, resultaron documentos ambiguos, anunciando temas nuevos, a los que se contraponían viejas facetas de la tradición papal. Paralelamente a lo que el Concilio representó en términos de renovación de la Iglesia, el artículo traza el perfil (...)
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  27. De la ciencia del hombre a la razón histórica.José Lasaga Medina - 1999 - Apuntes Filosóficos 15.
    El pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset amplía la crítica vitalista de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX que superó el mito de los <>, criticándolo como encubridor de una farsa y creador del fraude humanístico de una tensión aporética entre vida y cultura. Los valores de la vida constituyen una afirmación ante el racionalismo extraviado en sus propios conceptos. La razón vital orteguiana es la comprensión lúcida del sencido antes que la explicación gris de estructuras. La metafísica (...)
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  28. The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature (Second Expanded Edition).José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1948 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    The first edition was published in 1948 under the title "The Dehumanization of Art, and Notes on the Novel", translated by Helene Weyl from the Spanish original, "La Deshumanizacion del arte e Ideas sobre la novela," published by Revista de Occidente, 1925. In addition to the two title essays, "The Dehumanization of Art" and "Notes on the Novel," this second expanded edition contains three other essays: "In Search of Goethe from Within" (Goethe desde dentro, 1932); "On Point of View in (...)
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  29. Noli me tangere. Il mistero del pudore in Vladimir Jankélévitch.G. Rognini - 1990 - Humanitas 45 (2):169-190.
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    Noli me tangere.Jacob Rogozinski - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2021 (1):130-142.
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    Heidegger i el segle XX.José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 34:95-103.
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    La via Vico como pretexto en Isaiah Berlin: Con tracorriente, antimonismo Y pluralismo.Jose M. Sevilla - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:261.
    Estudio bibliográfico-crítico que traza la recepción viquiana en las obras de Sir Isaiah Berlin y analiza la interpretación que éste ofrece del pensamiento de Vico, integrándolo en una línea "contra-corriente" con referencia a la llustración y asumiéndolo en la concepción pluralista y antimonista de la historia cultural defendida por el propio Berlin.A critical bibliographical study which traces the Vichian reception in Sir Isaiah Berlin’s works and analyzes his particular interpretation of Vico’s thought. The paper moves along his views according to (...)
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    Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history.Michael A. Woodley of Menie, Aurelio José Figueredo, Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Guy Madison, Pedro S. A. Wolf & Candace J. Black - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134325.
    The Continuous Parameter Estimation Model is applied to develop individual genomic-level heritabilities for the latent hierarchical structure and developmental dynamics of Life History (LH) strategy LH strategies relate to the allocations of bioenergetic resources into different domains of fitness. LH has moderate to high population-level heritability in humans, both at the level of the high-order Super-K Factor and the lower-order factors, the K-Factor, Covitality Factor, and General Factor of Personality (GFP). Several important questions remain unexplored. We developed measures of (...)
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    Feminine Liberation: A Stylistic Analysis of Angela Manalang-Gloria's 'Revolt from Hymen'.By Luijim S. Jose - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1295-1304.
    This study offers a comprehensive stylistic analysis of Angela Manalang-Gloria's poem Revolt from Hymen, focusing on its linguistic, structural, and thematic features. Through the lens of feminist literary theory, the research explores how Manalang-Gloria masterfully employs diction, syntax, metaphor, and imagery to critique patriarchal norms, particularly the institution of marriage and its oppressive control over women’s bodies. The poem, set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Philippines, engages with global feminist discourses, addressing themes such as bodily autonomy, gender-based violence, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Meditaciones del Quijote: Meditación preliminar, meditación primera.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1914 - Residencia de Estudiantes.
    Excerpt from Meditaciones del Quijote: Meditación Preliminar, Meditación Primera Nada que de éste provenga puede ser nos simpático. El rencor es una emana ción de la conciencia de inferioridad. Es la supresión imaginaria de quien no pode mos con nuestras propias fuerzas real mente suprimir. Lleva en nuestra fantasía aquel por quien sentimos rencor, el aspec to lívido de un cadáver; lo hemos matado, aniquilado con la intención. Y luego al ha llarlo en la realidad firme y tranquilo, nos parece (...)
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    Gênese e Legado da História Contempor'nea do Ensino de Filosofia no Brasil (1996-2004).Dalton José Alves - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-42.
    Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar, numa visão panorâmica, trilhas, dentre outras possíveis, que possam percorrer docentes, estudantes e pesquisadores para o estudo e prática do ensino de filosofia com base em sua história recente. Utiliza metodologia descritiva e dedutiva, baseada em revisão bibliográfica e na investigação da legislação sobre o ensino de filosofia. Parte da história contemporânea do ensino de filosofia no Brasil, que principia com a LDB/1996. Devido a forma ambígua e contraditória que o ensino da (...)
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    Books, plants, herbaria: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and his circle in Italy (1539–1554).Elisa Andretta & José Pardo-Tomás - 2020 - History of Science 58 (1):3-27.
    This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of Spanish humanists associated with the diplomat, aristocrat, and writer Diego Hurtado de Mendoza in the course of his fifteen years in Venice, Trent, and Rome, focusing on two aspects that have been neglected to date. These are (a) the integration of practices connected with the study of nature (herborizing expeditions and the production of herbaria) with the work of collating, translating, and commenting on (...)
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    Politics and decadence in Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy: Toynbee, Spengler and Polybius.José Luis Arroyo Barrigüete - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:74-94.
    Resumen: Diversos académicos han analizado la influencia de Toynbee y Spengler en la conocida saga Foundation, escrita por Isaac Asimov y considerada una de las más importantes de la ciencia ficción. Sin embargo, nuestra hipótesis es que, si bien existe un cierto diálogo transtextual con los trabajos de ambos autores, es en la obra del historiador griego Polibio, Historias, donde se halla la principal relación de tipo hipertextual. Comparando la anaciclosis descrita por Polibio con la evolución política que Asimov narra (...)
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    Andrea del Sarto's Noli me tangere : Sight, Touch, and an Echo of St. Augustine.Steven J. Cody - 2018 - Arion 26 (2):37.
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    TO BE OR NOT TO BE MÉTIS: nina bouraoui’s embodied memory of the colonial fracture.Mona El Khoury - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):123-135.
    This essay deals with Nina Bouraoui’s mixed-race identity as presented in her autobiographical novels Garçon manqué and Mes mauvaises pensées. The métis question takes the shape of a representation of an ethnicized, dual and fractured identity. My argument explores a contradiction at work in Bouraoui’s texts: while reclaiming the existence of a Franco-Algerian métis identity, Bouraoui represents the métis as the incarnated perpetuation of the historical tensions that divided France and Algeria. The narratives simultaneously construct and deconstruct Bouraoui’s Franco-Algerian métis (...)
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    La destrucción de patrimonio: arte rupestre en la península Burrup.José Antonio González Zarandona - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    La destrucción de arte rupestre en la península Burrup, llevada a cabo por varias industrias colosales, estratégicamente localizadas en la península desde la década de los años sesenta, me permite analizar el concepto de patrimonio y encontrar un significado en la difícil tarea de interpretar arte rupestre. La península Burrup no sólo alberga el sitio arqueológico de arte rupestre más grande del mundo, sino que también uno de los depósitos más grandes de gas, mineral de hierro y sal. Como consecuencia, (...)
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    Social sanitary development of a rural establishment from the perspective of the social sciences.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Leonardo Santos Méndez, Marla Eunice Hernandez Cruz & Yudelmis Ramirez Duquerne - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):31-46.
    RESUMEN Se aplicó una intervención socio sanitaria en el asentamiento rural El León de Camagüey basada en los resultados de un estudio anterior, desde la comunicación social, educativa, así como aspectos socioculturales evaluados que permitieron la realización de este estudio. Su objetivo fue implementar una estrategia de intervención basada en acciones sociales y educativas colectadas en un manual que organizó contenidos de antropología socio cultural, psicología, sociología de la salud y trabajo social comunitario, la que fue conducida por profesionales de (...)
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    La deshumanización del arte. Ideas sobre la novela.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 2009 - Revista de Occidente.
    CON: CUADROS CRONOLÓGICOS / INTRODUCCIÓN / TEXTOS ÍNTEGROS / BIBLIOGRAFÍA / NOTAS / LLAMADAS DE ATENCIÓN / DOCUMENTOS / ORIENTACIONES PARA EL ESTUDIO En septiembre de 1925 Ortega y Gasset reunió en un volumen dos importantes y polémicos ensayos, LA DESHUMANIZACIÓN DEL ARTE e IDEAS SOBRE LA NOVELA, textos que se inscriben en la tarea que se había impuesto el filósofo de interpretar la nueva época cultural que había comenzado con el siglo XX, una época que vive una crisis, la (...)
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    Reconciling Hegel with the Dialectic: On Islam and the Fate of Muslims in Hegel's Philosophy of History.Emir Yigit & Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2024 - Hegel Bulletin 45 (1):93-119.
    The absence of Islam from recent scholarship on Hegel's account of world religions is puzzling. In the first part of the article, we argue that Hegel's neglect of Islam in his systematic account of religious phenomena is not accidental and that he did not think of Islam as a determinate religion. Its size and believers aside, we suggest that it is not possible to assign any determinacy to Islam as a world-historical phenomenon under Hegel's rubric, because such determinacy that applies (...)
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    Meeting in the Garden: Intertextuality with the Song of Songs in Holbein's Noli me tangere 1.Bobbi Dykema Katsanis - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (4):402-416.
    In their Noli me tangere images from the Northern Renaissance, Albrecht Dürer and Hans Holbein the Younger depict the encounter between Mary Magdalene and the risen Christ. They provide us images of the holy in humanity, and the human in the holy, in all their dimensions.
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  46. "La filosofía de José Gaos: el pensamiento hispanoamericano según José Gaos (1900-1969)" (306 p.) / "What´s Hispanoamerican Philosophy? José Gaos (1900-1969) Spanish View´s (s.XVI-s.XX)" ECUADOR, UTPL, 2015, 306 pages.A. B. H. - 2015 - UTPL.
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    Legitimacy for the use of philosophical language in Theology.María José Caram - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 34:167-186.
    Siguiendo las reflexiones de M.-D. Chenu en Une école de théologie: Le Saulchoir, este artículo se pregunta por la legitimidad del uso del leguaje filosófico en teología. Para ello distingue el campo epistemológico propio de cada disciplina y establece el modo en que razón y fe se relacionan. Aunque es un hecho que en la historia de occidente la teología se expresó en un lenguaje filosófico, en el marco de la cultura contemporánea globalizada, se constata la emergencia de otras racionalidades (...)
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  48. Epistemología y pedagogía: ensayo histórico crítico sobre el objeto y método pedagógicos.Mario Gómez S. - 1981 - [Medellín, Colombia?]: Comité Central de Investigaciones, Universidad de Antioquia. Edited by Iván Bedoya M..
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    Pharmapolitics and the Early Roman Expansion: Gender, Slavery, and Ecology in 331 BCE.Dan-el Padilla Peralta - 2023 - Classical Antiquity 42 (1):159-194.
    This article reinterprets an incident that Livy (8.18.4–11) and derivative later sources place in the year 331 BCE: a wave of poisonings whose perpetrators are brought to light after an enslaved woman contacts a Roman magistrate. Its main objectives are to show that the incident is best understood in connection with the transmission of novel—or perceived as novel—pharmacological knowledge, and in conjunction with shifts in the institution of slavery at Rome that were set in motion by the Republic’s expansion; that (...)
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    Sobre a ética foucaultiana do cuidado, o sujeito e a educação.Pedro Angelo Pagni & Divino José da Silva - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1631-1657.
    Resumo: Este artigo aborda a relevância da ocupação de si no processo de formação ética do sujeito e discute as possibilidades de seu uso para a educação. Recobra-se, para tanto, a genealogia da história da noção de cuidado, da parresia e da ética da amizade, retratadas no curso Hermenêutica do Sujeito ministrado por Michel Foucault. Objetiva-se problematizar, com isso, os aspectos moralizantes da pedagogia moderna e evidenciar uma dimensão ética da amizade e estética da existência, as quais foram abandonadas na (...)
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