Results for 'Johanne April'

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  1.  21
    Modélisation des processus en jeu en contexte de transition scolaire d’enfants ayant des besoins particuliers.Julie Ruel, André Moreau & Johanne April - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (3):13-25.
    Planning the first school transition for children with special needs focuses on several objectives: To ensure continuity amongst different children’s life settings; to ease the child’s adaptation and integration in their new environment; to support the school’s preparations in order to better welcome each child with their particularities; to adapt activities according to the child’s needs; and lastly, to encourage full participation of the parents and professionals who know the child. Qualitative-interpretative research allows us to examine the way stakeholders from (...)
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    November 1751 − April 1752.Johann Christoph Gottsched - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Ein Hauptthema des 18. Bandes mit Briefen von November 1751 bis April 1752 ist die Sorge um den prominenten katholischen Theologen Franz Ignaz Rothfischer, der im November 1751 in Leipzig zur lutherischen Konfession konvertierte. In enger Abstimmung mit dem Reichsgrafen Friedrich Heinrich von Seckendorff bemühte sich Gottsched um dessen beruflichen Neustart, Rothfischer wurde Professor in Helmstedt. Gottscheds vertraute Korrespondenten Flottwell, Scheyb und Brucker berichten aus Königsberg, Wien und Augsburg wie gewohnt über ihre Projekte und Ereignisse aus ihrem Umfeld. Christoph (...)
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    April 1751 − Oktober 1751.Johann Christoph Gottsched - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Christoph Otto von Schönaich hatte im März 1751 sein Epos Hermann, oder das befreyte Deutschland an Gottsched geschickt. Schönaichs Briefe des Bandes 17 dokumentieren Gottscheds intensive Beschäftigung mit dem Werk, das im September 1751 der Öffentlichkeit mit Gottscheds Einleitung als Nationalepos präsentiert wurde. Als Ratgeber oder Publizist unterstützte Gottsched auch weitere literarische Aktivitäten, so verdankt sich die erste deutsche Ausgabe der Satiren Antioch Dmitrijewitsch Kantemirs einer Anregung Gottscheds. Briefe aus Potsdam informieren über Publikationsvorhaben Julien Offray de La Mettries und anderer (...)
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    Die schöne Republik: Ästhetische Moderne in Berlin im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert.Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile - 2006 - De Gruyter.
    Ästhetische und politische Diskurse standen im späten 18. Jahrhundert in einem untrennbaren Wechselverhältnis. Die ästhetischen Entwürfe und literarischen Fiktionen von Autoren wie Karl Philipp Moritz, Salomon Maimon, Daniel Jenisch, Johann Friedrich Reichardt oder dem jungen Wilhelm von Humboldt sind sowohl Reflexionen als auch normative Vorwegnahmen des Wandels von der noch weitgehend höfisch dominierten Residenzkultur der friderizianischen Epoche zur emanzipierten Stadtkultur des Reformzeitalters. Der in der Studie verfolgte topographische methodische Zugang ermöglicht es, die untersuchten ideellen Diskurse institutionen- und mediengeschichtlich zu verankern (...)
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    Patients’ and public views and attitudes towards the sharing of health data for research: a narrative review of the empirical evidence.Shona Kalkman, Johannes van Delden, Amitava Banerjee, Benoît Tyl, Menno Mostert & Ghislaine van Thiel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):3-13.
    IntroductionInternational sharing of health data opens the door to the study of the so-called ‘Big Data’, which holds great promise for improving patient-centred care. Failure of recent data sharing initiatives indicates an urgent need to invest in societal trust in researchers and institutions. Key to an informed understanding of such a ‘social license’ is identifying the views patients and the public may hold with regard to data sharing for health research.MethodsWe performed a narrative review of the empirical evidence addressing patients’ (...)
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    63; April 1868 bis Februar 1869.Glenn W. Most, Katherina Glau & Johann Figl - 2003 - In Glenn W. Most, Katherina Glau & Johann Figl (eds.), Nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen. Frühjahr 1868–Herbst 1869. De Gruyter. pp. 1-19.
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    (1 other version)South African Explanations of Political Violence 1980-1995.Johann Graaff - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):102-123.
    During the 1980's and the early 1990's South Africa experienced disturbing political violence of an unprecedented scope, intensity and nature. It was disturbing because it entailed acts of horrifying brutality, notably the ‘necklace' and the massacre, all of this against the background of ‘civilized' and measured com promise and negotiation. It stubbornly continued despite the unbanning of the liberation political organisations, and the holding of ‘free and fair' elections in April 1994. And it was unprecedented in a whole range (...)
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    Theologia and the Ideologica of Language: The calling of a theology and religion faculty in a time of populism.Johann-Albrecht Meylahn - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-6.
    This article represents a response to Andries van Aarde's view on a 'gateway to the future from a deconstructed past', a paper presented as part of a conference, 'Gateway to the Future from a Deconstructed Past', commemorating the centennial anniversary of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria, 05-06 April 2017. The article argues that texts, and theology faculties as texts, are just as any structure or construction haunted by their sacred secret. Haunted by the ghosts in (...)
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    76; April bis September 1869.Glenn W. Most, Katherina Glau & Johann Figl - 2003 - In Glenn W. Most, Katherina Glau & Johann Figl (eds.), Nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen. Frühjahr 1868–Herbst 1869. De Gruyter. pp. 361-370.
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    Gene Drives: Dynamics and Regulatory Matters—A Report from the Workshop “Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Control of Gene Drives,” April 4–5, 2019, Vienna. [REVIEW]Bernd Giese, Johannes L. Frieß, Nicholas H. Barton, Philipp W. Messer, Florence Débarre, Marc F. Schetelig, Nikolai Windbichler, Harald Meimberg & Christophe Boëte - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1900151.
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    Johannes Duns Scotus (1265-1308): eine Ausstellung der Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln anlässlich der 700. Wiederkehr seines Todestages (8. November 1308) ; 8. November 2008 bis 30. April 2009.Werner Wessel - 2008 - Köln: Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek.
  12.  7
    Johannes Duns Scotus (1265-1308): eine Ausstellung der Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln anlässlich der 700. Wiederkehr seines Todestages (8. November 1308) ; 8. November 2008 bis 30. April 2009.Werner Wessel - 2008 - Köln: Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek.
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    »Internationales Forum ›Johann Gottlieb Fichte‹« (21.-25. April 1992, Kaposvár, Ungarn).Alois K. Soller - 1993 - Fichte-Studien 5:189-191.
  14.  25
    Iwan Michelangelo D’Aprile, Die Erfindung der Zeitgeschichte. Geschichtsschreibung und Journalismus zwischen Aufklärung und Vormärz. Mit einer Edition von 93 Briefen von Friedrich Buchholz an Johann Friedrich Cotta und Johann Georg Cotta, 1805–1833, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2013. [REVIEW]Franz Leander Fillafer - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (2):187-188.
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  15. Kapitel. Poetiken der Verwandlung. Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen / Johann Wolfang von Goether ; Der Hase / Kurt Schwitters ; Der Kampf mit dem Dämon : Wandlungen zu sich selbst / Stefan Zweig ; epoche der zahlreichen veränderungen / Ernst Jandl ; Der Schauspieler, Kapitel 6 / Arthur Kahane ; Stufen / Hermann Hesse ; Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung / Arthur Schopenhauer ; Brief an seinen Vater, 4. April 1787. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 2018 - In Claudia Schmidt-Hahn (ed.), Transfiguration--glauben, staunen, denken, hoffen. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag.
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    (3 other versions)Rezension: Die Arzneimittelkommission der deutschen Ärzteschaft, von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Zur Erinnerung an die konstituierende Sitzung am 26./27. April 1952 in Göttingen von Johannes Michael Schröder (mit Heribert Düppenbecker, Bruno Müller‐Oerlinghausen, Fritz Scheler). [REVIEW]Constanze Schäfer - 2003 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 26 (1):77-77.
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    Kierkegaard's Writings, Vii: Philosophical Fragments, or a Fragment of Philosophy/Johannes Climacus, or de Omnibus Dubitandum Est.Søren Kierkegaard - 1985 - Princeton University Press.
    This volume contains a new translation, with a historical introduction by the translators, of two works written under the pseudonym Johannes Climacus. Through Climacus, Kierkegaard contrasts the paradoxes of Christianity with Greek and modern philosophical thinking. In Philosophical Fragments he begins with Greek Platonic philosophy, exploring the implications of venturing beyond the Socratic understanding of truth acquired through recollection to the Christian experience of acquiring truth through grace. Published in 1844 and not originally planned to appear under the pseudonym Climacus, (...)
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    (1 other version)Board diversity in the united kingdom and norway: An exploratory analysis.Johanne Grosvold, Stephen Brammer & Bruce Rayton - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (4):344–357.
    This paper examines the evolving pattern of gender diversity of the boards of directors of leading Norwegian and British companies on a longitudinal basis. The period covered by the study covers the run up to proposed affirmative action legislation in Norway and, as such, affords an insight into corporate actions in this emerging institutional context. The findings demonstrate that, while board diversity has grown substantially in both countries in recent years, it has done so considerably more rapidly in Norway than (...)
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    Das St. Galler Verbrüderungsbuch. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen paläographischer Bestimmung.Johanne Autenrieth - 1975 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 9 (1):215-225.
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    Women on Corporate Boards: A Comparative Analysis of 50 Countries.Johanne Grosvold & Stephen Brammer - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:345-350.
    In this article we explore the influences upon the proportion of women on a country’s corporate boards. Using a conceptual framework that builds uponnational business systems theory, we investigate the extent to which national economic, cultural, political and social institutions explain cross-country variationin the gender composition of corporate elites. In the context of a sample drawn from over 40 countries, our empirical analysis shows that such institutionscollectively explain approximately two-thirds of the variance between countries in the percentage of women on (...)
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  21. For better or for worse: differential effects of the emotional valence of words on children’s recall.Johanne Belmon, Magali Noyer-Martin & Sandra Jhean-Larose - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Recent research has revealed the widespread effects of emotion on cognitive functions and memory. However, the influence of emotional valence on verbal short-term memory remains largely unexplored, especially in children. This study measured the effect of emotional valence on word immediate serial recall in 4–6-year-old French children (N = 124). Results show a robust effect of emotional valence on recall performances and recall errors. More precisely, we observed a facilitating effect of the positive valence of words: it allows better performance (...)
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    Some Evidence for an Association Between Early Life Adversity and Decision Urgency.Johanne P. Knowles, Nathan J. Evans & Darren Burke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Valence, form, and content of self-talk predict sport type and level of performance.Johanne Nedergaard, Mark Schram Christensen & Mikkel Wallentin - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 89 (C):103102.
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    Neural correlates of conscious self-regulation of emotion.Mario Beauregard, Johanne Lévesque & Pierre Bourgouin - 2001 - Journal of Neuroscience 21 (18):6993-7000.
  25.  6
    En biografi mot kollektiv glemselMaria SchwallerRosvollZolo Karoli.En europeisk historie.Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2021.Johanne Bergkvist - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):462-468.
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    Réversibilités et parcours scolaires au Québec.Johanne Charbonneau - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 120 (1):111-131.
    Les analyses des parcours de vie s’intéressent surtout au repérage des régularités du cycle de vie ou, tout au plus, aux écarts aux modèles types, en termes de retard des événements ou d’allongement des transitions sur les calendriers scolaires, professionnels, résidentiels ou familiaux. Les études empiriques suggèrent pourtant la présence de dynamiques non linéaires évoquant la possibilité que les parcours comportent des « bifurcations » où tout peut être remis en question, pouvant entraîner des changements durables de situation. Ce phénomène (...)
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    Environmental Management in Times of Crisis.Johanne Grosvold & Grosvold Dahlmann - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:105-120.
    This study sets out to evaluate the role and emerging salience of environmental managers in a longitudinal perspective through a series of interviews with UK based environmental managers. Our results suggest that coercive isomorphic pressures are particularly important in driving the increased salience of the environmental management role and that stakeholder pressures overall have increased since 2006 which has further contributed to the environmental management function emerging as central to the business organisation. Views on the impact of the financial crisis (...)
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    Les Avancees Du Progres Medical Confrontees Au Droit A Propos De La XÉNotransplantation.Johanne Saison - 2004 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 17 (4):419-426.
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    Agreeing is not enough.Johanne Stege Bjørndahl, Riccardo Fusaroli, Svend østergaard & Kristian Tylén - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (3):495-525.
    Collaborative interaction pervades many everyday practices: work meetings, innovation and product design, education and arts. Previous studies have pointed to the central role of acknowledgement and acceptance for the success of joint action, by creating affiliation and signaling understanding. We argue that various forms of explicit miscommunication are just as critical to challenge, negotiate and integrate individual contributions in collaborative creative activities. Through qualitative microanalysis of spontaneous coordination in collective creative LEGO constructions, we individuate three interactional styles: inclusive, characterized by (...)
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    The intercorporeality of closing a curtain : Sharing similar past experiences in interaction.Julia Katila & Johanne S. Philipsen - 2019 - Pragmatics Cognition 26 (2-3):167-196.
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    Adrift: Havarie, an Acousmatic Film by Philip Scheffner.Johanne Villeneuve & Debbie Blythe - 2020 - Substance 49 (2):71-92.
    This text is based on an image that, in some ways, can be understood only in terms of sound. In the lonely darkness of a movie theatre, the audience spends ninety minutes gazing at a single image: that of a rubber dinghy drifting aimlessly on a vast expanse of water.This is the rare challenge posed by German filmmaker Philip Scheffner with his documentary Havarie: viewers are asked to focus on a single image while listening to a variety of sounds – (...)
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    The TV-Box: Reconsidering a Lost Television Set, Santa Claus and the Ants.Johanne Villeneuve & Will Bishop - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):73-97.
    For several years now, early cinema historians have developed certain notions that can help us define, in a much broader context, the axes of research in intermedial studies. Even though I’ll be giving it a slightly different importance, the notion I will be borrowing from these historians here is that of the “parameter.” Work by André Gaudreault and Philippe Marion on the emergence of the cinematographic medium relies on the idea that the medium appears as the result of a choice (...)
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    Agreeing is not enough: The constructive role of miscommunication.Johanne Stege Bjørndahl, Riccardo Fusaroli, Svend ∅Stergaard & Kristian Tylén - 2015 - Interaction Studies 16 (3):495-525.
    Collaborative interaction pervades everyday practices: work meetings, innovation and product design, education and arts. Previous studies have pointed to the central role of acknowledgement and acceptance for the success of joint action, by creating affiliation and signaling understanding. We argue that various forms of explicit miscommunication are just as critical to challenge, negotiate and integrate individual contributions in collaborative creative activities. Through qualitative microanalysis of spontaneous coordination in collective creative LEGO constructions, we individuate three interactional styles: inclusive, characterized by acknowledgment (...)
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    Why Adolescents Participate in a Music Contest and Why They Practice – The Influence of Incentives, Flow, and Volition on Practice Time.Claudia Bullerjahn, Johanne Dziewas, Max Hilsdorf, Christina Kassl, Jonas Menze & Heiner Gembris - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  35. Neural basis of conscious and voluntary self-regulation of emotion.Mario Beauregard, Johanne Lévesque & Vincent Paquette - 2004 - In Consciousness, Emotional Self-Regulation and the Brain. John Benjamins. pp. 163-194.
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    Introduction: Memory, Media, Art.Marie-Pascale Huglo & Johanne Villeneuve - 2005 - Substance 34 (1):78-80.
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    Waste-Site Stories: The Recycling of Memory.Brian Neville & Johanne Villeneuve (eds.) - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    Explorations in the aesthetics of waste and the material infrastructure of memory.
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    Advantages and Disadvantages of Socially and environmentally sustainable Procurement Practices in the Public and Private Sectors.Charles Oldroyd, Johanne Grosvold & Andrew Millington - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:391-396.
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    Rett, samfunn og legitimitet.Inger-Johanne Sand - 2017 - Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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    The intercorporeality of closing a curtain.Julia Katila & Johanne S. Philipsen - 2019 - Pragmatics and Cognition 26 (2-3):167-196.
    Jointly coordinated affective activities are fundamental for social relationships. This study investigates a naturally occurring interaction between two women who produced reciprocal emotional stances towards similar past experiences. Adopting a microanalytic approach, we describe how the participants re-enact their past experiences through different but aligning synchronized gestures. This embodied dialogue evolves into affective flooding, in which participants co-produce their body memories of pulling down window blinds to block out sunshine. We show how the participants live this moment intercorporeally and how (...)
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    Taking the language stance in a material word: A comprehension study.Kristian Tylén, Johanne Stege Phillipsen & Ethan Weed - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):573-595.
    This paper investigates a special kind of social meaning-making manifest in how we experience static objects and properties of our everyday world. This happens, for example, when we recognize objects like vacuum cleaners, sliced tomatoes, and sneakers as placed in special sites in the environment. Given the compositional features of such images, we see them as designed to accomplish communicative functions. It is argued that object configurations of this kind are recognized as externalized ostensive cues. They are seen as having (...)
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  42.  18
    Taking the language stance in a material world: A comprehension study.Kristian Tylén, Johanne Stege Bjørndahl & Ethan Weed - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):573-595.
    This paper investigates a special kind of social meaning-making manifest in how we experience static objects and properties of our everyday world. This happens, for example, when we recognize objects like vacuum cleaners, sliced tomatoes, and sneakers as placed in special sites in the environment. Given the compositional features of such images, we see them as designed to accomplish communicative functions. It is argued that object configurations of this kind are recognized as externalized ostensive cues. They are seen as having (...)
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    Potential initiators of hiv-related stigmatization: Ethical and programmatic challenges for pmtct programs.Viva C. Thorsen, Johanne Sundby & Francis Martinson - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (1):43–50.
    HIV/AIDS continues to constitute a serious threat to the social and physical wellbeing of African mothers and their babies. In the hardest hit countries of sub-Saharan Africa, more than 60% of all new HIV infections are occurring in women, infants and young children. Mother-to-child transmission constitutes 90% of new HIV infections among infants and young children. Most of these infections can be prevented. However, the social stigma of HIV/AIDS insidiously continues to undermine the success of prevention programs. Ironically, some attributes (...)
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    Dei Filius IV: On Theological Method and the Nexus Mysteriorum.Conor McDonough - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):891-908.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dei Filius IV:On Theological Method and the Nexus MysteriorumConor McDonough, O.P.From the point of view of Church history, chapter 4 of Dei Filius might seem like dull terrain. Dei Filius as a whole has been regarded as the "forgotten decree" of the First Vatican Council,1 and the principal controversies during its passage through the Council were, for the most part, proxy battles over papal infallibility.2 Of the whole document, (...)
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  45. From Practices of Assembly to the Forms of Politics: a Comparative Approach.Marcel Detienne & April Wuensch - forthcoming - Arion 7 (3).
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    Andrew Robinson. God and the World of Signs: Trinity, Evolution, and the Metaphysical Semiotics of C. S. Peirce.Johanne Stubbe Teglbjaerg Kristensen - 2016 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 3 (1):97.
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    Caregiver burden and the medical ethos.Karsten Witt, Johanne Stümpel & Christiane Woopen - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):383-391.
    Are physicians sometimes morally required to ease caregiver burden? In our paper we defend an affirmative answer to this question. First, we examine the well-established principle that medical care should be centered on the patient. We argue that although this principle seems to give physicians some leeway to lessen caregivers' suffering, it is very restrictive when spelled out precisely. Based on a critical analysis of existing cases for transcending patient-centeredness we then go on to argue that the medical ethos should (...)
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    The Ethics of Salomon Maimon.David Baumgardt - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethics of Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) DAVID BAUMGARDT* SALOMON MAIMON is now generally considered the most acute mind among the earliest critics of Kant. Kant himself had praised his acumen,1 though later qualifying his regard decisively.2 Johann Gottfried Herder called * We have just learned of the death of the author. David Baumgardt, born in Germany on April 20, 1890, studied in Vienna and in Berlin and taught (...)
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    The meaning of dignity for older adults: A meta-synthesis.Anne Clancy, Nina Simonsen, Johanne Lind, Anne Liveng & Aud Johannessen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):878-894.
    Dignified care is a central issue in the nursing care of older adults. Nurses are expected to treat older adults with dignity, and older adults wish to be treated in a dignified manner. Researchers have recommended investigating the concept of dignity based on specific contexts and population groups. This meta-synthesis study aims to explore the understandings of dignity from the perspective of older adults in the Nordic countries. Synthesising findings from qualitative studies on older adults’ experiences of dignity has provided (...)
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    Der Wandel des Intuitionsbegriffs im Spätmittelalter und seine Bedeutung für das neuzeitliche Denken.Matthias Koßler - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 52 (4):542 - 567.
    Siehe hierzu auch Manuela Lenzens Rezension "Vom Himmel hoch: Wie weit trägt die Intuition der menschlichen Intuition?" in der F.A.Z. vom 28. April 1999Im Spätmittelalter vollzog sich eine Wendung in der Entwicklung des Begriffs der Intuition, die bedeutende philosophiegeschichtliche Konsequenzen hatte, indem in ihr die neuzeitliche Spaltung in eine empiristische und eine spekulative Tradition grundgelegt wurde. Dieser Wandel wird anhand der relevanten Stellen bei Thomas von Aquin, Johannes Duns Scotus und Wilhelm von Ockham dargelegt, wobei zur Erläuterung der Ausgangssituation (...)
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