Results for 'Jiří Zelenka'

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  1.  31
    Hearing and Listening in the Context of Passivity and Activity.Jiří Zelenka - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):190-197.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the phenomenologically grounded dynamics of hearing and listening as a possible approach to our sonic experience. Its starting point is the studies of contemporary urban spaces devoted to their sonic experience. The results of these studies and their interpretation will serve as a starting point for the introduction of dynamics of hearing and listening. In the next part of this article, I will focus on the elaboration of this relationship with regard to (...)
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    Data Hazards: An open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects.Natalie Zelenka, Nina H. Di Cara, Euan Bennet, Phil Clatworthy, Huw Day, Ismael Kherroubi Garcia, Susana Roman Garcia, Vanessa Aisyahsari Hanschke & Emma Siân Kuwertz - 2025 - Journal of Responsible Technology 21 (C):100110.
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  3. The Relationist and Substantivalist Theories of Time: Foes or Friends?Jiri Benovsky - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 19 (4):491-506.
    Abstract: There are two traditionally rival views about the nature of time: substantivalism that takes time to be a substance that exists independently of events located in it, and relationism that takes time to be constructed out of events. In this paper, first, I want to make some progress with respect to the debate between these two views, and I do this mainly by examining the strategies they use to face the possibilities of ‘empty time’ and ‘time without change’. As (...)
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    General Relativity, Cosmology and Astrophysics: Perspectives 100 years after Einstein's stay in Prague.Jiří Bičák & Tomáš Ledvinka (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The articles included in this Volume represent a broad and highly qualified view on the present state of general relativity, quantum gravity, and their cosmological and astrophysical implications. As such, it may serve as a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for experts in these fields, as well as an advanced source of information for young researchers. The occasion to gather together so many leading experts in the field was to celebrate the centenary of Einstein's stay in Prague in 1911-1912. (...)
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    The dynamics of social problems and transformations of Czechoslovak society.Jiri Kabele & Ronald Radzai - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Teorie státu a práva.Jiří Boguszak (ed.) - 1967 - Praha,: Orbis.
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    Medialita a problémy zprostředkování.Jiří Bystřický - 2007 - Flusser Studies 5 (1).
    The subject takes part in and constructs what it perceives, shifting, thus, the presuppositions, that is, the ‚pre-formats‘ of this construction into the background, out of reach of that which is manifesting itself. In fact, within the framework of its own construction, the subject does not dispose of any possibilities of transferring other heterogeneous settings into a unique target format upon which the world of objects is constructed. In order to achieve this the subject needs a determinate interactive interface, i. (...)
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    Průvodce dějinami evropského myšlení.Jiří Cetl (ed.) - 1985 - Praha: Panorama.
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    Automated construction of bounded-loss imperfect-recall abstractions in extensive-form games.Jiří Čermák, Viliam Lisý & Branislav Bošanský - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 282 (C):103248.
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  10. Brief Notices.Jiří Fajt & Markus Hörsch - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):501.
  11. Design of universal multifunction conveyor.Jiri Misurec & Vit Novotny - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 26--25.
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    Josef Ludvík Fischer, 6. 11. 1894-17. 2. 1973: sborník příspěvků ze semináře k 105. výročí narození.Jiří V. Musil (ed.) - 2001 - Olomouc: Vlastivědná společnost muzejní v Olomouci.
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    Dvacet let bez Lubomíra Nového.Jiří Svoboda - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (1):65-73.
    Na úvod připomínám medailon Josefa Zumra k Lubošovým šedesátinám ve Filosofickém časopisu 1995, jako doklad, že našeho tehdejšího vedoucího katedry si vážili nejen filosofové z Brna. Luboš se narodil ve stejném roce jako já, ale středoškolská studia stihl dokončit o rok dříve. Tak se stalo, že jsem se s ním v roce 1950 na Filosofické fakultě setkal jako s učitelem- -asistentem (na jeho přednášce z etiky) a on se mnou jako s jedním ze svých prvních univerzitních posluchačů filosofie. Když jsem (...)
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  14. Manuál mediálního konzultanta. 1. vyd. Praha.M. Zelenka - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Proto‐oncogenes in cell differentiation.Peggy S. Zelenka - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (1):22-26.
    Proto‐oncogene products may be multi‐functional proteins with various roles in cell differentiation as well as cell proliferation. The molecular biology of the gene products of three well characterized proto‐oncogenes (c‐fos, c‐myc and c‐src) are described, and the roles of three other proto‐oncogene products, involved in hormone and growth factor reception, are reviewed.
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    The Limits of Art: On Borderline Cases of Artworks and Their Aesthetic Properties.Jiri Benovsky - 2020 - Springer.
    This open access book is about exploring interesting borderline cases of art. It discusses the cases of gustatory and olfactory artworks, proprioceptive artworks, intellectual artworks, as well as the vague limits between painting and photography. The book focuses on the author’s research about what counts as art and what does not, as well as on the nature of these limits. Overall, the author defends a very inclusive view, 'extending' the limits of art, and he argues for its virtues. Some of (...)
  17. Brain electrical activity and subjective experience during altered states of consciousness: Ganzfeld and hypnagogic states.Jirí Wackerman, Peter Pütz, Simone Büchi, Inge Strauch & Dietrich Lehmann - 2002 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2):123-146.
  18. Depiction, Imagination, and Photography.Jiri Benovsky - 2020 - In Keith A. Moser & Ananta Charana Sukla (eds.), Imagination and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory. Brill | Rodopi.
    Imagination plays an important role in depiction. In this chapter, I focus on photography and I discuss the role imagination plays in photographic depiction. I suggest to follow a broadly Waltonian view, but I also depart from it in several places. I start by discussing a general feature of the relation of depiction, namely the fact that it is a ternary relation which always involves "something external." I then turn my attention to Walton's view, where this third relatum of the (...)
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    Eliminativism, objects, and persons - The virtues of non-existence.Jiri Benovsky - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that he doesn't exist. In this book, he also defends the view that this book itself doesn't exist. But this did not prevent him to write the book, and although in Benovsky's view you don't exist either, this does not prevent you to read it. Benovsky defends a brand of non-exceptionalist eliminativism. Some eliminativists, typically focusing on ordinary material objects such as chairs and hammers, make exceptions, for instance for blue whales (that (...)
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  20. Eternalist theories of persistence through time: Where the differences really lie.Jiri Benovsky - 2009 - Axiomathes 19 (1):51-71.
    The eternalist endurantist and perdurantist theories of persistence through time come in various versions, namely the two versions of perdurantism: the worm view and the stage view , and the two versions of endurantism: indexicalism and adverbialism . Using as a starting point the instructive case of what is depicted by photographs, I will examine these four views, and compare them, with some interesting results. Notably, we will see that two traditional enemies—the perdurantist worm view and the endurantist theories—are more (...)
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  21. Non-equivalent Metaphysical Theories.Jiri Benovsky - 1st ed. 2016 - In Meta-metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice. Springer.
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    Radiative corrections, quasi-Monte Carlo methods and discrepancy: computational aspects of high energy phenomenology.Jiri Kamiel Hoogland - 1996 - [Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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  23. Naḥwa naẓarīyah lil-tarbīyah al-Islāmīyah.ʻAlī Jirīshah - 1986 - ʻĀbidīn [Cairo]: Maktabat Wahbah.
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    Západoevropská právní filozofie ve druhé polovině 20. století.Jiří Klabouch - 1989 - Praha: Academia.
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  25. Dimensions of Identification.Jiri Kolaja - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):318.
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    A semio-psychological theory of communication in music.Jirí Kulka - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 279--284.
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    Heidegger--A Philosopher for the Next Century? (in Czech).Jiri Michalek - forthcoming - Filosoficky Casopis.
    The article presents an overview concerning Heidegger's work and life, especially with respect to the contemporary state of publishing of his texts. The article aims at showing a continuity in Heidegger's Thinking of Being on one hand, but, on the other hand, stresses also necessity of a new assessment of his thought, if we take into consideration some recently published manuscripts (especially vol. 65 and 66). The necessity of a new assessment concerns also his personal standpoints during the time of (...)
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    Předvědecký jazyk Anicia Boethia.Jiří Nesiba - 2016 - Studia Philosophica 63 (1):27-45.
    Příspěvek připomíná filosofii „posledního Římana a prvního scholastika“ Anicia Bo­ethia, který je nejznámější díky své filosofické básni Útěcha z filosofie. Tento článek se soustředí na jinou stránku Boethiovy tvorby, na jeho překladatelské úsilí z řečtiny do latiny, kdy vytvořil novou terminologii a tak mohl syntetizovat filosofickou roztříš­těnost názorů jeho současníků pomocí exaktní metodologie. Ve svém vědeckém jazyce používal umění i logiku dohromady, s důrazem na větší srozumitelnost.Boethius sjednotil díky svému filosofickému jazyku mnoho rozdílných filosofic­kých škol – Platóna, Aristotela, pythagorejce, novoplatonismus (...)
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    K Dolákovu pojetí svobodné vůle.Jiří Stodola - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):113-122.
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    Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiří Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
  31. The Self : a Humean bundle and/or a Cartesian substance ?Jiri Benovsky - 2009 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5 (1):7 - 19.
    Is the self a substance, as Descartes thought, or is it 'only' a bundle of perceptions, as Hume thought ? In this paper I will examine these two views, especially with respect to two central features that have played a central role in the discussion, both of which can be quickly and usefully explained if one puts them as an objection to the bundle view. First, friends of the substance view have insisted that only if one conceives of the self (...)
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    Systemic Approach to the Development of Reading Literacy: Family Resources, School Grades, and Reading Motivation in Fourth-Grade Pupils.Jiří Mudrák, Kateřina Zábrodská & Lea Takács - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The successful early acquisition of reading literacy represents a crucial learning process determining the further course of academic development (Stanovich, 2009). During this process, interactions between children and their proximal social environment are of utmost importance. Therefore, we introduce a systemic framework for the development of learning potential (e.g., Mudrak et al., 2015, 2019, 2019b; Ziegler & Stoeger, 2017) and explore the interactions between the social and motivational processes associated with reading literacy development in school-age children. We base our analysis (...)
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    Sémantika jmen ve fikci: obhajoba a rozvinutí Tichého koncepce.Jiří Raclavský - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):72-83.
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    Psychophysics as a science of primary experience.Jiří Wackermann - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (2):189 – 206.
    In Fechner's psychophysics, the 'mental' and the 'physical' were conceived as two phenomenal domains, connected by functional relations, not as two ontologically different realms. We follow the path from Fechner's foundational ideas and Mach's radical programme of a unitary science to later approaches to primary, psychophysically neutral experience (phenomenology, protophysics). We propose an 'integral psychophysics' as a mathematical study of law-like, invariant structures of primary experience. This approach is illustrated by a reinterpretation of psychophysical experiments in terms of perceptual situations (...)
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    Herbrandizing search problems in Bounded Arithmetic.Jiří Hanika - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):577-586.
    We study search problems and reducibilities between them with known or potential relevance to bounded arithmetic theories. Our primary objective is to understand the sets of low complexity consequences of theories Si2 and Ti2 for a small i, ideally in a rather strong sense of characterization; or, at least, in the standard sense of axiomatization. We also strive for maximum combinatorial simplicity of the characterizations and axiomatizations, eventually sufficient to prove conjectured separation results. To this end two techniques based on (...)
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  36. The Present vs. the Specious Present.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (2):193-203.
    This article is concerned with the alleged incompatibility between presentism and specious present theories of temporal experience. According to presentism, the present time is instantaneous (or, near-instantaneous), while according to specious present theories, the specious present is temporally extended—therefore, it seems that there is no room in reality for the whole of a specious present, if presentism is true. It seems then that one of the two claims—presentism or the specious present theory—has to go. I shall argue that this kind (...)
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  37. Two concepts of possible worlds – or only one?Jiri Benovsky - 2008 - Theoria 74 (4):318-330.
    In his "Two concepts of possible worlds", Peter Van Inwagen explores two kinds of views about the nature of possible worlds : abstractionism and concretism. The latter is the view defended by David Lewis who claims that possible worlds are concrete spatio-temporal universes, very much like our own, causally and spatio-temporally disconnected from each other. The former is the view of the majority who claims that possible worlds are some kind of abstract objects – such as propositions, properties, states of (...)
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    Analytická filosofie: první čítanka.Jiří Fiala (ed.) - 1999 - Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, Fakulta humanitních studií.
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    Cesta k důkazu Boží existence.Jiří Fuchs - 1991 - Praha: TRS.
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    Dvacet let bez Lubomíra Nového.Jiří Gabriel - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (1):65-73.
    Na úvod připomínám medailon Josefa Zumra k Lubošovým šedesátinám ve Filosofickém časopisu 1995, jako doklad, že našeho tehdejšího vedoucího katedry si vážili nejen filosofové z Brna. Luboš se narodil ve stejném roce jako já, ale středoškolská studia stihl dokončit o rok dříve. Tak se stalo, že jsem se s ním v roce 1950 na Filosofické fakultě setkal jako s učitelem- -asistentem (na jeho přednášce z etiky) a on se mnou jako s jedním ze svých prvních univerzitních posluchačů filosofie. Když jsem (...)
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    The Prague Roots of Ernest Gellner's Thinking.Jiří Musil - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48:25-44.
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    Post keynesiánská makroekonomická metodologie a její odlišnosti od hlavního proudu ekonomie.Jiří Štekláč - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-18.
    Během nedávno započaté hospodářské krize se paralelně s aplikací netradičních hospodářských politik zvýšil tlak na potlačení ortodoxních ekonomických teorií hlavního proudu a po několika desetiletích se v ekonomii znovu otevírá prostor pro nové teorie, metodologie, paradigmata. Cíle této práce jsou tři. Cílem prvním je obecná sumarizace základních východisek post keynesiánské ekonomické metodologie. Cílem druhým je pak jasné vymezení této heterogenní teorie vůči neoklasické metodologii s ambicí zcela od základů alternovat tuto starou metodologii. A konečně cílem třetím je analýza architektury post (...)
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    Cesta k nesmrtelnosti.Jiří Vacek - 2018 - Praha: Martin Tomeš - Přátelé Jiřího Vacka.
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  44. Is Aristotelian-Thomist hylomorphism viable?Jiri Vacha - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (1):99-114.
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  45. Natural selection ad usum philosophers.Jiri Vacha - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (2):163-189.
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    Ošklivost mezi estetikou a etikou.Jiří Vaněk - 2010 - E-Logos 17 (1):1-13.
    Studie se zabývá tématem ošklivosti, jež je jednou ze základních estetických kategorií. Pojímá ji jako porušení "správné podoby" druhové formy objektů, přičemž pojem správné podoby neváže k jedinému etalonu. S využitím příkladů z dějin filosofie a výtvarné kultury (neoplatonismu, Michelangelovy tvorby, moderního spirituálního umění) pokazuje k tomu, jak je hodnocení vázáno k širším referenčním rámcům, v nichž se promítá souvislost estetické a etické dimenze fenoménu ošklivosti. Dokládá také, jak se na výsledném hodnocení podílí srovnávání.
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    Puppets for Adults: The Theatre du Manitout.Jiri Veltrusky - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):105.
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    The Agency/Structure Dilemma: A Coordination Solution.Jiří Kabele - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (3):314-338.
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  49. Eliminativism and gunk.Jiri Benovsky - 2016 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (1):59-66.
    Eliminativism about macroscopic material objects claims that we do not need to include tables in our ontology, and that any job – practical or theoretical – they have to do can be done by 'atoms arranged tablewise'. This way of introducing eliminativism faces the worry that if there are no 'atoms', that is, if there are no simples and the world is 'gunky', there are no suitable entities to be 'arranged tablewise'. In this article, I discuss various strategies the eliminativist (...)
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  50. The causal efficiency of the passage of time.Jiri Benovsky - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):763-769.
    Does mere passage of time have causal powers ? Are properties like "being n days past" causally efficient ? A pervasive intuition among metaphysicians seems to be that they don't. Events and/or objects change, and they cause or are caused by other events and/or objects; but one does not see how just the mere passage of time could cause any difference in the world. In this paper, I shall discuss a case where it seems that mere passage of time does (...)
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