Results for 'Jeffrey M. Rothschild'

975 found
  1.  40
    Do abnormal liver function tests predict inpatient imaging yield? An evaluation of clinical decision making.Jeffrey M. Rothschild, Ramin Khorasani, Richard W. Hanson & Julie M. Fiskio - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (4):397-406.
  2.  34
    Commentaries by Jeffrey M. Prottas, Olga Jonasson, and John I. Kleinig.Jeffrey M. Prottas - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder, Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--140.
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    Beyond Xenophilia.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):65-87.
    This essay, by the editor of Common Knowledge, responds to a piece by Dionigi Albera that, in turn, responds to Jeffrey Perl’s introduction, published in May 2017, to CK’s multipart symposium on xenophilia. Albera argues that the ambivalence that Perl observes in many instances of xenophilia needs genealogical explanation, and Albera turns for this purpose to analysis of the relationship between Aphrodite and Ares in Greco-Roman mythology. In the present piece, Perl extends that exploration in analysis of a series (...)
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    More on Random Review.Jeffrey M. Cohen - 1983 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 5 (2):10.
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    The Benefits of Professional Staff for IRBs.Jeffrey M. Cohen - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (6):8.
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    The “Mystery Man” as Uncanny Monster in David Lynch’s Lost Highway.Jeffrey M. Courtright - 2017 - Listening 52 (3):164-173.
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  7. Religion and philosophy.Jeffrey M. Suderman - 2015 - In Aaron Garrett & James Anthony Harris, Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century: Volume I: Moral and Political Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  8.  32
    Screed or Scholarship: The Days of Whine and Roses: The Destruction of Young Lawyers: Beyond One L by Douglas Litowitz.Jeffrey M. Lipshaw - 2006 - Legal Ethics 9 (2):233-243.
    (2006). Screed or Scholarship: The Days of Whine and Roses: The Destruction of Young Lawyers: Beyond One L by Douglas Litowitz. Legal Ethics: Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 233-243.
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    Solitary Confinement: Social Death and Its Afterlives.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2013 - Common Knowledge 21 (2):331-332.
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  10.  61
    Equality of Opportunity, Disability, and Stigma.Jeffrey M. Brown - 2016 - Social Philosophy Today 32:175-181.
  11.  84
    Is War Necessary for Economic Growth?Jeffrey M. Perl - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (3):527-527.
  12.  26
    Peace and Mind Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity: Part 3: Diffidence, Humility, Weakness, and Other Strengths.Jeffrey M. Perl, Gianni Vattimo, Santiago Zabala, Rei Terada, Caryl Emerson, Aileen Kelly, Adam Michnik & Péter Nádas - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (3):449-451.
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  13.  56
    The Letters of T. S. Eliot.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (1):150-153.
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  14.  37
    Addressing Depression through Psychotherapy, Medication, or Social Change: An Empirical Investigation.Jeffrey M. Rudski, Jessica Sperber & Deanna Ibrahim - 2016 - Neuroethics 11 (2):129-141.
    Women are diagnosed with clinical depression at twice the rates as men. Treating depression through psychotherapy or medication both focus on changing an individual, rather than addressing socioecological influences or social roles. In the current study, participants read of systemic inequality contributing to differential rates of depression in either American men or women, or in two fictitious Australian First Nation groups. Participants then considered the acceptability and efficacy of treating depression through psychotherapy, medication, or social change. When socioecological inequities and (...)
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  15.  34
    Ethics and War: An Introduction.Jeffrey M. Shaw - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (4):365-367.
  16.  21
    (1 other version)Don Marquis replies.Jeffrey M. Sconyers - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (2):11-11.
  17.  39
    Rubens's emblem of the art of painting.Jeffrey M. Muller - 1981 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1):221-222.
  18.  15
    A Dictatorship of Relativism?: Symposium in Response to Cardinal Ratzinger’s Last Homily.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2007 - Duke University Press.
    In the last homily he gave before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger described modern life as ruled by a “dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely” of satisfying “the desires of one’s own ego.” An eminent scholar familiar with the centuries-old debates over relativism, Ratzinger chose to oversimplify or even caricature a philosophical approach of great sophistication and antiquity. His homily depicts the relativist as someone blown about “by every (...)
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  19.  20
    Dying under the Maple Leaves.Jeffrey M. Spooner - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (4):2-2.
  20.  29
    Introduction: Unsettling others.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (2):214-218.
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  21.  17
    Iamblichus Apvd Simpl. Corollarivm de Tempore 794.21–7 Diels.Jeffrey M. Johns - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):849-855.
    In his commentary on theTimaeus, the Neoplatonist Iamblichus argues that time is logically antecedent to change inasmuch as time is no mere aspect of change. Naturally, scholars appraise this thesis in light of Neoplatonic metaphysics. Nevertheless, they neglect the philological framing of this thesis, and thence the philosophical implications thereof. Only J.M. Dillon acknowledges this framing, though even Dillon does not acknowledge the philosophical implications thereof. This article illustrates the logic of said thesis vis-à-vis the Iamblichean exegesis ofTi. 38b7–c1 ( (...)
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  22.  31
    Irenic scholarship and public affairs.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (1):1-12.
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  23.  36
    Histories of the Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural Modernism.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):189-191.
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    Introduction: A Brighter Past.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (2):199-203.
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    Introduction:" Abominable Clearness".Jeffrey M. Perl & Natalie Zemon Davis - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (3):441-449.
    In this introduction to Part 1 of the Common Knowledge symposium, “Fuzzy Studies,” the journal's editor discusses four essays from the 1980s by Richard Rorty, in which Rorty chose to associate himself with various neopragmatists, Continental thinkers, and “left-wing Kuhnians” under the rubric of the “new fuzziness.” The term had been introduced as an insult by a philosopher of science with positivist leanings, but Rorty took it up as an “endearing” compliment, arguing that “to be less fuzzy” was also to (...)
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  26.  23
    Introduction: A Caveat on Caveats.Jeffrey M. Perl, Christian B. N. Gade, Rane Willerslev, Lotte Meinert, Beverly Haviland, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Daniel Grausam, Daniel McKay & Michiko Urita - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (3):399-405.
    In this introduction to part 4 of the Common Knowledge symposium “Peace by Other Means,” the journal's editor assesses the argument made by Peace, the spokesperson of Erasmus in his Querela Pacis, that the desire to impute and avenge wrongs against oneself is insatiable and at the root of both individual and social enmities. He notes that, in a symposium about how to resolve and prevent enmity, most contributions have to date expressed caveats about how justice and truth must take (...)
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  27.  41
    Introduction: “More Trouble than They Are Worth”.Jeffrey M. Perl, Paul J. Griffiths, G. R. Evans & Clark Davis - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (1):1-6.
    This essay, which is the editor's introduction to part 1 of a multipart symposium on quietism, also constitutes his call for symposium papers. The symposium is meant be comprehensive. It is described as political and broadly cultural as well as religious, and in religious terms is said to cover not only the Catholic and Protestant quietisms (most properly so called) of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but also the proto-quietisms of the medieval Western church and reputedly quietist aspects of (...)
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  28.  36
    My Unwritten Books.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):492-494.
  29.  15
    Peace and mind: civilian scholarship from common knowledge.Jeffrey M. Perl (ed.) - 2011 - Aurora, Colo.: Davies Group, Publishers.
    Compilation of articles originally published in Common knowledge.
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  30.  27
    The Future of Religion; Silence and Honey Cakes: The Wisdom of the Desert.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (2):354-356.
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  31.  53
    Perceiving, remembering, and communicating structure in events.Jeffrey M. Zacks, Barbara Tversky & Gowri Iyer - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (1):29.
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  32.  20
    War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (2):367-367.
  33. Structures of Violence, Structures of Peace: Levinasian Reflections on Just War and Pacifism.Jeffrey M. Dudiak - 1997 - In James H. Olthuis, Knowing other-wise: philosophy at the threshold of spirituality. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 159--71.
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    Paternalism, Health and Dietary Choices.Jeffrey M. Brown - 2017 - Social Philosophy Today 33:217-224.
    Paul B. Thompson’s From the Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone explains the growing number of ways that food connects to ethical questions concerning our consumption, production, storage, and distribution of food. Although this book serves as an introduction to food ethics for non-experts, professionals in agricultural science and food production, food activists, and philosophers will have a lot to learn from Thompson’s insight, careful argumentation, and mastery of the economic, scientific, and political issues that ground our current debates (...)
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  35.  24
    Impasse Or Interlude?Jeffrey M. Perl - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (3):474-482.
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    Introduction: Punctuation and boxing.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (3):394-398.
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    Introduction: The greater apes.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (2):214-219.
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  38.  26
    Machines and Robots.Jeffrey M. Shaw - 2014 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (3):248-250.
  39.  38
    The Dipylon Shield Once More.Jeffrey M. Hurwit - 1985 - Classical Antiquity 4 (2):121-126.
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    Confronting the Mundane: Remarks on Reading Husserl's Crisis Through Freud.Jeffrey M. Jackson - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (3):252-268.
  41.  19
    Beyond neutrality.M. V. C. Jeffreys - 1955 - London,: Pitman.
  42. Primitive Man-Where is He to be Found?M. D. W. Jeffreys - 1943 - Hibbert Journal 42:359.
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  43. The ministry of teaching: seven essays on education.M. V. C. Jeffreys - 1967 - London,: Pitman.
  44.  39
    Categorization and technology innovation.Jeffrey M. Stibel - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):343-356.
    Theories on categorization have led to numerous technical innovations. Starting with artificial intelligence and neural models, scientists have leveraged psychological theories to drive forward innovative technology. More recently, software companies and Internet firms have implemented high technology software developed from cognitive theory. One class of systems rooted in the philosophical tradition stresses the importance of explanation and function. Another focuses on feature similarity and rule-based reasoning. Both approaches have had modest success and solve fundamental problems, but neither has achieved the (...)
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  45.  34
    Ethical decision-making under conditions of conflict.Samuel M. Natale, Brian Rothschild & Richard Perna - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (1-2):311-319.
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    Using movement and intentions to understand simple events.Jeffrey M. Zacks - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (6):979-1008.
    In order to understand ongoing activity, observers segment it into meaningful temporal parts. Segmentation can be based on bottom‐up processing of distinctive sensory characteristics, such as movement features. Segmentation may also be affected by top‐down effects of knowledge structures, including information about actors' intentions. Three experiments investigated the role of movement features and intentions in perceptual event segmentation, using simple animations. In all conditions, movement features significantly predicted where participants segmented. This relationship was stronger when participants identified larger units than (...)
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  47. Time for Outrage!Jeffrey M. Perl - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):381-381.
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    Preface to an introduction.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (3):426-429.
  49. Kudos, and a Correction: Navigating Growth Attenuation in Children with Profound Disabilities: Children's Interests, Family Decision-Making, and Community Concerns.Jeffrey M. Sconyers - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
  50.  17
    Books in My LifeAmerican Publishing History: The Tanselle Collection.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):241-242.
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