Results for 'Joan Thormann'

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  1.  26
    Blended learning environments and learning resources.Patricia Fidalgo, Ieda Santos & Joan Thormann - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  2.  81
    Lingua characterica and calculus ratiocinator: The Leibnizian background of the Frege-Schröder polemic.Joan Bertran-San Millán - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):411-446.
    After the publication of Begriffsschrift, a conflict erupted between Frege and Schröder regarding their respective logical systems which emerged around the Leibnizian notions of lingua characterica and calculus ratiocinator. Both of them claimed their own logic to be a better realisation of Leibniz’s ideal language and considered the rival system a mere calculus ratiocinator. Inspired by this polemic, van Heijenoort (1967b) distinguished two conceptions of logic—logic as language and logic as calculus—and presented them as opposing views, but did not explain (...)
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    Ethics in Obstetrics and Gynecology.Joan C. Callahan, Laurence B. McCullough & Frank A. Chervenak - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (2):45.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ethics in Obstetrics and Gynecology. By Laurence B. McCullough and Frank A. Chervenak.
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    Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies.Bailey R. House, Joan B. Silk, Joseph Henrich, H. Clark Barrett, Brooke A. Scelza, Adam H. Boyette, Barry S. Hewlett, Richard McElreath & Stephen Laurence - 2013 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (36):14586-14591.
    Humans are an exceptionally cooperative species, but there is substantial variation in the extent of cooperation across societies. Understanding the sources of this variability may provide insights about the forces that sustain cooperation. We examined the ontogeny of prosocial behavior by studying 326 children 3–14 y of age and 120 adults from six societies (age distributions varied across societies). These six societies span a wide range of extant human variation in culture, geography, and subsistence strategies, including foragers, herders, horticulturalists, and (...)
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    Jung on Active Imagination.Joan Chodorow (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Jung's discovery of active imagination is one of the most important milestones in his personal and professional life. Prompted by the trauma of his break up with Freud, he developed a method of self healing which later formed the basis of his analytic practice and is now regarded as the origin of non-directive psychotherapy and creative arts therapies. Jungian analyst, Joan Chodorow brings together a key selection of Jung's writings. In her introduction to this selection of his writings (...) Chodorow explains clearly Jung's method of focusing the conscious mind on unconscious processes as a means of achieving self-knowledge and individuation. (shrink)
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    Obra completa.Joan Crexells I. Vallhonrat - 1996 - Barcelona: Edicions de la Magraña.
    -- 3. Escrits d'economia i finances, 1925 / pròleg de Francesc Roca.
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    Identity and Difference.Joan Stambaugh (ed.) - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    _Identity and Difference_ consists of English translations and the original German versions of two little-known lectures given in 1957 by Martin Heidegger, "The Principle of Identity" and "The Onto-theo-logical Constitution of Metaphysics." Both lectures discuss the difficult problem of the nature of identity in the history of metaphysics. A helpful introduction and a list of references are also provided by the translator, Joan Stambaugh.
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  8. John Dewey face aux fondamentalismes: les origines des discours "post-séculiers" et leur antidote.Joan Stavo-Debauge - 2024 - Nancy, France: Éditions de l'Université de Lorraine.
    Deux constats sont à l'origine de ce livre. Le débat dans le monde académique autour du lien entre religions, sciences et espace public semble s'être fixé sur l'idée de 'post-sécularité'. Or, sous couvert de rendre les sociétés plus hospitalières aux religions, cette idée profite essentiellement à des courants politico-religieux absolutistes et fondamentalistes. Et la solide expertise francophone qui s'est développée sur le philosophe américain John Dewey (1859-1952) néglige trop souvent ses nombreux écrits consacrés à la critique des religions. Joan (...)
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    Finitary Extensions of the Nilpotent Minimum Logic and (Almost) Structural Completeness.Joan Gispert - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):789-808.
    In this paper we study finitary extensions of the nilpotent minimum logic or equivalently quasivarieties of NM-algebras. We first study structural completeness of NML, we prove that NML is hereditarily almost structurally complete and moreover NM\, the axiomatic extension of NML given by the axiom \^{2}\leftrightarrow ^{2})^{2}\), is hereditarily structurally complete. We use those results to obtain the full description of the lattice of all quasivarieties of NM-algebras which allow us to characterize and axiomatize all finitary extensions of NML.
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    Ramon Llull y el pensamiento trascendental como vía de acceso a la trascendència.Joan Andreu Alcina - 2012 - Barcelona: Edicions de la Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya.
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  11. Truth and Proofs. From Tarski's Convention T to Game Theory.Christian Bassac & Joan Busquets - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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    The paradox of deviance in addicted mexican american mothers.Mary Devitt & Joan Moore - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (1):53-70.
    Two aspects of mothering—using drugs during pregnancy and giving up the rearing of one's children—are the focus of this analysis of 58 addicted Chicana mothers who spent their adolescent years in barrio gangs. From a traditional stance, such women were doubly deviant, since they violated gender-role prescriptions by joining a barrio gang and by becoming involved in heroin and street life. Half of these women added to this deviance by using heroin during pregnancy, and 40 percent relinquished at least one (...)
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  13. The problem of solidarism in St. Thomas: a study in social philosophy.Mary Joan of Arc Wolfe - 1938 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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  14. AGAMBEN, Giorgio (2008). Què vol dir ser contemporani? Barcelona: Arcàdia.Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 42:235.
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  15. Millenial Fantasies : The Future of “Gender” in the 21st Century.Joan Wallach Scott - 2010 - Clio 32:89-117.
    Le genre est-il encore une « catégorie utile » d’analyse? Cet article suggère qu’il a perdu son tranchant critique. Non seulement le genre est devenu un moyen banal et routinier de caractériser les différences entre les sexes mais il a également parfois empêché les féministes de s’intéresser aux importantes questions posées par les nouvelles recherches menées dans les domaines de la biologie et de la psychologie. L’auteur ne prétend pas qu’il faille éliminer le genre et les notions qui lui sont (...)
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    A New Cosmopolitanism? V.S. Naipaul and Edward Said.Joan Cocks - 2000 - Constellations 7 (1):46-63.
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    Written Linguistic Resources in Catalan: the DCC project.Joan Soler I. Bou - unknown - Philosophy 1:749.
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    Dilemmas of organizing women office workers.Joan Keller Burton - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (4):432-446.
    This article analyzes the conditions that facilitate or hinder office-worker activism. Participant observations in Baltimore Working Women, a local affiliate of 9 to 5, and interviews with 72 members and nonmembers revealed the dilemmas of organizing women office workers. Early joiners recruited themselves and then brought in friends for whom the costs of activism were greater. Job security, supportive bosses, and experience in protesting inequities eased the difficulties associated with activism, and commitment to working women's issues sustained activism. Those who (...)
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    G. Stanley Hall: The Psychologist as ProphetDorothy Ross.Joan Burstyn - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):124-125.
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    Collectivities and Cruelty.Joan Cocks - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (3):419-426.
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    Foundational Violence and the Politics of Erasure.Joan Cocks - 2012 - Radical Philosophy Review 15 (1):103-126.
    In this article I clarify foundational violence by differentiating it from direct, structural, and cultural violence. Unlike direct violence, foundational violence is productive as well as destructive and can occur via practices that conventionally are considered peaceful. Unlike structural violence, it obliterates instead of exploits established social relations. Unlike cultural violence, it does not merely distort reality but annihilates the meanings permeating a pre-existing reality. I illustrate this argument with the erasure of the residency rights of citizens of the former (...)
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    Education for patients with limb loss or absence: Aging, overuse concerns, and patient treatment knowledge gaps.Dawn Finnie, Joan M. Griffin, Cassie C. Kennedy, Karen Schaepe, Kasey Boehmer, Ian Hargraves, Hatem Amer & Sheila Jowsey-Gregoire - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The goals of vascular composite allotransplantation for hand are to maximize functional status and psychosocial wellbeing and to improve quality of life. Candidates are carefully vetted by transplant programs through an extensive evaluation process to exclude those patients with contraindications and to select those that are most likely to attain functional or quality of life benefit from transplant. Patient choice for any treatment, however, requires that candidates be able to understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives before choosing to proceed. This (...)
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  23. Into the darkness: losing identity with dementia.Jennifer Radden & Fordyce & M. Joan - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
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    BOOK REVIEW: MARQUES, T. & WIKFORSS, Å (EDS.), Shifting Concepts (Oxford University Press, 2020, 284 Pages).Joan Gimeno-simó - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (3):143-156.
    In this review I provide a brief analysis of the main features of the collective volume Shifting Concepts (Oxford University Press, 2020), edited by Teresa Marques and Åsa Wikforss. The volume addresses several related topics, and it contains contributions from psychologists and philosophers. It deals with the topic of concept variation understood in a broad sense, for it tackles diachronic, contextual, interpersonal and even intrapersonal variation; besides, the second part of the book is devoted to the topic of concept revision (...)
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  25. Critical review of Impact of research cultures on the use of digital library resources.Marcia Johnson & Joan Cherry - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    La filosofia de Josep Maria Capdevila.Joan Cortada Hortalà - 2008 - Barcelona: Abadia de Montserrat.
    Josep Maria Capdevila (1892-1972) és un dels intel·lectuals més destacats de la primera meitat del segle XX a Catalunya. L’autor n’ha resseguit el pensament, reconstruint-ne significativament la formació intel·lectual, el món ideològic i les idees estètiques, per acabar amb una digressió sobre el punt de partença de la filosofia.
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  27. Sobre la lógica de las lagunas en el derecho.Josep Joan Moreso, María Cristina Redondo & Pablo Eugenio Navarro López - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):47-73.
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    Social and Business Strategies: Possible Synergy Between Economic Profit and Social Value.Daniela Toro & Joan Mundet - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:260-265.
    This paper intends to make a revision of the academic literature that focuses social responsibility from a strategic view. In line with the previous ideas, the aim of this paper is to add itself to the group of researches that conceive CSR as an integral part of the business strategy. For this purpose it focuses on studying those relationships that may exist between the firm’s Business Strategy (BS) and the Social Strategy (SS). Based on the assumption that CSR can be (...)
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  29. Review of Feminist Trouble: Intersectional Politics in Post-Secular Times[REVIEW]Joan O'Bryan - 2021 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (3):46-48.
    Who is feminism for? The question reverberates frightfully in feminist discourse. Despite decades of theorizing that the unified feminist subject is an impossibility (given differences in race, class, sexuality, etc.), the question remains all too relevant in praxis—much to the detriment of the movement as a whole. Or at least, so argues Éléonore Lépinard in her new book, Feminist Trouble: Intersectional Politics in Post-Secular Times.
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    Frege in Perspective.Joan Weiner - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Not only can the influence of Gottlob Frege be found in contemporary work in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, and the philosophy of language, but his projects—and the very terminology he employed in pursuing those projects—are still current in contemporary philosophy. This is undoubtedly why it seems so reasonable to assume that we can read Frege' s writings as if he were one of us, speaking to our philosophical concerns in our language. In Joan Weiner's view, however, Frege's words (...)
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  31. Women, History, and Theory: The Essays of Joan Kelly.Joan Kelly - 1985 - Science and Society 49 (4):488-491.
  32. Ed Pluth, Signifiers and Acts: Freedom in Lacan's Theory of the Subject Reviewed by.Janet Thormann - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (3):218-221.
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    The Battle of Brunanburh and the Matter of History.Janet Thormann - 1991 - Mediaevalia 17:5-13.
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    The representation of the shoah in Maus: History as psychology.Janet Thormann - 2002 - Res Publica 8 (2):123-139.
    The contemporary tendency in United States culture to substitute a discourse of psychology for political and social analysis is especially evident in treatments of the Shoah. Drawing on postmodernist techniques, Art Spiegelman's“Holocaust commix”, Maus, dramatizes not historical reality but the effort of representing the memory of trauma. In the absence of symbolic authority, suffering from rivalry with his father and haunted by the real of the father's voice, the son becomes the subject of the narration. Like Maus, the Holocaust Museum (...)
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    Womanliness as a Masquerade.Joan Riviere - forthcoming - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica.
    This text is the first Polish translation of Joan Riviere’s renowned article Womanliness as a Masquerade, first published in 1929 in The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. The title of the work refers to the dreams of a patient whose story Riviere recounts in the article. In her dreams, figures appear wearing masks to avoid disaster and harm. The titular “womanliness,” according to Riviere, is akin to such a mask—adopted to conceal masculinity and prevent retribution should its presence be revealed. (...)
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    Women, History, and Theory: The Essays of Joan Kelly.Joan Kelly - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    These posthumous essays by Joan Kelly, a founder of women's studies, represent a profound synthesis of feminist theory and historical analysis and require a realignment of perspectives on women in society from the Middle Ages to the present.
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    RESEÑA de: González, Joan. Tiempo y medida: investigaciones fenomenológicas sobre temporalidady cronometría (Tesis).Joan González - 2007 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:279-284.
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  38. On Harming the dead.Joan C. Callahan - 1987 - Ethics 97 (2):341-352.
  39. Thinking about Thinking: Studies in the background of some Psychological Approaches.Joan Wynn Reeves - 1969
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  40. A Response to Joan Wallach Scott.Joan Wallach Scott - 1995 - In Jeffrey Williams (ed.), PC wars: politics and theory in the academy. New York: Routledge.
  41. Holobionts as Units of Selection and a Model of Their Population Dynamics and Evolution.Joan Roughgarden, Scott F. Gilbert, Eugene Rosenberg, Ilana Zilber-Rosenberg & Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (1):44-65.
    Holobionts, consisting of a host and diverse microbial symbionts, function as distinct biological entities anatomically, metabolically, immunologically, and developmentally. Symbionts can be transmitted from parent to offspring by a variety of vertical and horizontal methods. Holobionts can be considered levels of selection in evolution because they are well-defined interactors, replicators/reproducers, and manifestors of adaptation. An initial mathematical model is presented to help understand how holobionts evolve. The model offered combines the processes of horizontal symbiont transfer, within-host symbiont proliferation, vertical symbiont (...)
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  42. Large cardinals beyond choice.Joan Bagaria, Peter Koellner & W. Hugh Woodin - 2019 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):283-318.
    The HOD Dichotomy Theorem states that if there is an extendible cardinal, δ, then either HOD is “close” to V or HOD is “far” from V. The question is whether the future will lead to the first or the second side of the dichotomy. Is HOD “close” to V, or “far” from V? There is a program aimed at establishing the first alternative—the “close” side of the HOD Dichotomy. This is the program of inner model theory. In recent years the (...)
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  43.  17
    Sex and secularism.Joan Wallach Scott - 2018 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    Scott shows that the gender equality invoked today as a fundamental principle was not originally associated with the term "secularism" when it first entered the nineteenth century. The inequality of the sexes was fundamental to the articulation of the separation of church and state that inaugurated Western modernity. Western nation-states imposed a new order of women's subordination, assigning them to a feminized familial sphere meant to complement the rational masculine realms of politics and economics. It was not until the question (...)
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    The evolution of empiricism: Hermann Von helmholtz and the foundations of geometry.Joan L. Richards - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (3):235-253.
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    Conceptualizing Human–Nature Relationships: Implications of Human Exceptionalist Thinking for Sustainability and Conservation.Joan J. H. Kim, Nicole Betz, Brian Helmuth & John D. Coley - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (3):357-387.
    The ways in which people conceptualize the human–nature relationship have significant implications for proenvironmental values and attitudes, sustainable behavior, and environmental policy measures. Human exceptionalism (HE) is one such conceptual framework, involving the belief that humans and human societies exist independently of the ecosystems in which they are embedded, promoting a sharp ontological boundary between humans and the rest of the natural world. In this paper, we introduce HE in more depth, exploring the impact of HE on perceptions of the (...)
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    The Phylogenetic Roots of Human Kinship Systems.Joan B. Silk - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (3):127-134.
    Nonhuman primates don’t have formal kinship systems, but genetic relatedness shapes patterns of residence, behavior, mating preferences, and cognition in the primate order. The goal of this article is to provide insight about the ancestral foundations on which the first human kinship systems were built. In order for evolution to favor nepotistic biases in behavior, individuals need to have opportunities to interact with their relatives and to be able to identify them. Both these requirements impose constraints on the evolution of (...)
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  47. HIERARCHIES, JOBS, BODIES:: A Theory of Gendered Organizations.Joan Acker - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):139-158.
    In spite of feminist recognition that hierarchical organizations are an important location of male dominance, most feminists writing about organizations assume that organizational structure is gender neutral. This article argues that organizational structure is not gender neutral; on the contrary, assumptions about gender underlie the documents and contracts used to construct organizations and to provide the commonsense ground for theorizing about them. Their gendered nature is partly masked through obscuring the embodied nature of and hierarchies, common concepts in organizational (...)
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  48. Aristotle on essence and explanation.Joan Kung - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 31 (6):361 - 383.
    Three claims about essential properties are frequently advanced in recent discussions: (1) a property belongs essentially to a thing only if that thing would cease to exist without that property, (2) an essential property is explanatory, And (3) an essential property is such that it must belong to everything to which it belongs. I argue that the "only if" in (1) cannot be changed to "if and only if" and (1) needs to be supplemented by (2), And that (2) is (...)
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    Economic Philosophy.Joan Robinson - 1962 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Routledge.
    Joan Robinson was one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century and a fearless critic of free-market capitalism. A major figure in the controversial 'Cambridge School' of economics in the post-war period, she made fundamental contributions to the economics of international trade and development. In Economic Philosophy Robinson looks behind the curtain of economics to reveal a constant battle between economics as a science and economics as ideology, which she argued was integral to economics. In her customary vivid (...)
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    Is It Rape?: On Acquaintance Rape and Taking Women’s Consent Seriously.Joan McGregor - 2005 - Routledge.
    The issue of acquaintance rape has been gaining increased prominence in recent years. In this book Joan McGregor analyses the ethical and legal problems that arise in connection with acquaintance rape cases. She discusses with great clarity and precision the complexities involved in notions such as consent, force, autonomy, power, intention and the impairment of responsibility through drugs, alcohol and mental illness. Arguing that criminal rape laws are too narrow, capturing only cases where there is clearly recognized physical violence (...)
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