Results for 'Johannes Übinger'

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  1. The silence of self-knowledge.Johannes Roessler - 2013 - Philosophical Explorations 16 (1):1-17.
    Gareth Evans famously affirmed an explanatory connection between answering the question whether p and knowing whether one believes that p. This is commonly interpreted in terms of the idea that judging that p constitutes an adequate basis for the belief that one believes that p. This paper formulates and defends an alternative, more modest interpretation, which develops from the suggestion that one can know that one believes that p in judging that p.
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  2. Grazer Philosophische Studien.Johannes Brandl (ed.) - 2015 - Leiden: Brill.
    Wittgenstein on colour exclusion : not fatally mistaken / Andrew Lugg -- Dummett's criticism of the context principle / Philip A. Ebert -- What is wrong with classical negation? / Nils Kürbis -- Plain particulars / Ernâni Magalhães -- Frege and the description theory : an attempt at rehabilitation / Ari Maunu -- Die Moralpille : über Risiken und Nebenwirkungen denken Sie eigenständig nach und fragen Ihren Philosophen oder Ihre Philosophin / Dorothee Bleisch --Agency & the pill that makes us (...)
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    Preface.Johannes Brandl, Wolfgang Gombocz & Christian Piller - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 40:1-2.
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    Competencies for a Healthy Physically Active Lifestyle: Second-Order Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling.Johannes Carl, Gorden Sudeck & Klaus Pfeifer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The physical activity-related health competence model assumes that individuals require movement competence, control competence, and self-regulation competence to lead a healthy, physically active lifestyle. Although previous research has already established some measurement factors of the three dimensions, no attempts have so far been made to statistically aggregate them on the sub-competence level. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to test two additional factors for PAHCO and subsequently model the second-order structure with two samples from the fields of rehabilitation (...)
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    Divisione della natura.Johannes Scotus Erigena - 2013 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Nicola Gorlani & Johannes Scotus Erigena.
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  6. Den engelska och den franska hjärnan.Johannes Persson - 1998 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 4.
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    Symbole und Symbolgestalten des Wassers in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit.Johannes Maringer - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (3):244-251.
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    Special issue on Lund conference on explanation.Johannes Persson - 1999 - Synthese 120.
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    Immanuel Kant: der Tabubrecher.Johannes Driendl - 2018 - Halle (Saale): Projekte Verlag Hahn.
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    Equity and Efficiency in Multi-Worker Firms: Insights from Experimental Economics.Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian J. Goerg, Sebastian Kube & Matthias Wibral - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):325-348.
    In this article, we discuss recent evidence from experimental economics on the impact of social preferences on workplace behavior. We focus on situations in which a single employer interacts with multiple employees. Traditionally, equity and efficiency have been seen as opposing aims in such work environments: individual pay-for-performance wage schemes maximize of efficiency but might lead to inequitable outcomes. We present findings from laboratory experiments that show under which circumstances partially incomplete contracts can create equitable work environments while at the (...)
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    A Pragmatist Account of Functions in Synthetic Biology.Johannes Achatz - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (1):171-186.
    In fields where science and technology overlap, so do different function-ascriptions. The entities of Synthetic Biology research are a case in point, where organisms with biological functionality are altered to perform technical functions. A function theory for SynBiofacts has to address artifactual as well as biological functions of one and the same entity. Further demands on a function theory for Synthetic Biology emerge from methods of SynBiofact creation called kludging and the use-scenarios of SynBiofacts in proof-of-concept research and BioArt. After (...)
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    Synthetische Biologie und "natürliche" Moral: ein Beschreibungs- und Bewertungszugang zu den Erzeugnissen synthetischer Biologie.Johannes Achatz - 2013 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Indledning.Johannes Adamsen, Carla Birgitte Nielsen & Merete Wiberg - 2019 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 8 (2):1-1.
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    Das substanzproblem in der philosophie der neuzeit.Johannes Hessen - 1932 - Bonn,: F. Dümmler.
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  15. Hedendaagse visies op den mens.Johannes Arnold Jozef Peters - 1950 - Heerlen,: Winants.
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    Simulation, Representation, and Cartography: Compiling a Virtual Atlas.Johannes Lenhard - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (4):386-404.
    It is a commonplace that “the map is not the territory.” The phrase goes back to Alfred Korzybski, while the insight—formulated by insisting on an apparent triviality—is surely older and has received poetical expressions from Lewis Carroll and Jorge Luis Borges among others. The difference between map and territory is a difference of categories and is at the base of the representation relation. Hence maps play a prominent role in the discourse about representation which takes place in a number of (...)
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    Personsein, Freiheit und Verantwortung: anthropologische Voraussetzungen der Ethik bei Bernhard Welte.Johannes Lorenz - 2016 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Person- und Freiheitsverstandnis des Freiburger Religionsphilosophen Bernhard Welte (1906-1983). Damit werden unter Berucksichtigung bisher unveroffentlichter Schriften anthropologische Voraussetzungen ethisch relevanter Grundphanomene menschlichen Daseins zuganglich gemacht.
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  18. Die welt des menschen.Johannes Baptist Lotz - 1940 - Regensburg,: F. Pustet. Edited by Joseph de Vries.
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  19. Le jugement et l'être. Les fondements de la métaphysique 1 vol. Bibliothèque des Archives de Philosophie.Johannes B. Lotz & R. Givoro - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (3):375-377.
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  20. Mnemicity - A cognitive gadget?Johannes B. Mahr, Penny van Bergen, John Sutton, Daniel L. Schacter & Cecilia Heyes - 2023 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 1 (1).
    Episodic representations can be entertained either as “remembered” or “imagined”—as outcomes of experience or as simulations of such experience. Here, we argue that this feature is the product of a dedicated cognitive function: the metacognitive capacity to determine the mnemicity of mental event simulations. We argue that mnemicity attribution should be distinguished from other metacognitive operations (such as reality monitoring) and propose that this attribution is a “cognitive gadget”—a distinctively human ability made possible by cultural learning. Cultural learning is a (...)
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    The Worlds of Positivism: A Global Intellectual History, 1770–1930.Johannes Feichtinger, Franz L. Fillafer & Jan Surman (eds.) - 2018 - Palgrave.
    This book is the first to trace the origins and significance of positivism on a global scale. Taking their cues from Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill, positivists pioneered a universal, experience-based culture of scientific inquiry for studying nature and society—a new science that would enlighten all of humankind. Positivists envisaged one world united by science, but their efforts spawned many. Uncovering these worlds of positivism, the volume ranges from India, the Ottoman Empire, and the Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe, (...)
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    The arrival of Navya-Nyāya techniques in Varanasi.Johannes Bronkhorst, Bogdan Diaconescu & Malhar Kulkarni - 2013 - In Kuruvilla Pandikattu Sj & Binoy Pichalakkattu Sj, An Indian Ending: Rediscovering the Grandeur of Indian Heritage for a Sustainable Future. Essays in Honour of Professor Dr. John Vattanky SJ On Completing Eighty Years. Serials Publications.
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    Practical Spiritual Philosophy? Applying Aurobindo.Johannes Drerup - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):163-165.
    The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Indian Philosophy and Yoga in the Contemporary World, edited by Dedidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra, aims to apply central ideas of Aurobindo’s philosophy to problems of the contemporary world. Based on an interpretation of Aurobindo’s work as a practical spiritual philosophy, the contributions in this volume develop reconstructions of different aspects of his work in order to further our understanding of concrete political and societal problems.
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    Patristische Herakleitos-Spuren.Johannes Dräseke - 1894 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 7 (2):158-172.
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    Between Christian love and professional orientation: Reflections on the double bind code of Christian social workers (deaconesses and deacons) in Germany.Johannes Eurich - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (2):7.
    This article highlights the challenges and opportunities of Christian social workers in the tradition of deaconesses and deacons in today’s Germany. Their professional self-conception as social workers between church and society is analysed. By this, a new approach of linking up a theological perspective with diaconal professionalism, is presented.
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  26. Neue Formen von Solidarität? : sozialethische Thesen zur Weiterentwicklung caritativer Arbeit.Johannes Eurich & Anika Christina Albert - 2018 - In Bernhard Emunds & Friedhelm Hengsbach, Christliche Sozialethik--Orientierung welcher Praxis?: Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zu Ehren. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    (1 other version)Geisteskämpfe im Griechentum der Kaiserzeit.Johannes Geffcken - 1925 - Kant Studien 30 (1-2):23-38.
  28. [no title].Johannes M. Geisthardt - unknown
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  29. Grundlegung der Ethik als Wissenschaft.Johannes Rehmke - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (3):12-12.
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  30. Democracy, responsibility, and inquiry in education : relationship and empirical accessibility using the criteria of inquiry learning inventory (CILI).Johannes Reitinger - 2018 - In Alfred Weinberger, Horst Biedermann, Jean-Luc Patry & Sieglinde Weyringer, Professionals’ Ethos and Education for Responsibility. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages. Vol. 1.Johannes Renger & J. H. Hospers - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):500.
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    In Memoriam Eckhard Unger: Beiträge zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des Alten OrientsIn Memoriam Eckhard Unger: Beitrage zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des Alten Orients.Johannes Renger & M. Lurker - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):403.
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    ’n Evaluering van drie interkulturele gemeenskapsprojekte.Johannes Ries & H. Jurgens Hendriks - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2).
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  34. Die sittlichen Grundlagen des Denkens.Johannes Flügge - 1954 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 8 (3):476-478.
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  35. Strena : vom sechsickigen Schnee = Strena : about the hexagonal snow.Johannes Kepler - 2015 - In Rudolf Finsterwalder, Kristin Feireiss & Frei Otto, Form follows nature: eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst = a history of nature as model for design in engineering, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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    Ratio, wetenschap en recht: een onderzoek naar de opvatting van "wetenschap," "recht" en de "grundnorm" in de Reine rechtslehre van Hans Kelsen.Johannes Henricus Maria Klanderman - 1986 - Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink. Edited by Hans Kelsen.
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  37. Called out of chaos: modern man and his religion.Johannes Knudsen - 1971 - Chicago: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Press. Edited by Catherine Hiebert Kerst.
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  38. Wesen und Bewusstsein.Johannes-Jürgen Meister - 1967 - [München,: Dissertationsdruck F. Frank].
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    Byzantinische Landschaften.Johannes Miliopoulos - 1900 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 9 (2).
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  40. August Pütter (1879–1929) and the Mechanistic Origins of the Temperature–Size Rule.Johannes Müller & Paulien Koster - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-13.
    One of the consequences of global warming is reduced final body sizes in animals of different orders, mainly in aquatic ectotherms like fish or water-breathing invertebrates. In this article, we identify August Pütter (1879–1929) as the originator of what is now called the “temperature–size rule” and as the first physiologist to develop a mechanistic explanation for this phenomenon. While Pütter’s growth model was indirectly influential through its adaptation by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901–1972), his explanation of the influence of temperature on (...)
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  41. Die Einsetzung der Römischen Volkstribunen.Johannes Schmidt - 1886 - Hermes 21 (3):460-466.
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  42. Introduction. The Durkheim School's "category project" : a collaborative experiment unfolds.Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger, The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    Sexes of winds and packs: rethinking feminism with Deleuze and Guattari.Johannes Ungelenk - 2014 - Hamburg: Marta Press.
    Is Feminism without the agency of sexed subjects possible? Can the problems of a highly gendered world be formulated and tackled without resorting to the notion of fundamental sexual difference? Is it possible for a Feminism that is not based on the assumption of sexed beings to gain any consistency and follow any concerted strategy? The project of this study is not only to show that all these questions can be answered with a full-hearted – Yes! – but to explore (...)
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  44. Historia de la Filosofía Medieval.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1970 - Editorial Nova.
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    Naturwissenschaft und Ästhetik, 1750-1810.Johannes Bierbrodt - 2000 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  46. Bergmann, Ernst, J. G. Fichte der Erzieher.Johannes Birkemeier - 1934 - Kant Studien 39:73.
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    Postmodernity and its clowns.Johannes Drerup - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1358-1359.
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    Alternativreligiöse Zugänge zur Schwangerschaft.Johannes Endler - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):110-131.
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    BildpräsenzPicture presence.Johannes Grave - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (2):219-236.
    ZusammenfassungIn vielen literarischen Texten umkreist Goethe problematische Effekte von Bildern und Bildpraktiken. Bilder können dazu einladen, das bildlich Dargestellte für einen Teil der Wirklichkeit zu halten, sie können Gegenstand fragwürdiger Projektionen werden oder aber dazu beitragen, die Wirklichkeit selbst bildhaft erstarren zu lassen. Diese Gefahren im Umgang mit Bildern sind nicht zuletzt auf deren spezifische temporale Verfasstheit zurückzuführen, insbesondere wenn die physische Präsenz eines Bildes genutzt wird, um Vergangenes oder Abwesendes zu vergegenwärtigen. Der Beitrag entfaltet diese Problemlage an verschiedenen exemplarischen (...)
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  50. Institutions and development.Johannes Jütting - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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