Results for 'Joanna Innes'

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  1. Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840.Innes Joanna - 2001
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    Managing the metropolis: London's social problems and their control, c. 1660-1830.Joanna Innes - 2001 - In Innes Joanna, Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840. pp. 53.
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  3. Racje sumienia a inne powody odmowy wykonania świadczenia zdrowotnego przez lekarza.Joanna Różyńska & Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki - 2016 - Medycyna Praktyczna - Psychiatria 2 (49):74-83.
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    „Nie nasze dzieci”. Naturalizm, reprodukcyjny futuryzm i potworne macierzyństwo.Joanna Bednarek - 2018 - Etyka 57:101-119.
    Etyka troski rozwija teorię uogólnionej troski poprzez wyjście od naturalnych praktyk opiekuńczych. Jednak ze względu na jej uwikłanie w naturalizm efektem często jest zarówno wąska definicja kobiecości, jak i wąskie rozumienie troski – może ona dotyczyć tylko ludzi. Przyjęcie opieki nad dzieckiem jako paradygmatu sprawia też, że etyka troski powiela reprodukcyjny futuryzm – fantazmatyczne ujęcie polityczności jako jednolitej wspólnoty ucieleśnianej przez postać Dziecka. By pokazać, że etyka troski nie musi być naturalistyczna, konfrontuję ją z postulatem Donny Haraway, by ograniczyć reprodukcję (...)
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    Obraz historii Polski w podręcznikach do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego – wybrane zagadnienia.Joanna Małocha - 2022 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 28 (1):209-236.
    Lektorzy pracujący ze studentami kierunków niefilologicznych szczególnie wyraźnie odczuwają, iż kompetentne nauczanie języka obcego nierozerwalnie wiąże się z przekazywaniem wiedzy o kulturze i historii kraju lub krajów, w którym jest on używany. Bez takiej koherencji wiele zjawisk (jak choćby idiomy, specyfika frazeologii czy nietypowe konstrukcje gramatyczne powstałe pod wpływem historycznych kontaktów międzynarodowych) pozostanie w znacznej mierze niezrozumiałe dla osób uczestniczących w lektoracie. Na kwestię „przemycania” w trakcie zajęć językowych wiadomości o dziejach danego kręgu kulturowego spojrzeć można jednak nie tylko z (...)
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    Piotr Skarga rzecznikiem sprawiedliwych praw i właściwie pojętej wolności w Rzeczypospolitej.Joanna Marszk - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 24 (2):108-131.
    Artykuł opisuje widzenie praw i wolności w Kazaniach sejmowych Piotra Skargi. We wstępie ukazano dzieło jezuity w kontekście innych traktatów społeczno-politycznych XVI wieku. We właściwej części artykułu przedstawiono rozumienie praw przez kaznodzieję. Zaprezentowano różne ich kategorie. Następnie dowiedziono konieczności istnienia ustaw państwowych. Kolejno przybliżono cechy dobrych praw, czyli: sprawiedliwość, krzewienie cnoty i obronę czci Boskiej. Ukazano błędy w polskim prawodawstwie, wśród których na plan pierwszy wysuwa się zniesienie jurysdykcji sądów duchownych oraz pobłażliwe traktowanie morderców. Zobrazowano zależność praw od obyczajów. Podkreślono (...)
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    Chinese Civilization.J. K. Shryock, Marcel Granet, Kathleen E. Innes, Mabel R. Brailsford & C. K. Ogden - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (2):186.
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  8. Quantum Indiscernibility Without Vague Identity.Joanna Odrowaz-Sypniewska - 2001 - Analysis 61 (1):65--69.
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    The Bioeconomy as Political Project: A Polanyian Analysis.Vincenzo Pavone & Joanna Goven - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):302-337.
    The bioeconomy is becoming increasingly prominent in policy and scholarly literature, but critical examination of the concept is lacking. We argue that the bioeconomy should be understood as a political project, not simply or primarily as a technoscientific or economic one. We use a conceptual framework derived from the work of Karl Polanyi to elucidate the politically performative nature of the bioeconomy through an analysis of an influential Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development initiative, The Bioeconomy to 2030. We argue (...)
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    An extrapolation of Foucault’s Technologies of the Self to effect positive transformation in the intensivist as teacher and mentor.Thomas J. Papadimos, Joanna E. Manos & Stuart J. Murray - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:7.
    In critical care medicine, teaching and mentoring practices are extremely important in regard to attracting and retaining young trainees and faculty in this important subspecialty that has a scarcity of needed personnel in the USA. To this end, we argue that Foucault’s Technologies of the Self is critical background reading when endeavoring to effect the positive transformation of faculty into effective teachers and mentors.
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    Paraconsistent vs. Contextual Solutions to Sorites.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2013 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):21-36.
    In my paper I argue that a successful theory of vagueness should be able to account for faultless disagreement concerning borderline cases.Firstly, I claim that out of the traditional conceptions of vagueness the best equipped to account for faultless disagreement areparaconsistent solutions. One worry concerning dialetheism is that it seems to allow not only for faultless disagreements between different speakers, but also for such ‘disagreements’ between the given speaker and himself. Another worry, at least for some people, is that subvaluationism (...)
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    Are There Any Subsentential Speech Acts?Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 29:248-271.
    In this paper, I critically examine the major philosophical standpoints regarding subsentential speech acts such as “Nice dress”, “Under the table”, or “Where?”. The opponents of this category argue either that apparent subsentential speech acts are ellipses or that they are not full-fledged speech acts. The defenders of subsentential speech acts argue that even though they are not sentences in the syntactic or the semantic sense, they can be used to perform a speech act. I argue in defence of subsentential (...)
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    Oceans.Joanna Pares Hoare, Irene Gedalof & Gina Heathcote - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):1-4.
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    Experimental investigation of dislocation sources in the fluxon lattice of a type-II superconductor.Helen Vardulaki-Petropoulou, J. Lowell & A. C. Rose-Innes - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (5):1043-1051.
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    A Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Christian Instructor:: Containing Strictures on Warburton, Lardner, Paley, Campbell, and MacKnight.Robert Haldane, J. Ritchie, T. Hamilton & Waugh & Innes - 1820 - Printed for Waugh & Innes, ... , and T. Hamilton, ....
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    Introspection — One or More? Pluralism about Self-Knowledge.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2019 - Filozofia Nauki 27 (1):5-25.
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    The Ministerialization of Transitional Justice.Christopher K. Lamont, Joanna R. Quinn & Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (1):103-122.
    In recent years, countries have begun to establish ministries of transitional justice as part of political transitions from authoritarianism to democracy or from conflict to peace. This may reflect a broader historical trend in the administration of TJ, which has evolved from isolated offices within a particular ministry to ad hoc cross-ministry coordinating bodies to the establishment of dedicated ministries. The reasons for the establishment of specific ministries to pursue TJ, what we call ministerialization, have not attracted scholarly attention. This (...)
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    Editorial: Meaning, Context, and Non-Doxastic Attitudes.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Derek Ball & Maria de Ponte - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1049-1053.
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    Uncovering Facts and Values: Studies in Contemporary Epistemology and Political Philosophy.Adrian Kuźniar & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Editorial: Meaning, Context, and Non-Doxastic Attitudes.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Derek Ball & Maria de Ponte - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1049-1053.
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    Attention lapses and behavioural microsleeps during tracking, psychomotor vigilance, and dual tasks.Russell J. Buckley, William S. Helton, Carrie R. H. Innes, John C. Dalrymple-Alford & Richard D. Jones - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:174-183.
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    Krytycyzm a polisemia, nieostrość i zależność kontekstowa.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (2):315-334.
    W artykule zwracam uwagę na trudności jakie napotyka ktoś, kto chce wcielać w życie postulaty krytycyzmu dotyczące precyzji językowej. Zgodnie z tymi postulatami powinno się mówić jednoznacznie i precyzyjnie, a zatem unikać wyrażeń wieloznacznych, nieostrych i chwiejnych znaczeniowo. Jednakże postulaty te jest znacznie trudniej spełnić niż mogłoby się wydawać, bowiem istotne wątpliwości dotyczą samych zjawisk niejasności, nieostrości czy wieloznaczności. Wydaje się, że chcąc nauczyć innych unikania na przykład wypowiedzi wieloznacznych, powinniśmy dysponować adekwatną charakterystyką wieloznaczności i potrafić ją właściwie diagnozować. Tymczasem, (...)
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    Styles of coping and the level of dogmatism in utterance texts as an indicator of anxiety in situations of social exposure.Monika Obrębska & Joanna Zinczuk-Zielazna - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (4):402-411.
    A study was carried out involving persons representing high-anxious, low-anxious and repressor types according to the classification of Weinberger, Davidson & Schwartz, selected using the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale and the trait anxiety scale of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In seeking indicators of anxiety in repressors and high-anxious groups, the authors decided to analyse the level of dogmatism observed in utterance texts. The research was intended to determine whether styles of coping with threatening stimuli condition the level of dogmatism, (...)
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  24. A Modern Version of Relativism about Truth.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    In the paper I describe John MacFarlane’s version of relativism about truth. I begin by discussing Twardowski’s (1900) and Kokoszynska’s (1948; 1951) arguments against relativism. They think — just as Haack does (see 2011) — that sentences may be relatively true, if they are incomplete, but once they are completed they become true (or false) absolutely. MacFarlane distinguishes between nonindexical contextualism (which was anticipated by Kokoszynska (sic!)) and relativism which requires the introduction of the context of assessment. According to him (...)
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  25. Czy wiedza jest zależna od kontekstu? Kontekstualizm a inwariantyzm praktyczny.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    Semantic contextualism claims that sentences ascribing knowledge or lack thereof (sentences like "S knows that p" and "S doesn't know that p") are context dependent: they express different propositions in different contexts of utterance. "Knows that" is either indexical or elliptical and refers to different relations in different circumstances. Invariantism argues in turn that the knowing relation is just one and the proposition expressed by a given knowledge ascription does not depend on context. A special case of invariantism is interest-relative (...)
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    Gareth evans's argument against vague identity.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2003 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 12:317-339.
    In the paper Evans’s argument concerning indeterminate identity statements is presented and discussed. Evans’s paper in which he formulated his argument is one of the most frequently discussed papers concerning identity. There are serious doubts concerning what Evans wanted to prove by his argument. Theorists have proposed two competing and incompatible interpretations. According to some, Evans purposefully constructed an invalid argument in order to demonstrate that the vague objects view cannot diagnose the fallacy and is therefore untenable. According to others, (...)
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    Heaps and gluts: Paraconsistent logic applied to vagueness.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:179.
    This paper is an attempt to show that the subvaluation theory isnot a good theory of vagueness. It begins with a short review of supervaluation and subvaluation theories and procedes to evaluate the subvaluation theory. Subvaluationism shares all the main short-comings of supervaluationism.Moreover, the solution to the sorites paradox proposed by subvaluationists isnot satisfactory. There is another solution which subvaluationists could availthemselves of, but it destroys the whole motivation for using a paraconsistentlogic and is not different from the one offered (...)
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  28. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Warsaw University 4.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska (ed.) - 2008 - Semper.
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    Subsentential Speech Acts, the Argument from Connectivity, and Situated Contextualism.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2019 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Philosophical Insights Into Pragmatics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 143-162.
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  30. Zmiana, trwanie i nieostrość.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2002 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
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    Dual Tableaux: Foundations, Methodology, Case Studies.Ewa Orlowska & Joanna Golinska-Pilarek - 2011 - Springer.
    The book presents logical foundations of dual tableaux together with a number of their applications both to logics traditionally dealt with in mathematics and philosophy (such as modal, intuitionistic, relevant, and many-valued logics) and to various applied theories of computational logic (such as temporal reasoning, spatial reasoning, fuzzy-set-based reasoning, rough-set-based reasoning, order-of magnitude reasoning, reasoning about programs, threshold logics, logics of conditional decisions). The distinguishing feature of most of these applications is that the corresponding dual tableaux are built in a (...)
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    Higher Behavioral Profile of Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility is Related to Reduced Impulsivity in Smokers, and Reduced Risk Aversion Regardless of Smoking Status.Paweł Ostaszewski, Joanna Dudek, Wojciech Białaszek & Przemysław Marcowski - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):445-455.
    Empirical evidence suggests that mindfulness, psychological flexibility, and addiction are interrelated in decision making. In our study, we investigated the relationship of the behavioral profile, composed of mindfulness and psychological flexibility, and smoking status on delay and probability discounting. We demonstrated the interaction of the behavioral profile of mindfulness and psychological flexibility and smoking status on delay discounting. We found that individuals who smoked and displayed higher mindfulness and psychological flexibility devalued rewards at a slower rate, compared to smokers with (...)
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    Mediation in Different Areas of Chinese Legal Reality – Parametrisation of Selected Terminology.Joanna Nowak-Michalska - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 45 (1):175-186.
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    Conventions of Usage vs. Meaning Conventions.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2016 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):51-65.
    In this paper I criticise some aspects of the view that Ernie Lepore and Mathew Stone propose in their book Imagination and Convention. I concentrate on their analysis of indirect speech acts and contrast it with the view held by Searle. I point out some problems that arise for Lepore and Stone’s ambiguity view and argue that admitting conventions of usage that are not meaning conventions allows one to avoid postulating global ambiguity, which in my opinion threatens the view proposed (...)
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    Does the Twin-Earth argument rest on a fallacy of equivocation?Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (188):347-356.
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    Niezdaniowe akty mowy: między elipsą a niewzbogaconą usytuowaną illokucją.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (2):107-127.
    Niezdaniowe akty mowy to przynajmniej pozornie niezdaniowe wypowiedzi, za których pomocą mówiący dokonują pewnych aktów illokucyjnych: stwierdzają, pytają, proszą itp. Wśród teoretyków zajmujących się takimi wypowiedziami można wskazać zwolenników podejścia, które głosi, że większość takich wypowiedzi tojednak — wbrew pozorom — wypowiedzi zdaniowe (elipsy), oraz zwolenników stanowiska, zgodnie z którym treść takich wypowiedzi musi być bezpośrednio wzbogacona z kontekstu za pomocą procesów pragmatycznych niekontrolowanych semantycznie. W pierwszej części tej pracy przyglądam się bliżej stanowisku traktującemu wypowiedzi niezdaniowe jako elipsy i zastanowiam (...)
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  37. (1 other version)On the Notion of Identity.Joanna Odrowaz-Sypniewska - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 89 (1):143-167.
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    The Agreement-Based Tests for Context Sensitivity.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (2):241-258.
    The Agreement-Based Tests for Context Sensitivity In my paper, I present and discuss Cappelen and Lepore's context sensitivity tests, which appeal to says-that reports. In Relativism and Monadic Truth Cappelen and Hawthorne criticize those tests and propose agreement-based tests instead. I argue that such tests do not fare much better. The original Cappelen and Lepore's tests presupposed a minimal notion of says-that. One might postulate a parallel notion of "thin" agreement, according to which people agree that p if they all (...)
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    To, co powiedziane. Konferencja na Uniwersytecie Humboldtów w Berlinie.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2016 - Studia Semiotyczne 30 (1):103-115.
    W dniach 9–13 września 2016 roku na Uniwersytecie Humboldtów w Berlinie odbyła się konferencja „What is said – what is meant”. Konferencja miała dwie wyraźnie oddzielone części: pierwsza „What is said” odbywała się w dniach 9–10 września, a druga „What is meant” – w dniach 12–13 września. Odróżnienie tego, co powiedziane, od tego, co w inny sposób komunikowane, wywodzi się zwykle z filozofii Paula Grice’a...
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    (1 other version)Vagueness and contextualism.Joanna Odrowaz-Sypniewska - 2010 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Ontos Verlag. pp. 1--169.
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    Penetration of COVID-19 Related Terminology into Legal, Medical, and Journalistic Discourses.Paula Trzaskawka & Joanna Kic-Drgas - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (3):937-960.
    March 2020 has become a moment of change in communication mode and quality. Previously, the media paid attention to the current affairs, however, never earlier the journalistic discourse has been so influentially affected by the ongoing phenomenon as in the case of COVID-19. Almost overnight the new terminological phenomena with specific legal or medical reference were introduced into everyday language mainly via mass media and become an important part of a pandemic related narration. The strong influence on the shape of (...)
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  42. Czy potrzebujemy pojęcia prawdy emocjonalnej?Joanna Krzemkowska-Saja - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 85 (1):47-61.
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  43. Negative Program of Experimental Philosophy and Appealing to Intuition in Philosophical Argumentation.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (3):157 - +.
  44. O pochodzeniu pojęć.Joanna Komorowska-Mach - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    The review discusses the book The Origin of Concepts by Susan Carey, in which she presents three main theses — the innateness of some kind of conceptual representations, the presence of a qualitative change during conceptual development and the existence of a special learning mechanism that achieves that discontinuity called bootstrapping. The general reception of the work is positive. Minor doubts are presented regarding two claims: first, the speculation about the iconic format of core cognition representations, which seems to be (...)
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    A Self-governing Society 20 Years After: Democracy And The Third Sector In Poland.Jacek Kurczewski & Joanna Kurczewska - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
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    Seurat and the Science of Painting.John Adkins Richardson & William Innes Homer - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 15 (2):119.
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    Embedded Pragmatic Effects and Conversational Implicatures. [REVIEW]Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):299-313.
    In a recent paper Mandy Simons has argued that in a Gricean framework there is room for embedded pragmatic effects. One of her goals has been to demonstrate that an argument put forward by François Recanati to the effect that it is not possible to apply Gricean reasoning to generation of local pragmatic effects is mistaken. In his commentary Recanati maintains that the view suggested by Simons can be called Gricean only in a very broad sense and insists that the (...)
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  48. History's Children: History Wars in the Classroom [Book Review].Joanna Clyne - 2008 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 43 (4):69.
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  49. Zeitgenössische österreichische Prosatexte von Frauen und feministische Konzepte–eine Spiegel-geschichte.Joanna Drynda - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  50. Metodologiczne konsekwencje odrzucenia analitycznej definicji moralności. Uwagi o teorii moralności M. Ossowskiej.Joanna Dudek - 2006 - Principia.
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