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  1.  27
    (1 other version)Die aktualität lyssenkos.Johann-Peter Regelmann - 1981 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (2):353-363.
    Summary The complex of ‚lysenkoism‘ cannot satisfyingly be explained as a pure and internal marxist tradition and reception. A necessary external addition has to consider the social history of the Soviet Union, her political economy, and the development of her scientific history. Hence, a more adequate connection to the ‚stalinist‘ epoch can be drawn.
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  2.  43
    Die stellung der biologie in den neukantianischen systemen Von Ernst Cassirer und Nicolai Hartmann.Johann-Peter Regelmann - 1979 - Acta Biotheoretica 28 (3):217-233.
    The founders of the Marburger Schule of Neo-Kantianism, Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp, laid an emphasis upon a Platonic understanding of mathematics and logic as the paradigmatic epistemological basis of philosophy. Their successors, namely Ernst Cassirer and Nicolai Hartmann, made obvious, however, that new biological thinking can have a strong influence on ontology as well as on the theory of knowledge. They could show that biology was no longer to be treated as a metaphysical system in that pejorative meaning of (...)
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  3.  30
    On the necessity of a system theory of evolution and its population-biologic foundation: A reply to günter Wagner's commentary.Johann-Peter Regelmann - 1984 - Acta Biotheoretica 33 (2):133-139.
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  4. Schlägt Prigogine ein neues Kapitel in der Biologiegeschichte auf?Johann-Peter Regelmann & Engelbert Schramm - 1984 - In Günter Altner (ed.), Die Welt als offenes System: eine Kontroverse um das Werk von Ilya Prigogine. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch.
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