Results for 'John McRae'

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  1. A system of logic ratiocinative and inductive. Books I-III.John Stuart Mill, J. M. Robson Editor of the Text & Introfduction by R. F. Mcrae - 1981 - In The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund.
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    Emotional Appraisal, Psychological Distance and Construal Level: Implications for Cognitive Reappraisal.Damon Abraham, John P. Powers & Kateri McRae - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):313-331.
    Construal-level theory emphasizes that representing events at greater spatial, temporal, social, or hypothetical distance results in processing information at high construal levels (more conceptual, abstract). We posit that psychological distance and construal level are somewhat separable constructs, and can have different effects on emotion, and therefore, emotion regulation. We argue that psychological distance influences emotional appraisal, such that increasing distance results in lower emotion intensity, which can be leveraged to down-regulate emotions. However, we consider construal level a mindset, which can (...)
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    Between Two Stools: Scatology and Its Representations in English Literature, Chaucer to Swift.John McRae - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (2):231-232.
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    Oriental Verities on the American Frontier: The 1893 World's Parliament of Religions and the Thought of Masao Abe.John R. McRae - 1991 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 11:7.
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  5. A system of logic ratiocinative and inductive. Books IV-vi and appendices.John Stuart Mill, J. M. Robson Editor of the Text & Introfduction by R. F. Mcrae - 1981 - In The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick Ferré. These essays, informed by the insights of Ferré and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Dr Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick FerrZ. These essays, informed by the insights of FerrZ and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Asian Philosophies (review).James McRae - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (4):624-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Asian PhilosophiesJames McRaeAsian Philosophies. By John M. Koller. Fourth edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. Pp. xxi+ 361.John M. Koller's Asian Philosophiesprovides an excellent overview of many of the major traditions of Eastern thought. It is divided into three parts, each representing a broad field of Asian philosophy: Indian Philosophy, Buddhism, and Chinese Philosophy (Japanese thought is briefly examined in a chapter on Zen Buddhism (...)
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    The Career of Philosophy. Volume II. From the German Enlightenment to the Age of Darwin. By John Herman Randall Jr. New York: Columbia University Press. Toronto: Copp Clark Co., 1965. Pp. xii, 675. $12.95. [REVIEW]Robert McRae - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):622-625.
  10. Neural substrates of conscious emotional experience: A cognitive-neuroscientific perspective. Consciousness, emotional self-regulation and the brain.Richard D. R. Lane & K. McRae - 2004 - John Benjamins.
  11.  33
    The Career of Philosophy from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. By John Hermann Randall Jr., New York: Columbia University Press, 1962, pp. xiv, 993. $13.95. [REVIEW]Robert F. McRae - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):101-102.
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    Philosophy and the Absolute: The Modes of Hegel's SpeculationRobert Grant McRae Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1985. Pp. ix, 188. $31.00. [REVIEW]John Burbidge - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (2):385-386.
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    Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. John R. McRae.Stefania Travagnin - 2005 - Buddhist Studies Review 22 (1):73-78.
    Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. John R. McRae. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. xx, 204 pp. US $19.95. ISBN 0520237986.
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    Representationalism, judgment and perception of distance: further to Yolton and McRae.Thomas M. Lennon - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (1):151-162.
    The recent literature has seriously challenged, and in my view defeated, the traditional representationalist interpretation of Descartes. One contributor to it, John Yolton, has recently extended its arguments to argue that the traditional representationalist interpretation of Locke must be relinquished as well, that Locke, following the Cartesian path of Arnauld, held a semiotic theory of ideas which “de-ontologized” them and construed them as signs or cues in the direct perception of physical objects. The Cartesian support for this view, especially (...)
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    Reliable knowledge: an exploration of the grounds for belief in science.John M. Ziman - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Why believe in the findings of science? John Ziman argues that scientific knowledge is not uniformly reliable, but rather like a map representing a country we cannot visit. He shows how science has many elements, including alongside its experiments and formulae the language and logic, patterns and preconceptions, facts and fantasies used to illustrate and express its findings. These elements are variously combined by scientists in their explanations of the material world as it lies outside our everyday experience. (...) Ziman’s book offers at once a valuably clear account and a radically challenging investigation of the credibility of scientific knowledge, searching widely across a range of disciplines for evidence about the perceptions, paradigms and analogies on which all our understanding depends. (shrink)
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    The Gestation of German Biology: Philosophy and Physiology from Stahl to Schelling.John H. Zammito - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This book explores how and when biology emerged as a science in Germany. Beginning with the debate about organism between Georg Ernst Stahl and Gottfried Leibniz at the start of the eighteenth century, John Zammito traces the development of a new research program, culminating in 1800, in the formulation of developmental morphology. He shows how over the course of the century, naturalists undertook to transform some domains of natural history into a distinct branch of natural philosophy, which attempted not (...)
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  17.  63
    The genesis of Kant's critique of judgment.John Zammito - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this philosophically sophisticated and historically significant work, John H. Zammito reconstructs Kant's composition of The Critique of Judgment and reveals that it underwent three major transformations before publication. He shows that Kant not only made his "cognitive" turn, expanding the project from a "Critique of Taste" to a Critique of Judgment but he also made an "ethical" turn. This "ethical" turn was provoked by controversies in German philosophical and religious culture, in particular the writings of Johann Herder and (...)
  18. The Cognitive Penetrability of Perception: New Philosophical Perspectives.John Zeimbekis & Athanassios Raftopoulos (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    According to the cognitive penetrability hypothesis, our beliefs, desires, and possibly our emotions literally affect how we see the world. This book elucidates the nature of the cognitive penetrability and impenetrability hypotheses, assesses their plausibility, and explores their philosophical consequences. It connects the topic's multiple strands (the psychological findings, computationalist background, epistemological consequences of cognitive architecture, and recent philosophical developments) at a time when the outcome of many philosophical debates depends on knowing whether and how cognitive states can influence perception. (...)
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    John Maynard Smith and the importance of consistency in evolutionary game theory.Alasdair I. Houston & John M. McNamara - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (5):933-950.
    John Maynard Smith was the founder of evolutionary game theory. He has also been the major influence on the direction of this field, which now pervades behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology. In its original formulation the theory had three components: a set of strategies, a payoff structure, and a concept of evolutionary stability. These three key components are still the basis of the theory, but what is assumed about each component is often different to the original assumptions. We review (...)
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    Perception & reality: a history from Descartes to Kant.John W. Yolton - 1996 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    In 1984, John W. Yolton published Perceptual Acquaintance from Descartes to Reid. His most recent book builds on that seminal work and greatly extends its relevance to issues in current philosophical debate. Perception and Reality examines the theories of perception implicit in the work of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century philosophers which centered on the question: How is knowledge of the body possible? That question raises issues of mind-body relation, the way that mentality links with physicality, and the nature of the (...)
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    Psychologizm versus antypsychologizm: Johna Locke'a charakterystyka treści mentalnej.Piotr K. Szałek - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (1):275-290.
    The paper seeks to give an ontological account of idea as mental content in the philosophy of John Locke. The foundation on which to place and polarise philosophical standpoints with regard to this issue is the 17th- century controversy between J. Locke and N. Malebranche with respect to the genesis of human knowledge. Showing the foundation of this controversy, as expressed in the polemic work of Locke entitled An Examination of P. Malebranche\'s Opinion of Seeing All Things in God, (...)
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  22. How knowledge works.John Hyman - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (197):433-451.
    I shall be mainly concerned with the question ‘What is personal propositional knowledge?’. This question is obviously quite narrowly focused, in three respects. In the first place, there is impersonal as well as personal knowledge. Second, a distinction is often drawn between propositional knowledge and practical knowledge. And third, as well as asking what knowledge is, it is also possible to ask whether and how knowledge of various kinds can be acquired: causal knowledge, a priori knowledge, moral knowledge, and so (...)
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    Knowing Everything about Nothing: Specialization and Change in Research Careers.John M. Ziman - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book John Ziman seeks the answers to crucial questions facing scientists who need to change the direction of their careers.
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  24. (1 other version)Degree of factual support.John G. Kemeny & Paul Oppenheim - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (4):307-324.
    We wish to give a precise formulation of the intuitive concept: The degree to which the known facts support a given hypothesis.
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  25. Fair bets and inductive probabilities.John G. Kemeny - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):263-273.
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    On being present to the mind.John W. Yolton - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (3):373--88.
    I want to discuss a doctrine and a concept in theory of knowledge which has various manifestations from at least the seventeenth to the early twentieth century. The concept is that of direct or immediate cognition, the doctrine says that only what is like mind can be directly or immediately present to mind. This doctrine raises the question of how we can know things other than ourselves and our experiences: the concept of direct presence most usually had the consequence of (...)
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  27. Knowledge and evidence.John Hyman - 2006 - Mind 115 (460):891-916.
    theory of knowledge defended in Timothy Williamson's book Knowledge and its Limits is compared here with the theory defended in the author's articles ‘How Knowledge Works ’ and ‘ Knowledge and Self- Knowledge ’. It is argued that there are affinities between these theories, but that the latter has considerably more explanatory power.
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    Why must scientists become more ethically sensitive than they used to be?John Ziman - 1998 - Science 282 (5395):1813-1814.
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  29. Kant's early views on epigenesis : The role of maupertuis.John Zammito - 2006 - In Justin E. H. Smith, The Problem of Animal Generation in Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
  30. Morality and strategy in stakeholder identification.John Kaler - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):91 - 99.
    Definitions of what it is to be a stakeholder are divided into "claimant" definitions requiring some sort of claim on the services of a business, "influencer" definitions requiring only a capacity to influence the workings of the business, and "combinatory" definitions allowing for either or both of these requirements. It is argued that for the purposes of business ethics, stakeholding has to be about improving the moral conduct of businesses by directing them at serving more than just the interests of (...)
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  31. Differentiating stakeholder theories.John Kaler - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (1):71 - 83.
    Following on from work on stakeholder identification, this paper constructs a typology of stakeholder theories based on the extent to which serving the interests of non-shareholders relative to those of shareholders is accepted as a responsibility of companies. A typology based on the division of stakeholder theories into normative, descriptive, and instrumental is rejected on the grounds that the latter two designations refer to second order theories rather than divisions within stakeholder theory and the first is a designation which, for (...)
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    Locke, an introduction.John W. Yolton - 1985 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    Studie over leven en werk van de Engelse wijsgeer en opvoedkundige (1632-1704).
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    Locke and the Way of Ideas.John W. Yolton - 1956 - Bristol, England: St. Augustine's Press.
    Yolton insists that Locke's Essay concerning Human Understanding marks the beginning of the great empirical tradition in British philosophy.
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  34. The meaning of life.John Kekes - 2000 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 24 (1):17–34.
  35. Moral dilemmas and nonmonotonic logic.John Horty - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (1):35 - 65.
    From a philosophical standpoint, the work presented here is based on van Fraassen [26]. The bulk of that paper is organized around a series of arguments against the assumption, built into standard deontic logic, that moral dilemmas are impossible; and van Fraassen only briefly sketches his alternative approach. His paper ends with the conclusion that “the problem of possibly irresolvable moral conflict reveals serious flaws in the philosophical and semantic foundations of ‘orthodox’ deontic logic, but also suggests a rich set (...)
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    (1 other version)A logical measure function.John G. Kemeny - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):289-308.
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  37. Chance Variation: Darwin on Orchids.John Beatty - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):629-641.
    How, according to Darwin, does chance variation affect evolutionary outcomes? In his 1866 book, On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects, Darwin developed an argument that played an important role in his overall case for evolution by natural selection, as articulated in later editions of the Origin. This argument also figured significantly in Darwin's reflections on the theological dimensions of evolution by natural selection.
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    History/philosophy/science: Some lessons for philosophy of history.John H. Zammito - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (3):390-413.
    ABSTRACTRheinberger's brief history brings into sharp profile the importance of history of science for a philosophical understanding of historical practice. Rheinberger presents thought about the nature of science by leading scientists and their interpreters over the course of the twentieth century as emphasizing increasingly the local and developmental character of their learning practices, thus making the conception of knowledge dependent upon historical experience, “historicizing epistemology.” Linking his account of thought about science to his own work on “experimental systems,” I draw (...)
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  39. Index to Volume Fifty-Six.Wim De Reu & Right Words Seem Wrong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):709-714.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Index to Volume Fifty-SixArticlesBernier, Bernard, National Communion: Watsuji Tetsurō's Conception of Ethics, Power, and the Japanese Imperial State, 1 : 84-105Between Principle and Situation: Contrasting Styles in the Japanese and Korean Traditions of Moral Culture, Chai-sik Chung, 2 : 253-280Buxton, Nicholas, The Crow and the Coconut: Accident, Coincidence, and Causation in the Yogavāiṣṭha, 3 : 392-408Chan, Sin Yee, The Confucian Notion of Jing (Respect), Sin Yee Chan, 2 : (...)
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    Agent Causality.John W. Yolton - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (1):14 - 26.
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    John Locke, Thomas Sydenham, and the authorship of two medical essays.Peter R. Anstey & John Burrows - 2009 - Electronic British Library Journal 3:1-42.
    Two medical essays in the hand of John Locke survive amongst the Shaftesbury Papers in the National Archives (National Archives PRO 30/24/47/2, ff. 31r–38v and ff. 49r–56r). Since the 1960s their authorship has been disputed. Some scholars have attributed them to the London physician Thomas Sydenham, others have attributed them to Locke. Detailed analyses of their contents and the context of their composition provide very strong evidence for Lockean authorship. This is reinforced by the application of the most recent (...)
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  42. Conditional assertion, denial, and supposition as illocutionary acts.John T. Kearns - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (4):455 - 485.
  43. Reading fiction and conceptual knowledge: Philosophical thought in literary context.Eileen John - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (4):331-348.
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  44. `Ought implies can' and two kinds of morality.John Kekes - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (137):459-467.
    The principle, Ought implies can, Has two versions. The strong version expresses a necessary condition for the appropriateness of moral judgments; the weak version expresses a possible ground for excusing wrongdoing. The strong version is presupposed by choice-Morality, While the weak one is presupposed by character-Morality. It is argues that the strong version and choice-Morality are mistaken and that the weak version and character-Morality give a much more plausible account of our moral experience. The general conclusion is that choice is (...)
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  45. A cambridge platonist's materialism: Henry more and the concept of soul.John Henry - 1986 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 49 (1):172-195.
  46. The use of simplicity in induction.John G. Kemeny - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (3):391-408.
  47. Happiness.John Kekes - 1982 - Mind 91 (363):358-376.
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    Economic contracts versus social relationships as a foundation for normative stakeholder theory.John Hendry - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (3):223–232.
    A number of the most influential presentations of normative stakeholder theory are based upon an economic model of the firm as a nexus of contracts. In this paper I argue that the use of such a model to address moral issues is both logically and practically problematic and effectively undermines the stakeholder position. I then sketch out the key characteristics of an alternative, social relationships model of the firm, and show how this might provide a basis for the development of (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Perception and Reality: A History from Descartes to Kant.John W. Yolton - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (193):540-542.
  50. The informed will and the meaning of life.John Kekes - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (1):75-90.
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