Results for 'Jiyoon Lee'

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  1.  23
    How Does Taxation Affect Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from a Korean Tax Reform.Hyejin Park, Jiyoon Lee & Jewon Shin - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (4):745-774.
    We examine the effects of taxes on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Employing a tax reform in Korea that imposed a new tax on cash retention, we find that treated firms improved CSR performance after the tax reform was enacted. This result is driven by improvement in environmental and social performance. Moreover, the observed improvement is more pronounced in treated firms that face less severe financial constraints, are afforded fewer investment opportunities, feature large foreign ownership stakes, and employ stronger corporate governance (...)
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    Accommodating change: A case study in planning a sustainable new Business School building.Lee Taylor - 2002 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 6 (2):38-44.
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    Legal Convention Theory ―Focusing on Three Dimensions of Discourse on Normativity of Convention: conceptual analysis, justification, and evaluation―.Lee Hyun Kyung - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):7-62.
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    Pain in the past and pleasure in the future: The development of past–future preferences for hedonic goods.Ruth Lee, Christoph Hoerl, Patrick Burns, Alison Sutton Fernandes, Patrick A. O'Connor & Teresa McCormack - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12887.
    It seems self-evident that people prefer painful experiences to be in the past and pleasurable experiences to lie in the future. Indeed, it has been claimed that, for hedonic goods, this preference is absolute (Sullivan, 2018). Yet very little is known about the extent to which people demonstrate explicit preferences regarding the temporal location of hedonic experiences, about the developmental trajectory of such preferences, and about whether such preferences are impervious to differences in the quantity of envisaged past and future (...)
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  5. The vanishing argument from queerness.Lee Shepski - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (3):371 – 387.
    The ' argument from queerness', made famous by J. L. Mackie, remains one of the most influential arguments in metaethics. However, many philosophers focus on just one or two of its strands, while others assume a particular but by no means universal reading of it. This essay attempts to disentangle and evaluate all strands of the argument. Surprisingly, when this is done, not much is left as a distinct argument from queerness. Much of the argument collapses into other types of (...)
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    Finding feature representations of stimuli: Combining feature generation and similarity judgment tasks.Matthew D. Zeigenfuse & Michael D. Lee - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1825--1830.
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  7. Nourishing the spirit, reflection and dialogue with our students on the question of intelligent design: What are we likely to encounter and how might we proceed?Ronald Lee Zigler - 2009 - Philosophical Studies in Education 40:211 - 221.
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  8. The Source and Locus of Intrinsic Value.Keekok Lee - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (3):297-309.
    In the literature of environmental philosophy, the single most potent argument that has been made against the claim that nature may possess intrinsic value in any objective sense is the Humean thesis of projectivism and its associated view that human consciousness is the source of all values. Theorists, in one way or another, have to face up to this challenge. For instance, J. Baird Callicott upholds this Humean foundation to modern Western philosophy. However, by distinguishing between the source and locus (...)
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  9.  70
    Inventing Intermediates: Mathematical Discourse and Its Objects in Republic VII.Lee Franklin - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (4):483-506.
  10.  80
    Gricean charity: The Gricean turn in psychology.Carole J. Lee - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (2):193-218.
    Psychologists' work on conversational pragmatics and judgment suggests a refreshing approach to charitable interpretation and theorizing. This charitable approach—what I call Gricean charity —recognizes the role of conversational assumptions and norms in subject-experimenter communication. In this paper, I outline the methodological lessons Gricean charity gleans from psychologists' work in conversational pragmatics. In particular, Gricean charity imposes specific evidential standards requiring that researchers collect empirical information about (1) the conditions of successful and unsuccessful communication for specific experimental contexts, and (2) the (...)
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  11. Recollection and Philosophical Reflection in Plato's Phaedo.Lee Franklin - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (4):289-314.
    Interpretations of recollection in the "Phaedo" are divided between ordinary interpretations, on which recollection explains a kind of learning accomplished by all, and sophisticated interpretations, which restrict recollection to philosophers. A sophisticated interpretation is supported by the prominence of philosophical understanding and reflection in the argument. Recollection is supposed to explain the advanced understanding displayed by Socrates and Simmias (74b2-4). Furthermore, it seems to be a necessary condition on recollection that one who recollects also perform a comparison of sensible particulars (...)
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  12.  78
    Popper's Falsifiability and Darwin's Natural Selection.K. K. Lee - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (170):291 - 302.
    Popper Proposed the criterion of falsifiability as a solution to the problem of demarcation i.e. of distinguishing science from pseudo-science and not, as many of his contemporaries in the Vienna Circle mistook it to be, a solution to the quite different problem with which they themselves were preoccupied, viz. of providing a criterion of meaning to distinguish the meaningful from the meaningless. While the positivists were concerned to damn metaphysics and exalt science, by identifying the empirically verifiable with the meaningful, (...)
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  13.  24
    Bayesian statistical inference in psychology: Comment on Trafimow (2003).Michael D. Lee & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):662-668.
  14.  78
    Human Fertilisation and Embryology: Regulating the Reproductive Revolution.Robert Gregory Lee & Derek Morgan - 2001 - Blackstone Press.
    Based on the "Guide to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990", this volume reviews the regulation of assisted conception including complex moral issues such as abortion, embryo research and cloning.
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  15.  38
    Number-knower levels in young children: Insights from Bayesian modeling.Michael D. Lee & Barbara W. Sarnecka - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):391-402.
  16.  33
    The scientific autonomy of clinical medicine.Lee A. Forstrom - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (1):8-19.
    SummaryIt has been argued that clinical medicine should be regarded as a relatively autonomous science. While it draws upon other sciences which variously contribute to medical knowledge, it is not just an “application” of any of these, alone or in combination. Its contributions to medical knowledge are made within the context of patient care (the term “clinical medicine” is used here to emphasize this matter). It is distinct from other sciences in its domain of inquiry and its approach to this (...)
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  17.  70
    Time, the Image of Absolute Logos: A Comparative Analysis of the Ideas of Augustine and Husserl.Lee Chun Lo - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (1):50-61.
    ABSTRACTIn the Timaeus, Plato explicitly defines time as “the moving image of eternity”. This proposition affirms actually that time reflects the eternal that embodies the rational and lawful principle – namely the logos of proportionality – in the motion and change of visible objects in the universe. In other words,time determines the principle that every mutable being must follow to participate in the rational and nomological order of existence; the absolute logos which is given by God is hence intrinsic to (...)
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  18. Cheryl Brown Travis, ed., Evolution, Gender, and Rape Reviewed by.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (3):227-229.
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    Gupta on Sellars’s Theory of Perception.Byeong D. Lee - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):701-724.
    RÉSUMÉRécemment, Anil Gupta a soulevé plusieurs objections importantes à l’encontre de la théorie de la perception de Wilfrid Sellars. Cet article se donne pour objectif de défendre la théorie de Sellars contre ces objections. J’admets que certains aspects de sa théorie posent problème. Il y a, par exemple, de bonnes raisons de rejeter la thèse de Sellars selon laquelle le référent ultime d’une saisie perceptive est une impression sensible. Néanmoins, je soutiens qu’une explication sellarsienne de la perception reste une approche (...)
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  20. Plato on negation and not-being in the sophist.Edward N. Lee - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (3):267-304.
  21.  45
    The present moment in quantum cosmology: Challenges to the arguments for the elimination of time.Lee Smolin - 2000 - In R. Durie (ed.), Time and the Instant. Clinamen Press. pp. 112--43.
    Barbour, Hawking, Misner and others have argued that time cannot play an essential role in the formulation of a quantum theory of cosmology. Here we present three challenges to their arguments, taken from works and remarks by Kauffman, Markopoulou and Newman. These can be seen to be based on two principles: that every observable in a theory of cosmology should be measurable by some observer inside the universe, and all mathematical constructions necessary to the formulation of the theory should be (...)
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  22.  67
    Is There Room at the Bottom for CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility and Nanotechnology in the UK.Chris Groves, Lori Frater, Robert Lee & Elen Stokes - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):525-552.
    Nanotechnologies are enabling technologies which rely on the manipulation of matter on the scale of billionths of a metre. It has been argued that scientific uncertainties surrounding nanotechnologies and the inability of regulatory agencies to keep up with industry developments mean that voluntary regulation will play a part in the development of nanotechnologies. The development of technological applications based on nanoscale science is now increasingly seen as a potential test case for new models of regulation based on future-oriented responsibility, lifecycle (...)
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  23.  25
    Music expertise shapes audiovisual temporal integration windows for speech, sinewave speech, and music.Hweeling Lee & Uta Noppeney - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  24.  84
    The Concept of Media Accountability Reconsidered.Patrick Lee Plaisance - 2000 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 15 (4):257-268.
    The concept of media accountability is widely used but remains inadequately defined in the literature and often is restricted to a 1-dimensional interpretation. This study explores perceptions of accountability as manifestations of claims to responsibility, based on philosophical conceptions of the 2 terms, and suggests media accountability be more broadly understood as a dynamic of interaction between a given medium and the value sets of individuals or groups receiving media messages. The shape-shifting nature of the concept contributes to the volatility (...)
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  25.  33
    On the Role of Social Media in the ‘Responsible’ Food Business: Blogger Buzz on Health and Obesity Issues.Hsin-Hsuan Meg Lee, Willemijn Van Dolen & Ans Kolk - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):695-707.
    To contribute to the debate on the role of social media in responsible business, this article explores blogger buzz in reaction to food companies’ press releases on health and obesity issues, considering the content and the level of fit between the CSR initiatives and the company. Findings show that companies issued more product-related initiatives than promotion-related ones. Among these, less than half generated a substantial number of responses from bloggers, which could not be identified as a specific group. While new (...)
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  26.  51
    Particular and Universal: Hypothesis in Plato's Divided Line.Lee Franklin - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (4):335-358.
  27. The Structure of Dialectic in the Meno.Lee Franklin - 2001 - Phronesis 46 (4):413-439.
    In this paper I offer a new interpretation of the philosophical method of the "Meno." In the opening discussion of the dialogue, Plato introduces a restriction on answers in dialectical inquiry, which I call the Dialectical Requirement (DR). The DR is applied twice in the "Meno," in different ways (75d5-7, 79d1-3). In the first section of the paper, I argue that the two applications of the DR represent the beginning and end of dialectic. This shows that dialectical inquiry starts from (...)
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  28. Applied cognitive psychology and the "strong replacement" of epistemology by normative psychology.Carole J. Lee - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (1):55-75.
    is normative in the sense that it aims to make recommendations for improving human judgment; it aims to have a practical impact on morally and politically significant human decisions and actions; and it studies normative, rational judgment qua rational judgment. These nonstandard ways of understanding ACP as normative collectively suggest a new interpretation of the strong replacement thesis that does not call for replacing normative epistemic concepts, relations, and inquiries with descriptive, causal ones. Rather, it calls for recognizing that the (...)
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    Commentary On Nails.Lee Franklin - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):102-109.
    In this commentary on D. Nails, “Two Dogmas of Platonism,” I focus on her arguments for the claim that the Good is not the unhypothetical principle of everything in Plato’s Republic. I first examine what it would mean for any principle to be an unhypothetical principle of everything, and argue that Nails equivocates in her construal of this role. I then argue that Plato’s references to the unhypothetical principle should not be read to refer to a single, unique item, but (...)
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  30.  33
    The Golden Rule, Humanity, and Equality: Shu and Ren in Confucius’ Teachings and Beyond.Junghwan Lee - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (3):347-368.
    This essay explores the correlation between shu 恕 and ren 仁 in Confucius’ teachings and its broader implications concerning the role of the golden rule. It first shows that whereas the golden rule is premised on equality between agent and recipient, Confucius’ correlation of shu with ren aims mainly at establishing a more solid foundation for the hierarchy-specific duty of the ruler to care for the ruled. It thus reveals that this conflict arises from the golden rule’s incompatibility with asymmetrical (...)
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  31.  21
    Metaphysical Perspicuity.Chanwoo Lee - manuscript
    Scientific theories often allow multiple formulations, e.g., classical mechanics allows Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. While we count them as equally true, it has been suggested that one formulation can still be more metaphysically perspicuous than another. This paper provides a new account of metaphysical perspicuity, offering both descriptive and revisionary components: As a descriptive component, we examine how metaphysical perspicuity has been conceptualized in the literature. As a revisionary component, we challenge the conventional conception that associates metaphysical perspicuity with other (...)
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  32.  94
    "Technē" and Teleology in Plato's "Gorgias".Lee Franklin - 2005 - Apeiron 38 (4):229-256.
  33.  75
    Mental representation and two kinds of eliminativism.Jonny Lee - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (1):1-24.
    The battle over the proper place of mental representation in cognitive science is often portrayed as a clash between realism and eliminativism. But this simple dichotomy belies the variety of different ontological positions available. This article investigates the various stances that one can adopt toward the ontology of mental representation, and in so doing, shows that eliminativism is in fact best understood as two distinct positions: a posteriori eliminativism and a priori eliminativism. Furthermore, I show that a priori eliminativism faces (...)
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  34. Meno's Paradox, the Slave‐Boy Interrogation, and the Unity of Platonic Recollection.Lee Franklin - 2009 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):349-377.
    Plato invokes the Theory of Recollection to explain both ordinary and philosophical learning. In a new reading of Meno's Paradox and the Slave‐Boy Interrogation, I explain why these two levels are linked in a single theory of learning. Since, for Plato, philosophical inquiry starts in ordinary discourse, the possibility of success in inquiry is tied to the character of the ordinary comprehension we bring to it. Through the claim that all learning is recollection, Plato traces the knowledge achievable through inquiry (...)
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  35.  6
    Pleasure and Subjectivity in the Republic IX ‘Authority Argument’ (580d3-583a10).Lee Franklin - 2024 - Plato Journal 25:79-94.
    I argue that the Republic IX ‘Authority Argument’ (580d3-583a10) embraces both subjectivity of hedonic experience and objectivity of hedonic character. This combination of views undermines the interpretations of both the argument’s main critics and its main defenders. A more adequate interpretation, drawing on the idea of inapt hedonic experiences which fail to reflect the pleasantness of their objects, points towards a reassessment of the Argument’s place in the sequence ending Bk. IX. On the view presented here, the ‘Authority Argument’ is (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Appearance in Republic X (596a5–598d7).Lee Franklin - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):1-24.
    Abstractabstract:Plato's Republic X attack on imitative poetry is based in the metaphysics of appearance, since appearances are the objects and products of imitation. I offer a new reading, showing that Plato's account coherently introduces appearances as a new type of item, distinct from Forms and sensible particulars, and applies beyond imitation to a broad range of appearances. Focusing on the importance of perspective to Plato's reasoning, I argue that an appearance is a relation that comes about between a material particular (...)
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  37.  11
    Self‐Deception in Human–Sex Robot Intimacy.Jin Hee Lee & Christina Chuang - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    A common sentiment among anti-sex-robot scholars is the apprehension that sex robots will normalize and perpetuate sexual violence towards humans. In this new chapter within the feminist sex war, the authors of this article tend to agree with anti-sex-robot concerns and seek to further identify potential harms of sex robots. However, instead of characterizing the harm in terms of what the robots represent and symbolize, we are primarily interested in the internal state of the user and the type of relationship (...)
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    Art from start to finish: Jazz, painting, writing, and other improvisations edited by Becker, Howard S., Robert R. Faulkner, and Barbara kirshenblatt-gimblett.Lee B. Brown - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2):205–208.
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  39.  14
    An algebraic approach to belief contraction and nonmonotonic entailment.Lee Flax - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (3):478-491.
  40.  26
    Man and Machine: Life Without Kidneys.Lee Foster - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (3):5-8.
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  41.  19
    Investigation from Hypothesis in Plato's Meno: An Unorthodox Reading.Lee Franklin - 2010 - Apeiron 43 (4):87-116.
  42.  32
    The Origins of Dialectic in Ordinary Discourse.Lee Franklin - 2016 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 19 (1):88-104.
    The opening discussion of the Meno features a halting conversation in which Meno struggles at length to answer Socrates’ question, “What is Virtue?” Whereas Socrates demands a unitary account, presenting Virtue as one, Meno repeatedly speaks of Virtue in plurality. Through the opposing sides of this conflict, Plato highlights impediments that appear to prevent ordinary speakers from inquiring into nature. These include the fallibility of ordinary beliefs and statements, and the inability of ordinary speakers to countenance properties as entities in (...)
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  43.  43
    Some Ethical Decision Criteria with Regard to Procreation.Donald C. Lee - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (1):65-69.
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    Talking heads: language, metalanguage, and the semiotics of subjectivity.Benjamin Lee - 1997 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    TALKING HEADS synthesizes the views and works of a breathtaking range of the most influential modern theorists of the humanities and social sciences.
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    Value inquiry — philosophy and film.Sander Lee - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (4):423-429.
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    Public Health Data Collection and Implementation of the Revised Common Rule.Lisa M. Lee - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (2):232-237.
    For the first time, the revised Common Rule specifies that public health surveillance activities are not research. This article reviews the historical development of the public health surveillance exclusion and implications for other foundational public health practices.
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    Impacts of teaching business ethics in Korea.Chong-Yeong Lee - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):131-149.
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    International Justice in Elder Care: The Long Run.L. W. Lee - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):292-296.
    The migration of elder-care workers appears to be a zero-sum game. This naturally offends our sense of justice, especially when the host populations are richer. In this article, I argue that we ought to look beyond the short run. Once we look at the long run, we will see possibilities of non-zero-sum games that are mutually beneficial.
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  49.  25
    The Corporate Social Responsibility Information Environment: Examining the Value of Financial Analysts’ Recommendations.Changhee Lee, Dan Palmon & Ari Yezegel - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):279-301.
    This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility -related information and the value of financial analysts’ stock recommendations. The information environment in which analysts operate in is affected by CSR-related reports that companies voluntarily issue as well as information that becomes available through third-party analysis and rating institutions. We find an inverse relationship between the value of both upgrade and downgrade revisions and the supply of CSR-related information compiled by third-party institutions, suggesting that CSR-related data are associated with a (...)
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  50. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following titles. Inclusion in this list neither implies nor precludes subsequent review.Victor Lee Austin & James P. Bailey - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (2):269-270.
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