Results for 'Joanna Neff'

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  1. Ethno-racial categorisations for biomedical studies: the fair selection of research participants and population stratification.Tomasz Żuradzki & Joanna Karolina Malinowska - 2024 - Synthese 204 (4):1-22.
    We argue that there are neither scientific nor social reasons to require gathering ethno-racial data, as defined in the US legal regulations if researchers have no prior hypotheses as to how to connect this type of categorisation of human participants of clinical trials with any mechanisms that could explain alleged interracial health differences and guide treatment choice. Although we agree with the normative perspective embedded in the calls for the fair selection of participants for biomedical research, we demonstrate that current (...)
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    Exploring health inequities through the actor‐network theory lens.Mar'yana Fisher, Joanna Tulloch & Olga Petrovskaya - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12504.
    Social theory plays an important role in the nursing discipline and nursing inquiry as it helps conceptually embed nursing in the larger picture of the social world. For example, a broad category of critical theory provides a unique lens for uncovering social conditions of inequity and oppression. Among the sociological theories, actor‐network theory (ANT) is an approach to research and analysis that has recently gained interest among nurse philosophers and researchers. Studies guided by ANT seek to understand phenomena of interest (...)
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  3. Sensory pleasures and displeasures of the outdoors: Somatic learning and the senses.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Joanna Blackwell & Hannah Henderson - 2024 - The Senses and Society 19.
    Globally, there are calls to increase physical activity levels in relatively sedentary populations, including via physical activity programmes, often targeted at those body-selves deemed at risk of ‘sedentariness’. Despite the salience of sensory pleasures and displeasures in engagement with (and abandonment of) these programmes, the sensory, embodied experiences of participation remain under-researched. Here, we draw on findings from a two-year ethnographic study of a national programme in Wales, which used the aesthetic attractions of ‘natural’ outdoor environments to encourage and sustain (...)
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    Fifth International Conference on Philosophy in Practice.Gerd Achenbach, Eulalia Bosch, Eite Veening, Emmy Van Deurzen, Richard Smith, Ida Jongsma, Joanna Haynes, Dorine Baudin & Karin Murris - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20:77.
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    Major trends in analytical philosophy of language in the 21st century.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 68:25-38.
    In this text I briefly describe the main trends in the analytic philosophy of language in the 21st century. Among the most important developments that influenced the way in which the philosophy of language is done I mention experimental philosophy and conceptual engineering. Among the new topics I highlight the social and political turn of the analytic philosophy of language with its focus on gender terms, slurs, fig leaves, dog whistles and other linguistic phenomena that have significant societal impact. I (...)
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    Mieczysław Wallis – historyk sztuki czy filozof?Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:191-210.
    The paper presents a scientific profile of Mieczysław Wallis in the perspective of the question of his intellectual status. The author looks for the answer within two areas that were the subject of Wallis’ interest: philosophy and history of art. She analyses the path of Wallis’ intellectual development and the formation of his creative interests: from his education (in Heidelberg and Warsaw) and inspirations, through his first intellectual concerns, to an analysis of his scientific output. In his youth, Wallis wrote (...)
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    Fausto Sozzini in Poland (1579–1604).Lech Szczucki & Joanna Frydrych - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):293-308.
    This translation is based on “Faust Socyn w Polsce,” in Humaniści, heretycy, inkwizytorzy (Kraków: PAU, 2006), 175–88, with the permission of the Publisher and the legal successors.
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    Religious Tolerance and Just War in the Writings of Stanisław of Skarbimierz and Paweł Włodkowic.Juliusz Domański & Joanna Frydrych - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):343-360.
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    Editorial: Meaning, Context, and Non-Doxastic Attitudes.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Derek Ball & Maria de Ponte - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1049-1053.
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    What Dynamic Approaches Have Taught Us About Cognition and What They Have Not: On Values in Motion and the Importance of Replicable Forms.Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Over the past several decades, research in the cognitive sciences has foregrounded the importance of active bodies and their continuous dependence on the changing environment, strengthening the relevance of dynamical models. These models have been steadily developed within the ecological psychology approach to cognition, which arguably contributes to the “ecological turn” we are witnessing today. The embodied and situated nature of cognition, regarded by some as a passing trend, is presently becoming a largely accepted assumption. In this paper, I claim (...)
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    Editorial: Meaning, Context, and Non-Doxastic Attitudes.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Derek Ball & Maria de Ponte - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1049-1053.
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    The problem of dehumanisation in the light of Mieczysław Wallis' intellectual biography.Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 66:25-78.
    Artykuł przedstawia etyczny problem dehumanizacji w perspektywie prac i doświadczeń Mieczysława Wallisa, polskiego uczonego, przedstawiciela filozoficznej szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej. W czasie II wojny światowej myśliciel ten spędził około 5 lat w niemieckich obozach jenieckich. Nie poddał się jednak wówczas atmosferze niepokoju i rezygnacji, nie pogrążył w strachu przed długotrwałą niewolą, lecz nieprzerwanie kontynuował swoją pracę naukową i dydaktyczną. W rezultacie, nie tylko zilustrował mechanizmy dehumanizacji zachodzące w rzeczywistości obozowej, ale także sformułował autorski intelektualny „program profilaktyczny”, który pozwalał obronić ludzką psychikę, osobowość, (...)
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    Conversation in Place and About Place: Response to Chimakonam, “Conversational Philosophy as a New School of Thought in African Philosophy: A Conversation with Bruce Janz on the Concept of “Philosophical Space”.Nora Jacobson, Joanna Ochocka, Julie Wise & Rich Janzen - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):99-104.
    Taking Culture Seriously in Community Mental Health is a community-based participatory action research project in Ontario devoted to developing, pilot testing, and evaluating mental health service models grounded in the concept of "cultural empowerment." To ensure that the knowledge generated in the project is shared and used, the research collaborative places a heavy emphasis on communicating with stakeholder groups. This paper provides an overview of a communications policy designed to facilitate such sharing and use. It describes the development and key (...)
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    Creating associative memory distortions - a Polish adaptation of the DRM paradigm.Justyna Olszewska & Joanna Ulatowska - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (4):449-456.
    One of the most widely applied techniques used to examine associative memory errors is the Deese-Roediger- McDermott paradigm. The aim of the present studies was to demonstrate a Polish version of the DRM paradigm and to test the characteristics of memory illusions evoked by this procedure for both recall and recognition. A normative study was conducted to prepare Polish stimuli material sharing similar characteristics as the lists in the English language version. Subsequently, the lists were applied to examine the effect (...)
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    A New Application of the SERVQUAL Method for the Evaluation of the Quality of Medical Services.Paweł Węgłowski, Iwona Mazur, Joanna A. Jończyk, Michał Czapla & Piotr Karniej - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 51 (1):101-111.
    This study was designed to determine the quality of service through the evaluation of hospitalized patients. An analysis of hospitalized patients’ subjective feelings towards service quality was carried out, in the context of the application of the SERVQUAL method. The pilot study was conducted in a Silesian hospital in a group of 29 young patients diagnosed with kidney disease. The study used a standard sheet of 22 SERVQUAL statements and an analysis of the significance of the 5 areas of quality (...)
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    Health, interests, and equality.David Hershenov & Rose Joanna Hershenov - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (5):417-419.
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    Holding Out and Hanging On: Surviving Hurricane Katrina.Thomas Neff - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    Neff's gripping images and poignant narratives are the stories that New Orleans citizens told one another - a view of the disaster not captured by the news cameras - and pho.
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    Wspomnienie - Joanna Jabłkowska.Joanna Jabłkowska - 2011 - Etyka 44:106-109.
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  19. Prisoners of War in International Law: The Nineteenth Century.Stephen C. Neff - 2010 - In Sibylle Scheipers, Prisoners in War. Oxford University Press.
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    Perceived size change in a masking paradigm with heightened contrast.Karen L. Neff & Robert H. Pollack - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (4):287-290.
  21. The Ills of Man Writ Large: Hythloday's Diagnosis and Solution in Thomas More's Utopia.Elisa Torres Neff - 2021 - In Terence J. Kleven, Faith and Reason in the Reformations. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Vital and enchanted: Jane Bennett and new materialism for nursing philosophy and practice.Ian Neff - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12273.
    Nursing theories are typically anthropocentric and emphasize caring for a person as a unitary whole. They maintain the dualisms of human–nonhuman, natural–social and material–ideal. Recent developments in nonhuman ontology question the utility of that approach. One important philosopher in this new materialism is political theorist Jane Bennett. In this paper, I explore Bennett's vital materialism and enchantment as two concepts arising from the nonhuman turn that should inform nursing philosophy. Vital materialism considers the lively power of matter to affect the (...)
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    Introduction: Daring to Dream.John Hallmark Neff - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):857-859.
    In the absence of shared beliefs and even common interests, it should not be surprising that so much of the well-intentioned art acquired for public spaces has failed—failed as art and as art for a civic site. The conventional wisdom of simply choosing “the best artist” and then turning him or her loose to create a work within time and budget guidelines lost much credibility with the drama of Richard Serra’s Tilted Arc commission: the process of selection, erection, litigation, rejection, (...)
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  24. Education and the speculative function of philosophy.Frederick C. Neff - 1969 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 1 (2):41–52.
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    Philosophy and American education.Frederick C. Neff - 1966 - New York,: Center for Applied Research in Education.
  26. TeodyceaChryzypa. Recenzje i sprawozdania: Pierre Hadot -Filozofia jako ćwiczenie duchowe (Joanna Jarzębiak).Joanna Jarzębiak - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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  27. On Partial Truths in Science. Some Remarks on Susan Haack's The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.Joanna Gęgotek - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    The article is a commentary to Susan Haack’s The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. It consists of two parts. In the first one some doubts about Haack’s conception of partiality of truth are formulated. However, Haack’s concept of truth is treated as one of the assumptions and not brought up for discussion. In the second part of the article a simple typology of possible sources of truth’s partiality in science is presented. The list includes deliberate and unintentional omissions, (...)
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  28. Samowiedza czy samokreacja? O konsekwencjach niefaktualności pytań o siebie dla problemu samowiedzy.Joanna Luc - 2013 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 7 (1).
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  29. Carlyle and Mill: Mystic and Utilitarian.Emery Neff - 1924 - Columbia University Press.
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    Community Psychology: A New Academic and Professional Specialty in Psychology.Walter Neff - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    "Education and moral wisdom" by George N. Schuster.Frederick C. Neff - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):81.
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    On Analysis, Decision‐making, and Education.Frederick C. Neff - 1968 - Educational Theory 18 (2):143-150.
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    'Palma dabit palmam': Franciscan themes in a devotional manuscript.Amy Neff - 2002 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 65 (1):22-66.
  34. The Dialogus Beatae Mariae et Anselmi de Passione Domini. Toward an Attribution.Amy Neff - 1986 - Miscellanea Francescana 86 (1):105-108.
  35. The Internet: A dream of freedom?O. Neff - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (1):73-83.
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  36. Zielony pejzaż (o obrazie Jerzego Nowosielskiego).Joanna Pollakówna - 1988 - Res Publica (Misc) 3.
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    Heidegger and Ethics.Joanna Hodge - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Heidegger and ethics is a contentious conjunction of terms. Martin Heidegger himself rejected the notion of ethics, while his endorsement of Nazism is widely seen as unethical. This major new study examines the complex and controversial issues involved in bringing them together. By working backwards through his work, from his 1964 claim that philosophy has been completed to _Being and Time_, his first major work, Joanna Hodge questions Heidegger's denial that his enquires were concerned with ethics. She discovers a (...)
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    Shared vision promotes family firm performance.John E. Neff - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Cognition without representational redescription.Joanna Bryson & Will Lowe - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):743-744.
    Ballard et al. show how control structures using minimal state can be made flexible enough for complex cognitive tasks by using deictic pointers, but they do so within a specific computational framework. We discuss broader implications in cognition and memory and provide biological evidence for their theory. We also suggest an alternative account of pointer binding, which may better explain their limited number.
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    Language isn't quite that special.Joanna J. Bryson - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):679-680.
    Language isn't the only way to cross modules, nor is it the only module with access to both input and output. Minds don't generally work across modules because this leads to combinatorial explosion in search and planning. Language is special in being a good vector for mimetics, so it becomes associated with useful cross-module concepts we acquire culturally. Further, language is indexical, so it facilitates computationally expensive operations.
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  41. L'idealismo di G. Lachelier.Franco de Joanna - 1925 - Napoli [etc.]: F. Perrella.
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    „Dennoch imponierte die Stadt“ – Steffens langsame Annäherung an Breslau.Joanna Giel - 2018 - In Leon Miodoński & Sarah Schmidt, System Und Subversion: Friedrich Schleiermacher Und Henrik Steffens. De Gruyter. pp. 15-26.
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  43. Identity contingencies in an autoethnography of Polish Bukovina dwellers.Joanna Gorzelana - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska, Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Forbidden Fruit: Saint Augustine and the Psychology of Eating Disorders.Joanna Leidenhag - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1079):47-65.
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    Answering evolutionary questions: A guide for mechanistic biologists.Joanna Masel & Daniel E. L. Promislow - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):704-711.
    The questions and methods of molecular biology and evolutionary biology are clearly distinct, yet a unified approach can lead to deep insights. Unfortunately, attempts to unify these approaches are fraught with pitfalls. In this informal series of questions and answers, we offer the mechanistically oriented biologist a set of steps to come up with evolutionarily reasonable and meaningful hypotheses. We emphasize the critical power and importance of carefully constructed null hypotheses, and we illustrate our ideas with examples representing a range (...)
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    (1 other version)Filosofický slovník pro samouky, neboli, Antigorgias.Vladimír Neff - 1948 - Prague: Družstevní práce.
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    L'Esthetique d'Emerson.Emery Neff & Regis Michaud - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (26):715.
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    Getting to Peace? Negotiating with the LRA in Northern Uganda.Joanna R. Quinn - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (1):55-71.
    Getting to peace is not a straightforward process. In Uganda, internal conflict has raged for more than 20 years between the Government and the Lord’s Resistance Army. The construction of a comprehensive negotiated settlement is at the mercy of conflicting ideologies and influences at the international, national and grassroots levels. This paper examines the Juba peace talks, the major actors in the negotiation process, and tension between prosecution and amnesty.
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    Bioetyka i genetyka. Słowo wstępne od Redaktorów Naukowych.Joanna Różyńska & Weronika Chańska - 2013 - Etyka 47:5-7.
    Według standardowej koncepcji krzywdy, inkorporującej test kontrfaktyczny, osoba B została skrzywdzona, jeśli na skutek działania x osoby A znalazła się w gorszej sytuacji niż ta, w której znajdowałaby się, gdyby osoba A nie zrealizowała tego działania. Zastosowanie tej koncepcji do wyborów prokreacyjnych napotyka jednak dwa poważne problemy teoretyczne: tzw. problem nie-istnienia, będący także istotą spraw sądowych z tytułu „wrongful life”, oraz problem nie-tożsamości, opisany przez Derka Parfita. Problemy te ujawniają, że standardowa koncepcja krzywdy prowadzi do wniosków, które są całkowicie sprzeczne (...)
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    'If it was osteoporosis, I would have really hurt myself.' Ambiguity about osteoporosis and osteoporosis care despite a screening programme to educate fragility fracture patients.Joanna E. M. Sale, Dorcas E. Beaton, Rebeka Sujic & Earl R. Bogoch - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):590-596.
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