Results for 'Joan Stumbaugh'

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  1.  32
    Musica e alterità: a partire da Lévinas.Joan Elies Adell I. Pitarch - 1994 - Idee 25:183-186.
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    Machiavelli at a crossroads. The birth of modern thinking.Joan Lluis Llinàs Begon - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:415-430.
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    Enseñanza y revolución en China.Zedong Mao & Joan Senent-Josa (eds.) - 1977 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
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    Contra els absoluts: converses amb Ignasi Moreta.Joan-Carles Mèlich - 2018 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial. Edited by Ignasi Moreta.
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    Sentence stress and syntactic transformations.Joan W. Bresnan - 1973 - In Patrick Suppes, Julius Moravcsik & Jaakko Hintikka, Approaches to Natural Language. Dordrecht. pp. 3--47.
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    The Gift of Gametes – Unconscious Motivation, Commodification and Problematics of Genealogy.Joan Raphael-Leff - 2010 - Feminist Review 94 (1):117-137.
    Three-way baby making is not new: genetic surrogacy existed in Biblical times and donor insemination was recorded in Britain over 200 years ago. However, the gift of gametes between women breaks all social conventions. This paper examines the phenomenon of gamete-donation questioning whether a ‘gift’ of such magnitude can ever be ‘free’ (as the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority advocates), or a ‘true’ gift (in Derridian terms). Exploration of this unprecedented ‘gift’ from a psychoanalytic approach is supplemented by an interdisciplinary (...)
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    Conference reviews.Judith Romanini & Joan Durdin - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (2):122-123.
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  8. On Complementizers: Toward a Syntactic Theory of Complement Types.Joan W. Bresnan - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (3):297-321.
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    Islam and Psychoanalysis.Sigi Jöttkandt & Joan Copjec - 2009 - S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique 2 (1):2-4.
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    Locative inversion and the architecture of universal grammar.Joan Bresnan - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 72--131.
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    Nocturnes.Chris Faust & Joan Rothfuss - 2007 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A prominent figure in the Twin Cities art scene, Chris Faust marks the essence of the changing Midwestern landscape by documenting common scenes in an uncommon way. Known for his spectacular panoramic work, Faust is also increasingly admired for his unique night photographs, where he quietly unveils a world we never noticed was there and when the darkest hours evoke a mood of mystery and surrealism. The palette of light and shadow heightens our senses by revealing the stillness and ambiguities (...)
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    The paradox of deviance in addicted mexican american mothers.Mary Devitt & Joan Moore - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (1):53-70.
    Two aspects of mothering—using drugs during pregnancy and giving up the rearing of one's children—are the focus of this analysis of 58 addicted Chicana mothers who spent their adolescent years in barrio gangs. From a traditional stance, such women were doubly deviant, since they violated gender-role prescriptions by joining a barrio gang and by becoming involved in heroin and street life. Half of these women added to this deviance by using heroin during pregnancy, and 40 percent relinquished at least one (...)
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    Blake's 'The Clod and the Pebble': Some Christian-Feminist Observations.G. Ingli James & Joan E. James - 1994 - Feminist Theology 2 (6):48-52.
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    Intradimensional and extradimensional shifts in the rat with assessment of differential instrumental generalization.Charles C. Spiker & Joan H. Cantor - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (3):223-225.
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    El "giro hermenéutico" del liberalismo político rawlsiano: exposición y crítica.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):419.
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  16. The problem of solidarism in St. Thomas: a study in social philosophy.Mary Joan of Arc Wolfe - 1938 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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  17. The Embedded Self, Second Edition: An Integrative Psychodynamic and Systemic Perspective on Couples and Family Therapy.Mary-Joan Gerson - 2009 - Routledge.
    First published in 1996, _The Embedded Self_ was lauded as "a brilliant and long overdue rapprochement between psychoanalysis and family therapy conceived by a practitioner trained and experienced in both modalities of treatment." Mary-Joan Gerson’s integrated presentation of psychodynamic and family systems theory invited therapists of either orientation to learn the tools and techniques of the other, to mutual benefit. Firmly grounded in detailed case presentations, her focus on family therapy examined its history, organizing concepts, and developmental approaches, and (...)
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  18.  57
    Responding to children's needs: Amplifying the caring ethic.Joan F. Goodman - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (2):233-248.
    According to care theory the good parent confronting a helpless child has an unmediated impulse to relieve his distress; that impulse grows into a prescriptive ethic of relatedness, often contrasted to the more individualistic ethic of justice. If, however, a child's nature is understood as assertive and competent as well as fragile and dependent; if, in addition, he acquires needs through socialisation and is the beneficiary of inferred needs determined by others, then an ethic of need-gratification is insufficient. Caring theory, (...)
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    Mancera, Ana y Pano, Ana . El discurso político en twitter.Reseñado por Joan G. Burguera Serra - 2014 - Pragmática Sociocultural 2 (2):327-331.
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    Four Causal Classes of Newtonian Frames.Bartolomé Coll, Joan Josep Ferrando & Juan Antonio Morales-Lladosa - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (11):1280-1295.
    The causal characters (spacelike, lightlike, timelike) of the coordinate lines, coordinate surfaces and coordinate hypersurfaces of a coordinate system in Relativity define what is called its causal class. It is known that, in any relativistic space-time, there exist one hundred and ninety nine such causal classes. But in Newtonian physics (where only spacelike and timelike characters exist) the corresponding causal classes have not been discussed until recently. Here it is shown that, in sharp contrast with the relativistic case, in Newtonian (...)
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    El atardecer del bien: una pedagogía freudoexistencialista.Octavio Fullat Genâis & Joan-Carles Máelich - 1989 - Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Edited by Joan-Carles Mèlich.
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    Concise English-Korean Dictionary.Robert B. Jones & Joan V. Underwood - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (4):282.
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    Literary Fortifications: Rousseau, Laclos, Sade.Dalton Krauss & Joan DeJean - 1987 - Substance 16 (2):78.
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  24. Enforcing Slavery Contracts: A Liberal View.Joan C. Callahan - 1985 - Philosophical Forum 16 (3):223.
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    The new ethics of abortion.Joan Greenwood - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 2):2-4.
    The papers included in this supplement were first given at a meeting, The New Ethics of Abortion, organised by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) in Senate House at the University of London on 21 February 2000. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is primarily a provider of abortion services. Each year, the organisation provides almost 50,000 abortions, more than half of which are performed on behalf of the National Health Service (NHS), which means they are free of charge to women. (...)
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  26. NEXUS Portal.Joan Bottorff - 2008 - Nexus 2 (4).
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    Materiales para una investigación fenomenológica sobre el dinero.Joan González - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):289-302.
    En nuestra exposición pretendemos hacer una aportación a la fundamentación de una fenomenología del dinero. Se parte del hecho de la comprensión preteórica del dinero como un “ente para”, es decir, como un útil. En esta comprensión preteórica, el dinero es entendido siempre desde su teleología: el dinero es [algo que es] para comprar. Difícilmente se define el dinero desde la actitud preteórica como “algo para vender” o como “el resultado del esfuerzo de mi trabajo”. El ser del dinero deviene, (...)
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    Analysis of the viq scores of families of three or more orkney Brothers.Joan D. T. Goodman & R. B. Anderton - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):181-190.
    Classification of the boys in 48 families of three or more brothers according to their Moray House Test (VIQ) scores awarded at age 11±1[fraction one-half] years in 1947–75 confirms the postulated existence of a total of nine male phenotypes for this X-linked trait in the score range <70 to 140 points. The phenotypic means lie close to the sequence 69(8)133. Recombination is shown to occur. An additive effect of three alleles at each of two X-chromosome loci is the most likely (...)
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    Respect-due and respect-earned: negotiating student–teacher relationships.Joan F. Goodman - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):3-17.
    Respect is a cardinal virtue in schools and foundational to our common ethical beliefs, yet its meaning is muddled. For philosophers Kant, Mill, and Rawls, whose influential theories span three centuries, respect includes appreciation of universal human dignity, equality, and autonomy. In their view children, possessors of human dignity, but without perspective and reasoning ability, are entitled only to the most minimal respect. While undeserving of mutual respect they are nonetheless expected to show unilateral respect. Dewey and Piaget, scions of (...)
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    Student agency: success, failure, and lessons learned.Joan F. Goodman & Nimet Suheyla Eren - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (2):123-139.
    Students in urban under-resourced schools are often disengaged from the curriculum. Distributing voice to them would seem an obvious counter to their alienation, allowing them to be co-constructors rather than objects of their education. Beyond being pragmatically sound, student agency is, arguably, a psychological and moral imperative. However, what is imperative is not necessarily doable as we illustrate in two student agency high school projects. We analyze the outcomes using four previously identified factors: school context, project scope, personal gratification, and (...)
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  31.  38
    The interpretation of children's needs at home and in school.Joan F. Goodman - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (1):27-40.
    Statements of need are used promiscuously by caretakers and children. The term may refer to mere wants (desire), to wants that have become socialized into secondary needs, to needs inferred by adults based on interpretations of future adaptive requirements, as well as to fundamental needs required for a child's well-being. It is important to distinguish the various uses of the term, first, because need carries an imperative-it would be unethical to frustrate a child's basic needs. Second, when confounding meanings, there (...)
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  32. The quest for compliance in schools: unforeseen consequences.Joan F. Goodman & Emily Klim Uzun - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (1):3-17.
    This study investigates the reaction of high school students in an alternative urban secondary school to highly controlling, authoritarian practices. Premised on the published theories, we imagined that students would object to the regime and consider it unduly repressive. Student reactions were elicited through questionnaires and interviews. To our considerable surprise, most respondents approved of the authoritarian regime and disapproved of granting students more self-expression. Most have come to believe that they do not deserve freedom from pervasive rules, for they (...)
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    Geografia vital de Francesc Pujols.Joan Cuscó I. Clarasó - 2023 - Sabadell, Catalunya: Edicions Enoanda.
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    Crisis de representación y de participación. ¿son las comunidades virtuales nuevas formas de agregación y participación ciudadana?Mayo Fuster Morell & Joan Subirats - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):641-656.
    Los sistemas políticos democráticos están atravesando un período de fuertes convulsiones. A partir del análisis de dos casos de estudio de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), como formas pensadas e implementadas en y desde Internet, el artículo presenta algunas conclusiones sobre las características específicas de la participación y la agencia política que puedan resultar generalizables en un proceso de transformación profunda de la democracia contemporánea. Los casos de estudio son el proyecto de memoria viva del Foro Social Europeo y Wikipedia.
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    Ontogenetic changes in classification behavior.Howard H. Kendler & Joan Helland - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):456-458.
    A developmental study of free-classification behavior within the age range of 3-1/2 to 19 years indicates that categorical responses, which are characteristic of adult behavior, increase with age while overgeneralized responses, classifications including noncategorical instances, decrease with age. Overdiscriminated responses which are incomplete categorical classifications increase from 3-1/2 to 6 years and then decrease to 19 years of age. These results are discussed within a two-stage theory of conceptual development (Kendler, 1971).
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    Unavoidable sequences in constructive analysis.Joan Rand Moschovakis - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (2):205-215.
    Five recursively axiomatizable theories extending Kleene's intuitionistic theory FIM of numbers and numbertheoretic sequences are introduced and shown to be consistent, by a modified relative realizability interpretation which verifies that every sequence classically defined by a Π11 formula is unavoidable and that no sequence can fail to be classically Δ11. The analytical form of Markov's Principle fails under the interpretation. The notion of strongly inadmissible rule of inference is introduced, with examples.
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    Office Automation, Gender, and Change: An Analysis of the Management Literature.Jurg K. Siegenthaler & Joan F. Kraft - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (2):195-212.
    This study examines the consequences of computerization for women who do information work. Syntheses of research findings from both the general social science literature and the business and management periodical literature are compared with each other. The two bodies of research results converge with respect to employment consequences and shifts in work, but differ markedly when it comes to control of the labor process and training. In contrast to social scientists, management researchers pay scant attention to differential gender effects of (...)
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    Foreword.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:7.
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    Josep Maria Capdevila: personalitat, obra i llegat.Joan Vergés Gifra (ed.) - 2018 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
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    Religion without Dworkin.Joan Vergés Gifra - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):166-169.
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    Placebos and the UK medical research council — and the consumer perspective.Joan Box - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):95-101.
    The UK Medical Research Council, in order to further its mission of maintaining and improving human health, supports a substantial number of clinical trials on a wide variety of medical questions; some of these trials involve the use of placebos as controls or to maintain blinding. Before providing support, proposed trials are carefully reviewed to assess scientific quality, and to determine whether a placebo is required and is ethical — in addition to ethics review by independent Research Ethics Committees. Some (...)
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    Explaining morphosyntactic competition.Joan Bresnan - 2001 - In Mark Baltin & Chris Collins, The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory. Blackwell. pp. 11--44.
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  43. Socrates on trial 2008 [videorecording] : cast and story / filmed and edited by Antoine Bourges ; directed by Joan Bryans.A. D. Irvine, Antoine Bourges & Joan Bryans - unknown
    NOTES: Based on the book Socrates on trial written by Andrew Irvine and published by the University of Toronto Press. Performed at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 7, 2008. CONTENTS: Trailer, Who was Socrates?, Selected scenes, The production, Credits. UBC Library Catalogue Permanent URL:
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    Multisource Assessment for Development Purposes: Revisiting the Methodology of Data Analysis.Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet, Willem Saris, Richard E. Boyatzis, Ricard Serlavós & Ferran Velasco Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Effect of "subliminal" tones upon the judgment of loudness.William Bevan & Joan Faye Pritchard - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (1):23.
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    The origins of the cubic and biquadratic reciprocity laws.Mary Joan Collison - 1977 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 17 (1):63-69.
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    Conceptes fonamentals de fenomenologia.Joan González & Josep Monserrat (eds.) - 2017 - Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Filosofia.
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    Roads to democracy: a tribute to Juan J. Linz.Juan J. Linz, Joan Marcet, José R. Montero & Robert M. Fishman (eds.) - 2007 - Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
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  49. Claves para entender el multilingüismo contemporáneo.Luisa Martín Rojo & Joan Pujolar - 2020
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    On a meaning of death.Joan Carles Mèlich I. Sangrà - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 7:99.
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