Results for 'Jimmy Long'

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  1.  87
    Wittgenstein et les théories du jugement de Russell et de Meinong.Jimmy Plourde - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (2):249-284.
    One of the main challenges faced by Russell's theory of judgement was to provide a satisfactory account of judgement that was not committed to the existence of true, false, or non-existent complex entities such as Meinongian objectives. In the study of the Russell-Wittgenstein debate on that theory, scholars never considered the idea that Wittgenstein might not have followed Russell on that issue. In this article. I address that question and hold, first, that problems raised by Russell's theory of judgement find (...)
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    Temporal becoming in a relativistic universe: causal diamonds and Gödel’s philosophy of time.Jimmy Aames - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-24.
    The theory of relativity is often regarded as inhospitable to the idea that there is an objective passage of time in the world. In light of this, many philosophers and physicists embrace a “block universe” view, according to which change and temporal passage are merely a subjective appearance or illusion. My aim in this paper is to argue against such a view, and show that we can make sense of an objective passage of time in the setting of relativity theory (...)
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    Aspirational theism and gratuitous suffering.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2021 - Religious Studies 57 (2):287-300.
    Philosophers have long wondered whether God exists; and yet, they have ignored the question of whether we should hope that He exists – call this stance aspirational theism. In this article, I argue that we have a weighty pro tanto reason to adopt this stance: theism offers a metaphysical guarantee against gratuitous suffering. On the other hand, few atheist alternatives offer such a guarantee – and even then, there are reasons to worry that they are inferior to the theistic (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in a Southeast Asian Theological College.Jimmy Boon-Chai Tan - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):163-179.
    This article is an account of the teaching and practice of a course on Christian spirituality and ministry at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. It introduces the design of the course, discuss its theological foundations and practicums, and explains how it is delivered and assessed. The course adopts a historical-theological approach to the introduction of Christian spirituality and traces its development from the early church until the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. It introduces spiritual exercises from each epoch of the Christian (...)
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    Transgressing feminist theory and discourse: advancing conversations across disciplines.Jennifer C. Dunn & Jimmie Manning (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    Despite decades of activism, resistance, and education, both feminists and gender rebels continue to experience personal, political, institutional, and cultural resistance to rights, recognition, and respect. In the face of these inequalities and disparities, Transgressing Feminist Theory and Discourse seeks to engage with, and disrupt the long-standing debates, unquestioned conceptual formations, and taboo topics in contemporary feminist studies. The first half of the book challenges key concepts and theories related to feminist scholarship by advocating new approaches for theorizing interdisciplinarity, (...)
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    The Concept of Moral Integrity in Politics and its Contestations: Towards a Normative Approach.Samuel Okok, Archangel Byaruhanga Rukooko & Jimmy Spire Ssentongo - 2023 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (2):83-107.
    For a long time, the concept of moral integrity in politics has been highly controversial. While many look at it from a moralist perspective demanding absolute observance of moral values and principles, some scholars, chiefly Niccolò Machiavelli and his many followers, believe that politics is typically devoid of moral considerations. Others, such as Demetris Tillyris, consider politics to be a distinct way of life with a moral yardstick distinct from ordinary moral standards. All these viewpoints are grounded on divergent (...)
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    Metaphysical Grafitti: Deep Cuts in the Philosophy of Rock.Randall E. Auxier - 2017 - Chicsgo: Open Court.
    A long essay, in a collection of essays, about the relationship between rock music and philosophy. Philosophers include Plato, Kant, Vico, Whitehead, Sartre, Cassirer, Langer, Machiavelli, and so forth. Musicians include the Rollings Stones, David Bowie, The Who, Bruce Springsteen, The Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne, Jimmy Buffett, Led Zeppelin and Rush.
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  8. Dissenting Opinions: Peer Disagreement on Moral Matters.Callie Phillips - 2022 - In Brett Coppenger, Joshua Heter & Daniel Carr, Better Call Saul and Philosophy: I Think Therefore I Scam. United States: Carus Books.
    When we first meet Kim Wexler in Better Call Saul we see someone who appears to offer a moral counterbalance to Jimmy McGill. She encourages him to stay within the boundaries of the law, and to stop committing trademark infringement to spite Howard from HHM, for example. With each season we get to know Kim better and gradually we see that Kim’s real objections to Jimmy’s lies and scams are often more practical than moral. However, there are a (...)
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    Another Fun‐Filled Day in the Six Counties.Philip Smolenski - 2013 - In George A. Dunn & Jason T. Eberl, Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 85–93.
    With their charming Irish brogues, the members of the Real IRA bring a rich and sometimes sinister history to the drama of Sons of Anarchy. By discriminating among their targets and practicing military‐like discipline, the Irish Kings gain the status of freedom fighters. Admittedly, their tactics are violent, but groups like the Real IRA resort to violence only because they have no other option for effectively fighting for their political cause. On Sons of Anarchy we usually see the Belfast police (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The Logic of Probabilities in Hume's Argument against Miracles.Fred Wilson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (2):255-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Logic of Probabilities in Hume's Argument against Miracles Fred Wilson The position is often stated that Hume's discussion of miracles is inconsistent with his views on the logical or ontological status oflaws ofnature and with his more general scepticism. Broad, for one, has so argued.1 Hume's views on induction are assumed to go somethinglike this. Any attempt to demonstrate knowledge ofmatters offact presupposes causal reasoning, but the latter (...)
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  11.  21
    Portrait of a Contemporary American Revolutionary: Grace Lee Boggs. [REVIEW]Gail M. Presbey - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (2):477-485.
    Grace Lee Boggs (1915–2015) was a philosopher and activist influenced by Hegel, Marx, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and her collaborators C. L. R. James and Jimmy Boggs. During her long career, she inspired a generation of young thinker-activists to establish institutions and practices in Detroit to promote community and justice. The article gives an overview of her life and accomplishments, discusses the social and political philosophy set forth in her book The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism (...)
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  12. Hellenistic philosophy: Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics.A. A. Long - 1986 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    The purpose of this book is to trace the main developments in Greek philosophy during the period which runs from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.c. to the end of the Roman Republic. These three centuries, known to us as the Hellenistic Age, witnessed a vast expansion of Greek civilization eastwards, following Alexander's conquests; and later, Greek civilization penetrated deeply into the western Mediterranean world assisted by the political conquerors of Greece, the Romans. But philosophy throughout this (...)
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  13.  60
    Hellenistic philosophy.A. A. Long - 1974 - New York,: Scribner.
    This comprehensive sourcebook makes available in the original Latin and Greek the principal extant texts required for the study of the Stoic, Epicurean and sceptical schools of philosophy. The material is organized by schools, and within each school topics are treated thematically. The volume presents the same texts (with some additional passages) as are translated in The Hellenistic Philosophers, Volume 1. The authors provide their own critical apparatus, and also supply detailed notes on the more difficult texts. This volume is (...)
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  14. Socrates in Hellenistic Philosophy.A. A. Long - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (01):150-.
    In what sense did the Hellenistic philosophers see themselves as the heirs or critics of Socrates? Was Socrates, in their view, a philosopher on whom Plato was the decisive authority? What doctrines or strategies of Socrates were thoroughly alive in this period? These are the principal questions I shall be asking in this paper, particularly the third. To introduce them, and to set the scene, I begin with some general points, starting from two passages which present an image of Socrates (...)
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  15. Soul and Body in Stoicism.A. A. Long - 1982 - Phronesis 27 (1):34-57.
  16. The stoics on world-conflagration and everlasting recurrence.A. A. Long - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (S1):13-37.
  17.  88
    Stoic Determinism and Alexander of Aphrodisias De Fato (i-xiv).A. A. Long - 1970 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 52 (3):247-268.
  18.  36
    Greek Models of Mind and Self.Anthony Long - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (1):155-158.
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  19.  50
    Epicurus' Scientific Method.A. A. Long & Elizabeth Asmis - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (2):249.
  20. Freedom and determinism in the Stoic theory of human action.Anthony A. Long - 1971 - In A. A. Long, Problems in Stoicism. London,: Athlone Press. pp. 173--99.
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  21. The Principles of Parmenides' Cosmogony1.A. A. Long - 1963 - Phronesis 8 (1):90-107.
  22.  83
    Carneades and the Stoic telos1.A. A. Long - 1967 - Phronesis 12 (1):59-90.
  23.  58
    Immortality in Empedocles.Alex Long - 2017 - Apeiron 50 (1):1-20.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  24. Seneca on the self : why now?A. A. Long - 2009 - In Shadi Bartsch & David Wray, Seneca and the self. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  25. Information is intrinsically semantic but alethically neutral.Bruce Raymond Long - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3447-3467.
    In this paper I argue that, according to a particular physicalist conception of information, information is both alethically neutral or non-alethic, and is intrinsically semantic. The conception of information presented is physicalist and reductionist, and is contrary to most current pluralist and non-reductionist philosophical opinion about the nature of information. The ontology assumed for this conception of information is based upon physicalist non-eliminative ontic structural realism. However, the argument of primary interest is that information so construed is intrinsically semantic on (...)
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  26. Libertarian anarchism: Responses to ten objections.Roderick T. Long - unknown
    I want to talk about some of the main objections that have been given to libertarian anarchism and my attempts to answer them. But before I start giving objections and trying to answer them, there is no point in trying to answer objections to a view unless you have given some positive reason to hold the view in the first place. So, I just want to say briefly what I think the positive case is for it before going on to (...)
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  27.  13
    From Scarcity to Visibility: Gender Differences in the Careers of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers.J. Scott Long - 2001 - National Academies Press.
    Although women have made important inroads in science and engineering since the early 1970s, their progress in these fields has stalled over the past several years. This study looks at women in science and engineering careers in the 1970s and 1980s, documenting differences in career outcomes between men and women and between women of different races and ethnic backgrounds. The panel presents what is known about the following questions and explores their policy implications: In what sectors are female Ph.D.s employed? (...)
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  28.  68
    Troubled theory in the debate between Hirst and Carr.Fiachra Long - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (1):133-147.
    When Paul Hirst and Wilfred Carr squared up to each other a few years ago on the issue of the role of philosophical theory in educational practice, it became clear that theory itself had become a troubled term. The very fact that Wilfred Carr could argue for the end of educational theory recalls Paul Feyerabend's fiery argument for the end of theory in natural science and simply deepened the attack that had already appeared in Carr and Kemmis's book, Becoming Critical (...)
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  29. How wishful seeing is not like wishful thinking.Robert Long - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 175 (6):1401-1421.
    On a traditional view of perceptual justification, perceptual experiences always provide prima facie justification for beliefs based on them. Against this view, Matthew McGrath and Susanna Siegel argue that if an experience is formed in an epistemically pernicious way then it is epistemically downgraded. They argue that "wishful seeing"—when a subject sees something because he wants to see it—is psychologically and normatively analogous to wishful thinking. They conclude that perception can lose its traditional justificatory power, and that our epistemic norms (...)
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  30. Health Research Participants' Preferences for Receiving Research Results.C. R. Long, M. K. Stewart, T. V. Cunningham, T. S. Warmack & P. A. McElfish - 2016 - Clinical Trials 13:1-10.
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    Hunting the Pseudo-Philosopher.Roderick T. Long - 2021 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 21 (2):247-288.
    In False Wisdom, Gary H. Merrill develops criteria for distinguishing genuine from pseudo-philosophy, and then applies his criteria to several case studies, including Ayn Rand, all of whom he finds to be pseudo-philosophers. While offering a mostly helpful overview of better and worse ways of doing philosophy, Merrill fails to motivate adequately his way of distinguishing pseudo-philosophy from mere philosophical vices, errors, or failings. He is inconsistent in his characterization of the criteria for pseudo-philosophy and his application of those criteria, (...)
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  32.  65
    Civil Society in Ancient Greece: The Case of Athens.Roderick T. Long - unknown
    Some writers have so confounded government with society, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher. Society in every state is a blessing, but government (...)
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    Rule-following, praxeology, and anarchy.Roderick T. Long - 2006 - New Perspectives on Political Economy 1 (2):36-46.
    JEL Classification: B41, B53, B31, B2, P48, A12 Abstract: Wittgenstein’s rule-following paradox has important implications for two aspects of Austrian theory. First, it makes it possible to reconcile the Misesian, Rothbardian, and hermeneutical approaches to methodology; second, it provides a way of defending a stateless legal order against the charge that such an order lacks, yet needs, a final arbiter.
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  34. Fundamental Errors of the New Natural Law Theory.Steven A. Long - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (1):105-131.
    This essay argues that the new natural law theory (NNLT) propounds five errors that place it on a collision course with the traditional Thomistic understanding central to the moral magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. These root errors are argued to be (1) the denial of the primacy of speculative over practical truth, (2) the negation of unified normative natural teleology expressed in the NNLT doctrine of the putative “incommensurability” of basic goods prior to choice, (3) failure to affirm the (...)
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  35. Chance and natural law in Epicureanism.A. A. Long - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (1):63-88.
  36. Moral naturalism.Jimmy Lenman - manuscript
    While "moral naturalism" is sometimes used to refer to any approach to metaethics intended to cohere with naturalism in metaphysics more generally, the label is more usually reserved for naturalistic forms of moral realism according to which there are objective moral facts and properties and these moral facts and properties are natural facts and properties. Views of this kind appeal to many as combining the advantages of naturalism and realism but have seemed to many others to do inadequate justice to (...)
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  37. Mentalist evidentialism vindicated (and a super-blooper epistemic design problem for proper function justification).Todd R. Long - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (2):251-266.
    Michael Bergmann seeks to motivate his externalist, proper function theory of epistemic justification by providing three objections to the mentalism and mentalist evidentialism characteristic of nonexternalists such as Richard Feldman and Earl Conee. Bergmann argues that (i) mentalism is committed to the false thesis that justification depends on mental states; (ii) mentalism is committed to the false thesis that the epistemic fittingness of an epistemic input to a belief-forming process must be due to an essential feature of that input, and, (...)
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  38. Libertarian Feminism: Can This Marriage Be Saved?Roderick Long & Charles Johnson - unknown
    An earlier, abbreviated version was presented as remarks for the inaugural symposium of the Molinari Society, at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting, on 27 December 2004. Replies and comments on matters of style, content, and argument in this essay are welcome.
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    Re‐Creation and Preservation: Augustine and Hobbes on Pride and Fallen Politics.Elly Long - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):175-195.
    Many scholars in religious ethics and political theory read Augustine's emphasis on pride as tied to a pessimism about politics and human nature as well as a neutralist vision of politics. Against these views, this essay argues that Augustine's vision of political humility is at once tied to a thick, non‐neutralist vision of the good and a limited view of politics' role in achieving this good on its own. To make this argument, I compare Augustine's largely neglected commentary on Genesis (...)
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    The Relation Between Logos and Thumos: An analysis of EN VII.6 1149a24–b3.Duane Long - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (1):94-117.
    At EN VII.6 1149a24-b3, Aristotle offers an argument for the conclusion that akrasia due to thumos is less shameful than akrasia due to epithumia. The reasoning in this argument is obscure, for Aristotle makes two claims in particular that are difficult to understand; first, that in some way thumos “hears” reason when it leads to akrasia, and second, that thumos responds to what it hears “as if having syllogized” to a conclusion about how to act. This paper argues that previous (...)
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    Healthcare students support opt-out organ donation for practical and moral reasons.Long Qian, Miah T. Li, Kristen L. King, Syed Ali Husain, David J. Cohen & Sumit Mohan - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):522-529.
    Background and purpose Changes to deceased organ donation policy in the USA, including opt-out and priority systems, have been proposed to increase registration and donation rates. To study attitudes towards such policies, we surveyed healthcare students to assess support for opt-out and priority systems and reasons for support or opposition. Methods We investigated associations with supporting opt-out, including organ donation knowledge, altruism, trust in the healthcare system, prioritising autonomy and participants’ evaluation of the moral severity of incorrectly assuming consent in (...)
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    Obediential Potency, Human Knowledge, and the Natural Desire for God.Steven A. Long - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (1):45-63.
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  43.  12
    Feeding the roots of self-expression and freedom.Jimmy Santiago Baca - 2018 - London: Teachers College Press. Edited by Kym Sheehan & Denise VanBriggle.
    Jimmy Santiago Baca, one of the foremost poets in America today, collaborates with two literacy professionals to present a teaching tool that includes curricular activities and probing questions crafted to help students heal through writing. Each exercise reinforces the theme that self-esteem borne from unique expression will improve student enjoyment and academic achievement.
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  44. Aristotle's Conception of Freedom.Roderick T. Long - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (4):775-802.
    In particular, Miller argues persuasively for attributing to Aristotle the following theses--theses traditionally rejected by communitarians as liberal innovations antithetical to the Aristotelian point of view.
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    Dynamic Computational Theory Construction and Simulation for the Dynamic Relationship Between Challenge Stressors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors.Long Chen, Li Zhang & Qiong Bu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explores the dynamic feature of organizational citizenship behaviors under the condition of challenge stressors, as this has not been addressed by previous research. Combining the cybernetic theory of stress and social exchange theory, this study builds a dynamic computational model regarding the circular causality between challenge stressors and organizational citizenship behaviors. By conducting a series of simulation experiments, we validated and demonstrated important questions regarding organizational citizenship behaviors. Specifically, when both the initial value of challenge stressors and the (...)
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  46.  11
    Distant Views of the Holy Land. By Felicity Cobbing and David M. Jacobson.Burke O. Long - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    Distant Views of the Holy Land. By Felicity Cobbing and David M. Jacobson. Bristol, CT: Equinox, 2015. Pp. vi + 321, illus. $200. [Distributed by ISD, Bristol, CT].
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    Essays in the phenomenology of learning: the challenge of proximity.Fiachra Long - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the phenomenology of learning with particular focus on the 'closeness' or 'proximity' of the knowledge that impacts on learners, young and old. Studying the power of learning to transform human beings, this book offers an in-depth discussion of how different phenomenologists understand this 'proximate' power. It draws on ideas of encounter from Husserl, care from Heidegger, bodily learning from Merleau-Ponty, language from Foucault, and recognition from Honneth. The book examines how phenomenological insight can explain the character of (...)
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  48.  17
    Electrical stimulation mapping in the medial prefrontal cortex induced auditory hallucinations of episodic memory: A case report.Qiting Long, Wenjie Li, Wei Zhang, Biao Han, Qi Chen, Lu Shen & Xingzhou Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:815232.
    It has been well documented that the auditory system in the superior temporal cortex is responsible for processing basic auditory sound features, such as sound frequency and intensity, while the prefrontal cortex is involved in higher-order auditory functions, such as language processing and auditory episodic memory. The temporal auditory cortex has vast forward anatomical projections to the prefrontal auditory cortex, connecting with the lateral, medial, and orbital parts of the prefrontal cortex. The connections between the auditory cortex and the prefrontal (...)
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  49.  9
    Nana Last: Wittgenstein’s House: Language, Space, and Architecture.Christopher Long - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):230.
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    Plotinus Ennead II.4 On matter: translation with an introduction and commentary.A. A. Long - 2022 - Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing. Edited by Plotinus.
    A new translation, with an introduction and philosophical commentary, of Plotinus' Ennead II.4 On Matter, discussing the philosopher's view on intelligible beings and the nature of the physical world.
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